Sorry for updating so soon! :C

ColdPlay- Yellow




Tavros' point of view.


Look at the stars,
Look how they shine for you,
And everything you do,
Yeah, they were all yellow.

You were laying on your back with him on the bed you two shared. Your head rested on his chest as you both looked at the glow-in-the-dark stars he had put on the ceiling during the second night you two moved into the house. He did it because he knew you loved star gazing.

Now, all he wanted to do was star gaze with you, because it hurt him to move too much. It hurt you to see him like this.

His skin was tinted yellow and the corners of his eyes were brownish.

Your husband, Gamzee Makara, had jaundice because of his alcohol abuse past. It made you sad, and there was always a painfully heavy weight on your heart when you'd hear him throw up in the bathroom, and that weight only pushed down more when you would see the blood on his lips and chin. The tears that roll down his cheeks as he holds his stomach in pain and the groaning and whining.

You hated seeing him like that, so you tried desperately to get a doctor to come see him, since he had a serious phobia of hospitals.

But they were too expensive, always asking too much.

I came along,
I wrote a song for you,
And all the things you do,
And it was called "Yellow".

Today was Gamzee's birthday, and you bought him a purple frosted chocolate cake. It had grey polka-dots and tiny faygo bottles the size of a thumb nail at each corner. The words said Happy Birthday baby and when you walked him into the living room, hands over his eyes, then showed him the cake, he let out the happiest sound you had heard in years.

He sat at the small table and you at his side. He looked at every detail of the cake, his smile widening and his eyes watering.

"Thank you Tav, you really know how to make a motherfucker happy.." Gamzee said looking up at you. His ocean blue iris' had an Indigo tint around his black pupils, and they sparkled a lot more than they had in the past couple of years.

You leaned forward and cupped his cheek, "I love you Gamzee, always have, always will." You say before leaning in and kissing him. You can feel him smile against your lips and then push into the kiss with more effort and passion. Then you pull away and smile at him.

"I wrote a song for you." You say sweetly as you run your fingers through his hair. He smiles and pulls your hand from his hair to kiss the back of it.

"Can I hear it." Gamzee asks looking up at you. Your heart jumps, like it always did when he would say things in that amorous tone.

"It's called Yellow." You say as you pull out a folded up paper from your pocket. He gives you a look and you begin grinning.

"Is it by Coldplay?" He says as if you're in trouble. You giggle.

"No!" You say as you open the page fully. You clear your throat as you begin reading. "Look at the stars, look how they shine for you-"

"Stop!" Gamzee says giggling. You look over the top of the page and meet his eyes with fake anger. "That is Coldplay. You know I love that song." He says leaning forward and kissing you. You kiss back and hold on to his shoulders with a firm grip. His hands move to your waist and his fingers slip under your shirt, but that's when you pull away.

"Your cake Gamzee." You say pointing at the cake. He looks from you to the cake and stares at it. He seems upset as he nods, and you know why. He thinks you're disgusted by the thought of having sex with him while he's sick. You're not really, you just don't want him over-exhausting himself.

So then I took my turn,
Oh what a thing to have done,
And it was all yellow.

You decided that if anything was going to happen, it would have to be done in the easiest way. He just glared at you, assuming you were calling him weak. You told him you didn't think he was weak, you just didn't want him getting tired. He left you alone in the living room and locked himself up in the bedroom.

You covered your face with your hands and groaned into them. There were only two slices cut out of the cake, and Gamzee hadn't even finished his slice.

You lifted your head and dragged your hand down your face, cupping your chin as you pondered over the choices you could make.

Leave him, and let him sleep? Going in there, and please him, show him that you still loved him even if he really was weak? Bring him his slice of cake and convince him to let you in so you two could talk out your angers?

You grabbed his plate and left for the bedroom. You knocked on the door softly and rested your head on the wooden frame.

"Gamzee, let me in please, we should talk." You say softly. You hear the bed move but no footsteps so you knock again. "Gamzee, babe…please." You plead against the wood. This time, a few minutes after the bed creaks you hear his soft, slow footsteps, and then the jiggling of the door knob. You step back and smile when your eyes meet his.

"Here, your cake." You say handing it to him and walking into the room. He shuts the door and turns to look at you. "Come sit with me please." You say patting the area on the bed beside you. He immediately does, obviously not angry with you anymore. You smile and brush his hair back.

He's taller than you, resulting in your constant craning of your neck, even when you're sitting side by side you have to tilt your head up just to stare into those ocean-Indigo eyes of his.

