Qui'in, Lorik
I've heard of you, of course – you worked with Commander Shepard.
I'll be honest with you: that's really all I need to know. Any friend of a friend and all that.
I could always do business with Shepard, you know. Not that I'd ever have expected to – strange bedfellows, I suppose. I imagine I can see my way to taking your credentials on faith.
We all do what we need to do. Bend a couple of rules here and there, perhaps. It's what keeps places like Noveria ticking over. You scratch my back…
I look forward to doing business with you, then. Perhaps it will be as beneficial as my dealings with your Commander were. Oh, a little arm-twisting may have occurred, but I couldn't hold it against Shepard.
Whatever it is you came for, I'm sure it's worthwhile. You'll have what you require, and the privacy to pursue it. My guarantee. How does it go? Ask me no questions, you'll get no lies.
You've heard it? Splendid.
Apologies for the delay, its been a busy few weeks. However, things are finally more positive than they were, so I'm getting back into the swing of writing. I always liked Lorik Qui'in, so hopefully I've done him justice.
I know this is a very small update considering how long its been, but I'm hoping to have something out by next weekend.
If you're following Onwards, it should update sometime in the next few days, once I've finished some formatting issues. Additionally, if you're following that story, please do get involved in the vote I'm running on my profile, concerning the gender of that story's Shepard. I'd appreciate it.
Be sure to leave a review on both stories.
- Nevery.