1034959229 Anesthetic Shots

AU set in the future, where certain human beings are genetically engineered for the sake of being a romantic partner of another. Love is prohibited beyond the relationship between customer and Product. Enter Product 1034959229- emotionless and obedient, who is no exception to the rule. But then comes love. And then things get messy.

Disclaimer: Gakuen Alice is never gonna be mine, and if there's any kind of similarity here, I disclaim it! I get inspired by a plethora of things, and I apologize if I forget to credit it. :P

Author's Note: So yah. A multi-chaptered fic revolving around my favorite character, Hotaru. Because doing a multi-chaptered fic about Mikan would probably make me want to tear my hair out. Beware of OOCness in this story, because it's AU and it's Hotaru. It's hard, okay?!

Sooo. Hopefully this is unlike anything you've ever read before. :D Because it's weird and set in the future and revolves around Hotaru rather than Mikan and stuff. And yerp, she's gonna have her name later on in the story, but it'll be given to her by someone special~ ;) Also: This may or may not be a HotaRuka story. I'm still kind of halfsies on that one, because I really don't like stories that revolve around romance, but GAWD HotaRuka must happen. But then there's still this side of me that's fighting for a multi-chaptered sci-fi NatsuHotaru, because hello, NO ONE has done that before.

This is the (sort of) prologue/introduction chapter, just for me to test the waters for this fic. I haven't planned it out at all, and I'm pretty sure I'll be terrible at updating, but hey, it's summer! :P I have no excuse now, I suppose.

Please be nice because I'm sensitive (even though I know that my writing is meh). I probably made a couple of mistakes, but I haven't gotten the time to fully proofread it, so please bear with me!

AND AND AND. Thank you for reading. Your readership makes me smile and give you a virtual hug. :3

I was created with the name Product 1034959229, in a sequestered laboratory off the coast of New Tokyo. For the purposes of explanation, I will provide you with a brief overview of what that means, and what my obligations are.

Where exactly I was created, I am not quite certain, for I myself do not recall the earlier stages of my growth process. All I know is that I was created solely for the purposes of filling the emptiness that humankind feels towards one another. My purple eyes were tailored to the desired shade of purple that was considered arousing for my future customers, and my hair was constantly kept in the chosen length to be desirable to other human beings. All throughout my life I have been fed ways to please—how to speak courteously and yet suggestively, how to be both innocent and tainted simultaneously.

That is not to say, however, that I am anything like a prostitute. The key difference between such an individual and a Product like myself is that we are created solely for companionship—whether that is for one night, or for a lifetime. Prostitutes, however, have the liberty of choice. She may become anything she wants to be if she so desires to leave that line of work. She may love.

I, on the other hand, cannot love; I simply satisfy my requirements. It is not written in my contract to have any such sentiments toward individuals who are not my customers. Ever since I received my contract on my thirteenth birthday, it had been clear to me what my sole purpose was.

Correction—I suppose I never truly had a birthday, since I had never truly been born. And I suppose that notion did permeate my mind on certain occasions, but as a Product it was in my contract not to question my position in society. A rule that I had followed—closely, I might add—until the twentieth year after my production date.

Perhaps the reason for that is because at that point in my lifespan I had hit the end. There was something within me that had built up over my years of service under this system, and it had reached its zenith. Or, perhaps, there was a side of me that wanted to be human, not simply a Product—no matter what my contract said or what repercussions such a revolutionary thought would have had. I wanted to feel the sentiments that I was supposed to.

I wanted to love.

And perhaps I prayed for that wish so hard, that it had actually come true.

Because on my twentieth year, I met Ruka Nogi. And on that very same year, I fell in love.