I've been looking at the various homestuck art out there, and reading the comic and I've gotten myself inspired. Not meaning to drabble but here's things you need to know about the story/plot and characters:
This is a AU fic, NSFW (NOT SAFE FOR WORK), with M/M relationships and such. The parings are Dirk x Dave (don't worry if you're not into direct "incest" fics. They're only related by marriage in this fic), Gamzee x Karkat and a little John x Jake on the side. They may be a little out OOC because I'm seriously on Act 2 of Homestuck because I'm horrible at consistently reading things.
Important notes:
Basically, Dave needs more money so he signs up to a large business that operates mostly online and is in the pornography business. When you enter, your image and basic details are put online and the registered viewers all debate who'd they like to see you in videos with. The most popular choices are put in a room for you to get to know. Each boy is different and you want to get to know that person as much as you can within the few minutes you're given with them. Who you choose is your assigned match and you appear in films most with them because you go well together. If you become one of the businesses success stories you become highly advertised and a certain numbers of people can book camera slots and make it a private show. Each LIVE SHOW is recorded and can later be sold to the registered member on the site. When you become on of these "golden boys" you can sign up to be financially supported by the company and they take you under their wing. You sign a contract guaranteeing your stay for a certain number of time, and when that contract is up you can renew it, void it, etc; It's very much like an online Host Club, often seen on the streets of large cities in Japan.
When Dave signs up he discovers that his ex-step brother, Dirk Strider, is working there and is one of these "Golden boys," along with Karkat, Gamzee, Jake and John, all of which have taken their own interests in Dave's employment. Each of them has their own personality which conflicts with his initial decisions.
There will be smut, and smut and feels, and I may take requests for things. I have this idea that the readers of this story are sort of like the viewers of the website the characters work for and they can make requests for certain things and fetishes. If your suggestion particularly stands out to me, then I may just slip a lil' sumthin' sumthin' in for you. /wink. wink/
So please, leave a review. I love hearing from readers. This is my first Homestuck fic, and probably will be the first... most "sexually diverse" fic I've written. Feel free to share on tumblr. My personal authors blog is works-of-a-casanova on Tumblr and you can leave a nice little note or ask questions about the plot or where the story is headed. Most importantly, thank you so much for reading.
Dave had never tried any sort of job like this. He had worked a fast food restaurants and cafe's but never... this.
"All your test results came back negative, so that's all good. All the paper work is filled out... aaand your photos have been posted on the website. Viewers have taken a few polls as to who they want to see you with so we're going to let you take a look at the results and decide through a little bit of speed dating trials."
Dave nodded as he took in the information. He was horribly nervous. He tried to remember everyone's name and face. He peaked down at his name tag that read plainly, "Dad," probably a nickname derived from various names he's most likely been called by in his life in the industry. He led him to a big door that led to a small bar.
"Start here and spend 5 minutes with each guy. Write down things you like about them, personality and appearance wise, and we'll narrow down the results to one guy once you're done." He patted his back. "From there, you'll go over your limits and things with whomever you choose and get the rest of the paper work and your portfolio filed away."
He gave a nervous smile as he entered a room of various men. He sat down at the closest table and the man introduced himself. He has a wonderful smile and lit up his friendly face.
"Hi, I'm Jake English." he leaned in and shook his hand. He smirked when he felt the boys shaking, clammy hand in his.
"First job in the industry?"
Dave nodded. "I'm just not making enough money, you know?"
"Oh, I get it. I had the same problem when I first moved away. The company has a special program for the best of their boys, though. We all live in a dorm together. It's under strict rule, but you don't have to worry about being supported. You get food, water, shelter, a pay-check and security. It's a good program! Maybe you'll be hanging around some day, who knows? You've definitely got aesthetic potential." The last sentence came out slyly.
"O-Oh, thanks." he replied all hot and bothered.
He was undeniably attractive – a soft tan, and toned body. He wrote it down, illegibly so Jake wouldn't notice, although he was nearly positive he did.
"So... what made you want to get into the 'biz'?" He asked.
"Boiling angst, for the most part. I turned 18, and instead of listening to my parents bitch about me not having a job by I went and got myself a job, just like they wanted."
If he had ever, ever even thought of pulling something like that while he was living with his parents... "they must have killed you." He gasped.
