Chapter 1: The powerful Demigod.
Shadow: I am Shadow the hedgehog and I am the CyberActors15 representative and I have been tasked by CA15 to give you some info about this story. First of all there was no Phantom Planet… but Danny's adventures up to that point have happened. The whole seven demigods thing… scrapped there will be more than 7 heroes aboard the Argo. Also this story starts shortly after the Lost Hero. Also the Grover in this story is the Grover from the movie cause that Grover is cooler. CA15 is also changing the Greek history a bit… so when every Olympian god was born they were born as gods and not Demigods. In this story Demigods can use their godly abilities… if they know how to use them… without getting tired. Also this chapter will be long but please don't give up on it because at the end of the chapter… well read and see. Also CA15 does not own Danny Phantom, Percy Jackson, Me or any Cameo characters CA15 will make into Demigods.
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Artemis couldn't believe what had happened. She had found a mortal that she had fallen in love with and then he had cheated on her with Aphrodite. She had then placed several well placed arrows in his chest after she had cursed him to an eternal life of pain and suffering. And after she had done that she had decided that she was done with any love besides motherly love and swore on the River Styx that she would never fall in love, have children… well besides the one she currently have and would never succumb to the will of a man.
She had to hide her son away because she didn't want anyone discovering about him… the first son of a god and a mortal.
She was about to go look for a place to hid him when her pregnant step mother arrived.
"Ahh Artemis, leaving so soon?" Hera asked.
Artemis had to roll her eyes at the woman who didn't even like her.
"You know Clockwork, the first son of Kronos told me that that had a son that would be useful to the gods in the future… that's why I am here to show you where to keep your son." Hera said.
"Where?" Artemis asked while forgetting her dislike for her father's wife.
"Go to Lotus. Tell him to protect your child until you are ready to take him into the world." Hera said.
"I will never trust my child with a man." Artemis said.
"Allow me to clarify. Lotus is the son of Clockwork and some ghost named Desiree, he is also a person who has been practising in making magic to keep a person immortal until removed from his care." Hera said. "Lotus is the only person you can take your son to as he will be able to watch over him for centuries and he won't age. He will stay the same age until it is time for this… demigod to rise and for fill his destiny."
Artemis looked at Hera sceptically then she looked at her son… the first Demigod.
"Thank you Hera." Artemis said.
"Thank you." The baby said, in a cute baby voice, as he looked up at the two goddess with his crystal blue eyes before he giggled.
"Aww." Hera and Artemis said forgetting their godly instinct and using their motherly instinct.
Artemis then left and placed her baby with Lotus before she kissed his head before she left.
The baby was left in there for what felt like a weak. By the end of the weak his mother returned for him
The baby took notice that his mom was different but still the same. The clothes she was wearing were different and the language she spoke was different.
Artemis then took her son out of the Lotus Hotel and Casino and out of Los Vegas and took him to a small town named Amity Park.
Artemis then left the baby in a basket outside the house with the big neon sign that said Fenton Works.
Artemis then rang the doorbell before she teleported away.
Artemis then watched from a distance as Maddie Fenton who was carrying a 2 year old Jazz Fenton opened the door and gasped when she saw the baby.
She then called her husband Jack Fenton and they took the child in.
Artemis smiled.
"Take care of him… and give him a name for me." Artemis whispered.
14 years later the child, now named Danny, was with his two best friends Sam and Tucker and his adopted older sister Jazz as his adopted parents explained their newest creation.
"You see kids this is the Fenton Ghost Portal…" Jack Fenton began.
"Dad you dragged us down here just to talk about your little Fenton Portal?" Jazz asked. "Danny is turning 14 today and you are ruining it with some portal to another dimension that doesn't exist."
"Actually Jazz, I'm actually interested in Dad's work. Don't be so closed minded. Ghosts could exist." Danny said.
Mr Fenton then continued to explain the portal and its functions. Eventually Maddie Fenton jumped in and helped with the explaining.
And now was the moment of truth. Mrs Fenton activated everything that needed to be activated by the computer and then Mr Fenton lifted up the plugs dramatically and plugged the machine in.
The green ectoplasmic sample in the tube then sucked into the machine and the lights on the portal began to shine and then the portal began to whir. A green spark then came out of the portal… nothing… nothing happened after that.
