Hiruzen Sarutobi was no fool. Being one of the longest-acting Kage in all the five Elemental Nations meant he really couldn't be, not if he survived that long. So of course the Third Hokage knew when his underlings were keeping things from him. One had to get up very early in the morning indeed to pull the wool over his eyes.

So he could tell that Kakashi and Naruto conspired to keep something from him. And judging by the other two Genin, it was a secret even to them. Whatever it was. Being able to tell when he wasn't told everything didn't mean he knew what it was he wasn't being told.

Best case scenario, it was something small and stupid which they were entirely too embarrassed about to tell in front of anybody, let alone their teammates. Worst case scenario… well, Hiruzen really didn't want to think about that one. But he trusted both Kakashi and Naruto, they were among the most loyal ninja he had access to (which was quite a feat considering one was still a Genin, and a fresh one at that).

So he'd let them keep their secrets, for now. And pray to the gods what they kept quiet didn't kill anyone.

Well, anyone useful.

"Is that all that happened?"

"Yup." Kakashi gave one of his eye-smiles. "That about sums it up."

"Nothing else you'd possibly want to tell me?"

"Nope, not that I can think of. Oh, wait…" Kakashi rubbed his chin in thought. "Now that you mention it, there is one other thing."

"Yes?" The Hokage prompted his Jōnin.

"They named a bridge after Naruto."

"They did?"

"Yeah, the 'Great Naruto Bridge'."

"That's not quite what I had in mind, but congratulations Naruto."

"Thanks old man." Naruto smiled, ignoring the fuming Uchiha behind him. The whole bridge thing was a very sore spot for him. "Can we talk for a bit?"

"If there's nothing else…" Kakashi shook his head. "Very well, the rest of you are dismissed." The Jōnin grabbed the shoulders of his other two Genin and, before they could begin to argue, disappeared along with them in a swirl of leaves.

Hiruzen just watched the leaves flutter in the air for a moment before sighing. "That man has no respect for the people who actually have to clean up his little leaves. You wanted something?"

"Yeah. A thought occurred to me while we were coming back. I am a ninja now, yes?"

"I should think so."

"And being a ninja makes me an adult, correct?"

"In the eyes of the law."

"That being said, as an adult I think it time to inherit whatever it is that my parents left me. I'm hoping for a house."

"Oh?" Sarutobi raised an eyebrow. "And what makes you think they left you anything?"

Well…" Naruto shifted the straps of his pack. "They had to have had something in their possession, and since I'm the lone heir it rightly belongs to me."

"Lone heir?"

"If I wasn't I hope I'd have grown up with some kind of family."

"True. And what if they're not dead or missing, but simply left."

"Thanks for that." Naruto deadpanned.

"Humor me Naruto."

"Then I assume most immovable objects and those they didn't have a great need for were left here. They should still go to me. Look." He added when he saw the pondering expression on the leader's face. "I'm not asking to know who they are, if you wanted to tell me you would've already. I just mainly want a new home, the apartment I'm currently staying at is beginning to crumble away."

"You really have thought this through. Alright." Hiruzen smiled at Naruto's whoop of happiness. "Although it goes against at least half of my better judgment, I'll give you the house your parents left. And who knows what you'll find inside, it's been completely empty since they died."

"Thanks for the hint." Naruto smiled as the Hokage handed him a ring of keys.

"The keys to the grounds. They're located farthest from the village proper, surrounded by hills on one side and forest on all others. It's a pretty private place, so I think you'll like it. I'll take care of the… paperwork." He shuddered. "You can begin to move in whenever you want."

"Thanks again old man."


"That went along much easier than I thought it would." Naruto commented out loud as he was packing his things.

"Why would it not?" His dragon was sitting on the bed, staring at the open closed with a puzzled tilt to her head.

"It's complicated. He never really told me who they were, for starters."

"And you think you may find something inside our new home?"

"More or less, yeah." He finished packing one bag and turned to look at her. She had hopped off the bed and trotted over to his closet, pulling out one of his orange jumpsuits and throwing it to the side. "Um… what are you doing?"

"Cleaning." She answered simply.

"Meaning what?"

"These things are bad." She motioned to one of his jumpsuits.

"What?" Naruto's eyes bugged out. "And what the hell is wrong with them?"

"They're orange, Naruto. I'll not be caught dead with an orange speck on my back."

"Fine." Naruto huffed. "I bet you'd like them if they were purple."

"Of course. Purple is the single greatest color there is and it makes everything automatically better just by mere association." Naruto just looked at her for a moment.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. It is a very beautiful color." He then froze in shock.

"Huh? Are you alright?"

"Dammit, this is all your fault! Orange was the greatest color ever until you came along." It could've been the light, but Naruto could swear that Vervada didn't look the least bit sheepish. "Fine, I'll go shopping later."

"I knew you'd see reason." She gave off a low, rumbling sound when he sent her a week glare.

"Are you… laughing at me?'

"Me? No. What on earth gave you that idea?"

"Right. Whatever you say." He opened the last pack. "Inside you go."

"I'm sure that's not necessary." She took a small step back, glancing at the pack wearily.

"Yes, because we want everyone to see you and blow whatever element of surprise we have right now."

"Fine." She sighed and got in. Naruto tied the string and hefted it on his shoulder, jostling it just a little bit more than strictly necessary. "You're enjoying this a bit too much."

"Me? No. What on earth gave you that idea?"


It took a little bit longer than I'd have liked to formulate this chapter, but it's finally here. Now just 20 more to go.

One last thing before I go. Since rebuilding the Order of the Dragon Raiders is the name of the current game, I'm very interested to see if any of you can guess who will be getting shiny little dragon eggs of their own. Go on, guess.