Eddie's POV
I woke the next morning to the smell of a good breakfast being mad ein the kitchen. I walked into the room to see Nina and Joy talking to each other. " Hey you." said Nina standing by the stove.
"Hey." I stated but it came out as more of a question. O now I know why Joy's here she came yesterday. Then that means...holy kinolly. The pull caused it to happen again last night. But wait... how'd Nina wake up before me and I didn't notice? "Neens can I talk to you for a sec." I said walking out of the room. she followed me into mine. " You do remember what happened last night right?" I asked her when she put her arms around my neck.
"Yeah how could I forget." she said with a questioning expression. "Wait you still think its the force don't you?"
"Well yeah why wouldn't I".
"Eddie that wasn't the force last night that was us." A smile spread across my face.
"Thank god." I picked her up and kissed her acting as jolly as the green giant on the vegetable can. I put her down to make sure no one was at the door to see us. " This means were a couple now right?" I asked hopefully.
"Well duh but we still have to break up with Patricia and Fabian. Technically we're cheating."
"But physically and mentally we're together with no default." I said looking down at her with my hands now on her waists. We looked at each other dark meeting light. " I love you."
"I love you too,". We leaned in for a fantastic kiss that seemed it could last forever then we finally broke apart. "We should probably go now. Joy will get suspicious." We walked back into the kitchen to meet Joy who kept looking at us. There's nothing like the sighta of two happy American eating with a skeptical Brit.
Joy's POV
Okay either I'm crazy or something happened between them when they left the room. Both of them wore smiles that were miles long. Whenever Eddie looked Nina's way she'd blush and when they were both starring at each other, they'd be looking into each other's eyes. Finally I decided to break the silence. " Hey do you guys wanna go to the movies later? I hear that new movie Mama is coming out. It's supposed to be super scary."
"Yeah we'd love to go." said Eddie looking at Nina again. Great this is the perfect way to test out my plan.
Joy's Pov still
" Three tickets to Mama, please." I said to the clerk at the window. We paid and then went in to find some good seats. Eddie and Nina sat be each other with me sitting by my friend Toby who was sitting in between me and Eddie. Apparently him and his 4 siblings had come to see the movie two. My plan had officially been foiled.
Nina's POV
"Ah." I yelled jumping into Eddie's arms when the clump of hair that was really Mama disguised jumped onto the great Aunt.
"You're really easily scared aren't you?" he asked looking down at me.
"No...it's just this movie is really creepy ya know cuz you start to wonder if anything like this could happen to us." He laughed probably thinking of Senkarah or something.
"Holy Shit!" he yelled as the demon spirit started to crawl backwards.
"Look who's scared now." I laughed. We watched the rest of the movie feeling bummed out about how it ended.(If you saw the movie you know that Lilly chose Mama). Joy rode home with Toby and some others giving us a little time alone when we got to the house.
"I can't believe this is happening I mean what are we gonna do, wait til term starts to tell them?" I asked as we entered the house.
"Well we can tell Joy since she practically knows alredy.
Eddie's POV
"Joy, can we talk to you for a sec," I said sitting down by Nina on the couch as Joy walked in.
"Sure what's up?"
"Look let's not play dumb anymore. Me and Nina are romantically involved. You know it I know it we all do. So What we don't know is if you're going to tell Patricia and Fabian." She was silent for a while.
"Okay, listen up, it's my turn to take charge. Now it wasn't really a mystery finding it out. Making goo-goo eyes at one another isn't the best way to fake a relationship. So I'm not gonna tell,but how about whenever you say 'hey let's do SOMETHING tonight' keep the noises and what not at a minimum, got it." Wow I've never seen Joy Isabelle Mercer so worked up before. It's like watching an episode of Caught On Camera.
Fabian's POV
I am starting to hate this 'no devices' rule. How am I supposed to communicate with Nina. She's probably in America upset with me for not talking to her since the day before I left for ...those light green eyes always speak to me."Lights Out Rutter!" yelled my cabin mate, Brad. He is so stuck up...and a player...he has about 6 girls writing him and we've only been here a month...and we've had no communication with anyone so how is he even doing this?
"Fine, Bradley," I said using his full name that was on his name tag the first day."Have it your way." I shut off the lamp beside me and laid on the top bunk staring at the ceiling. The only one who has messaged me this whole time is Joy. With those beautiful brown eyes and those lovely, chocolatey, locks of hair...wait was I just fantasing about Joy? Sure she's my best friend...and has been by my side since 5th grade. Not to mention she's gone to drastic measures to get to my heart...even if it meant hurting Nina's feelings. But Nina...with that melodic accent and mysterious personality. When Joy left it seemed like she was my only true friend and I was her's... Is it possible I could love the both of them?...NO. No,no,no It couldn't be. I should sleep on it. I turned over on my side only to be torchered the whole night with the hallucination of their laughter. They're both so beautiful...but I know I can only choose just one.
A/N: sorry everyone for the long wait. I will continue to update all of my stories( even the first of them) and maybe even some deleted stories will make it back to the archives so keep checking. This story along with The Chosen One and The Osirian, Destiny Brought Us Together,and House of Victorious will be updated regularly on Saturdays. Until then, stay Neddie!
- neddie4everburkely