In the mourning Wally awoke in a bed. He looked around, it was true. He's not burred. Tears start to form in his eyes as he moves his arms, feels his body. He didn't even flinch when he passed over a cut or bruise. Its real right? He had to know if its real and then he noticed it or him. Uncle Barry! He was sleeping in a chair, right next to the bed. Wally reached over and gripped onto Barry's shirt sleeve and started to softly pulled. Barry didn't budge so again Wally pulled, this time a bit harder. Barry started to stir, this time when Wally tugged the sleeve Barry did awake but a bit hazed.


"Uncle Barry?" Wally said softly. Barry started to tear up, Wally, awake, alive... "I'm sorry, I didn't want to wake you, but-but-but..." Wally started to panic, and he didn't even know why, completely.

"Come here, come here Walls. I want to hold, come on." Barry stood up to sit on the bed and let Wally gain his comfort back to let Barry hold him. Barry took a deep breath in and let it out as held Wally. It seemed so fake before he felt him in his arms.

"Wally, I am so sorry. I... Are you okay? Please tell me you're okay!"

"Is it real?" Barry felt the impact of Wally's tears.

"Yeah, it's real. You're in the Watch Tower. It's okay now, nobody is going to hurt you." Barry allowed Wally's head to rest in the crook of his neck while he rubbed small circles on his back. Wally wrapped his arms around Barry, he didn't want to let go. But then, it happened, he remembered. He pulled away and looked his uncle in the eye.

"M'gann, is she okay?" Barry forced a smile. Don't get him wrong, he is very proud of Wally for sacrificing himself for her life but he almost died and-and is he died, Barry, he would never be able to forgive himself.

"She is fine, super fine, physically, but she is very worried about you kiddo. Everyone is." He added quickly.

"I'm sorry." Barry started to shack his head.

"For what? Wally, this isn't your fault." Wally didn't answer, all he did was continue hugging Barry until he fell asleep. Barry didn't let go of him though. Barry laid back with his arm around Wally and fell asleep again and that's how Batman found them the next day.

Batman was sure to be careful when shacking Barry awake. He didn't want Wally to budge.

"Barry, get up." All he received was a loud snore.

"I bet when Wally tried to get him up he did it with ease." Batman said sarcastically as he again tried to shack Barry awake without disturbing Wally.

"Barry, please get up." Another snore hit his ears so Batman decided to smack him on the face. His eyes popped open.

"WHAT TH-" Batman held his pointer finger to his lips. "Shuuu."

"The hell." Barry whispered.

"You wouldn't get up." Batman said blankly.

"Well Bats, you will be the victim to my latest revenge."

"Looking forward to it." Batman then looked at the peaceful child that was sleeping, using Barry as a pillow.

"Listen, Barry, J'onn just got off the phone with the cops..." Barry looked expectantly at Bruce to continue but he didn't.

"And, how long is that son of a bitch getting?"

"Nothing unless M'gann... and-and Wally testify." Barry started to shack his head in disbelief.

"I can't...I can't put Wally through that."

"Barry, He needs to do this, he has a responsibility."

"He's hurt. I don't want him to have to face that man in a court room."

"If Wally doesn't, Barry this man will be released and free to do the same thing to two more kids again and again. He might not get caught again. Wally wouldn't want more kids to get hurt because he kept his mouth shut."

"Don't you dare guilt trip Wally into anything he doesn't want to do. Would let them put Dick on the stand, you know, if this happened to him?"

"I wouldn't like it, but more lives of children are at stake. I'd help him through the trial just like you're gonna help Wally."

At Central City High School

"HEY, EVERYONE, GATHER AROUND. YOU GUYS HAVE GOT TO SEE THIS SHIT." Once everyone near was surrounding the boy who spoke, Bret Turner, leading pitcher of the baseball team. "You know that freak West, how he's been out, well look at this, he's been fucking some old dude." Most of the students started to laugh.

"That's real fucked up dude."

"Did Zeek just say what I think he said." Bret asked no one in particular.

"yeah, he did, you gonna do something ass wipe?" Someone said from behind Bret, non other than Jessy, the schools loud mouth.

"Mofo, you better control your damn girl friend." Bret said to Zeek.

"You can't control people, especially girls man. Now just stop being a dick, that kid was kidnapped and raped and nearly burred alive and you're gonna found a joke within that." Zeek said angerly.

"It's not rape if you like it." Bret received more laughs from his fellow students.

"YOU'RE ALL FUCKING ASS HOLES!" When Jessy was about to pull Zeek away so they could talk, , the freshmen science teacher happened to walk by.

"Language!" Jessy rolled her eyes. "What seems to be the problem here."

"The problem IS..." Jessy stressed.

"There all making fun of Wally West for getting raped by that sick son of a bitch." Zeek answers question.

"That isn't right. Its not like Wally wanted what happened to happen."

"But he did." Someone whispered loudly.

" , see, this is what I tell you stupid teachers and none of you have yet to do shit about the consent bullying that most of the student body put him through." Jessy took a deep breath before continuing. "It's fucked up. I ain't gonna sugar coat it anymore." She walked off dragging Zeek along with her.

"What a way with words that one has." mutters to himself before glaring at the retreating circle of students.

"Freeze." They actually did what he asked without him needing to chase down names.

"I think were gonna have a little assembly before Wally returns to school." That was greet with many groins from the students that remained. "Spread it around." He ordered before going to meet with the principle.