Disclaimer: "Harry Potter" is the property of J.K. Rowling and Warner Bros. This work of fiction was created entirely for fun, not for profit, and no copyright infringement is intended.

Beta'd by Ria Binger.

A Night to Remember

Part IV

Hermione sighed heavily as she walked up the driveway to her parents' old house. The house was empty but she still had anti-apparition wards surrounding the estate and she was forced to apparate three blocks down the street -the nearest safe apparition point to the place- and walk the rest of the way. Her feet were sore by the time she reached the door and unlocked it with a small wave of her wand and a muttered alohomora. She felt physically and emotionally exhausted. That's why she chose to come here. Knowing Draco he might try to find her to confront her; he hated not having the last word in a fight.

She didn't bother turning on the lights; she took off her shoes, sighing in relief when she felt the cool wood below her feet and walked to her bedroom upstairs, reaching back and lowering the zipper of her pretty gown, letting it drop to the floor as she went. Tomorrow she would collect it and hang it in her closet back in her small apartment in London. For now all Hermione felt like doing was wear her old ratty pyjamas, prepare a hot cocoa and fell asleep by the fire place as she watch silly romantic comedies. After what happened tonight she needed a small dose of true love and happy endings.

When she walked into her childhood room -still painted the soft lavender colour she had helped her mum paint it after she received her Hogwarts' letter- a few tears slipped her eyes.

Having sex with Draco was a really bad idea she knew but when he kissed her she couldn't find the strength to push him away.

It was so unfair!

She had made some progress in the last three weeks, she had almost convinced herself she was moving on, yet just one glimpse of the platinum blond and she was melting. One touch of his lips and she would agree to anything he'd ask her if he kept kissing and touching her.

Even knowing his deception she was still seduced by his charms.

The brunette Gryffindor wanted to bang her head on the wall.

Why oh why she had such terrible taste in men?

First Ron -he was a great friend but they were simply not fit to be in a romantic relationship. He needed someone to always be in charge, like Pansy, and Hermione was tired to always be the one taking the first step- then Antony and finally Draco.

Seriously what was wrong with her?

For the supposedly smartest witch of her generation she was surely failing miserably at finding a suitable boyfriend. It wasn't her fault really -not completely. They always started promising and when she thought she had found the 'one', they did a complete turn for the worse.

Although she had to admit the 'Draco fiasco' had 'bad decision' written all over it from the moment she allowed him to take her to his room two years ago. Draco Malfoy was obviously used to getting his way and always got what he wanted one way or another.

He took a shine in her and he had to have her.

It was her stupidity and gullibility that allowed him to deceive her all this time. Really believing every word that came out his beautiful mouth, forgiving and forgetting all his slights when he said he was sorry and agreeing in a secret relationship should be enough to earn her a 'Stupid Witch of the Century' award.

Astoria... He is marrying Astoria...


As in 'till death do us part'.

He's going to have children with her... Little blond haired silver eyed angels...

She's going to be all pretty dressed in white and him... He'll be stunning in his tailored black dress robes, hair styled for the special occasion.

He's going to look at her with love shining in his eyes, smile his pretty smile and promise himself and his love to her.

He's going to kiss her in front of everyone, acknowledge she's the most important woman in his life and he'll make promises to love and cherish her for all time.

Purebloods rarely, if ever, filed for divorce... It's inappropriate and scandalous.

When they say their ' I do' it's going to be a bond for eternity.

Will he have a mistress? Will he cheat on Astoria with other women as easily as he cheated her with me tonight after they are man and wife?

God stop it! Stop thinking about it, about HIM! It's over, it's fucking over! He chose her! Get over it damn it!

Hermione picked a crystal bowl she had forgotten its use and threw it against the wall, letting out a scream of frustration and despair.

"I HATE HIM! I HATE HIM I HATE HIM I FUCKING HATE HIM!" She shouted enraged. "How could he do this to me? Why?" She fell on her knees, fat tears rolling down her pale cheeks as she sobbed. "Am I not good enough for him? Why couldn't he love me? Why he hurt me? Why?"

She hugged her knees and started rocking back and forth.

