A/N: Here's the final chapter! Enjoy! We don't own Yugioh GX.

A couple of days later, the trip back was seeming longer for some of those aboard than the trip down.

"So, are we there yet?" Sho asked Manjoume. "O'Brien's tired of guarding me from Akiko. He's started asking me for money."

"We should be there soon enough," Manjoume answered, eager to get rid of this annoying passenger. "Duel Academy Island's not too far from our current coordinates, so you can stop bugging me and get your stupid stuff soon. And then I need to get this submarine back to my brothers before they start getting angry. Besides, Akiko's been with Jim in their room this whole trip. I don't think she's after you anymore, you idiot."

"I hope so." Sho laughed awkwardly before heading back to his room.

Fubuki glanced at Reggie. "Speaking of, Mac? What are the odds of us getting together now that you're away from David?" he asked.

"I'm more likely to jump off a building first," she told him.

"You know the more you say that, the more I want you, right?"

She just humphed.

"That reminds me," Asuka said. "Judai, could you come with me for a minute?"

"Huh?" he asked, slightly startled. "Uh, yeah, sure."

He followed her to an empty room. She locked the door so no one could interrupt them before turning to him and saying, "Judai, about what you said..."

Crap... He had been hoping she wouldn't bring that up. It was horribly embarrassing.

"Heh...that was weird, huh?" he asked, sweating.

"Yeah," she said. "So, I take it you remember what you said?"

"Uh...vaguely," he answered. I know I wouldn't say it now.

"Judai, tell me why you snapped out of it when I said I was leaving? Why did that make such a big difference?" Silently, she added, Not that I don't know. I just want to make sure you do, Judai.

Judai stared at the floor, which had suddenly grabbed his complete and undivided attention.

"Well?" Asuka prodded.


"Do you remember it or not?" she asked, a hand on her hip.

He hesitated before saying, "Yeah...kinda..."

"Well, to refresh your memory, you basically told me that I had to save you somehow. You needed something, someone, that you couldn't live without. Remember?"

Judai blushed. "Uh-huh..."

"Now, on that note, I, uh... You wanna hang out sometime, just the two of us?"

He blinked. "Huh?"

That was unexpected. He wondered for a moment if he had heard her correctly.

"I asked if you wanted to hang out?"

"Y-yeah, okay."

"Great," she said. "Then give me your cell number. I'll call you sometime."

Judai, suddenly thrilled that somebody had grabbed his stuff, told her his phone number. Asuka entered it into her phone, glad to finally have that number.

"Thanks," she said.

Manjoume's voice came over the loudspeakers. "Attention! We will be arriving at Duel Academy Island soon, so anyone who's getting off here better get their butts over here!"

"I guess this is my stop, then," Asuka said.


"So, I guess I'll see ya around."

Judai, still slightly stunned, wasn't exactly all there at the moment. "See ya," he said.

"Care to see me off?" she asked.

He started, snapping back down to Earth, and followed her out of the room.

"Attention!" Manjoume bellowed over the loudspeaker. "Will Sho Marufuji please be so kind as to get up here already!? We're at Duel Academy Island now!"

Sho ran past Judai and Asuka, calling, "Sorry! My bad! I fell asleep!"

Asuka stared after him for a moment before she started laughing. "Typical Sho," she said.

Judai laughed a bit. "Yeah."

Up top, the others were saying their goodbyes. Well, supposedly.

"So, Kathy, you getting off here?" Johan asked.

"Maybe," she answered. "I don't really care 'cause I don't have a home, anyway."


"Yup! Don't need one!" she said cheerily. "I mean, sure, I was a gym teacher in the American Duel School, but that got boring quick. So I spend all my time traveling the world, helping people with not only duel spirit issues, but animal ones, too!"

"Hey! That's funny! I do the same thing!" Quietly, he added, "Well, aside from the animal bit, anyway."


"Yeah! I'm considered a hero in most of Norway!" He laughed. "Hey, why not team up? You know, travel together solving problems, saving the day. It could be fun, you know?"

"That sounds awesome! I'm so in!"

"Alrighty, then!" Johan said, happy that he wouldn't have to say goodbye to his new friend so soon. "Let's go out there and show the world what we can do! I can't wait!"

Kathleen laughed. Asuka and Judai came out of the sub just in time to hear this declaration that his best friend now had a new traveling companion.

"Aw, they're adorable," Akiko observed.

"Huh," Judai said. "Johan's got a new friend."

"Speaking of, nice to see you've got a boyfriend, Aki," Kathleen said, turning to her. "Although why it's Jim and not O'Brien, I'll never know. Maybe I've simply misjudged you all this time."

Akiko shrugged, arms crossed. "Hey, I've misjudged you. You're smarter than a lot of these dimwits." She eyed Sho as she said that last part.

Kathleen just laughed.

"So, I guess I'll be getting off here, then," Sho said. "I'll simply tell my pilot that I need a ride home. Thanks for the lift, Manjoume!"

"Oh, don't mention it," Manjoume said sarcastically—Sho had really gotten on his nerves these past couple days.

