A/N: /T/: I'm just gonna say now, THIS CHAPTER IS NOWHERE NEAR AS LONG AS CHAPTER 1. Its only some 7 thousand words. We've been pretty braindead recently and shit.But I hope the contents of this chapter makes up for its short length. .-.
Later, that night...
Through his hand, a loud moan easily escaped Karkat's mouth, while the other hand held tightly on the covers (which they are under). He had this coming.
Gamzee grinned slightly evilly, and leaned down to his ear, "2 and a half screams from me... 25 from you," he whispered, then bit Karkat's kittymark on his neck, then rubbed the other.
Karkat bit his lip, hard, letting out another loud moan. How was that fair?! Nonetheless, Karkat was prepared for Gamzee's revenge... but he really didn't know what he was up against. He easily realized his mistake. Plus, the others were listening; he could hear them whisper to each other!
"Hey Karkles! Pull his hair! Pull his hair! He fuckin' loves that shit!" Tavros shouted, obviously amused.
Gamzee glared harshly at Tav, "Should I tell Sol that certain PLACE I found on you~?" He wasn't kidding. He would. And is going to. "Sol, right behind Tav's ear." Gamzee looked back down at Karkat, and kissed him.
Sol looked over at Tav curiously... then leaned over and nipped behind Tav's ear.
Tavros made a short yelp, and glared back at Gamzee. "I still have dirt on you, asshole!"
"Do you now~?"
"The entire reason you're being rough on Karkles there~ I feel a little bad for him... He's not gonna be able to walk for a while now is he?"
This made Gamzee stop, and look over at Tav with a fearful expression. "You... Did not. Did you?" The tone he was talking with said he wasn't kidding. "Oh god..." Gamzee pulled the blanket all the way over them, covering their heads.
"Nope. Not yet... I just might now that you told Sollux that."
"Oh my fucking god..." Karkat groaned, annoyed.
Gamzee sighed, "Do whatever you want." He gently kissed Karkat's neck again, then started again.
"Alright." Tavros turned to the others. "Karkat managed to make Gamzee scream during sex. Not once, but twice, and a half~"
Gamzee felt his face go red, and he just continued what he was doing.
Nepeta however, crawled over to Tav and sat on his lap, "Did you record it~?!" She giggled. Obviously she wanted to hear.
Sol too, leaned over onto Tav. "Did you~?"
"Hell to the fucking yeah I did! Its not everyday Gamzee lets a little shrimp top him, and make him scream!" Tavros pulled out the tape recorder, and started playing it.
By some twist of luck, right when Gamzee screamed in the recording, Karkat screamed louder, followed by heavy panting and moaning, then another scream! All in a matter of moments! Scream, moaning, scream, moaning, scream, moaning. Just like that!
Nep pouted, then looked over at the two, "No fu-" she paused, hearing Gamzee on the recording whimper. "Oh my~"
Sol grinned evilly. "Holy Fuck."
Gamzee just grinned at Karkat, "Told you I'd get payback."
Karkat couldn't even make the pronunciation of a goddamn letter. All Gamzee got in reply was heavy panting, drool leaking down the side of Karkat's mouth, and a very very absolutely cutely submissive, red face.
Dave had gotten an insta-boner, and went off to hide to jack off. I'm... yeah. /M/ dont worry we dont hate dave. Youll see what we are doing to make up for this in a few minutes
"Oh my..." Equius said softly, intrigued by how, cutely Karkat screamed.
Gamzee grinned, "I haven't heard a scream-moan like that since Equius~"
Equius had a light blush appear on his face. "O-oh... Why would you say something like that, Gamzee?"
"Its only the truth, and its not like I haven't made everyone in here scream or anything. You forget... I've been shoved in that room with everyone but that fucking Strider. His brother, doesn't count."
"Fuck you asshole!" Dave shouted from a little distance.
"Glady! Get your ass in here and I will!" Gamzee shouted back, then gave a hard thrust into Karkat.
Karkat let out another scream, holding onto Gamzee tightly, tears streaming down his face, in pleasure, of course... along with the drool.
Gamzee looked down at Karkat, "Only 6 more~" he leaned down, and gave him more hickeys.
Karkat released completely uncontrolled moans. He didn't even try to change their volume, they just came out. His eyes were half lit, and you can see them glazed over with lust and pleasure. Hell, even his brain was coated in it! He didn't want 6 more, he wanted so much more. He even mouthed 'more', but he couldn't voice it.
"Gladly~" Gamzee smirked, "But I'm keeping the blanket up, this face is mine only."
Karkat made some form of whimpering sound, but in agreement, then continued his moans and pants.
Sol sat on Tav's lap, and grinned at him.
Gamzee looked down at Karkat, then leaned in and lightly kissed him, wiping the drool away.
Karkat kissed back, still holding onto him as if for dear life.
Gamzee grinned, then massaged Karkat's hips.
Karkat let out a long, shaky moan, arching his back some. He couldn't feel his toes.
