The second Sam picked up his feet, Jason made a monstrous march for the duo. With Jessica pleading her captor's name, it made his blood boil. Just hearing that rat's name was enough to make him want to skin him. He had already lost Jessica once, he wasn't about to let some lowlife punk take her away.
The two of them were already at one of the cars by the time he had reached his machete. The blade was so deeply embedded into the wood Jason actually had a difficult time wriggling it free. He put one of his enormous feet against the trunk, and leaned back with all his strength. The wood splintered, cracked, and groaned under his might, but finally, the scratched and aged blade was wrenched free with a loud, metallic shiiing.
After fumbling with the keys he had miraculously saved in his pocket, the blonde-haired boy ripped the car door open, and threw the maiden into the back seat. Jessica felt her back land on the firm leather, and felt the skin on her bare shoulders stretch painfully with the friction-induced pull. The skin grew a beat red where it was stretched, and before she could force herself up to escape, Sam had already slammed the door closed. Jessica tried the door handle, making sure the lock was up, but it didn't budge!
"Damn it!" she cursed, yanking on the knob over and over with desperation. He must've flipped the child-lock!
It was no use to try the windows either. They were power windows, and required the car to be on in order to open, and she didn't have the keys! Jessica leaned on her back, and aimed her foot at the window. "Sorry Sam!" she cried, and kicked at the glass! Her foot lit up like somebody had stuck her with a hot fire poker, and an audible pop could be heard.
Her eyes shot open as her ankle was shoved into a boiling pot of water, and she gripped the limb screaming. She had completely forgotten her injury, and the wrapped wooden spoon around her wound fell to the floor beneath the front passenger seat, snapped in two. Her tears ran hot down her cheeks, but she saw she at least put a crack in the glass. Taking the blunt half of the spoon, she reached out, and tried to enlarge the break! She stabbed at the glass like an explorer would stab his pickax into a glacier. Over and over, her desperate attempts only scratched the surface. However, she now noticed the standoff that was happening right outside.
Her heart sunk as she saw the boy and the beast circle each other as a pair of wolves would right before territorial brawl. The bloodthirsty expression in their eyes mimicked the powerful predators as both stood their ground, dominating the other. Sam looked like a pup in the shadow of a bear before Jason, but she could see he wouldn't back down from his challenge. Jessica pleaded with tears streaming down her face, slapping her open palm on the window.
"Don't do it!" she screamed, but neither of them turned to look her way. "Please, stop!"
Her cries of desperation fell on deaf ears. The car's cabin muffled any begs of mercy or pleas for freedom to them, and Jessica knew in her heart that she was going to be forced to watch yet another bloody massacre. She also knew…who was going to die. Her screams and pleas turned to painful sobs, as she felt the back of her throat start too burn was an ashy heat.
"Sam, please! Let me go! You're going to kill yourself! I won't let Jason hurt you! Please! Listen to me!"
It was no use.
There was no hope for him now.
She watched in horror…as the battle commenced.
In a flash, Jason's massive form lunged for the teenage boy, blade at the ready and raised to the sky. Sam dodged with an evasive tuck and roll to the side, chucking a rock the size of a softball right at the killer's head. The stone struck his cranium with an audible thud; almost like a crack. It didn't faze the blade wielding goalie, and he swung his weapon as he turned, just splitting the tips of Sam's stomach hair. The boy lurched backward at the first swing, then leaned to the right as a second slash came raining down right for his skull.
The blade buried its tip into the gravel, and Sam took the opportunity to hurl his balled up fist right into the giant's groin! He made solid contact with the organ, and he could feel every muscle in his opponent's body stiffen, freezing him in place like he had been turned to stone. Jason's eyes bulged from beneath the mask, as a blinding, unfamiliar pain exploded from between his legs, and spread like wildfire throughout his gut and thighs. He could feel his knees buckle under him, and his massive weight pull himself to the ground. Jason held out his hand to stop his torso from connecting with the gravel, and he felt his machete's hilt slip from his grip. He felt like the wind was knocked out of him, and his throat swelled as he sought to catch his breath. His body went rigid, and he could feel himself stagger.
What had this creation done to him?!
He tried to force his knees to carry him, but the deep, bruising pain kept him from standing any straighter than a hunch. He resembled Quasimodo the way he was trying to reach out for his rival, hate burning in his raging, chocolate orbs. Jessica felt his pain in her chest, a cringing sting clawing at her heart. Her cries had fallen to a scratchy, hoarse whisper. With her voice lost, there was nothing stopping Sam from continuing his brutal assault. Though Jessica thought he couldn't hear her, it was quite the opposite. Sam could hear her loud and clear from her vehicular prison, but he chose not to listen.
She was sick beyond her knowledge, and he was determined to get her some help!
With the goliath down at his feet, Sam felt like David as he walked around his fallen foe. He studied how his bulk twitched and shuddered as waves of agonizing pain rippled through him. If there was one thing Sam knew, is that every man, no matter how huge, had the same, universal weak spot.
