I've decided that throughout the month of March I will be writing one short GamTav fic a day! This shouldn't get in the way of Coexist. Which is actually written…I just haven't been posting. Sorry.
Why am I doing this? Because I'm not happy with my writing and you guys seemed to like the Hair Dye fic. Every day I'll write a one shot based on something that has happened around me throughout the day.
It's like 11:40 here so the first is going to be just a little late…I've been busy with things…but this still counts as the 1st even if it's technically posted on the second!
Why GamTav? Because OTP
March 1st
Video Games
Tavros tapped his finger impatiently on the mouse as he waited for the patch to finish downloading. It figures there would be a huge patch when he's in a hurry to log into the game. Because of his rather strict parents, Gamzee hardly ever got to play with him anymore. As if long distant relationships weren't difficult to begin with. He sighed when the loading bar completely stopped moving, dropping his head down against his folded arm. Fishing his phone from his pocket he sent Gamzee a quick text telling him he was going to be late due to the patch taking forever to finish downloading. It wasn't long after he hit 'send' that his phone was buzzing with a response.
"It'S CoOl bRoThEr, PaReNtS ArE OuT I'vE GoT TiMe tO Be pLaYiNg tOnIgHt :o)"
A grin crept onto his face as he read the text several times, distracting himself from the launcher for a few minutes. When he finally fixated his eyes back on the screen the patch had completed and the 'start' button was lit up enticingly. He was quick to click the button that would connect him with his boyfriend for at least a few hours. The familiar game music filled the room as the loading page settled in on the screen. The log in box faded into view, his fingers flying over the keys to enter the username and password he typed on a near daily basis.
His character bounced on his heels and swung his arms as he waited to be selected. He, of course, had created as many characters as were permitted so he could try out the different classes and species available. It hadn't taken him long to find the class and species that worked for him. His other characters were rarely used, if ever. He had chosen the Summoner class, a class that allowed him to summon creatures to his side in battle. It also came with a few helpful buffs and heals along with semi-powerful attacks. It was perfect for him. He selected his favorite character and logged into the game.
TC: HeY BrO, yOu'Re mOtHeRfUcKiNg hErE NoW! :o)
TC: It'S CoOl, i'Ve jUsT BeEn cHiLlIn' iN ToWn
TC: HeLl yEa :o)
Using the convenient 'port to a friend' feature Gamzee was beside Tavros in mere seconds, his purple clad Bard looking rather ominous in his getup. A warm feeling washed over Tav when they stood facing each other. Sure, he wasn't really there with Gamzee, but it was close enough. The first time they'd spoken over webcam Tavros had nearly died from all the blood rushing to his cheeks. Every time Gamzee would look directly into the webcam he was sure his heart stopped beating as it felt like he could easily climb through the computer screen. It made him anxious and their webcam conversations could never last very long lest he get too embarrassed.
When they had last played Gamzee had been asking for Tavros's help with a boss battle. He wasn't sure where the quest had been picked up as he couldn't remember having to do it. He had already leveled up to 50 before he'd convinced Gamzee to play with him and so far all of the quests had been repeats of what he had completed ages ago. He supposed it could be a quest only the Bard class got. Either way, he was willing to help his boyfriend in any way he could. He was eager for him to catch up in levels so they could work on the same quests together.
Gamzee used his map to locate the boss while Tavros, the party leader, set it so the drops all went to Gamzee. He was the one who needed them after all. All that really dropped were low level potions and armor pieces, crappy low level weapons, quest items, and misc. items that were really only good for selling to merchants for chump change. When all was set Tavros followed Gamzee down the path toward the boss's layer.
In this game you typically had to summon the boss using an item given to you by a previous quest in a specific location. To Tav's surprise, this was not the case this time. While they were still far enough away for the boss to detect them, Tavros checked his level and difficulty. He was a low level, only 16, but the handy difficulty bar was filled past half way. It didn't really make sense for a boss to be too difficult for a lower level player since this game didn't have any quests that required parties. Even so, Gamzee needed the kill to complete his quest. He was just lucky to have Tavros there with him.
He quickly put all of his buffs on Gamzee and himself before they headed into battle. As a Bard, Gamzee was equipped with a lute. His standard attack involved smacking the monster around with the instrument. His skills were much more impressive. For some he actually played the lute and used the notes and melody to stun the boss while Tav dished out damage without taking any in return. There were also a few where the notes became visible, solid and sharp around the edges. They dealt quite a bit of damage though Gamzee complained the cool down time was far too long for those particular skills.
The battle had been more difficult than expected, even for Tavros. But somehow they had killed the boss and Gamzee claimed the reward.
TC: YeP, tHaT's aLl i mOtHeRfUcKiNg nEeDeD TaV
TC: NoT JuSt yEt bRo, HoLd sTiLl
Tavros furrowed his eyebrows as he stared at the screen. Even if Gamzee's parents weren't home he was sure their playing time wouldn't be too awfully long. He wanted to get him to level at least once before he had to log out. Still, he waited until a notification popped up on his screen.
terminallyCapricious has sent you a request
Tavros clicked 'ok' only to have a large window pop up covered in flowers, streamers, and hearts.
User terminallyCapricious has requested that you, adiosToreador, become their other half, their missing puzzle piece, their one and only. Would you like to accept or break their heart?
This was followed by a frowning emote that was rather corny but Tavros hardly noticed. He was too distracted by the blood rapidly rushing to his cheeks. He jumped when Gamzee's ringtone erupted suddenly from his phone. With shaky fingers he picked up his phone and answered the call.
"So, you just gonna leave a brother hanging Tav?" He could practically hear the smile in Gamzee's voice.
"No I just, um, was shocked? I forgot this game had that feature."
"We had to kill that motherfucking boss in order to get the certificate for it."
So that's why they had to fight that boss. Tav knew he didn't remember fighting him in the past. Actually, he didn't know the first thing about the relationship feature. He had always thought it to be rather pointless until meeting Gamzee. Now everyone who selected them would see their relationship status and name of their partner. He wondered if Gamzee knew that. Then again, he seemed to have researched it so maybe he did.
Feeling incredibly silly and embarrassed, he clicked the 'yes' button with his free hand. Gamzee chuckled as streamers and flowers fell around the two of them and the word "congratulations!" spread across the screen. This was so stupid yet it gave Tavros a warm feeling in his gut and put a smile on his face.
"I love you Tav." Gamzee said when his laughter had quieted.
"I love you too." Tavros responded, managing to prevent his voice from wavering or cracking.
The two stayed on the phone, the game forgotten. Eventually, both crawled into bed and fell asleep on the phone. When Tavros woke the next morning the phone call had ended and the game was still open, his Summoner standing side by side with Gamzee's Bard.
So I'm on spring break and really bored so a majority of my time has been spent on Aion. And…this happened. I really had a lot of fun with their classes! I know most might be upset I didn't make Tavros a Page but I thought it would be cute to make him a Summoner. It made sense to me because he had the ability to conjure animals and beasts and command them, like Tav's canon powers. I know those types are typically called Shamans but I chose Summoner for obvious reasons.
It's not easy putting fluff into video games. The last thing on my mind when playing a game is relationship status. I actually think having the "relationship feature" in games is rather stupid. Some will argue that it gives you stats and a shared bank or some shit like that. But that's just the thing, if you're not in a relationship with someone you don't get the special items or stats or whatever else they give you? So you should feel bad because you're single. I see.
A friend and I used to play a game together a very long time ago and entered an in game relationship together simply for the stats it added. The whole this is incredibly stupid and needless.
Anyway, day one is completed at 3am on day two!