Gamzee smiled, then stopped.
Karkat immediately noticed, and looked up at him with a confused expression.
"If you can't feel a limb its time to stop," he whispered to where the others couldn't hear.
Sol looked over to Eq, then sighed. "Tav~ I'm tho boooored..." he said, leaning in and kissing behind his ear. "Entertain me?"
Karkat nodded softly, then pushed his face into Gamzee's chest, holding him tightly.
Tavros' shoulder twitched, and he looked at him. "How would you like to be entertained?"
Gamzee laid next to him, and held him close.
"Mm.. that'th up to you," Sol moved so he was pressed right up against Tav, then lightly bit the same spot.
Nep heard something- no... someone. It sounded like a boy about... maybe 16. She walked over to the ladder, and listened carefully. "Oh my..." she whispered, then walked over to Karkat, and sat next to him. "Karkitty... Karkitty!"
"Nnnnnnnnnggghaaarrrggghhhh..." he groaned, cuddling more into Gamzee.
Tavros held back a yelp, before pinning Sollux to the floor. "Alright then~"
"Theres a boy... he's sobbing his eyes out. Can I... go see? Please?" She honestly sounded worried... "Please?"
Sol smirked at him, then heard when Nep said. "God fucking DAMN IT!" He groaned and sat up again. "Every fucking time there turnth out to be a way to interrupt uth."
Karkat really wasn't wanting to deal with putting up a fight. "Nnngh... fiiine..." Though his lust cleared up.
Tavros rolled his eyes and plopped back down on his ass.
Nepeta got up, then went out and over to the boy. "Hello..?" She asked, then saw him sitting in the corner covered in cuts and bruises. "Oh my..." she hurried over. "Are you okay?"
He looked up at her, cuts all around his face, eyes streaming tears. He shook his head not being able to talk because he had a busted lip.
She pulled him over into a hug, and pet his back gently. "Did you run away from those who did this?"
He simply nodded.
She sighed, then picked him up. "Come on," she lead him into the room that they were staying in, set him down then went back and locked all the shit again. She pulled him to a chair, then started cleaning his wounds. "You're a mess... who did this?"
Once he calmed down enough to talk, he did. "Parents... schoolmates..." he sat there, and shivered. "I-I'm sorry..."
"No, no... its fine. Its perfectly fine." She looked over at Eq, and then to a coat. Asking him to bring it over.
Equius nodded, bringing said coat and putting it over the boy. "I do hope you are alright, strange boy."
"M-my name is John..." he held the jacket closer, and Gamzee sat up and looked over at him.
Gamzee looked down at Karkat, then back at John, then down at Karkat. "Dave! Get in here!"
Sol walked over to John, and looked over his now taken care of wounds. "Wow Nep. Thuch a good job. You're like a mother."
"I try," she giggled, then gently cupped John's face. "You can stay here with us, that is if you would like."
He quickly nodded, then looked over to Gamzee and Karkat. "Wait... Kar...kat?"
"Uuugggghhhhh... What the fuck is it now?!" Karkat groaned, turning over with narrowed eyes, which widened upon seeing John. He shot up, holding himself in that position with an arm. "JOHN?! What the fucking hell are you doing here?!"
Dave had walked in the room, but remained silent.
John stared at him, "They started using knives after you left you know... Not even sharp ones. Dull ones, making it worse..."
"I didn't leave, I got arrested. And why of all the fuckasses there, would they target you?! Actually, no, scratch that, probably stupid reasons like for me." Karkat tried to stand, but yelped in pain as he failed. "Damnit!" This is what he gets for embarrassing Gamzee.
Gamzee pulled Karkat close again, "Doesn't matter, he's staying here Karkat. No ifs, ands or buts. Kay?" Gamzee rubbed a kittymark under the blanket. "Okay~?"
Nep gently pet Johns hair, "Karkat how old ARE you? If you went to school with him before you got arrested... you- oh my god. Gamzee!" She fell over laughing.
"Stop laughing you dumbass. I'm 18. If I wasn't, I wouldn't of gone to prison, let alone a goddamn sex prison where I met you crazy fuckasses!"
Gamzee looked at Karkat, hurt. "Y-you're so mean Karkat..." he said, -coughfakecough- tears falling down his face.
"Ahh! Fuck, Gamzee! I wasn't referring to you as a fuckass! Fuuuuck." He still wasn't the comforter type.
"I'm fuckin with ya. We are insane. And da-" Gamzee stopped, seeing the expression on John's face when he saw Dave. Gamzees expression quickly changed to: O_O
John stared at Dave, not able to look anywhere else.
Dave was munching on a sandwich, when he noticed Gamzee's expression. He turned to John and saw him staring. "'Sup. Name's Dave."
"I-I know... who you are." John looked away, then over at Nep.
