OH MY GOD! It has been almost 14 months since I last updated! I am so sorry guys! Getting a job and getting into college? Damn does it eat up all your time and energy! Have no fear though - I'm on my winter break! So maybe I can get another chapter posted after this one! However once I'm back in classes I might disappear for a while, I'm sorry. In the mean time - I have got some new stuff for you! I haven't done an in-depth proof-read of it and I don't have a beta so if there are any glaring (or even subtle) grammar/spelling/other mistakes - I am only human and my eyes are tired from staring at this computer screen! But that's enough about me! Kubo-sensei still owns Bleach, I only have Sakura and Hebi. Enjoy!

"This is it then?"

Kira nodded, "Yes taichou. That's the compromised PIN."

Sakura sighed and looked down at the six-digit PIN. It seemed so small and insignificant but these six little numbers were compromising her entire division.

"This makes me think of the word 'if'," she told Kira quietly. "It's awfully powerful despite its size."

"I know," he agreed. "Shall I bring him in?"

"No," she sighed. "I have a captain's meeting. I'll alert Jiisan and see what he wants to be done."

"Of course," Kira nodded. "Is there anything else I can help with?"

"There's not much paperwork at the moment so I don't think so," she looked at the tiny little stack of folders. "That's a nice little change. Is there any word from the hospital?"

"He started physical therapy yesterday and he's making a good recovery. His memory seems to be fine and he's eager to be out of there. They're considering moving him here to the Fourth Division but it's still up in the air – a lot of Gotei members think he's a traitor."

"We'll have to see about that," she rolled her eyes. "Some people will believe just about anything these days. Oh, I know – can you help me do inventory tonight? We just got a new shipment of chemicals in and it needs to be done. It won't take more than an hour and a half, tops."

"I can go start that now if you'd like," he offered.

"If you want, I just have a few reports to look over and one to write before the meeting," she told him.

"It starts at three, correct?"

She nodded, "Yep. That'll be enough time to get this done."

"With all due respect taichou, you only have an hour," he grimaced. "Why don't I help you with some of those papers?"

"I'm sure you have plenty of your own at your desk; I can take care of it, Kira," she smiled. "And please, what have I said about being so formal?"

"Sorry, Sakura," he smiled weakly. "I'll go back to my office now."

"Alright, I'll see you later tonight, Kira," she dismissed him with a wave of her hand and then set to work.

She finished all of the paperwork with fifteen minutes to spare, just enough time to hand them over to Nanao and get to the Captain's meeting. She got up, put all the papers in their respective folders and packed them in her briefcase before striding over to the First Division and handing the papers over to the loyal secretary.

"Everything's there," she nodded.

Nanao smiled, "You're the only one that gets them in the correct order nowadays – and not to mention legible. You should see Abarai-fukutaichou's reports; they're a nightmare to read."

Sakura laughed lightly knowing exactly what Nanao meant, "I was in school with him when he was learning to write. Let's just say it's not the prettiest."

She then politely excused herself and stepped into the conference room. She settled down in her assigned seat, nodding politely to the other captains but ignoring Mayuri, who sat at the far end of the table on the other side. He sneered at her, mumbling to himself about something.

It didn't take long for the meeting to start. Soon Yamamoto Genryūsai was settled in his place and began speaking. Once the mundane stuff had been taken care of the nasty business began.

"As you all know Ichimaru Gin has been hospitalized for several months. He has recently woken from his coma and we believe it to be in his best interest to been tended to here at the Gotei –"

Mayuri was seething, "He betrayed the Gotei – he deserves nothing from us!"

Yamamoto pinned him down with a piercing glare, "We understand that many of you will not feel that this is appropriate, however he will get the treatment he needs."

Unohana Retsu raised her hand, "Sir, if I may suggest: we can resolve this matter by a vote."

Kenpachi spoke before Mayuri could, "Sakura is obviously biased, so her vote does not count."

"That would be Kyōraku-taichou to you," she glared at him.

He dismissed her, leaning back in his chair.

"Each captain here has a vote," Yamamoto replied coolly. "Despite any foreknowledge of how he or she will vote."

After no more comments were issued from the peanut gallery Sakura turned to her grandfather, "Yamamoto-sou-taichou, would you please call the vote?"

He nodded, "All those in favor of letting former taichou Ichimaru Gin return to the Gotei to receive treatment, raise your hands."