"Gamzee, you know… I honestly don't think your weak. I know you're strong. Every day you're able to get up from bed even though it hurts so much, and you laugh even though when you do it's painful. You help me cook, and clean, when I worry so much about your health. You're strong because you believe you're strong. Because you believe you're not weak." You pause and look at your hand. "I don't want to make you think you're weak, because you most definitely are not, but I want to take care of you. If it's too much work for you, if it hurts too much, I'll be here to take over, to help you." You say as you lace your fingers with his.

You hear him sigh and rest his head on your shoulder. "Okay Tavros."

Your skin,
Oh yeah your skin and bones,
Turn into
Something beautiful,
You know,
You know I love you so,
You know I love you so.

He was over you, loving you, kissing you, holding you, touching you, hugging you. Every now and then you heard him release a sound of pain, but you stopped asking if he was alright a while ago, seeing how he wouldn't respond. He just kept going, trying to be strong, trying to keep that memory alive. You were starting to worry though, because you didn't want him to hurt more than he was already. You loved him and needed him, and if you lost him…

You bury your face in his bare shoulder tighten your arms around him. You feel him tense as you start to cry, and then you're pushed back against the covers.

"What's wrong?" He asks quietly. The exhaustion he was feeling was clear in his face, and you wanted to tell him to stop, and rest, to relax because you were scared but you couldn't say anything because you were a blubbering mess. "Tav? Are you okay?" He asks frantically, "Did I hurt you?"

"I love you Gamzee. Please don't leave me." You plead between sobs. His eyes widen and his brows furrow.

"I won't, I promise." He promises against your cheek as he begins kissing you again. "You know…you know I love you so much Tavros. I won't leave you."

I swam across,
I jumped across for you,
Oh what a thing to do.
'Cause you were all yellow,

You were sitting on the edge of the bathtub, watching Gamzee relax into the heated water. You smiled when you saw him close his eyes and sigh, the hint of a smile on his lips. He was the most beautiful man you had ever seen, and even though he was sick now, discolored, and unhealthy, he was still beautiful to you. You were in love with Gamzee, and you didn't want to fall out of love with him, because you had been a broken heart and he was the replacement pieces. You were a brand new heart because of him.

"Tav" You hear him call out and you look up to meet his eyes. He's holding out a hand, and you place your hand in his. "Bathe with me." He whispers. You nod sweetly. It doesn't take you long to get undressed and step into the tub with him. He holds you against his chest as the water covers you like a blanket.

You could fall asleep with him as easily as you fell in love with him.

You came out of your daze though when you felt him shaking. You immediately knew he was silently crying.

"I don't think I'll last much longer." He says through sobs. You shut your eyes tightly as you feel tears swell up fast.

"Shut up. You promised me you wouldn't leave me, you don't break promises." You say trying to reassure yourself more than him.

"It hurts though, and I don't know how much more I can take Tav." He continues. You sit up look him dead in the eye.

"I know our wedding wasn't a big deal or anything, but to me it meant a lot. Every word I said back then, I meant it Gamzee. I will be with you through this sickness. Do you hear me. Every step of the way, I will be there with you. If you fall, go ahead, I will catch you, and I will help you back onto your feet. Because you're supposed to take good care of what is yours, and the day we married, I made you mine, and you made me yours. I am going to take good care of you so please…please don't say that."

I drew a line,
I drew a line for you,
Oh what a thing to do,
And it was all yellow.

You woke up early this morning with determination. He was still lying in bed, heavily asleep. You didn't bother waking him, you got dressed, pulled out some clothing for him and set it on the bed, then found the information you needed. You came back into the bedroom and called his name. It took him a moment to fully wake up, but the moment he sat up you yanked off his sleeping shirt and pulled the shirt you had set out for him over his head. You helped him dress , got his shoes then grabbed the papers and rushed him out to your car. You were going to take advantage of you week off, like you should have in the first place.

He's in the passenger's seat, asking what's going on, where you're taking him, but you don't have time to answer. You order breakfast through the McDonald's drive through then head out.

Gamzee catches on as soon as the large houses and clinics come into sight. He turns to look at you with a terrified look on his face.

"Please don't take me there." He pleads. You reach over and hold his hand, keeping your sight on the road you say "It's okay Gamzee, I'll be with you every step. I promise." You feel him relax a bit and you look over at him smiling. He smiles back, then leans forward and kisses you.


Your skin,
Oh yeah your skin and bones,
Turn into
Something beautiful,
And you know,
For you I'd bleed myself dry,
For you I'd bleed myself dry.

