Merlin likes to be in charge, Arthur will soon discover. Sometimes he'll be bossy, but Arthur will find that he likes that. Merlin will straddle him on the couch when Arthur is watching the evening news, and when he whispers into his ear to turn it off, Arthur will do as he says, because that whisper promises lovely, dirty things will happen if he obeys. Merlin will tie his wrists with his own hideous checkered ties, kiss him slow and filthy, and Arthur will be helpless underneath him. Merlin will bend over his table in the morning while he makes his tea, climb into the shower with him and make Arthur's feet slip as he fucks Merlin against the tiles, drape himself across Arthur's paper-strewn desk with spread legs and a look that could set ice on fire.

Yes, Merlin likes to be in charge. Arthur will find this out very quickly. Merlin likes to be fucked on the kitchen counter, against the front door, against the pantry shelves, in the shower, on the living room rug, on the living room floor, on the bathroom floor, against the bathroom sink. He likes to lay Arthur down on his big bed and take his time, tangle his fingers with Arthur and pin him down while he rides him. He likes to drown him in slow, lazy kisses and harsh, stinging bites while he moves over Arthur. He will make Arthur wonder why he never thought of fucking against the piano, and he will smirk at Arthur when he sees him on campus because Arthur can still feel the bruises throb from the black-and-white keys digging into his back while Merlin writhed on his lap.

Arthur won't mind.

It will take three years for them to move in together, and three more before Merlin tells him to quit being rude and give him a damn ring already. Arthur will still be smitten and Merlin will still fuck him against the piano, and Arthur won't wear ties to class anymore because he doesn't want to think about being tied to his bedframe while lecturing about civil disobedience to his sophomore class.

Eventually, they will adopt a dog and a Persian cat who likes to sleep in the bathtub. Eventually, they will stop fucking long enough for Merlin to get his nursing degree. Eventually, they will decide that a dark-eyed little girl obsessed with crayons and Postman Pat is worth trading table sex for highchairs and plates shaped like pandas and frogs.

Eventually, they will find each other.

But for now, Arthur is an ethics professor living quietly, and Merlin is a student with too many books and too little coordination.

Well that's it! I hope you've enjoyed this little fic; I certainly had indecent amounts of fun writing it. Merlin and Arthur are just gorgeous together, in my opinion.
Thank you for reading! xoxo