Hey guy I would like to start off by saying this is a Naruto fanfiction but, I don't own Naruto or any other character besides the ones I've created and hope you'll like. This is my first fanfiction, but I've read many and fell in love with them so I want to create my own. I would love comments but please be nice or as nice as you can be. Thank you for reading enjoy c(= O! P.S this has all my favorite parings like NaruHina NejiTen, ShikaTema, KakaSaku, InoSai, plus more like Choji, Kiba, Shino, and bear with me Sasuke
Title: "Love is Better with a Little Bit of War"


He had his eyes locked on his target there was no way the culprit could slip away. Well at least that's what he thought, just as he was about to make his move out jumps a very blond haired boy who always seemed too get in his way.

"Hey Sasuke!" Naruto yelled, loud enough for half the village to hear.

"Hnn what do you want?" Sasuke asked in an obviously irritated tone.

"I've been looking all over for you!" Naruto continued to yell.

"I know, I've been avoiding you." Sasuke said in a non-emotional tone, he was too distracted to really pay attention to what Naruto had to say.

"You're such a jerk Sasuke! I've been searching the village for hours just to tell you that Sakura wants a—" Naruto trailed off as he followed Sasuke's gaze, and was more than shocked at what his rival was looking at. Just then Naruto shouted loud enough for the entire village to hear and maybe even the entire fire country, "Sasuke are you checking out that girl!?"


Sakura stood tapping her foot on the ground impatiently, she couldn't take it any longer she had sent Naruto to go get a rare herb that for some reason only grew in the Uchiha compound three hours ago.

"Come on... Huhhh what's taking him so long?"

She felt as if she would explode, everyone knew Sakura had little patience when it came to her medicine. She was always so excited to learn and invent new things, she planned on using the rare plant known as the Hinag (Summer Gold) to make a special elixir that could heal all your wounds immediately after you got wounded for up to 72 hours. It was just working her up waiting around, Naruto should know the best of her little tolerance of waiting she giggled to her herself thinking about that day.


"It took you long enough Naruto I thought I told you to hurry!" Sakura yelled scolding Naruto.

"Geeze Sakura there is just no pleasing you is there?"

Not even a second later did Naruto regret what he said, he ducked and dodged Sakura's hits until her punches stopped. Naruto open his eyes to thank who or whatever saved him only to see Sakura with a sneaky smile on her face, "Hey Naruto, I need you to go get me one more plant."

"Right now but it just started raining?!" Naruto said with a screechy whining type of voice. Sakura shot him death glares and it didn't take long for Naruto to reconsider.

"Alright, now the plant I needs is about four inches tall it has a silver stem and five leaves." Naruto jumped out the window to search for the plant. Sakura smirked, "Naruto is always in a hurry he'll regret it this time"

An hour later

*The door swings open as a very panicking Naruto ran in screaming that he itched, Sakura looked at the plant and fell to the ground laughing so hard she was sure her stomach would explode. Naruto had brought back a plant that almost looked like the plant she asked for but this plant had red dots all over it. There was a saying, whoever touched the Kigami plant would be its twin, Naruto being covered with red spots is proof of it!*

End of flashback

"I'll just have to go get it myself", Sakura thought, she was just about to run off when she heard a familiar voice

"Sakura, may I have a word with you for a second?"

Sakura smiled "Sure Lee." Sakura said putting the emphasis on Lee.

"On second thought I think the herb can wait" Sakura thought to herself.


Sasuke blazed with anger, "Shut up you idiot do you want everyone to hear you?!"

"Sorry." Naruto spoke in a quiet voice so that only they could hear.

He then smiled that famous smile we all know and love "I can't believe you're actually giving a girl your attention ... Not to mention you're stalking her." Naruto laughed but he made sure to keep his voice down.

Sasuke was radiating with killer intent but Naruto just continued to laugh. "I'm not stalking her and I never said I liked her." Sasuke said in his usually voice.

Naruto stop laughing and put a serious look on his face and said, "I know there may be some reason why you don't want to tell me how you feel about her, but who else do you have to tell? Before you left I never got to tell you how much I valued your friendship, but we understand each other better, so let's look out for one another. You can tell me anything, I promise."

Sasuke had to give Naruto some credit although he sometimes said the wrong thing at the wrong time, when he said the right thing at the right time it was impressive, still Sasuke didn't verbally respond but raised one of his eyebrows.

Naruto smiled real big, "And I can help it turns out that girl you've been stalking is from a different village or something and I have to show her around."

"How exactly does that help me?" Sasuke asked with a slight hint of jealousy, he was upset that Naruto received that task.

"Well it turns out I'm a little too busy but my good friend ..."that's you" can take the task." Sasuke smiled ... "But! Only if you admit that you like her." Naruto said barely containing his sneaky and somewhat evil smile.

Sasuke, contemplating what he should do looked at the face that caused this problem and his headache in the first place he took a deep breath and said "If you tell ANYONE! I'll kill you..." Naruto smile grew wider, Sasuke scrunched up his nose and clenched his teeth it was more of a mumble since Sasuke was speaking with his teeth and said "I like her."

Naruto usually would have done a little dance but the new and improve Naruto was a little more mature, not by that much but still more mature, "Alright let's go! What are we waiting for?" Naruto said as he and Sasuke made their move.


