"Sam," Carla said weeping into her home phone.
"Carla, honey, are you okay?" Sam was already worried. It wasn't like Carla to break down and cry. Especially not this hard. Her tears seemed to be streaming down the telephone wires.
"Oh, Sammy, you wouldn't believe it. Nick came by and..."
"Carla, sweetheart, you never reacted this badly to a pregnancy before."
"Will you just shut up and listen to me!" Carla was scowling. How dare he make pregnancy jokes at a time like this?
"He was drunk, Sammy. I had a little, too. He jumped into his truck and started to drive," she couldn't stop her sobs from coming. "I tried to stop him Sammy."
"What happened, honey?"
"He killed Anne Marie!"
"He didn't see her. She was running after Lucinda to pop her one for showing the neighborhood boys her g-string and he just creamed her in the driveway. She was D.O.A by the time we got her to City Hospital."
Norm, Cliff, and Frasier looked on as Sam just stood there in disbelief. Something horrible must of happened. Sam looked like he had been sucker-punched in the gut. He felt like it as well. Carla, one of his best friends, is expieriencing something nobody would wish on their worst enemies, the death of a child.
"Where are you, hon?" Sam asks in disbelief.
"I'm at my house. My kids are a mess. Especially little Lucinda she won't even get out of bed."
"I'm coming over."
"Sammy, you got the bar and..."
"Listen, Woody will be here in a couple and I can always bring Frasier..."
"Hey, hey ,hey," Frasier got up from the bar. He didn't like being dragged into a situation he didn't even understand. Sam turned to him and motioned for him to sit down and shut up.
"I don't think Frasier would like getting involved. Lud, do not chase your brother around the house with your snake!"
For a minute Sam couldn't help chuckle at that one. A tragedy couldn't keep Carla's kids from running wild.
"Look," Carla begins again, wiping the tears from her eyes. "You think it would kill Rebecca to work for me the next couple of days for me?"
"She's got to work anyway. I don't think it would be that big of a deal to just have her switch from office to waitress. Especially with business being kind of slow."
"Hey Sam," Woody greets his boss as he walks through the door.
"Hey, Woods. Hey Carla, Woody's here. I'm coming over."
"Sam..." It was no use. He hung up the phone before she could protest.
"Fras," Sam says running to his office to grab his coat.
"Sam, what's going on? Why are we going to Carla's?"
"Nick got drunk, ran over Anne Marie, and killed her."
The whole bar gasped and looked at Sam in disbelief. Everybody in the bar was either a regular or at least a semi-regular and knew Carla and her children. Woody had tears in his eyes, Cliff turned white and speechless and Norm gulped down the rest of his beer.
"Okay, I'll go," Frasier said getting over his shock and going to the coat rack. "Those poor kids."
"Poor Carla," Sam added as he caught up with Frasier. "Watch the bar, Woody."