All but Mayuri and Kenpachi raised their hands. Even Byakuya and Soi-Fon agreed to Gin's return.

"Then Ichimaru Gin will return here for treatment," he declared. "What we will do with him once he has returned to full health remains to be seen. That will be decided once he no longer needs any assistance from the Fourth Division. Meeting adjourned."

Mayuri and Kenpachi were furious but they knew that they couldn't change the old man's mind. Instead they turned on the captains.

"He betrayed the Gotei! Why would you give him treatment he doesn't deserve?"

Toshirō, much to everyone's surprise, was the first to speak, "Unlike you, we have been informed of his motives to his betrayal. Seeing as you would not listen to his reasoning, we decided not to tell you."

Kenpachi laughed, "And what reasoning would that be?"

Sakura glared at him, "You don't deserve to know. Besides, it's too noble for you to understand."

With that she stormed off with her head high, back straight, and glaring. It didn't take her long to reach the Fourth Division pediatric center, where she collected Hebi from daycare and took him back to her room. After putting her meeting supplies and nursing Hebi, she played with her four-month old. It was a nice day out, a few clouds in the sky but not too bright. They were on the ground beneath a persimmon tree, far away from any koi ponds or other potentially dangerous landscape features. The little one was secured in his baby bouncer and Sakura was gently blowing bubbles at him.

"There's a bubble on your leg!" she cooed and pointed to the bubble.

Hebi's royal blue eyes widened with glee when he saw the bubble and then became confused when it disappeared at his touch. Another bubble caught his attention and he grabbed for it gleefully.

"There's a bubble on your tummy!"

She laughed when he recognized 'tummy' and went to grab the bubble.

"I thought I'd find you here," a male voice floated over to them.

"Hebi, lookie. It's ojiisan!"

All the little one did was to bounce up and down excitedly and gurgle happily, reaching out for his grandfather.

Shunsui gently removed the infant from the chair and held him close, laughing when Hebi tried to grab some of the hair that framed the man's face. Trying to not show the pain that was being caused from the rough tugs Shunsui said, "That's ojiisan's hair."

Sakura winced but she knew her father loved playing with her son, even if I meant having his hair pulled out. Once he even told her, "At this rate I may never see another grey hair in my life, they all get yanked out before more can grow back." Of course he had been exaggerating and rarely lost more than one or two strands at a time, five at the most.

Not wanting to interrupt their bonding time, Sakura stepped inside to check the clock and saw it was almost time to go meet Kira. She stepped back out again and kissed her father on the cheek.

"Thanks for baby-sitting, ojiisan," she smiled.

He grinned, "It's no problem. You go to work. I'll be here when you get back."

"Famous last words, but it shouldn't take more than an hour and a half. I'll be back soon."

As to avoid the usual crying when she leaves, Sakura snuck outside and ran down the hall to her division stock room. Kira was already there.

"Taichou, you're early."

"So are you, Kira," she mused. "Getting a head start?"

"Hai, I'm already halfway through."

"Wonderful, then this half should go rather well. Any problems so far?"

"I had one earlier but it's since been resolved."

He filled her in on the issue as they set to work, finishing in just 45 minutes. After thanking Kira for his help and securing the list and stock room, Sakura returned to her quarters and Kira went to his as well.

Her grandfather had joined Hebi and Shunsui by then, which Sakura was surprised yet happy. The boys needed the bonding time. Plus she had a little business to discuss with him, but that could wait for a little bit as well.

They had moved in from the garden; the sun was setting and the wind was picking up, so Hebi needed to stay in the nice warm indoors. Hebi gurgled happily, uttering sounds that sounded somewhat like "ka-cha" in an attempt to say "ka-chan" they had figured out earlier.

As Hebi was handed to his mother, Yamamoto Genryūsai said, "I invited someone over. I didn't think you'd mind."

Her previous thought of asking to speak to her grandfather in private flew out of her mind, "Really? Who?"

He gave the slightest hint of a smile as he called, "You can come in now."

The sliding door to the patio slid open and the guest entered, his wheelchair getting stuck on the railings for a brief moment but was quickly rectified.

"Hiya Sakura," Gin smiled softly, his view of Hebi blocked by Shunsui.

Sakura gently handed Hebi back to her father and rushed to Gin's side, "You're out of the hospital!"

"Hai, they stuck me in the Fourth Division. Unohana-taichou thought I should visit and apparently your grandfather agreed," he smiled.