She huffed real hard she just couldn't believe what the council of the village hidden in the leaves had asked of her, "They should of just said hey we want you to be an emotion less cold hearted person."

The dark haired girl stated to her once long distance best friend Temari. Temari had been living in the leaf village for a while now it was to ensure that the sand village wouldn't attack the leaf again. The girls became best friends sometime during the dark hair girl's first visit to Suna while her sisters preferred to travel she would spend her summers in the sand village with her new found best friend. Sadly, she lived so far away that she only got to see Temari in the summer. It seems that it wouldn't be an issue anymore since both were now living in the leaf.

"It's not that bad it's a small price to pay Ayome, the leaf council is being very generous you're going to be ranked as a chunin assigned to team and will be allowed to participate in the jonin exams this fall."

Ayome crossed her arm in a gentle manner, "I appreciate everything the Leaf is doing for me but what they're asking... What they want me to do or not to do." Ayome's face saddened, "It's all I have to remember my home."

Temari placed her hand on Ayome's shoulder she knew how hard it's been on her friend, her home was destroyed only days ago. Ayome quickly put a smile on her face, "After we go eat can we go to the Hokage's monument, I've always wanted to check it out." Temari smiled and nodded her head yes

"Hey guys!" Naruto yelled.

"Here we go." Temari rolled her eyes in a playful way.

Ayome giggled softly, "I think he's kind of cute."

Naruto and Sasuke approached the girls just as they reached them, two anbu jumped down beside them one spoke, "Ayome-s-" the man stop himself when he notice her death glares and he cleared his throat, "Ayome you are wanted in Hokage-sama's office, we have orders to escort you their right away."

Ayome turned to Temari, "Can you meet me at Ichiraku in about an hour?" Temari nodded yes

Naruto's stomach grumbled he grabbed it, "That sounds good and all of a sudden I'm really hungry."

"O yea? Why don't you guys join us?" Ayome was happy to offer.

"We'll be there." Sasuke said so smooth it sent goose bumps down Naruto's spine.

Temari raised an eyebrow, "Great see you then." Ayome said as she and the two anbu disappeared in smoke.

10 minutes later

"Aww man." Naruto whined.

"What is it?" Sasuke asked in an irritated tone.

"I'm happy you got what you want and all... But why do we have to wait an hour to eat ramen!?" Naruto said in his usual loud voice.

"Just stop complaining already!" Sasuke said with a fed up tone.

"Fine!" Naruto said before snapping his finger, "Sakura wants you. Well I'm going to go to the weapon shop."

And with that Naruto was off.


She was running as fast as she could, where could she go? The training grounds no that would be the first place they checked. She was so busy thinking she didn't realize her surrounding and by the time she did it was too late CRASH! Hinata ran right into someone, her blurred visions only allowed her to see colors Orange, blue, black ... *O no!* Hinata thought she rubbed her eyes to find a very dizzy Naruto laying underneath her.

She then turned a dark crimson color this was the closest she had ever been to Naruto, Hinata jump off of him and Naruto stood up and dusted himself off, "I-I'm so so-sorry Naruto."

Naruto, with his big grin on his face said, "It's okay Hinata... Hey! Have you been to the weapon shop yet?"

He then put out his hand and helped Hinata up, she blushed and shook her head, "No I haven't, I want go soon though."

"Well how about we go together right now?" Hinata could feel the heat rise to her checks she couldn't find the words she wanted to speak so she just nodded yes.

"Great!" Naruto then grab Hinata's wrist and ran so fast the civilians only saw a black and orange blob.


There they were kissing in daylight behind a waterfall she was so happy that her Neji-Kun had returned safely from his mission with Sasuke, Naruto, and Shikamaru. She was not use to him going on a mission without her, she was always right there by his side. They pulled back.

"Ten-Ten." Neji's voice sent shivers down her spine it was so deep and powerful, Neji's face held a look of concern.

"What's wrong?" He asked she bit her bottom lip she hated that he could read her so well.

"It's just you've been getting a lot of attention from girls."

Ten-Ten didn't seem to happy, Neji raised an eyebrow, "I've always received a lot of attention from girls Ten-Ten and it never bothered you before."

"Yea but those girls were only civilians who had no chance, these girls are heiresses to great and powerful clans, and princesses of big kingdoms, heck even the daimyo wants you to marry his daughter!" Ten-Ten blurted out.

"Do you honestly think I could ever love them as much as I love you?" Neji said in a questioning tone.

"Of course not but your clan doesn't believe in love and they are going to make you marry one of those girls." Ten-Ten was out of breath when she finally got everything out.

Neji kissed her softly on her lips, "I won't let that happen, but I have to get back I have a meeting with the elders." Neji said getting out the water.

"Yea to decide who you're going to marry." Ten-Ten mumbled under her breath.

Neji then turned around and pulled her in for another kiss it always was full of passion, "Are you sure about tonight I'm not rushing you?"

Ten-Ten nodded, "I'm ready I can't wait to share that moment with you." With that Neji hopped off, neither one of the pair realized they were being watched.

"Lord Hiashi will be very interested with this information." The ninja then disappeared in a cloud of smoke.


That it for my first chapter the others will be much longer if I receive positive feedback so please comment I have a lot of twists and turns.