Hi, guys. So this is obviously a PJO/HP crossover. It takes place after the Giant War and after they defeated Voldemort. Now, enjoy the story!

It all started because Sally was making cookies.

Annabeth was staying at the Jacksons/Blofis's house while her family was still getting ready to move to New York. Percy and Annabeth have spent every moment with each other, and then word got out that Sally was making cookies, and so they decided to stick around in the kitchen.

"Wait," Percy said before his mother could put the chocolate chip cookies in the oven. "Those aren't blue."

"I know, we don't have any blue food coloring." Sally told her son.

"We can't have blue cookies that aren't blue!" Percy exclaimed.

"Percy, you're almost eighteen. You're almost going to college." Annabeth told her boyfriend. "I'm pretty sure that you should be affected by the color of your cookies."

"But they won't taste as good." Percy protested. "Besides, the story is only a block away! Annabeth and I could go get some food coloring!"

"Fine, if you hurry." Sally told them, and Percy immediately stood up, grabbed Annabeth's hand, and pulled her out of the front door.

"Percy, why do they have to be blue?" Annabeth complained as they walked down the street to Target.

"Because blue is awesome." Percy told her.

They walked into Target and had some trouble finding the food coloring, but found it eventually.

"Seaweed Brain, you're acting like such a kid." Annabeth said, but she was laughing as Percy pulled her to the line.

"Who said I had to grow up?" Percy shrugged.

"Well, if you haven't grown up, then we couldn't be together." Annabeth said, a smug tone to her voice.

"Okay, I take it back." Percy said immediately. "I love being your boyfriend."

They started kissing until someone cleared their throat. The couple broke apart, blushing deeply. They saw it was their turn in line and Percy started to pay the cashier.

"Hey Percy, want to get some Starbucks before we leave?" Annabeth asked as they walked out of Target.

"Sure." Percy shrugged. They walked to Starbucks, which was conveniently on the same block as Target.

The couple both ordered a frappuccino and sat down at a booth, waiting for their order to be ready. Percy couldn't help but notice how crowded the place was. In fact, Percy and Annabeth took the last booth available.

They got their frappuccinos and started talking.

"So, have you gotten your Harvard acceptance letter yet?" Percy asked Annabeth.

"No, not yet." Annabeth sighed. "I really hope they accept me."

"Wise Girl, they would be insane to not accept you." Percy reassured Annabeth.

They continued talking, but Percy noticed out of the corner of his eye a couple walk in. They looked confused and sad that the place was crowded.

"Aw, I really wanted to try a Starbucks. I've never had one before." The red-head girl said, her voice a thick British accent. Percy couldn't help but listen to them, since they were literally standing right next to his table.

"I know, I'm sorry." The guy said. "I guess we'll have to try another time."

"Wait," Percy said before they could leave, surprising Annabeth and the couple. "You can share a booth with us. We didn't want to take such a big booth, but there's enough room for all four of us."

Annabeth sent a warning look to Percy saying what if they're monsters?

Percy shrugged and mouthed I guess we'll have to find out.

The couple looked relieved and sat down on the side of the booth opposite of the side Percy and Annabeth were sharing.

"Thank you so much." The girl sounded happy. "This is our first time in America and I've always wanted to try a Starbucks coffee. We already ordered and we didn't want to leave without getting our drinks."

"Are you from England?" Annabeth asked.

"Yes, we are." The guy replied. "Oh, and by the way, my name is Harry. Harry Potter."

"I'm Ginny Weasley." The girl added (though Percy had to try not to laugh at her last name).

"I'm Annabeth Chase." Annabeth smiled at the British couple.

"And I'm Percy Jackson." Percy said. "Don't they have Starbucks in England?"

Ginny and Harry shared a…scared, maybe, look and then Ginny said, "Well, we never really go out much. And we wanted to try it in the country where it was created."

Percy wasn't smart, but even he could tell that they were lying. "Uh-huh. Cool."

"So, why are you here?" Annabeth asked.

"We have always wanted to visit America." Harry replied, smiling. "And it's been pretty neat so far."

"Don't you just love the architecture?" Annabeth exclaimed and before she could start ranting about the architecture, Percy said,

"Annabeth, we don't want to ruin their first time at Starbucks."

Annabeth glared at Percy, who just smirked.

Harry and Ginny got their coffee and the two couples started talking again.