He opened his mouth to speak again when Hebi started crying. Gin's mouth closed and his eyebrows furrowed, "What's that?"

Sakura rushed to tend to her son while scolding her father, "Otou-san, what did you do?"

"I didn't do anything! I was just holding him!"

She took the infant from his ojiisan and cradled him, rocking him back and forth.

"When was the last time you fed him?"

"I haven't…"

Sakura deadpanned, "I asked you to feed him while I was gone. He's hungry! It's okay Hebi, Ka-chan will get your bottle."

She grabbed the bottle she had left on the counter for her father to feed Hebi with, that way it wasn't cold for when he got hungry, and fed the blue-eyed babe.

"There you go," she cooed. "Happy tummy, hai?"

The bottle was emptied quickly and he still continued crying.

"Will you clean out the bottle Otou-san? I need to change his diaper," she asked quickly before disappearing into the bathroom.

Gin was very confused. That was obviously a baby. Did she sleep with someone else while he was away or sleeping? He couldn't think of a time they didn't use protection…no, he could – twice. But she took the morning after pill both times and she was on birth control. She made sure to take her pills and rarely skipped a day. When she did skip they waited for a few days just to be safe. Maybe she hadn't realized that she'd skipped and they had gone at it…possibly – but the instructions said it shouldn't be a problem if she only skipped one day. He knew she never skipped more than one day – she made sure she took it the next day. Did she take the morning after pills both times? Maybe she forgot the one time…this was going to break his brain if he kept it up. He was hoping it was either his or had been abandoned on her doorstep. He doubted it was the latter.

After a few minutes, Sakura came back out with the appeased and clean infant. Gin could see both of them clearly but she seemed to forget he was in the room because she immediately went to tell her father that that was not the way you wash a baby bottle nipple. After she was done explaining his mistake, Gin coughed to get her attention.

She looked over and he saw the fear in her eyes, she had no idea how he would react.

Casually, he pointed to the infant, "Who's tha'?"

"This is Hebi," she said softly, but loud enough for him to hear.

Hebi cooed at the sound of his name and Sakura cooed back, obviously enchanted with the little one.

"Can I say 'hi'?"

Sakura froze, hesitant, but slowly made her way over to her lover and stooped a little to show him the baby.

He looked at her, "How 'bout ya sit there? It's gotta be more comfortable than leaning ova' like tha'." He motioned to the chair at her desk, which Shunsui pulled out for her. She sat down and Gin wheeled over to her, now able to inspect the child without making Sakura physically uncomfortable.

Gin knew instantly that he was the father – the silver hair and the grin gave it away in a split second. He marveled at the blue of his son's eyes, the tininess of his features. Hebi was a slim baby, yet he retained rather chubby cheeks given the rest of his size.

"'E's like a lil' chipmunk with those cheeks," Gin mused.

"I call them his smile muscles – he smiles as much as you do," she said lovingly, admiring her baby.

"Does he take after me a lot?"

She shrugged as best she could with the baby in her arms, "Depends on the day. Physically, he definitely takes after you. Personality-wise, well he's been around me, my dad, Unohana-taichou, Renji, and Ichigo mostly. I mean, you haven't been around obviously, and for good reason." She sighed. "But it really depends on the day."

Gin nodded in understanding and reached out to stroke Hebi's cheek, ignoring Shunsui and Yamamoto's reactions to him fully opening his eyes. The little one gurgled and grabbed his father's finger with his tiny hand, attempting to chew on it.

Sakura laughed lightly before pulling Gin's finger out of Hebi's mouth, "Iie, Hebi. Iie. That's Otou-san's finger. Not yours."

She still was smiling, but it fell a little when she looked up at Gin.

"What do you think?" she asked.

He smiled, eyes wide open for everyone in the room to see, "I think we have a beautiful son. I'm sorry I missed so much of it though."

"Yeah, a whole thirteen months. Nine months pregnant and he's four months old."

"When's his birthday?"

"January 20th. The day you went into a coma. We were both in the hospital that night – neither of us knew it. You were out and I was…preoccupied."

He cupped her face with his left hand, seeing as his right hand was in his son's slimy grasp, and pulled her to him for a kiss.

Tears were building in her eyes when they pulled away.

"You're okay with this?"

He nodded, "It's everythin' I didn't know I wanted. Thank you."

"For what?"

He smiled, a genuine, heart-felt smile, "For keeping our baby."