Danny finally let out the breath that he didn't realise had been holding.
"Another failure." Mr Fenton said before he walked out of the room with a child's pouty face. His wife then followed after so that she could comfort him.
"Great another waste of money that could have been used for something practical and logical." Jazz said as she stood up and walked out.
"Poor Dad." Danny said. "I wish I could fix the portal for him."
"Yeah, it would be pretty cool to travel to another dimension filled with ghosts." Sam said.
"Yeah I bet it would be even cooler to walk into that portal and take a picture." Tucker said.
"Wait what?" Danny asked.
"Yeah, Tucker's finally got a good idea. Danny I dare you to go into that portal so that we can take a picture of you." Sam said.
Danny looked at his two best friends then he let out a sigh. "Okay fine I'll do it." Danny said.
He then quickly got into his hazmat suit that his parents made for him before he walked to the portal but then Sam stopped him.
"Danny I'm not usually one to give fashion advice, but I suggest you lose your father's logo that is staining your shirt." Sam said and before Danny could reply she ripped the picture off.
Danny then rolled his eyes and walked into the portal, he then turned around for the picture to be taken.
"Dude move a little bit back." Tucker said. "And strike a pose."
Danny then went further into the portal and then did a battle stance as if her were going to fly into the air.
Tucker then took the picture. "Wonderful, Mr Fenton, now I could get a picture of you kissing you girlfriend inside the ghost portal then that would be lovely." Tucker said faking a French Accent.
Sam then punched Tucker in the arm before she glared at him.
"Danny, please come out of that thing before he says something else stupid." Sam said.
"No problem." Danny said but then he tripped on a wire and fell and hit hand reached out to the wall to balance him but then his hand instead hit into a button… an on button… the ON button for the Fenton Ghost Portal.
In a flash of green light the inside of the portal exploded in green ectoplasmic energy and the portal turned on.
Sam and Tucker then heard Danny scream out in pain.
Danny felt a lot of energy that should have killed him surging through him but there was some dormant thing within Danny that told him that he would not die.
Danny looked out and saw the look in Sam and Tucker's eye that pushed Danny to free himself of the pain.
Danny then took a step forward then he took another step he then began walking and then he stepped out of the portal and fell on his knees in front of Sam and Tucker.
He then grinned at them as they gasped.
Two years later Danny had finally persuaded his clone Dani Phantom to stay with him and his family instead of traveling the world alone.
Danny then knew what he had to do. He had to tell his parents the truth.
He walked into the house with Sam, Tucker and Dani in her human form.
"Mom, Dad… I need to tell you something." Danny said.
"Danny, we actually need to tell you something." Maddie said. She and her husband had decided that now was the best time to do it as today was his 16th birthday… adoption day. (His sixteenth birthday was millennia ago)
"Mom, dad, please sit down so I can explain something." Danny said.
"Okay Danny, we'll tell you our news first." Jack said though his voice wasn't the usual upbeat tone.
Danny then explained that he was Danny Phantom and explained what had happened between the past two years. He then explained Danielle and that was the biggest shock to the Fenton Parents.
"So is it okay if Dani can stay with us?" Danny asked.
"Of course honey." Maddie said.
"Thank you (x5)" Dani said as she gave Maddie and Jack two big hugs.
"Now what did you guys want to tell me?" Danny asked.
Maddie and Jack then looked at each other like they were saying 'you start.'
"Okay Danny the truth is…" Maddie began as the tension in the room deepened. "You're adopted."
Danny then felt like he had been punched in gut as Jack brought out a small basket that had a note in it.
Danny then picked up the note and read it.
"Please take care of my son. His life is in danger if she stays with me. I was told that you two would help my son grow into the hero he was meant to be." Danny read from the note.
He then looked up and noticed that his family and Sam were staring right at it.
"What?" Danny asked.
"Danny… that letter was in Greek." Jazz said before she muttered a curse. How could we have not known?"
"We always thought it was because someone knew we were Greek." Maddie said. "But when we read the note it never said hero. When we read it, it said 'the man he was meant' to be."
"You can see it says hero right here." Sam said as she pointed to the note.
"Sam? How do you know that?" Jazz asked. "Greek isn't taught at our school."
Sam then shrugged before they heard a knock on the door.