"She is, and she's a prostitute. Don't think of trying anything funny with her; if she doesn't claw your ass out herself, Equius would snap your neck," Karkat said. Since he had started, might as well finish. "Try anything funny with me, and Gamzee here will fuck you up the ass with a rusty katana, just ask Dave, he almost went there. Tavros there is insane, and just don't bother with lispy."
"I'm not a woman type," John said, "So that wouldn't be a problem. And uh... makes sense. Oh, Karkat." John stood up, and took something out of his pocket, then tossed it over. "Those are yours." Dogtags... Military dog tags. Why would Karkat...?
Gamzee looked at them, then smiled at Karkat. "You kept them..."
"Of course I fucking did- How the hell did you get these?!"
John smiled at Karkat. "I figured I'd run into you sooner or later. Power of lock picking is how. You're welcome..." John said, sitting down again. "I gotta admit... They had them pretty well hidden."
"Of fucking course they fucking did! They were motherfucking assholes and wanted to make me suffer in any and every way possible. Once they found out I was gay, they had more fucking ammunition against me!"
"Never got why those were so important to you. But you never let them out of your sight, so... eh."
Gamzee held Karkat close. "You never... really?"
"Of course I didn't... And John, the reason they meant so much to me, is because they were all I had left in memory of Gamzee, several fucking years ago. So I was so fucking pissed when they were ripped from me. Of course, no one gave a shit to help me get them back."
"Obviously I did, but I couldn't when they were all surrounding me. I waited till I could, sorry it took so long."
"Whatever... Thanks for getting them back anyway. Oh, and I bet you're fuckin' wondering... 'If I was arrested, what am I doing here?' Well we escaped. We're wanted escapees. Don't even think of ratting us out."
"Wouldn't dream of it."
"Good." Karkat sighed, clutching the tags tightly.
Gamzee gently tilted Karkat's head up to his, and kissed him gently. "I'm so happy you kept them."
Karkat put them, finally, back around his neck, and gave Gamzee a small smile. "Of course I fucking did."
Dave, decided among himself, to go sit next to John. "...Sup."
John looked over at Dave, "Hi."
Gamzee hugged Karkat, holding him close.
Karkat hugged back.
"So what brings you to this place anyway?"
"Well... would you stay in a house if you had a knife and gun pointed at you?"
Gamzee felt tears slid down his face again, this time real.
"Err... not what I really meant bro... I meant, why choose here to run to?"
Karkat looked up, and wiped away Gamzee's tears, and greeted him with another small smile.
"Dunno... just kinda... ran. You know?"
Gamzee smiled at him, then kissed his forehead.
"Oh... I guess that somehow ironically makes sense."
Karkat, still oh so very pained in the hips and ass, laid back down with a sigh.
"I take it Karkat found this place. Am I right?" John asked, then looked over at the two men on the bed.
"Apparently. He said that his drunk, abusive father was gonna beat his ass if he didn't run away, some 5 years ago. That's when he found this place, and explored it, and found the secret passages."
"Thats funny...the one I found as actually just a few... doors away. but nothing works. I found it around 4 years ago."
"Whoever the hell lived here must of been impressive..."
"Agr-uuuuuhhh..." John stopped, seeing Tav and Sol glaring at him. "Did.. I interrupt something...?"
"Yes, you did, actually. Me and fuckin' Sollux were about to get down after Karkles and Gamz finished their rough sex, but nooooo. Nepeta had to go find a little insufficient boy covered in pathetic looking small wounds. I wouldn't be so pissed if you were, oh I don't know... missing an arm or something! Though, I am a psychopath," Tavros snapped.
"Hey, don't stop because of me. Go for it," John said awkwardly.
Sol looked over at Tav, and smirked.
"Alright then," Tavros said. He then laid on his back and rolled over to Sollux. Yes... rolled.
Sol pulled the blanket over them- all the way over. He grinned at Tav, then rubbed behind his ear like Tav as a cat, massaging the kitty mark.
John looked over at Dave, then up at the ceiling.
Dave sighed, slouching over. "We escaped from a sex prison. They enforce sex every two days... and I wasn't there long enough to get anything... So, these guys are used to having sex often..."
Tavros jokingly went "mrow~" because of how his ear was being scratched, and licked Sollux's cheek just because.
Gamzee laughed at the noise, "No no Tav, you did it wrong. Its he cleared his throat, then mewled adorably. "Like that."
Sol smirked (again) and rubbed it harder.
John looked at Dave again, "How long were you there?"
"Half a day."
Tavros chuckled. "You just wanna get your grubby hands on this fine piece of ass~" he said, raising his rear in the air and shaking it like he just doesn't care.
Sol wrapped his legs around Tavs waist, pulling his hips back down. "Mine," he said then kissed him.
"Not even a whole day? Damn... How long were the rest of-"
Nep sat on him, then covered his mouth, "Don't even finish. Gamzee and Tav were in there for 3 or 4 years, me and Eq 3, Karkat maaaybe a week? Sol- I have no idea. I think his dad owned the place or something."