"What's so wrong with me? Why was he so ashamed of me that he couldn't admit to anyone he was seeing me? I'm not that ugly... Am I?" She whispered brokenly as she lifted a hand to her face. "Or is it my blood? Can he really still believe I'm inferior because of my Muggle background? Could it be possible he's still disgusted by my blood? Good enough to fuck but nothing more than a dirty little secret. A skeleton in his many closets..."

She laughed.

"What am I thinking...? Of course he thought me beneath him! He didn't even want to go into Muggle London without a disguise; afraid someone might see and recognise us! Love!" She scoffed and swiped at her cheeks angrily. "He could never love me. I'm such a fool."

Shaking her head she walked out her room adamant not to spill another tear for the sodding, arrogant, lying piece of shit.

Tomorrow she would return home, burn all gifts and pictures of said scum and go out with her friends. Maybe she could go shopping... Pansy always said shopping do her good when she had her blues. Hm... And she hadn't been to the movies in a long time. Now that she thought about it... Thomas Anderson down at the Obliviator Headquarters was a Muggle Born like herself and had expressed a slight interest every time they crossed paths. He even sent her Valentine chocolates last year, claiming it was just a friendly gesture. He was okay looking with dirty blonde hair and a pair of mesmerizing green-blue eyes.

She mentally went through her to do list and found she did in fact had a reason to visit the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes. A tebo was illegally imported last month and after escaping captivity it had wrecked havoc in Bristol. It took five special trained units of her department to capture the beast and three different Obliviator teams to deal with all the victims and eye witnesses. She still needed Thomas' team reports to formally close the case. With a satisfied smile -making plans always put her in a good mood- she flicked on the foyer's lights... And screamed bloody murder.


Finding a phone book and locating Dr Richard Granger's address proved a piece of cake. He'd have a word with Granger about how easy it was for anyone with half a brain to track her down but now it was not the time to fume about her irresponsibility towards her own security.

True, blindly apparating into a Muggle neighbourhood was stupid but he had no idea where the closest apparition spot was and he had no time to waste in finding out. He needed to find Granger pronto. Each minute she spent alone cemented her belief they should not be together. He couldn't have that.

The Grangers' home was a modest two story house with a small square garden in the front and a porch with white railing. It was cute and homely. Perfect for a family.

His heart squeezed.

A family...

If tonight went well he might have a real family by this time next year. Breathing deeply to keep his haywire emotions in check he made a dash for the front door... Again he noticed disgruntled there were no wards. Anyone could waltz right in!

Really what was Granger thinking?

After thoroughly ravishing her he'd have a long chat about her reckless behaviour. She was a damn war heroine! She should know better the damn woman!

"Alohomora." He whispered the charm, smirking when the door opened with a soft click. "Tsk Granger. You are in trouble."

The small foyer was dark, the only source of light coming from the street lamps through the windows. He could see a table against one wall, a vase in the middle. There were no flowers in it. He couldn't be sure but he was willing to bet a thin coating of dust was covering it. Obviously Granger didn't visit much.

Why would she after all? Her parents were happily living in Australia and she had her own apartment close to Diagon Alley.

So focused was he in his thoughts he failed to hear a door opening and closing on the floor above and the soft foot steps coming closer.

He blinked when the lights clicked open and jumped in fright when a scream pierced his eardrums.


He swung around.

Hermione was standing at the top of the stairs, clad in ridiculous baggy nightclothes that made her look adorable, her hair looking like she had been electrocuted. Her face... Merlin her face.

It was blotchy, her eyes red and puffy from what he assumed was crying. Her lips were trembling as she regarded him with suspicion and a touch of fear.

His heart clenched.

He had done this. He had made her suffer and cry like this.

Sweet Salazar he should let Weasley punch the daylights out of him first chance he get.

And then he should go to the Manor and punched his bastard of a father. His schemes had caused so much pain. If he had not be adamant to attend tonight's Ball then he may as well never learn the truth behind Granger's reasons for dumping him.

And it was all Lucius' fault.

The slimy git thought he could trap Draco. Ah thank goodness Daphne had learnt of the machinations between her and his parents and warned him and Astoria in time. He would have never forgiven his parents if they had achieved in their plans for him.

"Granger. You look like shit." He bluntly said.

Hermione's eyes widen at the insult and heat rose to her cheeks.

"Is that why you are here? To insult me?" She demanded walking down the stairs. "Have you nothing better to do than track me down -how did you find me anyway? - and mock me some more?"