"How old are you?" Percy asked. "You can't be that old. What are you, seventeen, eighteen?"

"I'm eighteen, Ginny is seventeen." Harry replied. "What about you?"

"We're both almost eighteen." Annabeth replied. "And we both just graduated. It's a surprise that Seaweed Brain could actually graduate!"

"Hey!" Percy glared at Annabeth.

"Is insulting things a mug-American thing?" Ginny looked confused.

"Nah, it's just Annabeth's thing. And Thalia's. And Leo's. And sort of the entire camp's." Percy told her.

"Camp?" Harry raised an eyebrow.

"We got to a summer camp. It's where we met." Annabeth explained. "We're heading there later this year because I have a, ah, job at the EmpireStateBuilding."

Percy smirked because he knew that Annabeth was probably resisting the urge to gush about the architecture of Olympus.

The two couples started talking for another ten minutes until Percy glanced out the window and saw something that he wished he hadn't: a dragon.

Of course, just his luck, a dragon. And it wasn't just your basic one or two headed dragon, this one had eight. And it obviously smelled Percy and Annabeth's scent, because it was making its way down to Starbucks.

"Wise Girl," Percy whispered to Annabeth.

"What?" Annabeth asked sharply, breaking away from her conversation with Ginny.

"Dragon." Percy whispered so quietly that it was a miracle Annabeth heard him.

"Oh, gods." Annabeth cursed. "Really? We should've just skipped Starbucks and gone home!"

"Why?" asked Harry curiously.

"Uh…" Annabeth faltered, realizing that the two mortals were there. "Can Percy and I talk outside for a minute?"

The British couple nodded, but they looked confused.

Annabeth pulled Percy out of the booth and away from the noise. "Percy, what are we going to do?"

"I don't know, maybe lure the dragon to a secluded place then kill it?" Percy suggested.

Annabeth thought about the suggestion. "That's actually a pretty good idea. Come on, let's go say bye to Harry and Ginny. We don't want them to think that we ditched them."

Percy and Annabeth walked over to their booth and they saw Harry and Ginny looking out the window and whispering furiously to each other.

"Hi." Percy interrupted them. "We're back."

"Hi," Harry said shortly. "We've got to go." He seemed pretty shocked and almost scared (again).

"So do we." Annabeth nodded. "It was nice meeting you."

"Same with you. Maybe we'll see each other again?" Ginny raised her eyebrows.

Annabeth smiled. "If the Fates allow it."

"Wise Girl, it's coming!" Percy whispered.

"Yeah, we've got to go." Annabeth said hurriedly and they rushed out of the door.

The dragon was right outside of Target, but somehow the mortals never noticed it. In fact, there seemed to be absolutely not mortals anywhere. What was going on?

"Use your dagger to get it's attention." Percy told Annabeth.

"And then we run." Annabeth finished. "That's a quick strategy."

Annabeth pulled out her dagger and tilted it at an angle, making the sun reflect off of the dagger and into the dragon's eyes.

The dragon roared and then turned to Percy and Annabeth.

"Okay, let's run." Percy said in a small voice. "I'm just glad it's not a drakon."

"Hey!" A new voice shouted, obviously at the dragon. "Over here!"

Percy looked at the where the voice was coming from and saw Harry and Ginny. They were only five feet away and looking directly at the dragon.

"What are you doing?" He exclaimed to them.

"Trying to save your lives." Harry replied, a proud tone laced through his words. "How can you see the dragon?"

"How can you?" Percy countered. "Can you see through the Mist?"

"The what?" Ginny looked confused.

"Percy!" Annabeth shouted and Percy looked up, seeing the dragon swipe it's claws at Percy. Percy yelped and dodged the fatal swing. He pulled out his pen and said, "Oh, that dragon is going to get it."

Harry laughed. "You're going to fight a dragon with a pen?"

Percy smirked and uncapped Riptide. His pen turned into a three foot long glowing bronze blade. "Think again."

Annabeth turned to Percy and kissed him briefly. "A good luck kiss. It's tradition, right?"

Percy grinned. "You never forget anything, do you?"

Annabeth kept her dagger out and she noticed out of the corner of her eye that Harry and Ginny had out wooden sticks.

"What are those going to do?" She asked them.

"You'll see." Harry said, a smug tone to his voice.

Annabeth shrugged it off and turned to the dragon. It was time to kick some dragon butt.

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