"Well, if you're getting off here, then I guess I should, too," Ryo said. "No sense in making our pilot travel to two separate locations if we're on the same trip, right? Later, everyone."

The two hopped off the submarine and stood on the pier.

"I think I'll go, too," Kathleen said. "I need to tell Crystal what happened." She looked at Johan and asked, "Coming, Johan?"

"You bet!" he said. "But, uh, how are you going to do that?"

"Simple," she said. "I just tell a passing fish, and they tell their friends, and..." She kept going, but only Johan was really listening as she repeated the same words.

"So, I guess this is goodbye, then," Asuka told Judai.

"Yeah, I guess."

"I'll call you sometime, okay?"

"I'll be waiting," he said with a grin.

Manjoume rolled his eyes. "Oh, just go with her. Your stuff's in Japan, and I'm going to North America. California, to be exact. That's where my brothers are living now, and this is their submarine. So why take the long way home? Here." He handed Judai a slip of paper. "The address. Sho and Kenzan sent their stuff there, too, so don't worry about that."

Judai hesitated a moment before taking the paper from Manjoume. "Uh, okay."

"Aniki!" Sho said happily. "Are you coming, too?"

"Guess so," Judai answered, hopping off the submarine.

Asuka laughed. "Typical Judai, too. Glad to see you're back to normal, though."

"I'm getting off here, too," O'Brien said, getting off. "I have to pick up Haruko."

Akiko's head snapped toward him at the name. "Whoa, wait! You're with Haru!?" she demanded, sounding like she might just get off here, too.

"No," O'Brien answered. "She has an assignment for me. Classified, of course."

"Uh..." She sweat. "Oh, that's it, I'm getting off here!"

Silently, she wondered, What's my idiot friend doing now?

"Hey," Manjoume said as Akiko hopped down from the submarine. "Didn't you accept money from my brothers to go do some secret mission for them? You know they don't wait well. If you don't get them results soon, they'll sue you for twice the money you owe them."

Akiko rolled her eyes. "Please, their case will be over in, like, a day. Haruko, on the other hand, is an endless chore."

"I appreciate the offer, but I've got this one," O'Brien said.

"No, I need to talk to her, anyway. It's been five years."

Silently, she added, And she's probably just using hiring you as an excuse to talk to you...

"Fine. Don't say I didn't warn you," Manjoume said.

"Manjoume, I've done business with your brothers before. Trust me, they can wait another day. Besides, I'll still have their case done by nightfall."


"See you in the Pro Leagues, Ed," Ryo said.

"I'll be looking forward to it, Kaiser," he answered.

"Bye, guys!" Hayato called. "Take care!"

"Bye, Hayato!" Sho said, waving.

Jim, who seemed to have been making a decision ever since Akiko had said she was getting off, leaped over the railing and off of the submarine at that moment, saying, "Hold on!" Straightening up, he said, "I'm getting off here, too."

Manjoume humphed. "Figures."

"But why, Jim?" Kenzan asked. "You're not seriously staying with Akiko, are you? But you're polar opposites!"

"Not exactly, Kenzan," Jim answered cryptically.

Kenzan just stared at him. I don't get it...

"I'll stay, too," Rei said, getting off.

"Really?" Asuka asked, glaring at her. "And why's that?"

"Hey, don't get the wrong idea. I'm just going to see Vice Principal Cronos, is all. He's got Napoleon Bonaparte's number, and I want to try and get in touch with Marty since Judai's already said he likes you more. Right, Judai?"

Judai blushed.

"So, is everyone who's staying off this thing yet?" Manjoume asked, annoyed. "'Cause I'm getting tired of standing around here!"

"No. I think we're good," Reggie said.

"Later, sis!" Fubuki called. "Let me know when the wedding is!"


"Good luck, Aniki!" Kenzan called. "Take good care of Red! She's one of a kind!"

"Oh! And next time ya see that guy, be sure to tell us!" Manjoume added. "I don't exactly like thinking you're dead all the time, got it!?"

As he spoke, that time during their third year came to mind. The part after they had returned from Dark World without Judai, who all of them had thought was dead for the next week. All of them had been thrilled when he had reappeared one day, although Manjoume would never admit it.

Judai shuddered. "Hopefully I won't see him again. But, trust me, I'll tell you if I do."

Those who were leaving on the sub headed back inside, and the sub left the port.

"Well, come on, Sho," Ryo said. "Let's go and find your things." Quietly, he added, "Assuming they're still here."

"Right! Later, Aniki!" Sho said, heading off with his brother.

"Well, that was fun!" Kathleen said.

"I know," Johan agreed. "Traveling on a submarine, getting to see Atlantis, making new friends... We should do it again sometime!"

"Well, next time, count me out," Asuka said. "I've had enough adventures now to last a lifetime."

Judai added, "Yeah, and I didn't exactly have fun on that one..."

"Whatev, Kathy," Akiko said. "Nice seeing you again, though. So, O'Brien, where's my idiot?" She looked at him lamely.

"She's around here somewhere," O'Brien answered, walking off with Akiko and Jim. In reference to their adventure, he said, "I'm just glad it's all over now."

"Yeah...me, too," Judai agreed.