"No." He snapped. Merlin the woman was infuriating. "We need to talk-

"Talk? We have nothing to talk about. I told you not to contact me again! What's so hard to understand? Maybe you missed the subtle meaning. I-don't-want-to-see-you-again. Got that Malfoy?" She sneered as she came to stand in front of the towering, scowling blond. Her finger poked him in the chest -he was not wearing his jacket she noticed- and she looked at his flashing eyes. "I want you out of this house this instant or else I'll call the Aurors!"

"Go ahead," he smirked grabbing her finger. Her lips pressed together to avoid the small whimper of pain when he wretched it away from his chest. "Potter already knows I'm here. Weasley told me where and how to find you. Great friends you have there Granger." He couldn't help but add with his usual derisive tone. No need for her to know he meant it.

"Better than any friend you'll have in your life!" She shoved him inwardly seething. Ron and Harry were going to pay dearly. Harry would possibly get away with minor damage; he did have a kid on the way after all. Ron though. Oh the ginger prick was going to wish he had never been borne!

"No need to kill them Granger. I was going to find you with or without their help." He said amused. Her lovely brown eyes had turned dark in her anger and he could practically hearher mind plotting her friends' demise for their betrayal.

"Stop that." She growled and he lifted an inquiring eyebrow. "Stop acting like you know me!"

"But I do Granger." He softly murmured and reached a hand to cup her jaw. He felt remorse when he saw her cringe at his movement eyes weary. "I know you better than you think."

"If you do," she started tremulously, hating herself for sounding so vulnerable, "then you know I don't want to see you right now. Or ever. I meant what I said earlier Draco. It's over; whatever we had, it's done."

"No, don't say that." He whispered taking a daring step closer. Her scent reached his nostrils and he breathed deeply. How he had missed that.

"Don't say what Draco?" She sighed tiredly. "We've been over for three weeks now. That is if what we had could be considered a relationship-

"Stop! Stop it!" He snarled with a harsh glare. "Stop turning what we had into something meaningless and lewd. We love each other-

"Don't go there." She said gritting her teeth. "Don't you dare bring that up!"

"Why not? It's the truth!" He shouted bursting.

"No it's not!" She yelled right back at him, her hands balled into fists at her sides, her petite frame shaking. "I loved you, me! You never loved me! All you did was lie and hid me in the shadows! You were ashamed of us, of me! I was only good for a casual shag, never for more!"

"You are wrong," he calmed himself down forcibly. "You know you are wrong. I've loved you from the moment I first made love to you. I was a fucking coward I know. I was scared out of my wits of what my parents, your friends and the world would say if we went public, but I never, NEVER, stopped loving you. You may want to delude yourself into thinking that but deep down you know the truth. You've seen it in my eyes every time we made love. Every time I kissed you and held you close. You know it Granger!"

Hermione turned her head away, refusing to let herself believe him. Draco felt his heart give a painful lurch. He was loosing her... She didn't believe him. He was loosing her!

"Listen to me," he grabbed her upper arms tightly, lightly shaking her to force her attention back to him. "Listen Granger! I lied yes-" she scoffed and he shook her again to silence her, "but never, ever doubt I loved -no love you. I did then and I do now. I love you. I'll always love you no matter what. You are the only woman I've ever felt like I feel about you. When you are hurt, I want to kill anyone who dared hurt you. When you cry all I want is to see you smile again. When you are not with me-" he closed his eyes as if in pain and took in a shuddering breathe, "when you are not with me, I can't breathe. When I think... When I think I might loose you I want to die. I love you Granger. How can you not see that? Don't you know me at all!?"

He was desperate he knew it. But the stubborn woman was pushing him away!

"Why should I believe you now?" Came a meek whisper. Hermione's eyes were watery as she stared at him with hurt written all over her face. "After everything you've done? You lied to me Draco! Not once but constantly! You made me feel used and dirty! All the time we were together you were planning on marrying someone else! Or have you forgotten Astoria? How can you come here and say all these things, rekindle my hopes when you have a fiancéDraco!? A fiancé! How can you ask me to believe you when you shoved your betrayal quite literally in my face earlier? How can you ask me that?"