"About a week and a half. Get it right," Karkat said.
"Ooh~" Tavros brought his hips lower, and rolled them on Sollux's. "Is this better~?"
"Ah..." he looked up at Nep, "You are like... the mother figure? Right?"
She giggled and nodded.
Sollux smirked, "Very much tho."
Gamzee was still holding Karkat close to his chest, and had fallen asleep, because... well... he was tired as fuck.
"Nope... Not even a whole day."
"Alrighty then~" Tavros said, kissing Sollux again, and ran his hands up Sollux's torso.
Karkat fell asleep too. Didn't take much.
With all that was going on, Equius appeared behind Nepeta and put her in his lap, arms around her.
Nepeta giggled, then looked up at him.
Sollux purred, raking his nails up Tav's back.
"Aa-ahhh...!" Tavros moaned. As an act of revenge, he twerked both Sollux's nipples, because Gamzee and Karkat don't seem to do that for some reason... /T/: /MMMM/...
mrow~? you called? ^^''
Sol bit his lip, then slid his hands down the scratches, soothing them.
"Heh~" Tavros slid down to Sollux's neck, and gave him hickeys, on both sides.
=Time skip a few hours=
Nepeta smirked at Tav, "I always thought you were the rough kind, never expected you to be a slower one."
"That, my dear, would be my fault," Gamzee said, now awake but holding a sleeping Karkat.
"How would...?" John started.
"The guards made me and him do it not knowing we are brothers. It was hilarious, their reaction to finding out I mean."
Sol, however, just cuddled into Tav and fell asleep.
"Yep. Gamzee's fault," Tavros said, petting Sollux's hair.
"This is indeed odd news," Equius said, Nepeta still in his lap.
Nepeta cuddled into him, and purred. But when she saw Dave look over at John, she snuck over- and pushed them into a kiss, then sat back down quickly.
Dave's eyes shot wide, as his face got red. Boy isn't he gonna flip some shit at Nepeta.
John's eyes also went wide, then he noticed Dave wasn't pulling away, and his eyes slipped shut.
Things began connecting in his brain, since he saw John's eyes closed. He couldn't get near Karkat. Obviously John likes him. He also had some weird feelings about John. With connections made, Dave closed his eyes, and started running his hands up John's sides.
Nepeta sat back against Eq, and just watched it play out.
John slid his arms around Dave's neck, and I'm going to slap /T/ in the face with another old friend relationship. "And yet- still doesn't remember me... oh well..."
"He seems familiar..." Dave thought, bringing his hands up to John's nipples, twisting them gently.
John squeaked, "D-Dave..."
"Heh... so this is what everybody else has been getting in on. I can see why..." Dave said, doing it again.
John grabbed Dave's hands. "Only if you remember..."
"All I know is, you look familiar."
John sighed, then kissed him again, "Close enough."
"Heh... I have an empty bed if you wanna take this over there."
"Not... like we haven't.. done this before.. so.. sure."
Nep looked up at Eq, "Are we the only two that haven't...?"
"Oh...I believe so," Equius replied.
"Wait what?" Dave asked.
John sighed, "Exactly what I mean. I'm surprised how much you've forgotten even though its only been like... lets see.. I'm 19 so...4 years?"
Nep smiled at him, then kissed him gently.
"Uhh.. what? Dude I'm not sure what the hell you're spouting. Is there really something I'm supposed to be remembering?"
Equius kissed back.
John stared into Dave's eyes, "You. Me. Bedroom. Thats all you actually should remember. Anywhore, I was a close friend then we both moved. Then moved back."
Nep slid her arms around Eq's neck. I just realised we haven't done a malexfemale ._. like... ever. I know.
"Did you seriously just say 'anywhore'?"
"Yes?" i claim that. ive said that for years.
Dave sighed, pulling him the rest of the way, falling down onto the bed, dragging John down with him, then pinned him to the bed. "Then how about we just refresh my memory?"
"Cando~"(no space, one word.) John smiled up at him.
And with that, Dave pulled John's shirt over his head, and went straight for the neck.
John squeaked, then grinned.
Dave started biting down, giving John a couple of hickeys.
John blushed, and sighed.
Dave pulled back and looked down at him. "What's with the sigh?"
"Oh really now?" Dave asked, running his hands up John's sides again, then back down, sliding under the hem of his pants, and boxers.
"Hmmm... I wonder... Everybody seems to have some sort of weak spot on their body..." Dave's hands began exploring John's body for a kittymark.
John slid Dave's hand to his back, "Try there."
Dave smirked, and began running both hands along John's back.
"Bingo." Dave motioned his fingers in circles on the newly found kittymark.
~and just to fuck with yall, character swiiiitch~
Gamzee looked down at Karkat, then smiled as he started to wake up.
"Nnnn..." Karkat groaned a little groggily, as he opened his eyes. He yawned, rubbing them.
"You won't have to deal with Dave anymore," he said, smiling down at him.
