Something I thought I'd try, since Percy and Sora are similar in personality, and they both hang out on an Island. Enjoy!
Chapter 1: The Dream
"I've been having these weird thoughts lately." Said a boy's voice; the boy looked to be 14 with black hair and a kind face, although his eyes are closed.
"Like is any of this for real, or not?"
The boy who the voice belonged to, then seemed to find himself falling, or more like drowning since he was in water. Then he was on a beach, the beach to his home and more specifically the beach to Camp Half-Blood, Long Island sound. The sun was shining in his green eyes so it was hard to see, but it was clear someone was standing in the water many feet in front of him. When the boy tried to approach the water's waves seemed to grow stronger. He squinted through the sun to see who was there. As he opened his eyes he saw a huge wave coming, and the person turned around revealing he to be his best friend! A boy with spiky blonde hair and was slightly taller than him the same type of clothes as him, an orange T-shirt and jeans. As the wave grew higher, his friend reached out his hand as gesture for him to take it. The boy ran forward but his friend was engulfed by the wave before he could reach him, but the boy was swallowed as well. Now both of them being underwater the friend still extended his hand, but it is even harder for the boy to reach him with the current pushing against him and the boy is eventually pushed away.
When the boy rises to the surface of the water it is sunset, and he turns to see his other friend-a girl with blonde curly hair and wearing an orange T-shirt and jean shorts – is waiting on the beach for him. She waves to him and calls him over, and he runs over to her. When he makes it there she laughs at his tiredness and him being wet before looking up to the sky startled. He turns and looks to see many lights falling from the sky, and among those lights is a person. As he looks closer he can see that the person is himself! Startled he falls backward; his friend tries to grab him and misses. He falls and he keeps falling downward into the sky, then the water, the last thing he sees is her face.
He falls and as he starts to gently float towards the ground he opens his eyes. He lands softly on the ground feet first and he is no longer surrounded by water. He takes one step on the ground and it bursts in an array of coloured light turning the dirt into glass, it shows the image of a princess with black ebony hair, red lips, white skin, and a yellow gown. She was holding an apple and was surrounded by seven dwarfs. The remaining pieces of dirt turned into birds and fly away.
Then a mysterious voice seemed to fill the air, and talk to the boy. So much to do... So little time... It said, Take your time... Don't be afraid. The Door is still shut. Whatever that meant now step forward, Can you do it? Of course I can, what kind of question was that? So he stepped forward a few steps, as he made it toward the center a light shone down on him, and 3 pillars appeared. On each of the pillars was an object; one was a sword, another was a shield, and the other was a wand.
The voice spoke again Power sleeps within you, if you give it form, it'll give you strength. Choose well. He walked over to the sword; it was long and sharp, basically like a sword. He jumped up onto the platform and picked up the floating object, the voice spoke The power of the warrior, invincible courage, a sword of terrible destruction. As he looked closer he noticed that every object had a Greek omega symbol on it. Is this the power you seek? The voice asked, the offer seemed great, but he wanted to check out his other options, so he shook his head.
He walked over to the shield and jumped up onto the platform, the shield was black with a red omega in the middle. He picked up the shield; the voice said The power of the guardian, kindness to aid friends, a shield to repel all. Is this the power you seek? Again he shook his head, and then he walked over to the wand.
He jumped up onto the staff's platform; the staff had a green handle with a blue cyclical shaped head. The power of the mystic, Inner strength, a staff of wonder and ruin, said the voice Is this the power you seek? He decided to go with the sword, so he shook his head and went over and grabbed the sword. Your path is set, said the voice. Now what will you give up in exchange? He looked around the floor at the other two platforms, he was never that good at magic so he'd be willing to give that up. So he went across the room and grabbed the staff, it disappeared in his hands. You have given up the power of the mystic, is this the form you choose? He nodded. You have chosen the path of the warrior, you have given up the path of the mystic and as of that moment all the platforms sunk around him, so he jumped off and ran to the center. When he did, the floor shattered and he fell into the darkness along with the shattered glass.