"NO! I heard enough!" She was crying now and made no move to hide it. "I won't be your mistress if that's your reason for coming here! Merlin Draco you claim to know me and you actually believe I'd agree to that?"

"No! Let me explain woman-

"Explain what? There's nothing to explain! You are getting married! To another woman! And here you are proclaiming your undying love for me! How stupid do you think I am? Really Draco! Get out of my house, out of my life! I don't want to see you ever again do you hear me? GET OU-

"I LIED!" He screamed throwing his hands up, eyes wild and face pale. "I lied okay? Astoria is not my fiancé; she's not even my girlfriend! Yes my parents and her parents wished us to get married but we both disagreed! She's in love with a Muggle she met in Paris and they plan to elope. I never agreed to marry her, it was all a scheme. Everything... To make you jealous... A way to make you realise you still have feelings for me... And maybe win you back."

Hermione's mouth was very unattractively hanging open she was sure. Her tired brain was trying to process the words coming out Draco's mouth but it was difficult. Because he wasn't making any sense!

"What?" She repeated her thoughts, astonishment, bewilderment and a faint hint of hope coloured the one word.

Draco latched onto that hope he detected and closed his eyes. Baring one's soul and most embarrassing secrets was difficult for a normal person. For someone like Draco it was a Herculean task.

"You were right. Our parents prepared a marriage contract for me and Astoria. Mr Marvick is not only the Parkinsons' lawyer; he's a close family friend too. He let it slip to Pansy and you know her, she couldn't help herself. She came the same day to interrogate me about my plans and congratulate me for my coming nuptials. Daphne was a class and house mate and she's dating Blaise so we are very close knitted and Tori was like our group's baby when we were still at school. As you know already we are all close friends. I contacted her the same day and we agreed to meet. Being under Slughorn's apprenticeship she has very limited free time and the only day she could meet me was at my parents' anniversary. I wasn't lying when I told you my mother wished it to be a very private affair. The woman kicked out the elves for Merlin's sake! But seeing as she wished me to marry Astoria she had no qualms allowing me out the house."

He opened his eyes and focused on a spot above Hermione's bushy head.

"You probably not know this but La Rose belongs to Mr Greengrass. Getting a private table there was easier than going into any other establishment. Astoria was shocked when I told her of the contract. Thank God of the privacy charms! The girl actually started crying! Worse day of my life."

A giggle escaped her and he felt his heart flutter in excitement. Knowing he needed to tell her everything if he hoped for a fresh start he swallowed and continued.

"Apparently Tori met a handsome French Muggle last summer and was planning to marry him. Her sister knew about it. Problem was the contract was binding. The moment we signed it we were chained for at least a period of ten years. A fidelity stipulation would stop us from seeking other partners so we would have an heir produced as soon as possible. Seeing as neither Tori nor I wished to marry, we decided the best course of action was unfortunately the truth."

He locked eyes with her. Big brown orbs were filled with such a deep longing he felt it to his bones.

"You had already broken up with me but it just didn't feel right to go through with it out of spite. I told them I was in love with another witch, a Muggle Born at that but she had left me. My father raged about it as was expected and demanded I signed because 'the mudblood was out of the way'. But I couldn't. The thought of you finding out... No."

He gently cupped her cheek, his thumb coming to rest on her bottom lip, eyes transfixed on the pink flesh.

"I'm pretty sure they know it's you. I mean it's not like I know so many Muggle Born witches right?" He laughed softly, taking a cautious step, bringing his body just a hair's breathe away from hers.

"What about the jeweller's shop?" She asked; her eyelids slid shut when his thumb started rubbing her lip.

"You never miss anything do you?" He whispered as he circled her waist and pulled her to him, moulding her curvy little body to his hard one. His breathing had become harsh pants.

"Draco." Small hands rested on his chest and fisted his dark shirt. He lowered his mouth to her forehead.

"Astoria was pretty excited when she found out I was seeing you. The girl has you idolised you know. And when I told her my plans... Well she insisted she wanted to help."

"What plans?" Hermione's voice was low but her eyes shone with surprised yet guarded happiness.

"See Granger..." He nuzzled her neck, lips trailing the sensitive skin as he breathed her in. "I was never embarrassed of you. I thought you would be of me."