"Good..." Karkat replied, sitting completely up, stretching and popping his back. "It feels so fucking nice to get more sleep."
"I'm glad," he said, giving Karkat a loving kiss. "Hows your ass?" he laughed slightly.
"Still hurts like a motherfucker... Nngh.." Karkat answered, rubbing his hips.
"Mm..." Gamzee leaned down and kissed his cheek.
"You really didn't show any mercy... I had it coming though..." Karkat said. "Though... he didn't actually make me scream as many times as he intended... plus, he still has dirt on me now that MY dirt on him is out in the open..."
Gamzee smirked, "I told you I would."
"Yeah yeah... Can't say it wasn't painfully enjoyable... Fuck.. did that really just come out of my mouth?"
"Yes, yes it did."
Karkat sighed. "I'm hungry... Can you, uh... go, get me something?"
"Of course," Gamzee got up, and got Karkat something to eat.
Karkat sighed. "God fucking damnit... I didn't expect not being able fuckin' stand would suck so much..." he said to himself. Still, he thought that it will be worth it. The worst thing that can happen is the cops finding them when he is immobile.
Gamzee came back, and handed the food to Karkat then sat next to him.
"Thanks..." Karkat said, and started to eat. It was to some extent quiet... As in, everybody was moaning pretty much in different parts of the underground area.
Gamzee grinned then sighed. "Rather quiet don't you think?"
"Yeah... Though, better than what I grew up with."
"I don't doubt that..." Gamzee kissed Karkat's cheek, then laid down.
"You do realize, if John doesn't leave this place, the cops are gonna think we kidnapped and possibly killed him; because most of society are ignorant dumbasses."
Karkat sighed, setting aside the food he finished... I don't know what the hell he ate cause /M/ didn't specify. He started petting Gamzee's hair softly.
Gamzee purred, and looked up at Karkat submissively.
"I hope you aren't taunting me because we both know too well I can't do anything."
"Mmm... yea I know. Sadly."
"You, on the other hand, can do whatever the fuck you want. I'd be in no suitable position to resist... not that I would.."
"I know you wou-... is... John... oh my god. Dave's being topped!" he fell off the bed laughing.
"Oh shit man! Hurry up and get me over there!" Karkat said, before he lost it too.
Gamzee smirked and pointed, them being visible. "l-look"
"HEY SHUT UP YOU A- Aahhh!" Dave tried to shout, then was cut off by a moan.
This only made Karkat laugh harder.
John grinned, and went at a certain angle that he should get a scream in 3...2...
"AA-AAHH~!" Dave screamed, clinging onto John.
Gamzee laughed harder, "John has my respect!"
"Mine fucking too. DO IT AGAIN! I have a phone stashed here somewhere; it can record..." Karkat said, looking around and searching to the best of his mobility.
Gamzee found it and handed it to him.
John looked down at Dave, and grinned wider.
Karkat quickly turned it on and started recording.
Dave whimpered, knowing that he was never gonna be allowed to live this down.
John did it again, then bit his neck.
Dave let out another scream, back arching and him gripping John's hair. Poor hair. Dave's sorry for you.
"Fucking perfect," Karkat said, with a shit-eating grin.
"Mm.." Gamzee just stared at them.
John smirked again, and kept doing that.
Dave gave pretty much the same responses Karkat had given Gamzee prior.
And Karkat caught it all on film. "I'm gonna have so much fun blackmailing his dumb ass."
Gamzee took it from Karkat, stopping it. He then kissed him deeply.
Karkat was conflicted to break away right then and there to bite at him for doing that, and kissing back... then bite at him for doing that. Seeing that Gamzee would be hurt with option 1, he chose option 2, and kissed him back.
Gamzee pushed Karkat down onto the bed.
"What is he...?" Karkat thought, though not challenging or resisting him.
Gamzee looked down at him, "You're enjoying that too much."
"The fact he's getting topped and I can watch... yes. The fact I can see his 'little buddy' flinging everywhere? No not really."
Gamzee licked his cheek. "Nn-nn. Doesn't matter. Mine."
"Heh... Yeah, everyone knows I'm yours. This giant hickey you won't let go away is proof enough."
"Speaking of..." Gamzee looked over at it, and made it bigger.
"Nn... Its big enough Gamzee!" Karkat moaned.
"You don't see me giving you hickeys the size of my fist, now do you?"
"Motherfuckin' go for it bro~"
"I... Well fuck... That... Whatever!" Karkat should've expected a response like that to begin with. Sighing in defeat, Karkat brought his mouth up to the hickey he had left on Gamzee's kitty mark, not only reviving it, but making it bigger. Take that Gamzee!
"Nn... You're only makin' your ass hurt more~"
Sol woke up, and looked up at Tav, not expecting him to be awake.
"Oh, because its visible? Maybe I'm into shit like that. Here... Let me show you my way of giving you a 'Challenge Accepted'." Karkat said, going down his neck, giving more noticeable hickeys.