There were tears in your eyes as they took him away. You were baffled by all of the things wrong with him. Not only did he have jaundice, but he was having lung problems due to his drug abuse. You felt like your world was caving in. You were terrified of losing Gamzee, he was your life, your happiness, the person your built love with. You needed him to stay with you, you needed him to stay alive.

The doctor approached you and set a hand on your shoulder.

"It's alright, he has a very good chance of making it out alive. He's lucky you brought him here, any later and he may not have made it." He says warmly to you. His words aren't comforting though, the only thing that would be comforting would be Gamzee coming up to you and squeezing your nose between his thumb and index finger while saying Honk Honk!

"I'm going to need to you wait over here, it'll take about 2 hours at most." He says then walks off, leaving you standing in front of a row of blue stiff chairs along a hospital wall.

You sit slowly and clutch your hands together tightly, your breathing becoming rapid.

"Please….Please God…" You whisper into your hands. "Please don't take him away…I love him."

It's true,
Look how they shine for you,
Look how they shine for you,
Look how they shine for,
Look how they shine for you,
Look how they shine for you,
Look how they shine.

You met Gamzee in your astronomy class in 7th grade. You had just transferred to the school so you had no friends. You sat at your desk quietly and looked at the stars on the ceiling. You were so mesmerized that you didn't notice Gamzee had snuck up and taken the seat next to you.

"Fucking beautiful huh?" He said. You jumped and turned to look at him. Your sudden fear diminished when you saw his large toothy smile. "Didn't mean to scare you. My name's Gamzee." He said politely reaching out and offering his hand.

"Uh,,, T,Tavros…N,nice to meet y,you…" You said in a thick stutter. You saw his face redden and he smiled at you sweetly.

"You stutter a lot." He said, and you looked away bashfully. "But it's beautiful. Nothing more real than that Tavros." He continued. You looked up at him and watched as he turned his gaze up at the ceiling and started pointing out stars, going on and on about their formations and things you didn't understand but made him laugh to tears. You kept staring at him for a while, no one had ever said your stuttering was beautiful, well, no one even said anything polite about it. Even your dad told you to lose your stutter, then suggested you get into a debate group, maybe that would help.

"Honk, honk, Earth to Tavros!" Gamzee said waving his hand drastically in front of your face. "Most realist motherfucker in the Galaxy, hello?"

You smiled at his cheesy comments and grabbed his hand to stop his frantic waving and placed it on the desk.

"Uh, I, I hear you… Hehe,,, do you know w,what the Eagle Nebula is?" You asked him. He shrugged and shook his head.

"Not a clue Tav." He said. You felt so much excitement build up inside of you. You loved stars and star gazing, and if he was willing to listen you were willing to tell him EVERYTHING you knew.

"The Eagle Nebula is where, uh, stars are born!" You said excitedly, hands on your cheeks as you fanboyed. Gamzee laughed loudly and nodded.

"Cool, what's it look like over there?" He asked. You could tell he was intrigued. You smiled, a deep blush over your face, as you took out your book on stars you bought at Porrim's book store. You flipped through the page until you found the Eagle Nebula.

"Look." You say and show it to him. You stare at him, not sure of what this new feeling is as he looks at the picture.

His jaw literally dropped and his eyes widened. He stared at it amazed. You smiled again.

"Every dot," You emphasize by sticking your finger beside a dot, "Is a star being born. Isn't that amazing?" You say looking at him. He nods, still baffled.

"They're all about 45 light years away from each other." You say looking back at the book, "That's pretty,, pretty far away." You say and he smiles.

Yeah. 45 light years away. He'd be pretty far away from you if he died. 45 light years, and a whole other world away.

Look at the stars,
Look how they shine for you,
And all the things that you do.

Five years had past, and you still loved star gazing. Everything was the same as it had always been, only, Gamzee wasn't sick anymore, he wasn't hurting, he wasn't in pain. You were happy for him.

"I love you Gamzee." You say as you look over at him. He smiles at you before rolling onto his side and crawling over you.

"I think I love you even more." He says before leaning down and kissing you. "You're the realist motherfucker I know." And with that he laid back down beside you and gazed up at the ceiling.

After the hospital visit, you decided to redo the ceiling.

The entire ceiling was filled with all types of stars, and in the middle was a puzzle of the Eagle Nebula you had glued together. It was a large puzzle though, and it covered a lot of the ceiling.

When Gamzee came home for the first time in a month, and laid on his back, his eyes went wide and his jaw dropped. You stood in the door way and smiled at him.

"Every star, is another day I love you." You said before walking towards him and laying down with him.