Maddie then went and opened the door and she saw two teens outside but it was Danny and Tucker who pointed them out.
"Whoa, a satyr/a faun." Danny and Tucker said at the same time as they saw the black teen with two horns sticking out of his head.
"Uh come in." Maddie said as the satyr and the blond girl walked in.
"Hello ma'am I am Grover Underwood and this is Annabeth chase." Grover said.
"We were looking for a teenager named Percy Jackson." Annabeth said. "And judging from your expression I can tell you that Grover led us here because of the smell of four regular demigods and 2 really powerful ones."
"Did she say demigods?" Danny asked.
"As in children of gods and mortals?" Sam asked.
"As in heroes who fought monsters?" Tucker asked.
Danny, Sam, Tucker and Dani then burst out laughing.
Grover and Annabeth then looked at the teens who were laughing their hearts out. They looked like they were all 16, with the exception of Dani who looked 12, and that meant the Gods still weren't keeping their promise to claim all their children that were over the age of 13 or thirteen.
Annabeth noticed that Danny looked exactly like a certain goddess. He looked exactly like Artemis… like a black haired Artemis. That probably meant he was the son of Apollo.
"Uh Danny…" Jazz said. "Our parents are kinda demigods. And so am I."
"Jazz come on Gods don't exist." Danny said.
"Actually Daniel they do." Clockwork said as he appeared in front of them.
"Wait what?" Danny asked.
"The Gods are about as real as you, me and everything around us." Clockwork said. "They exist as Greeks and Romans and when proved to enough of a level ghosts. You have actually faced Zeus as a Ghost and Ares as a god."
"When did Danny face Jupiter and Mars?" Tucker asked.
"Vortex is the dark ghostly side of Zeus while Pariah Dark is the dark ghostly side of Ares." Clockwork said. "Now Daniel you and your friends must go with Grover and Annabeth to Camp Half-Blood quickly. The Fentons should stay here and work on their new invention. Daniel good luck on discovering your birth mother as she won't claim you as soon as you arrive."
Clockwork then vanished and everyone was left silent.
"Your heard the man let's go." Danny said.
Danny, Sam, Tucker, Dani, Jazz, Annabeth and Grover then went outside to the chariots and Pegasus'.
"Wow. This is a cool chariot." Danny said but when he touched it, it became a plane. "Whoa!"
"Danny how did you do that?" Sam asked.
"Did he just manipulate the mist… on us?" Annabeth asked.
"I think he did." Grover said.
"But a plain?" Jazz asked.
"This kid is powerful." Grover said.
"Uh Danny can you change it back into a chariot." Annabeth asked.
"Uh… Okay…?" Danny said before he tapped it again and it looked normal.
They all got on the Chariot before it shot off into the air.
As they were flying over Amity Park they saw Red Huntress fly next to them.
"What the?" Valarie said as she saw the teens on the chariot. "I thought this was a ghost."
"Hey Valarie…" Danny said. "Yes and I know Red Huntress is Valarie Grey… um I don't know how to explain this."
When Valarie saw Danny next to Dani and with the others it finally clicked in her mind. Danny Fenton was Danny Phantom.
"How many demigods are there in this city that don't know they're demigods?" Grover asked.
"Excuse me?" Valarie asked.
"Valarie, just come with us and they will try to explain everything." Danny said.
Within a few minutes they arrived at Camp Half-Blood and when they arrived they were surrounded by a whole bunch of others and they were all asking the same thing.
"Did you guys find Percy?" "Who are these guys?"
"Whoa guys let them have some breathing room." Someone called.
Danny saw a guy walking through the crowd. He had blond hair, was in a purple shirt that seemed out of place with all the orange shirts and he was also in blue jeans.
"Jason we still didn't find Percy." Annabeth said with a sigh. "But we did find these guys."
"Actually your friend Nico returned while you were gone and confirmed what I told you the Son of Neptune is at my Camp and was just sent on a Quest." Jason said before he noticed Danny, Sam, Tucker, Jazz, Dani and Valarie.
"Hi I'm Jason Grace." Jason said as he greeted Danny as Danny's eyes widened.
"Hi I'm Danny Fenton. You wouldn't happen to know Thalia Grace would you?" Danny asked.