"Shush. Let me finish." He bit her skin and she gasped in delight. "I was in the wrong side during the war. And you are a renowned heroine. Can you imagine the scandal if it became known you and I were doing the horizontal tango?"


"Kidding kidding! But it's true. People would go berserk and start saying crap. Now I didn't care much for my reputation, it was still trash thanks to daddy dearest but yours love was spotless. I didn't wish you to have to deal with the bullshit I have to in daily basis. Astoria though beat sense into me. Literally. The woman can punch. No where like you gorgeous but she has a mean right hook. It helped me realise I only cared about what you thought and wanted so I decided to go through with my deepest wish. Of course then you told me I wasn't good enough and all my fears were confirmed."

The pain in his voice made her sharply look up.

"Oh my god I'm sorry! I didn't mean that-

"I know," he hugged her closer, smiling relieved. "I know love. I guess misunderstandings and miscommunication are the main problems in our relationship wouldn't you say?"

"You don't say," she dryly agreed, tilting her head up to stare at his calm, serene face. God he was so beautiful.

"I do." He chuckled and brought his face closer to hers, the hand on her back sneaking under her baggy pyjama. "We may want to work on that. Unless... Unless you don't want to be with me still."

Hermione pulled back to look at him darkly.

"I spent three miserable weeks thinking you used me Draco. There was no day that I didn't miss you and hoped everything was just a nightmare. And now that I found out we were both miserable because of our thickheadedness you think I'm willing to let you go again? Now shut up and kiss me you tosser!"

"With pleasure." He growled and attacked her mouth.

It was a kiss full of passion and love but unlike their kisses from earlier it lacked the anger and jealously. It was a kiss of love not lust. He held her as if afraid she might disappear on him if he didn't hold her tight enough. She ran her hands through his silken hair reacquainting herself with the texture and his taste as she took the initiate to deepen the kiss, tracing his seam with the tip of her tongue.

He groaned pathetically and opened his mouth.

God she tasted even better than before.

After what felt like hours they managed to pull away. Hermione's head rested on his chiselled chest, a smile of true bliss on her face as her fingers traced patterns on his lower back.

Draco buried his nose in her hair.

"Marry me."

She froze.

Draco tilted his head to catch a glimpse of her face.

Noticing she was once again speechless he couldn't help but smirk.

"Speechless again Granger? Two times in one night! That must be a record!"

"Shut up you git!" She annoyingly huffed. "I think I misheard you. I thought you said-

"Marry me." He repeated eyes soft. She pulled back.


"You heard me. I asked you to marry me. I wanted to ask you for some time now. Astoria was the one who finally convinced me to go through with it and the one who proposed the little scheme tonight."

"What scheme?"

"Oh Granger you had a little too much wine tonight huh?"

"Shut up and tell me!"

"The fiancé scheme! As I told you Astoria is in love with someone else and I'm very obviously in love with you you infuriating woman! She told me the best plan was to make you jealous and so we decided to pretend she was my fiancé."

Hermione was silent.

"Do you mean it?"

"Yes." His answer came immediately; he didn't have to think it. He knew what she was asking. Did he mean the proposal? Did he really want to marry her? Her? Hermione Granger, bookworm extraordinaire? Without conscious thought Draco fell to his knees and retrieved a small black velvet box from his pants pocket. He presented it to her and opened it with tremendous care. Inside rested the most beautiful ring she had ever laid eyes on. It was old but still in perfect condition. Goblin made if she had to wager a guess. The thin platinum band held an oval shaped emerald in place. "I love you. I want you like I've never wanted another woman in my life. I have dreams of our children -they have my hair and your eyes, my wits and your smarts. They are truly formidable!-, of our life together. I see you and I see my future. The thought of loosing you drives me crazy. Seeing men eyeing you enrages me beyond reason. So please for the sake of my sanity, please say yes. I want to marry you. I want everyone to know you are mine and only mine. I want to have the right to break that idiot Anderson's nose for giving you those fucking cookies. Marry me Granger."

Hermione stared at the love of her life. She was a logical person. Never taking a decision without making a pros\cons list and weighting all possible repercussions. Her analytical mind screamed at her she needed to think for such an important decision but her mother's words rung in her ears.

Love is not something you can break down to pieces and analyse. It happens when it happens and you can do nothing about it. When you are in love you only have to close your eyes, listen to your heart and it will tell you what to do.

