Sorry for the delay on the update. I've been sick :( I haven't been that sick since I was 16. Also taking care of my family and work been crazy. But I finely got it up. The last chapter to Taken. I'm working on the other one.

Thanks to Jelly Bean Jenna and 8 DAY!

I do not own Rookie Blue just my thoughts.

Two months later things were going great for Sam and Andy.

They were happily married and getting ready for the baby's arrival in three months time. That was until they both started having nightmares.

Sam woke up gasping for air and drenched in sweat, his hands clenched into fists.

He had been dreaming that he was too late to save Andy and the Baby, and now he had to live without his family. When he finely knew he was dreaming he went to reach of Andy but she wasn't there; the bed next to him nothing more than cold sheets.

His heart dropped to the pit of his stomach as his hand felt the cold sheets.

"Andy?!" He cried out. Praying he was still dreaming.

"Kitchen!" He heard her call out. He took a few minutes to calm himself down before he joined her.

He walked into the kitchen and just burst out laughing at his pregnant wife.

Andy looked up at him and smiled. "You know this." She said waving at her food in front of her. "Is you're fault."

"My fault? How are your weird food cravings my fault?" He said coming to stand behind her.

"Not my food craving its you're child's food cravings. I mean I didn't start eating pistachio until I got pregnant." Andy giggled out as she stuck her tongue out to lick of her spoon again.

"Okay what about the peanut butter?"

Sam eyed the two tubs on the counter, the combination making him shiver.

"Okay our kid wanted pistachio and peanut butter." She told Sam,leaning against him and noticed he was sweating. "Babe you're sweating?"

She looked up at him and could see that there was something wrong. "Babe?"

"I had a bad dream and then I woke up you weren't there."

Andy turned so she was now fully facing him. She took his hands in her own and placed one on her growing stomach and the other on her face. "I'm here."

"I know," Sam said kissing her. The kiss was his way of making sure that she was still here.

They broke apart and rested their foreheads together.

"Lets clean up my mess and go back to bed." Andy said not wanting to break apart.

Sam followed her instructions in silence.

Soon they were back upstairs showing each other they were still there.

The next night Andy had the nightmare. She had dreamed that Sam came out of the warehouse in a body bag. Now she had to raise their child alone.

After a few minutes she knew she was dreaming. But that didn't stop her from crying out Sam's name and rubbing her stomach.

Sam came into the room from the bathroom. He walked to Andy's side of the bed and brushed hair out of her face. "Andy?"

She threw herself at him. Holding on to him like life depended on it.

"Hey, I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere." He whispered to her.

After she calmed down Sam got back into bed. They lay there holding each other. Both with one hand on Andy's extended stomach.

"I think we need to go see a doctor." Sam said breaking the silence.


"We are both starting to have nightmares and the stress that is going to come from them isn't going to be for the baby."

She agreed knowing he was right.

He was always right.

After a few appointments with the shrink, everything was back to normal except Andy being put on maternity leave early. Which she didn't mind for a change.

As the due date came closer Sam hated being away from her but made sure she was never alone. One of their friends would always stay with her.

Two weeks before her due date Sam and Traci were out on a call. They were just finishing up at the scene when Traci's phone rang.

"Nash," She answered.

"Traci I can't have you freak out in front of Sam but I need you guys to get to the hospital like now!" Nick told her calmly on the phone.

Her eyes went wide not able to speak. "Traci. DO. NOT. FREAK OUT. Her water just broke. Just get Sam to the hospital. Tell him you guys have a witness to see and get down here now."

Traci followed the instructions from Nick cautiously. As soon as Sam parked the car at the hospital, Traci told him.

She just blurted it out.



"We need to go to the 4th floor?"

Sam looked at her confused. "Why?"

"Andy's water broke."

And with that Sam was out of the car running to Andy.

A few hours later Sam was looking at his family. His true love holding their beautiful little girl Haley Nicole Swarek.

"She so little." Andy said in awe of the new member of her family.

"She perfect," He told her as he kissed her forehead. "I love you."

"I love you too."