Before Jason could answer that there was a flash of red light and then a red glow hovering above Tucker.
They noticed Tucker was now in a purple shirt with the rest of his clothes and there was a blazing hammer floating over his head.
"Uh what's everybody looking at?" Tucker asked.
"Tuck look up." Danny said.
Tucker then looked up and he noticed the burning symbol.
"Whoa the mark of Vulcan." Tucker said. "Wait am I the son of Vulcan?"
"Oh no…" Jazz muttered. "He's Roman isn't he?"
But before they could answer that there was another flash of light and now Sam was in her outfit she wore when she was possessed by Undergrowth and the plants around her were reacting.
"She's a daughter of Demeter?" Jazz said.
"Makes sense." Danny and Tucker said.
Before anyone else could say anything there was a red glow floating above Valarie and there was a bloody spear was in that light.
"She's a daughter of Ares? No wonder she can hold grudges for so long." Danny said.
"True that." Tucker said.
Once the glow died down Danny looked above him to see if his godly parent would decide to claim him but he saw nothing then he remembered Clockwork's words.
"Hey Jazz, what about you?" Danny asked.
"I don't get a godly parent because Mom and Dad are my real parents. They were the first generation Demigods. Not me. Mom was a daughter of Athena while Dad was a son of Hephaestus." Jazz said with a shrug.
"Great I had to have the mother who would wait a while before telling me who she is." Danny said.
"Don't worry, if godly parents don't claim when the demigods arrive then they would be claimed when we are at the Bon Fire at night." Annabeth said.
The Bon Fire was now over and everyone was getting ready to go to bed and Danny still hadn't been claimed.
The day had gone quickly for Danny, which sucked because today was his birthday… adoption day. He learned that Thalia Grace, the girl he met when he first got his powers, was Jason's sister, he saw Tucker's fire manipulating ability and Sam's plant manipulating ability and he showed the Camp that he was Danny Phantom. He also got to meet Chiron the centaur.
Now that the Day was over Danny and Dani had to stay in the Hermes Cabin.
Danny sat on his bed in the room and looked out the window that was right next to him. He was looking at the clear night sky, the stars but most importantly the moon.
When he first saw the moon that's what made him want to be an astronaut.
Danny then decided he didn't want to stay in here and look at the moon so he turned into his ghost form and flew onto the roof.
He then continued staring at the moon from the roof he sat on.
His hair was in his eyes and he couldn't help but notice how his hair colour went with the colour of the moon. He then looked at the moon and then his glove.
"Hm cool, the moon is the same colour as my glove as well." Danny said quietly.
He always loved going onto the roof and looking at the sky or taking a flight to calm him. And this time it still worked.
"Hey mom…" Danny muttered in ancient Greek "I heard that the gods swore on the River Styx that they would claim their children at the age of thirteen. But if you can give me or show me something to show that you actually care about me, remember me or tell me why you haven't claimed me yet… then please do it."
Danny then heard the wind blowing before he saw a present next to him. It was wrapped in black, white, green and blue wrapping paper… and it also had the famous white DP symbol on it.
Danny then opened it and saw a sword, Armour, a shield, a cell phone, a quiver full of arrows, a bow, the New Dumpty Humpty album, a coin that had a bike on one side and a car on the other side, a dagger, a scrap book of all his adventures and a model of the new space shuttle and space station. There was also Money and Drachma.
"Whoa there must be ten thousand dollars in here." Danny said. "Thanks mom."
Danny then continued to stay on the roof before he fell asleep.
In another part of North America the hunters of Artemis were now resting for the night.
Artemis, who often travel with her maidens, was in her master tent watching over her only son through her viewing orb.
She knew she would have to claim Danny sometime because she like every god swore on the River Styx… well actually her father swore for all the gods, even the ones that didn't have kids.
Artemis then heard her lieutenant asking for permission to enter her tent.
Artemis then hid the viewing orb that she was using to watch her son before she allowed Thalia in.
"Yes Thalia?" Artemis asked.
"Lady Artemis, the girls and I have been noticing that you are currently in an emotional state. We've also noticed that we're heading towards New York City… is something happening?" Thalia asked.
Artemis decided to tell Thalia the truth instead of lie. She was her lieutenant after all.
"Well Thalia, I am emotional because Hera has decided to use my son in her plans." Artemis said before she began explaining about Danny.
