Title: lost - forgotten
Author: PapayaK
Category: Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Team
Spoilers: None that I can think of
Summary: Jack's in trouble again
Muse has been really sleepy for too long so I'm posting this before she wakes up and sees what I've been doing
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em. Just having fun.
Who was he?
He knew the answer to that. He was 'Uman. A filthy creature in a torn robe they used when they had no animals. Which had been a lot lately.
He actually didn't mind. It was better to be out doing something. Anything was better than sitting in his cage. Even when it was hard. Even when it hurt.
He hated when they left him there for so many days and nights in a row. Alone. Nothing to do. No one to talk to. No one to annoy. Just sit. Nothing to touch but the bars of his cage.
Once he'd brought a small rock back from the field. Just to have something to hold. Touch. Feel. Fiddle with. He'd been punished. And left for many nights.
It was in the nights that he suffered his real punishment. He was tortured by the thought that he had once been something else. The dreams that plagued him were far worse than the pain from his wounds.
The worst part was that if his dreams were true, then he used to be something – some place- much better. He hated it because the thought made his existence a pain filled nightmare instead of what it was: his life.
If this was all he was- he could accept his lot. It was Expected.
They expected Acceptance.
"They're not here."
"Maybe they just moved away from the gate."
"They're gone. They took him with them to another planet."
"We'll never find him."