Gamzee smirked at him, "I could just not fuck you till you beg. I can wait months~" he threatened.
"Hey hey hey~" Tavros said.
"Oh you asshole. Well fine, I haven't had any sexual pleasure before meeting you in prison... Try and you'll be the one begging ME."
"Oh you have a point there..." Gamzee - 0, Karkat - 1.
Sol looked up at Tav sadly, realizing Tav hadn't once said that he loved him.
"What's the matter?"
"I- itth jutht-... do.. you love me...?"
Tavros raised an eyebrow. "Of fucking course I do. Didn't think you were the type who needed words for reassurance."
"Damn right I have a point."
"I'm not.. but it would be nithe to hear the wordth onthe in a while... you know?"
Gamzee laid his head on Karkat's chest. "You're one smart motherfucker."
Tavros lightly poked Sollux in the forehead. "If you wanted me to say it, you coulda asked bro." He had said this with a smirk.
"I was not given any placement to be stupid, so I had to grow up being smart.. to whatever extent that is 'cause the schools were horrible."
"I know I know..." Sol said, then put his head in Tav's neck.
"I know the feel bro. I really do."
Tavros started petting Sollux's hair, saying repeatedly, "Petting the bee~ Petting the bee~"
"Life's a bitch. And we can't stay down here forever... The lack of sun will kill us."
"No it won't, but we can get to Canada and be fine."
Sol smiled, then looked up at him. "I love you Tav..."
"Love you too man~"
"Canada? Okay okay okay... There are so many aspects we need to consider here. Its not as easy as 'oh hey lets go to Canada' and bam we're in Canada. As soon as everyone stops sexying it up with everyone else we can form a goddamn plan if thats what we're gonna do."
"I'd personally like to stay here... but thats just me. We could go ninja turtle status. And like... learn shit like that and BAM. Insta heros." Karkat might have forgotten... but. Gamzee fucking loves super heroes. I taught him so well... -wipes tear-
Sol sighed softly, "I haven't heard thothe wordth in a long time..."
"We can't stay unless we can get our hands on a life-time supply of Vitamin D equal to the amount the sun gives us, we'd be fucking vampire status cause of the lack of sun and how pale we'd be. I don't know about you, but we can't do that!"
"And you will hear them more often~"
"Commmmee ooooon! Tav!" Gamzee sat up and looked over at the ruining the moment. -ragetableflip- "Wouldn't it be awesome if we were like ninja turtles?! But... not turtles?!"
Sol laughed at what Gamzee said, "I dunno Gamthee. I'd love to be a turtle. But theriouthly that thoundth cool."
"The goddamn Ninja Turtles fought crime at night... I don't know about you, but we're on the opposite of the law as them. Great logic."
"Warning, warning, buzzkill Karkles activated and on rampage~" Tavros joked.
"Or we could be aliens~" Gamzee smirked at Karkat, "You neeeeeeever know. I could grow long pointy horns, turn grey, get pointed teeth, my nails turn yellow and blood go purple. You neeeeeeeeveeeeeeeerrrrrr know Bro. Never. Know."
-rolls around laughing ass off-
"The day that happens is the day I shit a kangaroo."
Nepeta looked over at them, having been asleep. She looked at them with a 'worse-then-sober-Gamzee' expression, and growled. "Fuckin run Makara."
"Oh..FUCK." Gamzee hid behind Eq, who had conveniently been right there. "EQFUCKINGDOSMETHINGPLEASEOHM YGODDONTLETHERGETMEEEEEE"
"Please Nepeta... calm down before something outrageously unnecessary occurs," Equius asked.
She stood up, nearly falling over then caught herself. She then gave all of them a half-dead look, eyes literally glowing with anger. They seem to be forgetting... she threw a woman 2 times her size across the room like she was a small pebble. Her nails almost visibly got sharper. "I Said, Run Makara."
Karkat had crawled to the far end of the bed, hiding next to it, pretending to be a mound of blankets... since he couldn't really run and find a hiding place.
"Oh dear..."
Gamzee booked it into the room John and Dave were in, then hid somewhere.
Nep slowly started walking to his direction, letting out a LONG stream of profanity... most of the words sounding rather.. ._. I dunno how to say it.
Tavros kept himself and Sollux out of view. "Good luck Gamzee~" he said from a safe distance.
"Eq. Control her," was all Sollux said.
Equius nodded, then put a hand on Nepeta's shoulder. "Nepeta, please be reasonable."
At his touch, she fell asleep standing up, then fell onto him.
"Uhhh..." was all that came from Equius. Nonetheless, he picked her up and set her down on their bed, putting a blanket over her. "Situation under control..."
Karkat pulled himself back on the mattress that was on the floor... they are all mattresses on floors, then rolled on it.
"Good job Equius!" Tavros shouted.
Gamzee peeked out, "Is it safe?"