"So the boy I met two years ago was your son… and he's the first Demigod?" Thalia asked though he knew the answer. This was something that was just hard to believe.
"And the reason we are going to New York is because I have to go to Olympus and I need to leave you hunters at Camp Half-Blood." Artemis said.
"Why?" Thalia asked.
"Well you will be joining your brother as one of the demigods of the prophecy." Artemis said. "And Gaia is growing stronger. Camp Half-Blood will be a place where you will remain safe until she is put back to sleep, killed or until she awakens fully."
"But Gaia can't be killed." Thalia said.
"Actually she can. She was able to kill her husband. She just needs to die and be taken into the sky or space as Ouranos was taken into the Earth." Artemis said.
"But if I go with Jason to be one of the heroes of the prophecy don't you think that I might accidently break my curse?" Thalia asked.
Artemis then laughed. "Oh please my son wouldn't allow that." Artemis said before she took out her viewing orb and showed Artemis a scene from Danny's future.
There was a son of Apollo flirting with Dani and his hand was about to touch her butt but then an arrow came flying and hooked the sleeve of his hand and pinned him to the wall.
An 18 year old Danny then teleported in front of the kid.
"Do not touch my daughter, or not even the gods will protect you." Danny said before he pulled out the arrow and put it back in his quiver. "So we cool?"
"Wow." Thalia said. Before the scene changed to Danny sitting on top of the Hermes cabin roof looking up at the moon.
"Hey mom…" Danny muttered in ancient Greek "I heard that the gods swore on the River Styx that they would claim their children at the age of thirteen. But if you can give me or show me something to show that you actually care about me, remember me or tell me why you haven't claimed me yet… then please do it."
Artemis then smiled and acknowledged her son's request and sent down the birthday present she was going to give him when she saw him.
Artemis's look then aged 15 years so she didn't look like a teenager girl any more but a woman.
"You know, he kinda looks like you." Thalia said.
"I suppose he does." Artemis said.
"His daughter must look exactly like you." Thalia said.
"I believe she does." Artemis said as she watches as her son fell asleep.
"Thalia get some sleep. I want you and the hunters awake early tomorrow if we will make it to Camp Half-Blood by nightfall." Artemis said.
"Yes Ma'am." Thalia said.
"He looks like me… does that mean he looks like my Twin brother Apollo?" Artemis thought. "Don't tell me Thalia will fall for him as she once did my brother."
Danny awoke to vines shaking him like he was a maraca.
"AHHH!" Danny yelled before he noticed Sam controlling the vines that awoke him from his slumber. "Sam!"
Danny then teleported out of the vines and back onto the roof before he picked up his box of goods before he teleported down.
"Did you sleep in your ghost form all night?" Sam asked.
"I guess I did." Danny said.
"Why didn't you sleep in your room?" Jazz asked.
"Needed some air, chilled on the roof, asked my mom if she cared about me, got a present." Danny said as he lifted the present to show the others.
"Your mom gave you a gift?" Tucker asked.
"Yeah." Danny said. "I'll show you guys later. Oh and Sam did you have to wake me up. I was having this cool dream about this cool battle ship with a bronze dragon's head as the mast."
Once Danny said that he noticed everyone in the camp became silent… literally.
"Uh… did I say something wrong?" Danny asked.
"No you just described the ship we would be taking to face Gaia." Jason said.
"Yeah, the ship I'm currently making." Leo said.
"Was there anything else in your dream?" Jason asked.
"Yeah I saw myself fighting some monsters, I also saw you holding a lightning bolt, a kid with black hair holding a trident, Annabeth, Sam, Tucker, Thalia the girl I had met 2 years ago, I also saw Dani, Jazz, Piper, Leo, a Chinese Canadian kid turning into a dragon who proclaimed he was the son of Ares, an alive ghost girl who was the daughter of Hades, that Nico guy, I also saw Grover, another Satyr with a baseball bat, Valarie, a red harpy and a Cyclops." Danny said.
"Those must be the demigods who are going on the journey to Rome." Jason said.
"We need to take you to Chiron." Annabeth said.
Annabeth then practically dragged Danny to the Big House where he talked with Chiron for about thirty minutes.