Jake chuckled. "Yeah, they hated my guts for it, for sure. They don't mind now – well, I'm sure they do, but they aren't as vocal about it."
"How old are you now?"
"22. What about you?"
"Oh? Fresh out of high school. Trying to pay through college?"
"Hah, just trying to survive. I got kicked out of my parents place."
"Man, must be tough."
"I guess. I've been working 3 part times. Well... I guess 2, depending on how you see it."
"Oh? What do you do?"
"Well, I work at this wifi cafe downtown-"
"The WI-nding FI-ive?" Jake interjected.
"Yeah! You go there?"
"Nah, used to work there. It's a nice place!"
"It's pretty cool. Shit pay, though."
"It could definitely be better." he laughed, halfheartedly.
Dave felt a little better now, after talking to him. He was a loose, upbeat guy and seemed to know the ropes and tricks of the trade. He was really friendly and it made him feel comfortable about the situation.
"So what are your other jobs?"
"I deliver pizza... and make music on the side."
"Music?! Man, that's pretty cool! What kind?"
Dave smiled, delighted that he didn't get that old-timey response: "Music? Ahh, man, that's not a real job! What are you going to do with music?"
"I dabble. One genre's not my thing. You can check out my stuff online." He scribbled down his website on the side of his thumb. Their timer rang, startling them both. They shook hands again. "I'll definitely look you up. I don't think I caught your name, what was it again?"
"Strider. Dave Strider."
Jake nearly choked. "Strider? Is that your real name?!"
"Uhh, yeah. I guess it's sort of dumb..."
"No! No, no, it's not that. It's just not a common name. We've got another Strider here..." He nudged in the other Strider's direction.
Fuck. Not this guy...
"Are you guys related?" he whispered inquisitively.
" U-Uhh...Not really... it's by marriage. He was my step brother but our parents divorced. The court suggested that since we were both of age when the divorce occurred, that we should just move out so we did. We never really talked. We stayed in our rooms and away from each other. To be honest, I don't really know him that well. "
"Damn. Well, good luck. I hope we'll be seeing more of each other." Jake gave a slick wink and Dave smiled and went to the next table. He introduced himself to a much stranger guy.
"Gamzee." He said before Dave could speak. "Um, Dave."
"Look, I'm not the greatest conversationalist so just be straight up, and ask any questions you got."
Dave cleared his throat nervously, looking over to Jake who was already flirting with another guy, just as charmingly. He sighed. Gamzee noticed and followed his gaze.
"Got you're eyes on Jake, I see? Don't bother. He's got so many lined up to kiss his ass. He's a collector."
"What's... a collector?"
"He has multiple... 'submissives.' He's not really a dominate or anything, people just tend to crawl up to him and beg for his cock, you know?
Dave frowned. "Oh."
Ah, shit. The boss warned him not to discourage the new guy. "Uhh... if it helps... I'm looking for a new sub." He cleared his throat and looked away, towards a boy in the corner, who returned his dark glare. "That's Karkat. He's my ex-sub. Well, not exactly 'ex'. You're usually stuck with someone for a while once you choose them. He's not exactly... obedient, the little shit."
Karkat read his lips and snarled. He got up and pulled a chair up to their table and leaned his elbow on the surface, cutting off their view of each other.
"Hi, I'm Karkat." He said snarkily, ending with a grunt as Gamzee grabbed the leg of his chair and flipped him over.
"Ignore the bitch." He said, rolling his eyes.
Dave giggled. "You guys ended up matched with each other?"
"Yeah, I didn't know he was such a dick back then!" Karkat grumbled from the floor as he sat up.
"That's why you've gotta choose carefully. Jake is the player, one of the best, too. Gamzee's a control freak-"
"And Karkat needs to learn to take it up the ass every now and then."
Karkat stomped on his foot from under the table, hissing profanities under his breath. He turned back to Dave.
"Johns enough twink that he could put 'Twinkies' back in business." They both snorted to themselves sharing a look as if to say, 'nailed it' as they flashed a quick look to the shy looking boy who peered from behind squared frames and lenses. Maybe he was just his type, he thought hopefully.
"Then there's Strider... not much to say. I think we all gave him a run at one point but couldn't take it. He's... rough.. he's... "
"He's 'Daddy.'"
"A what?" Gamzee laughed at the reference.