Then, as he turned to examine his right side, he saw the gleaming reflection of sunlight in the mirroring steel of his discarded machete. The metallic sheen of the blade seemed to call his name from its fallen master, and Sam heeded its call. Jason saw the mongrel out of the corner of his eye, and snarled from beneath his mask, uttering an animalistic, and baritone growl from deep inside his throat. The agonizing hearth of heat hadn't subsided in the slightest while he circled his prone form, making Jason feel low. No matter how hard he tried to stand, his legs wouldn't take his own weight, and he would fall back on his knees like a newborn giraffe.
Jason didn't understand, what had Sam done to him to make him like this?! Did he drug him somehow? Was it magic? It was unbearable!
Then, Jason saw movement to his side. He snapped his head to his right as he saw the gleaming blade of his weapon be lifted away from him! He hadn't noticed it was still within his grasp until it was too late, and he followed the aged, sharpened steel with his eyes, his hands still cupping his damaged manhood. Sam looked down at the bloody beast before him with a satisfied, malicious grin. He cradled the flat of the blade with his hand as if It were his most prized possession. The dull scent of gore and death still emanated from its scratches on the surface and nicks along the sharpened edge, like an odoriferous library of all his past victims. He looked at his bold reflection in the sinful steel, seeing his eyes were lit aflame with a vengeful determination, and a bloodthirsty desire of his own.
Sam looked at the blade, and then back to its original wielder. He took in a breath, and held the blade close, locking his baby blues with Jason's muddy eyes. Jessica's heart stopped as soon as she saw the intention behind his expression, and she begged, and pleaded, and screamed with what remaining sound she had. "Sam, please!"
Sam gripped the hilt firmly. "This is for every single life you've taken…"
He raised his weapon. "All the families you've ruined…"
"Don't do it! Jason!"
"…and, for everyone's future safety!"
The giant sneered at Sam from his pathetic stance, nut then turned his head to the hysteric woman locked in the vehicle. If he had to choose something to look at for the very last time, it surely wasn't going to be this boy-band-looking fuck.
Though Jason couldn't hear her desperate pleas from within the metal prison, he could feel the absolute pain and anguish that was ripping her heart to pieces. He didn't want her to see this. He wanted her to look away, but how could he tell her? He could feel his eyes well up with warm, salty failure and regret. Though, he was ashamed that he let this toothpick-pretty-boy force him to the ground like a worthless animal…his real pain was that he wouldn't be able to keep the promise he made...
He promised Jessica in his heart that he would protect her from this harsh and cruel world…since she, and mother…were the only two on this rotten earth who did so for him…
In one, swift, smooth motion, Sam brought the razor-tipped blade down from the sky, and pierced his hunched-over foe right between his shoulder blades, and stuck him right through, out his barreled chest. Sam's face and chest were splattered with the warm, rich, red blood that burst from the beast, staining his clothing and his skin like victorious war paint.
Jason's body solidified with the shock of the pain, but he didn't make a sound or scream. He could feel his back muscles start to pool with blood as the life-sustaining liquid oozed out of the lethal laceration. He could feel it stream and drip own his numbing, dying skin, and stain through the fabric of his clothing, clinging it to his body. He felt himself grow colder and colder as the seconds ticked by and melted into minutes. The entire time, he never took his eyes off of Jessica. His poor, poor, defenseless Jessica. He knew in his heart that they would've been so happy together here. They could've lived out their lives here in peace, away from the heartless world and all the monstrous, sinful people that tainted the hearts of all they came across.
Jason could feel his muscles weaken under his weight, and his lack of balance forced him to flop on his side. His tear-filled eyes watched as Jessica cried herself into silence, and at the sheer sight of him in his declining condition, she fainted right there in the back seat of that car. His vision blurred over as he felt the beating of his heart seize, and he fell into darkness.
Sam, feeling the adrenaline of his victory throw him into a fit of maniacal laughter, he decided to keep a memento of this moment. Ripping the bloody blade from the stiffened corpse's backside, he cleaned the metal with the killer's ragged clothes to a dry, smeary shine.
But, before he stood, he noticed the chipped and scratched goalie mask. Slipping two of his fingers beneath the chin of the plastic covering, he lifted the protection free from the monster's face. At the very first glance of Jason's identity, it made Sam want to vomit. It was too horrendous and vile to even look at. He was tempted to slip the mask back over so he wouldn't have to see it as he would drive out.
But, perhaps his ugliness would be enough to scare any potential visitors away. Besides, he would be doing the world a favor by leaving his rotting corpse out in the open. Not only would animals chip away at disposing the body for him, but, it would let the authorities know that the killer that slaughtered everyone here was dead!
"Ugly fuck" Sam hissed, and before he proceeded to approach his car, he horked a large wad of spit right at his enemy's face, hitting him right between his cold, dead eyes. Unlocking the side door and stepping in, he turned the keys and was filled with life as the engine turned over and roared to life. He slammed the door shut, and pulled the car out of the lane, flooring it into the forest, and, leaving the lifeless killer in a huge cloud of suffocating dust.
Taking his only friend with him.