When Danny came out he was finally allowed to have breakfast. But when he got there people hounded him over what the chat was about, what gifts he got from his mom and all that.
Luckily Danny had the power of duplication so he made a duplicate and the duplicate ran while Danny enjoyed breakfast.
Danny then enjoyed the rest of the day at the Camp but he didn't show any one his mom's gifts… we wanted to wait for the right time and when he heard about the war games at the end of the day he decided that would be a good time to show the world his weapons.
They were going to be playing capture the flag and Danny was determined to win one for the team. Unluckily for Danny the Ares kids, the Athena Cabin, and the Zeus cabin were all on the other team but he knew he'd be able to get his team the victory they needed.
Everyone was getting ready for capture the flag before they all saw Danny.
He came up in his custom armour that was black and silver and had his DP symbol on his chest. The outfit worked with his ghost form. On his arm was his custom shield that was black and had his DP symbol on the centre. He had a golden baton (His sword in small form) strapped to his waist, his white quiver, with the Black DP symbol, full of arrows around his back and his dagger strapped to his waist at the other side.
"Dude are you dressed for capture the flag or a meeting with Mars?" Tucker asked.
"I'm dressed for ass kicking Tucker." Danny said with a cocky smirk.
"I'm so happy you are on my team." Tucker said.
"Fire powers and ghost powers." Danny said as he high fived Tucker.
"Versus Lightning and Plant Powers." Tucker said.
They all heard the go and the blue team or as Tucker, Danny and Dani called it 'Team Phantom' ran forward. Danny pulled out the golden baton and a beautiful silver blade built itself from the baton.
"Hey Dad? Where did you get that?" Dani asked as she flew and fought alongside Danny.
"Ya grandma gave this to me." Danny said before he smirked. "And also this."
Danny then pulled out a coin before he threw it up and when the coin landed on the floor there was a motorbike that was customised DP style.
"Some of these guys have horses… I have the Phantom Cycle mark 1." Danny said as he jumped on and drove off.
Danny's shield disappeared and he used his sword two push back his enemies as he advanced into enemy territory.
But before Danny made it far vines ripped out of the floor and pulled Danny and his back up into the air.
"Okay, Sammy wants to play." Danny said with a smirk before the Phantom cycle turned back into a coin and Danny grabbed it.
Danny then flew down to Sam, took out his sword and the two clashed.
They then moved their swords a few times and clashed again.
Their swords were clashed and they were face to face.
"Danny give up. I am the daughter of Demeter, the second daughter of Kronos and the goddess of agriculture, and I'm also the great granddaughter of Athena, through my father's side, and she is the goddess of wisdom and battle strategy." Sam said. "So I always win."
"I always lose against humans… maybe we're both wrong." Danny said as they continued to clash.
Danny then jumped back, put his sword away, pulled out his bow and fired several arrows that pinned Sam to the three.
Danny then continued while placing pinning his opponents with arrows.
Danny then saw the flag in a clearing then he flew for it but then Jason came and knocked him back.
Danny and Jason were both flying above the flag as everybody gathered around.
Danny looked at Jason as he looked at Danny.
"You made it pretty far." Jason said.
"You know been doing this hero thing for 2 years know… also had 12 years of ghost training from my parents before I became half ghost." Danny said.
"How about we do this power wise." Jason said.
"No problem. Don't hold back but don't kill?" Danny asked.
"I'm good with that." Jason said as a lightning bolt hit his sword and he swung it at Danny.
Danny's sword was covered in ecto energy as his sword hit Jason's.
Thunder rang throughout the place as they clashed.
Ecto blasts and lightning blasts hit into each other and bright lights of green and blue flashed in the sky… but then Danny stopped
He was frozen as he heard something.
Danny then dived down towards the crowd of people watching.
"Move!" Danny yelled though he used his telekinesis to move a large portion of the crowd before Danny created a large ecto shield over the area that he had just cleared.
Then an explosion exploded within the ecto dome.
Danny then took a deep breath in. Sam, Tucker, Dani and Jazz's eyes then opened wide as they saw was Danny was about to do.
"Guys, cover your years." They yelled, and only a few listened, because Danny let the ecto dome drop before he let out his most devastating attack.
A large sonic attack shot out of Danny's mouth and the tangible waves ran through the area that just exploded.