"He's a Daddy dom. It's... hard to explain." He cringed as if some dark, past experience haunted his mind. Dave gulped.
"So what are you into?" Karkat said, picking up from his brief moment of dark recall.
"Uhh... music. I really like old kung-fu flicks-"
The two scoffed. "No dude. Not that kind of stuff. What are your favorite sex toys? Hitachi?"
"The twister?" Gamzee pondered. "Oooh, do you deep throat?" He said as if he sunk into some deep, perverse dream.
Dave choked on his own spit. "Actually, guys, I've never tried any of this stuff... especially with other guys..."
Gamzee and Karkat stared at him with disbelief.
"ARE YOU KIDDING!?" Karkat burst out. Gamzee covered his mouth before he attracted attention.
"You mean... ever? Like... you're a virgin? What about girls?"
"Ever. Not even girls. I mean... I've jerked off before, but... the end. That's where I've stopped."
Gamzee flushed red. "Okay guy, defffinitely DON'T, DO NOT, AND HEED MY WARNING, choose Strider. He'll butcher you!" He hissed under his breath. "Choose... uhh.. John! Choose John, he'll let you do what ever."
"Hell, choose Jake."
Gamzee leaned in and winked, "Choose me." He whispered.
Karkat quickly fought his advances. The timer rang and they still bickered. Dave laughed and shook their hands before his stomach dropped as he realized that all the other tables were taken by other potential employees – all except Strider's. He sat in the corner on his mp3 player, the familiar album art reflecting off the lenses of those ridiculous glasses. He sighed and sat at his table. Gamzee and Karkat looked over the shoulder of their current subject with pleading expressions. They mouthed the words "Don't do it!"
"Dirk, right?" He finally said. Dirk looked up, pulling the buds of his head phones from his ears. The corner of his mouth turned up into a smirk and the reflection of the artwork from his mp3 disappeared as he turned it off.
"Oh my God." He said with little surprise in his tone."Little Dave Strider."
Dave cringed. "Hi."
"Moving out go to shit?"
"Yeah, you could say that. What about you?"
"Nah. Just got bored." He said simply. He turned his head towards the troublesome duo whom he called, "the trolls". Karkat and Gamzee quickly diverted their attention and turned pale. "Well, let's get down to business. I'm not looking for a one week sub deal, only to have you back out. I'm a challenge, and you're going to need to step up to it."
Dave nodded.
"Listen,you're a pretty tough kid. I remember pushing you around. You can take it. Give me a try, come on."
"Don't you think it'd be sort of weird!? Honestly, were related once!" Dave hissed.
"By marriage, chill out. The only thing we have in common is my last name."
'It's your fathers you cocky piece of shit.' Dave thought to himself.
"Look, Dave... I've got things to offer you, too... let's get to know each other. It's not an empty deal."
He remembered Dirk as the big bad wolf and the noisy step brother, not the "get to know each other" kind of guy.
"You don't look like the type of guy that's into cock."
Dirk furrowed his brows. "You mean a homosexual? You don't look like the type either... but you will be. Give it 2, maybe 2 ½ months and you'll be a little whore. You'll be perfect for the job. I'll recommend you."
Dave grew red with anger. He growled and pushed his glasses up on his nose and standing to leave.
Gamzee and Karkat watched from a distance. Their other boy had left.
"Shit. He's got him." Karkat sighed.
"Poor dude." Jake said as he over heard them. They looked over and shook their heads in unison. They all groaned as Dirk managed to get him to sit back down. Their timer rang and Dad came and took Dave back into his office again. He gave Dirk a small nod as he left.
~ o0o ~
"So... who do you like the best? Feel a spark with any of them?"
Dave coughed. "Well... Jake is definitely the most charming. He's... he's pretty handsome and welcoming, too. Gamzee and Karkat... are different, that's for sure."
"Oh yes. They work very well together." Dad added. He sure did enjoy their angry little performances. Dave put it off.
"I didn't get a chance to get with John, though he seems a little withdrawn... he was suggested."
"And what about Strider? Did you like him?"
"He's... alright."
Dad jotted down his notes and filed them into his portfolio. "So, I'm assuming that you've chosen Jake, then?"
"No. Not Jake."
"Oh? Who, then?"
Dave took in a deep breath and swallowed hard. His brows furrowed with disappointment in self.
"I want Strider."
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