Nepeta clung to Eq, and in her sleep pulled him onto the bed with her. Shes having a lack-of-sex phase.
"Its safe Gamzee..." Karkat said.
Gamzee walked over to Karkat, and sat back down. "God I hate her lack-of-sex phases. Fuckin' suck."
"You know what else sucks? Not being able to walk or move your legs without pain."
Equius repositioned himself more comfortably beside Nepeta, petting her hair softly. Like a kitty cat~
Nepeta purred, then cuddled into him more.
"Eq you have to soon, public or not. Shes going to rip our throats out for the smallest whisper or movement soon..." Gamzee said, sighing.
"I will take care of her situation soon. You have my word."
"Good... now I'm gonna plan out how the fuck we're going to get to freezing-ass Canada. We can't live near any major cities for a while," Karkat said, pulling his laptop out and googling shit.
Nepeta nuzzled into his chest, rubbing her hips against his in her sleep.
Equius started scratching behind her ear. She is a cat person, so she'd like that, right?
Nep mewled softly, purring louder.
"Just like a cat." Equius continued doing this, starting to get sleepy cause he'd been laying there.
Nep rolled her hips against his again, but slightly harsher.
Seeing no harm in it, Equius rolled with her.
Nep's eyes slid open, and she looked up at Equius in a 'can't get away now' kind of way.
"Nice to see you awakened, Nepeta."
Nepeta pulled him into a kiss, then grinned.
Equius kissed back, and had already known where this would go, but thats kind of where he's aiming for. Gotta give her her sex before she claws everyone to pieces.
Nepeta pulled him over her, wrapping a leg around Eq's waist.
"How would you like to proceed?" Equius asked.
"Dontfuckingcare," she breathed out, still half asleep.
"Oh... alright then... Perhaps getting straight to the point will suffice."
Nep shivered at his voice, "Different section of the place or... in front of the others~" They never done it publicly. Ever.
"I don't think the others would care, as long as the task is completed."
"Come on Eq~ Loosen up. I know you can."
"Well... I suppose I could..."
Nep slid her hand down his chest, to his leg, rubbing his kitty mark. "Purrease~"
Equius made a grunt-sounding moan, sliding his hands to the bare skin of her lower back, massaging the area.
She mewled softly, rubbing the spot harder. He only had one. ._.
She can play at that game. Equius slid a hand down, caressing one of her upper thighs.
Nep immediately pulled him into a kiss, clinging to him.
That sly cat. Equius kissed back, holding her off the bed by the lower back.
Gamzee looked over, and watched them having only seen Eq so non-awkward once.
Nep giggled softly, then tightened her legs around his waist.
Equius ran a hand up under Nepeta's shirt, taking in hand one of her breasts with his somewhat cold hands. Yeah, it was cold down there.
"N-nya... c-cold..."
"My apologies..."
"Its okay~"
"Shall we?" he asked, having moved his hands downward. He had two fingers hooked around the front of the hem of her pants, only pulled lightly.
"Go for it~"
And with that, Nepeta's pants came flying off. Oh wait a second, oh, yep, her panties too. Equius gently ran a hand across her waist, and down her thigh.
Nep purred, not caring that they didn't have a blanket over them. She looked over at Gamzee and Karkat then winked.
"Looking away now," Karkat said, turning attention back to his laptop.
"Oh no no dear~ Watch~" She grinned then looked at Eq adorably.
"Karkat, she's obviously got something planned, or... she just wants us too. Take one more look," Gamzee grinned, sliding his hand up Karkat, "Not like you can do anything else, you'll still see them from the corner of your eye."
"Not unless I turn my ass so my back is facing them. Then, unless I somehow grow a fucking third eye in the back of my head, I won't see shit. Watch," Karkat responded, doing just that, back now facing Equius and Nepeta.
Gamzee shook his head, "You are one strange motherfucker."
Nep purred, guiding Eq's hand up her thigh.
Equius decided to take a little 'detour', sliding his hand more inward.
Nepeta smirked to herself, then kissed him.
Equius kissed back, moving his hand completely under her. If you are even the slightest knowledge of what's going on, you'll know exactly what I mean.
She squeaked, then purred.
Equius removed his hand, to take off his own pants. Once that was done, he had Nepeta lay down on her back, though if she wanted a different position, he would comply.
Nepeta smiled at him, "Finally..."
Did I forget to mention they didn't have access to lube? Yeah, they all did it dry. "Are you ready, Nepeta?"
Equius nodded, and entered her slowly.
She moaned, then slid one hand into Eq's.
"Nn.." Equius moaned softly, and began thrusting.
Nep giggled softly, then kissed him deeply.
Equius kissed back, holding her by the waist again.
Nep slid her hands around his back, then raked her nails down his back.
Equius let out a soft grunt, though not really phased by it... I mean, he IS the STRONG one of them. In turn, Equius thrusted faster.
"Let me know when it is too much."
"You know my limit~" she said, then laid her head back.
"If you wish to go that far."