They then all saw golden dust shoot into the air as if there has been an entire armada of monsters there.
Danny then stopped the ghostly wail as he turned around and looked at the other campers. Then everything about Danny changed. The way he looked demanded power and the way he spoke demanded power and everyone listened to him.
"Everyone, get together. That wasn't the only group of monsters…there a hell of a lot coming here… and there's also something else coming… something bigger." Danny said. "They're coming from all around us. Get ready they will be here any second."
Everyone then followed Danny's orders and then they saw some monsters emerge from the forest that surrounded them.
It was Danny who attacked first, the monsters were getting ready to attack but it was Danny who took down the first few monsters that came into his site.
And then the other demigods charged.
They were all fighting and Danny was giving the most lethal attacks. Everyone was impressed at how Danny was just taking them all out but then Danny stopped as he saw the thing he did not want to fight.
Out of the forest then walked a 50 foot tall giant. It had reptilian legs and the torso of a man. It was in armour and a hood but in the middle of its armour there was a large as hell clock. It had red eyes, dreadlocks that seemed to be braided with bones and clocks.
It then let out a roar.
"I am Kairos." It yelled. "Son of Gaia and enemy of Clockwork. Heir to the throne of time and the person who will end your life."
"Okay…" Danny said. "I am Danny Phantom the half Ghost teenager superhero and protector of Amity Park and the Ghost Zone." Danny said as he started to hover from the ground. "I am the person who defeated an entire army of ghosts as well as their king, I am the person who defeated the power of reality itself, I am the person who defeated a force strong enough to kill Gaia and the gods in the future. I am the hero who sent the demons from Pandora's box back into the box, I have looked in the face of death many times and I have walked away while death was left in pain, I have been through many worlds, dimensions and timelines and I will rip you apart molecule by molecule if you so much as harm anyone here." Danny yelled before he opened his mouth and released a ghostly wail.
Kairos didn't see it coming and was sent away in a blast of ecto energy.
All the demigods and monsters just watched as Danny started fighting the giant all by himself. They just couldn't find it in themselves to move.
Then they all saw several arrows fly into the chest of the giant.
They all turned around and saw Artemis and her hunters with their bows pointed at the giant. All the monsters knew that it would be useless if they stayed so they ran.
Danny's hands then began to glow blue before he shot ice at the giant's legs and covered his entire bottom half in ice before he came and gave the giant a nasty cut on the clock.
Artemis then grew to the size most people would think a god to be before she fired a large arrow about the size of a tree into Kairos and then he burst into golden dust.
Danny then landed on the ground as he heard everyone cheering.
Danny then pumped his fist up high.
"YOLO!" Danny yelled.
After that it took about a minute before everyone calmed down and remembered that they were in the presence of a goddess before they bowed and Artemis shrank back to the size of a regular mortal.
"Well I must say you demigods did an exceptional job with fighting those monsters and protecting your camp." Artemis said.
Everyone was wondering the same thing… why was Artemis here and why was she the looking like a 30 year old instead of a teenage or preteen girl like she usually did.
"Daniel Fenton stand up please." Artemis said as Danny reluctantly stood up.
It was at that moment when everyone began to notice the family resemblance. Danny looked exactly like Artemis… especially since she had made her eyes crystal blue like Danny's and her hair raven black like Danny's.
"You did well against the giant Kairos." Artemis said in a proud motherly voice. "Not many people would be able to handle the pressure of taking on a giant alone."
Realisation hit Danny as well as a whole bunch of others and Danny knew he had to say it first but this was a big shock.
"T…thank you… mom." Danny said.
"Of course Danny, it's a mother's job to give her children the praise they deserve." Artemis said.
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Shadow: And there was the long as hell 20 page first chapter.
Dani: Damn. And CA15 wrote all of this today?
Shadow: Yes today Thursday 4th of April.
Dani: Damn.
Grover: I can't blame him. If I had this idea I would want the people to see it as soon as possible.
Shadow: And now CA15 is having trouble of choosing between Sam and Thalia for Danny's love interest. He wants Danny and Thalia and he also wants Danny and Sam but he kinda wants Danny and Thalia more.
Grover: Wow tough choice. So what will happen next time? Read, Review, Favourite and Follow to find out. And give us ya thoughts on the story so far.