Hours later, Jessica awoke to stark white walls, and a consistent tempo of a beeping machine. Her eyes were blurred, and a beat, puffy red from all her crying. She blinked to try and focus, and she saw that she was lying in a hospital bed! She inspected her arms, and saw that they were stuck with an IV line, and were hooked up to other strange machines. They were also covered in bandages, and in some places a stitch or two, on both arms.
Then, she saw her leg poking out from the foot of the bed. It was wrapped in a cast, and had a metal brace stabilizing her ankle. She tried to flex her toes, but a deep ache seized her movements. She wasn't going to be going anywhere for a while.
As she continued to look around her room, she saw a clock hanging to the right of her. 6:36pm.
She had been out for over 5 hours?! She recalled the time on the oven back at the mess hall to say 11:45am, the last time she had seen a clock. But then…she remembered she was removed from the mess hall…and through the forest against her will. Everything started to come back to her from that point on…and she remembered the vile sight she was forced to witness…
She felt her heart sink to the pits of her stomach…and she could feel her mind break down.
"Jason…no!" she cried, feeling the hot, heartbroken tears start to overflow from her eyes, cupping them in her trembling hands. She could see him, kneeling defeated before Sam, staring into her eyes from the car. It was as if she could've read his thoughts in that inexplicable moment of sorrow and fear. He didn't fear his death. He feared something else.
"Was it losing me?" she thought to herself.
No, that couldn't have been it…could've it? She shook her head, snapping her head side to side so aggressively that the ends of her hair whipped. She was so confused! Her clammy palms pressed into her temples, trying hard to rid herself of the horrific sight.
It wouldn't leave her. There was so much blood.
Her tears were overwhelming her, and she could barely see now. Poor Jessica couldn't take it, and she felt her sanity finally slip through her fingers.
"Jason!" she finally screamed, alerting the attention of the nurses outside in the halls. At least three came rushing in, and surrounded her bed. Jessica felt a pair of hands grasp her arm, and she retaliated in protest, wrenching herself from her grip. "Don't touch me!" she exclaimed.
While the two tried to soothe the hysteric patient, the third took the clipboard that hung from the foot of the bed, and looked it over to see what they were dealing with.
"According to the young man who brought her in, she was a victim of kidnapping. Severe trauma, fractured ankle, 24 minor lacerations, 13 stitches…"
Jessica ignored what they were saying. She couldn't understand them anyway through the hard, muffled pounding in her ears. It was painful, and she could feel a migraine coming on. Her bottom lip started to sting, and a strong, metallic tang splashed across her tongue. She had chewed the flesh raw, and it had begun to bleed out! The nurse to her left rushed to the little bathroom in the corner of the room, and came back with a damp cloth, pressing it to her mouth. She didn't even realize she was biting it!
"There, there. You're alright, you're safe here" she cooed, making eye contact with Jessica with a soft smile. She could feel the kind lady wipe away her tears with her gloved thumb, and Jessica could start to focus on her features. She had a gentle, middle aged face with soft black hair, and kind brown eyes. Jessica looked to her name tag. "Amy."
Jessica could start to feel herself go once again, as the horrid memory of her sister's blood-soaked corpse flashed before her eyes. The nurses had no idea what made her cry out like this, but one of them raced to the hallway, and came back with a hot chocolate a few minutes later. "Drink this, dear. It'll help ya' settle your nerves" she instructed with a Scottish accent, her rich red hair tied back in a bun.
Jessica felt the warmth of the drink in her trembling fingers, and she took a shaky sip, tears still streaming down her cheeks. It tingled her wounded lip, but she felt comfort in the sweet heat as it went down her throat. It was calming, and she took a few more sips before placing the half empty cup on her nightstand.
"W-Where am I?" Jessica spoke, her tremors calming down.
"Cunningham County Hospital, dearie" the Scottish woman replied. "A young man brought you in earlier today like the devil was hot on his tail. He was covered in blood and bruises himself. From the looks of it, he saved the pair of ya' lives."
"Sam…where is he now?"
"He left a few hours ago. He was treated for his cuts, but he didn't want to stay, regardless of a missing tooth and bruised ribcage. The only thing he said was to look out for you."
Jessica growled, clenching her fists tightly at her side. "That son of a bitch…"
"Pardon me, ma'am?" Amy asked, leaning forward to look her in the eye.
'My parents...are they coming?" Jessica asked, changing the subject.
The nurse with the clipboard looked up from her papers. "They'll be here in the morning. They were in New York on a business trip."
Jessica felt a comforting relief in her chest. At least she'd be able to see them again. But…how would she be able to tell Tom about his daughter? Poor, poor Tom…
"Thank you, nurses. Now…could I please be alone for a bit? I'm really tired."
"Of course, love" the red-haired one replied, a comforting smile across her ruby-red lips. "If you need us for anything, just press this button here" she instructed, pointing to a red bump on the corner of the nightstand.
Placing the clipboard back on the foot of the bed and collecting her cup, the three quietly left the room, closing the door with a soft click. Jessica rolled onto her side with a hollow sigh, blinking beads of welled tears out of her puffy, red eyes.
She couldn't believe it…Jason was actually gone.