"'sall up to you~"
"Alright..." Equius said, putting more power into his thrusting.
" Nn~ Eq~"
"Just hold onto me."
Nep clung to him, and kissed his neck.
Equius slid a hand up to her lower back, and massaged it.
Nep whimpered cutely, and looked at him.
~Time skip because we are both braindead~
John looked over at Tav, then at Gamzee, then Tav.
"What's with all the fuckin' looking?" Tavros questioned.
"How are you two brothers?" he asked, leaning back against Dave's chest. "You look nothing alike..."
"Genes, man."
"Point taken..."
Gam laughed, "Insanity runs in the family."
"Hey, assholes! Get all your asses over here!" Karkat shouted. It sounded important.
Gamzee got up and went over to him. "Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat."
"Not just you! Every-fucking-one."
Nep, Sol and John walked over also.
Moments later, they were all there, crowded around Karkat.
"I've planned out how the fuck we're gonna get out of here... Listen closely, cause I'm not going to say this again..." Karkat said, and began explaining. And because I'm a bitch, I'm not gonna tell you everything he plotted out! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha~
At some point during the explaining- Nep fainted and fell backwards.
Everybody had started losing their shit at this... besides Equius. Because Equius knows... He knows...
Oh god thats creepy...
Nep laid there, on the floor. ._. nothing... more to say about that really.
The rest of the explanation went on fine. Nepeta was conscious long enough to know what she had to do, so its all good.
._. this story lost its juice for the moment... .-.
John sighed, then looked at Nep, to her stomach. "Hey guys...?"
"What?" they asked unanimously.
"Shes having a baby," was all John said. "I can tell... shes abbbouttt.. a month and a half."
There was a long awkward silence, before they all screamed, "WHAAAT?!"
"Its obvious! Just look at how her stomach is shaped," he said, picking her up easily and laying her on her bed. "I'm taking an estimated guess that its Equius'."
"Well of-fucking-course it'd be his!" Karkat said. He did have a point. Somehow what he said makes a point.
Sol looked at Eq, "Well? How doth it feel Eq."
Nep woke up, and ran to I guess theres a bathroom there, and started throwing up. Ew...
"Oh my...!" Equius somewhat rushed over to her, and rubbed her back as she threw up. Thats disgusting, but it happens.
John walked over, and closed the door almost all the way.
Sol looked at the door... jealousy. Yes. Jealousy.
Gamzee noticed and held in a laugh, looking away from Tav.
Karkat rolled his eyes, closing his laptop and sighing. His ass and hips were still in too much pain to walk with.
Gamzee couldn't hold in the laugh, and literally fell off the bed. "OHMYFUCKINGGOD!"
"What the fuck are you laughing about, Gamzee?"
Gamee pointed over at Sol, who was still glaring at the bathroom jealously. He saw Sol still having the expression and fall back over.
"Oh so lispy wants to have a kid?"
"Shut up." Sol sat on his bed, arms crossed.
"No, you shut up."
"I will go over there and jam a batheball bat tho far up your athth..."
"There's only one thing allowed to go up my ass, and its not a fucking baseball."
Sol got up holding a baseball bat, then started walking over to him.
Gamzee however, was too busy laughing to properly notice.
Unless Gamzee stopped fucking laughing long enough to help him out, since he can't fucking run away, he was going to have a permanent cockblock. "Goddamnit Sollux, not fucking fair!"
Sol stopped and walked back over to his bed. "Ith too. But I'd get a thword up my athth. Tho feel lucky." just came up with a humanstuck headcanon... .-. during sex sols lisp goes away- then slaps him in the face after alot thicker. yup. yup. yup.
Karkat merely flipped him off.
Sol growled at him, and what looked like red and blue (oh shit..) energy crackled above his head. He laid down facing the wall.
Gamzee got back onto the bed, and pulled Karkat over to him.
"About time you regained self-control..."
Karkat sighed, leaning onto Gamzee. All that researching took a lot more than you'd think out of him.
"About that 'only one thing allowed up your ass'," Gamzee grinned, looking down at him.
A light blushed creeped onto Karkat's face. "...What about it...?"
Gamzee held Karkat up, "Still sore~?" he asked, rubbing his hip kittymark.
Karkat tilted his head back, while his back arched some and a moan escaped him. "...Y-yeah..."
"Thats a shame~"
"...Doesn't mean we can't have fucking fun..." Karkat mumbled under his breath.
"Great choice of words."
Karkat mentally face-palmed himself, realizing what he said actually sounded like.
Gamzee rubbed it again, then smirked at him. "But true."
Nep came out of the bathroom, holding onto Eq.
Karkat melted, body acting as if his spine gave out. Don't worry, it didn't, it still works!
Equius was still comforting Nepeta.
Nep looked at Eq happily, then kissed him.
Gamzee laughed, "Every time bro."
A/N: /T/: Sorry again that its short .-. But I hope the rough GamKar sex made up for it!