Then finally, he floated down to another glass floor. This one was dark purple and had a princess in a blue gown standing in front of a staircase on it. Her hair was back in a bun with a black headband. When he landed on the floor the sword appeared in his hands you have gained the power to fight.He swung the sword, that's right! You got it! Use this power to protect yourself and others. Some monsters appeared on the floor, they were mostly made up of inky blackness and yellow beady eyes. There will be times when you will have to fight. Keep your light burning strong. He slashed through the monsters with ease, leaving puddles of inky blackness in their place. The puddles quickly swallowed him.
When he finally fought off the puddle he was on a new floor. This floor didn't have anybody on it, just many weird symbols. He got up off the floor and looked around; he saw a light shining on a door. He tried to open the door but it wouldn't budge, "I can't open it..." he thought.
He looked up for help only to see a light shining on a chest. He went over to the chest and tapped it, it opened to reveal a bright light, but then it disappeared. A crate appeared, he went over and pushed it, but then decided that pushing the crate was wasting time, so he smashed it with his sword. An item fell out of the chest and he pocketed it knowing it was meant for him since no one else was around. Then a barrel appeared and he attacked it, but when it wouldn't smash he threw it across the floor for empathises.
Then the door that seemed only holographic before turned into a solid form. He went over and opened the door and was blinded by a bright light, before he entered the room. When he walked through it he was back at his home world. He was in the dining arena, where some of his friends were sitting. Right away he saw his friend Selena sitting down looking around dreamily. Hold on, the door won't open just yet. Said the voice, Great he thought warily. First tell me more about yourself, he walked over to Selena and started speaking to her. "What's most important to you?" she asked, he thought about it and then he answered "My Friends." She smiled and said "That's sweet." But it was the truth, someone had told him that not too long ago, he turned to Nico "What are you most afraid of?" Nico asked, he thought about it before answering "Being indecisive." Nico smirked and then he asked, "What's so scary about that?" The boy wasn't sure; he just had dreams of making the wrong decisions. He turned to Charlie Beckendorf, Beckendorf asked him "What do you want out of life?" again he thought before answering "Being strong." enough to protect others. He thought, Beckendorf replied "To be strong, huh?" The boy nodded and turned away. You want friendship, you want to make the right choices, and you want to be strong. The voice said. Your adventure begins at dawn. As long as the sun is shining, your journey should be a pleasant one. "Sounds good." The boy replied, the voice continued The day you will open the door is both far off, and very near. There was a flash of bright light, and he was standing back on the glass floor.
This floor had a blonde haired princess on it. The princess was sleeping, in a purple gown, and was surrounded by 3 fairies and a landscape of thorns. A light was shining on the center of the floor, slowly the boy approached it. Monsters surrounded him again, he quickly drew his sword. He knew how to fight them. He defeated them and a circle of light appeared on the floor in front of him. He stood on it and he felt energized, safer somehow. The light circle then moved out from under his feet, and over to the edge of the floor, a pathway appeared, angling upward to a platform above him.
He was on another glass floor with a princess on it; this one was wearing a yellow dress and had brown hair. She was very beautiful, with some sort of beast behind her. Shining on the glass was a light; the boy approached the light slowly. The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes the voice said. The boy turned around to see what it was talking about. Behind him was a long and narrow shadow of himself, but to his surprise the shadow got up and turned into a huge monster.
The boy backed away scared, but don't be afraid the voice chided. The monster sprouted claw like arms, the boy kept backing away. The monster grew pointed feet, the boy still backed away...and don't forget. The boy looked to the monsters face; it had long shadowy tendrils for hair and glowing yellow eyes. The boy turned and ran; he made it to the edge and almost fell off into the chasm. He turned around; the monster was now standing at full height with a hole in his chest shaped like a heart. He was closing in, and the boy had nowhere to run. He drew his sword to fight it.
He ran, swiped, and slashed, but he was no use for the monster. The boy jumped back and his sword disappeared, he jumped back again as the monster's foot came down where he once stood. He fell backward, the monster came closer. Darkness swirled underneath where the boy sat, he inched backward trying to get away. –But don't be afraid the voice echoed, the boy began sinking in the darkness, and it slowly started to swallow him. The monster moved closer, You hold the mightiest weapon of all it continued, the boy thrashed in the darkness trying to avoid being swallowed, the monster moved in to help swallow him. The darkness surrounded his hand, So don't forget: the darkness started to surround his face.
When he could see nothing but darkness, the face finally said
You are the one...who will open the door.
So there's my first chapter. What did you think? Don't forget to leave a review.