And her heart had made her decision.


"Yes?" He asked thrilled, a breath-taking smile stealing his features.

"Yes, yes YES!" She yelled and jumped him. They tumbled to the floor but neither cared as they kissed like there was no tomorrow.

They got married six months later, at a chapel in Paris. Their only guests were their friends and families; Harry and Ron had erect powerful wards that held the reporters outside. The news of the Malfoy-Granger wedding made headlines for three months.

Their relationship was a roller-coaster, they had their fights and they made up.

His parents never really softened towards her but after Scorpius Draco and Aurelia Jean Malfoy were borne a year later, Narcissa made a truce with her daughter in law. Her joy at having not one but two grandchildren erased all past hard feelings she had for the Gryffindor.

Lucius resisted harder but when little Hyperion Lucius Malfoy arrived five year later he couldn't help but succumb to the baby's charms. He was a spitting image of his father after all.

Richard and Jean returned to England to be in their grand children's lives.

Neither Hermione nor Draco were prepared for her fourth pregnancy. Hyperion had just turn three and Hermione was busy reforming outdated and prejudiced laws as the new Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. Draco had quit his old job -the only reason he had taken it was to be near Hermione after all- and took over the family businesses after his father retired.

But no matter how unprepared they were Cassiopeia Narcissa Malfoy was a bless.

Cassie's birth though was very difficult. It almost killed Hermione and the healers warned her against another one.

Draco was horrified when years later Aurelia announced she was dating James Sirius Potter, a feeling he shared with Harry himself.

Ron regretted his premature bliss at their misfortune when Scorpius asked for his daughter's Rose hand in marriage a year later.

Hermione enjoyed rubbing it in his face that he was officially related to both the Weasley and Potter clan.

They had a happy life with their ups and downs like all normal couples but in the end all that mattered was that they loved each other.

And that was that.


A/N: I'm not sure I managed to keep the characters in character, I truly did my best to write them as I expected they would react in these situations based on the books and films and my own interpretation of them. It's been six years since the Last Battle so I figured they wouldn't still be the same.

They grew, matured. People change as they get older.

This is probably the hardest story I've ever written. I must have changed my mind about the rating, the plot, and the interactions about fifty times before I settle in this.

And this version underwent extensive editing, many scenes were dropped or altered and many characters got their scenes cut like Cormac. He's the one character I planned to use extensively and changed my mind half way through, deleting another 3000 words and rewrote his part to fit a smaller, but significant role.

I'm still not sure about the smut.

Sexual scenes are not really my thing, and I always feel insecure and embarrassed when I write them so I don't know if it's any good. I do read MA rated stories but when it comes to write them... Not easy. That was the main reason I decided to go for the MA rating. I needed to develop my skills and that was just the perfect prompt for it.

Hope I did well and I managed to do the prompt justice.

Oh and I hope you aren't too upset about the slap!

I know you didn't want any violence but I didn't think that qualifies. Draco deserved it and it's not the first time she did something like that, so I hope its okay with you!

HP wiki, HP Wikipedia and of course Pottermore were of great help. Many of the facts written in this fiction were directly taken from Pottermore so it's pure canon! Saying that I don't mean the whole story of course. It's a Dramione so by default an AU.

Also nowhere in Half Blood Prince and Deathly Hallows says Draco has indeed the Dark Mark. Oh, Harry has his suspicions but that's what they are; suspicions never actually proven. Fenrir Greyback was a Death Eater as well but had no Dark Mark. In the novels it has a very reasonable excuse, him not deemed worthy enough to carry the Dark Lord's mark but it still remains that some of the Death Eaters possibly weren't marked. So let's say for the sake of this fic Draco wasn't actually marked.

Until you can give me proof that he did had the mark -JK Rowing have to confirm it herself- please don't comment on it.


A magical creature from the HP world.

Hair colour: Ashen

Native range: Congo, Zaire

Ministry of Magic Classification: XXXX (very dangerous)

Species information: The Tebo is an ash-coloured warthog. It is found in the African countries of Congo and Zaire. The Tebo is very dangerous and can make itself invisible, rendering it virtually impossible to capture or evade. Tebo hide is strong as it is used by wizards and witches to make protective shields and clothing.