This is a fic that I thought of after re-watching House, season 6 episode 1. This story is set in the late 1940's/early 1950's.
As said in Broken, this story will start the same as Broken but will follow a different path. I'll be writing up a new chapter for this story (hopefully tomorrow) so it becomes clear how the story will divulge.
Disclaimer: I don't own House or the Teen Titans.
The New Patient
She sat in the cold, metal chair at the edge of the white 'common room', staring out into the grey distance. Today, the clouds hung low over Gotham city, giving it a grey, lifeless appearance. She gazed out, past the rusting bars, to the street, examining each of the passerbys since nothing else was occurring today. This was how she'd spent most of her days, silently looking out the windows.
Had she also not been an avid reader, many would have thought her to be mentally incapable. However, she had read each book that was offered several times. The staff hated dealing with her, they were unnerved by the weight of her calculating gaze, she didn't need words to make them feel inferior. So it came as no surprise to the girl when she heard the faint bickering behind her, their harsh whispers, each trying to avoid addressing the girl. Finally, she stood up, glaring at the two nurses. Noticing the commotion from behind the guarded watch area, another nurse emerged, scolding the other nurses for being so insensitive.
She then escorted the tiny girl to the doctor's door, wishing her luck, before rushing to resume her post in the common area, her firey hair trailing behind her.
Each Tuesday, she had a mandatory visit with the head of the ward. He would ask her some questions, as protocol directed, and hoped to get an answer out of her. He never did. Gently she knocked on the door with the plaque that read Dr. Slade Wilson. She always dreaded these visits.
"Have a seat," said the man, his voice feigning concern, gesturing to a comfortable grey sofa directly across the room. Yet, despite the comfortable cushions, the petite girl sat rigidly, feeling anything but at home in that office.
The girl sat, patiently waiting for the man to pull his desk chair around the desk, and sit it right in front of her, as he did every other visit.
"How are you doing this week?" asked the man, directly meeting her disinterested gaze.
He had his clipboard out, ready to take notes. The girl quickly glanced at his notes before the man shifted, hiding them from her view. All she managed to see, scrawled at the top in abysmal handwriting, was the name Raven. They had gotten her name wrong, but no one was really surprised about that. Since she never told them her name, and she had no family left to speak of (at least none that would claim her), they'd decided to give her a name. After several days, this name was selected because it was what caught her attention most when she looked outside.
Silence stretched between them as they stared each other down.
Finally, the man gave a sigh, pinching the bridge of his skinny, hook nose.
"You've been here 13 years, and not once have you said anything. At first we figured it was trauma, but we no longer know what to do anymore. I think we'll have to start with new treatment soon if this doesn't change."
Again, a pause. The girl could tell the man was disappointed that she hadn't seized the opportunity to speak, however, the threat of a new treatment no longer scared her. She noticed the stress lines that marred his face, but still refused to speak. Finally, with a wave of his hand, he dismissed her.
She rose gracefully and returned to the same spot she had been previously, once again allowing her violet orbs to keep their silent vigil. Eventually, she lost track of the amount of time she was at that window, but she figured it had been a few hours considering that she could see the other patients shuffling in for dinner.
"Sir, I think he has been broken. You may have no choice but to send him to Gotham City's mental institutions, for his own good. They have the best doctors in town working there, maybe they'll find a way to treat him," came the scratchy voice over the phone.
Bruce felt his heart clench for his son, "You're sure there's nothing that can be done for him?"
"I don't think there's anything you can do for him. I think the mental institution is his last hope."
Bruce ran a hand through his disheveled, gray hair, feeling the pressure of the decision before him. He felt partially responsible for his son's breakdown, however, all of the doctors he'd talked to said the same thing-there was nothing he could do for the boy now.
With a long sigh, Bruce finally responded, "Alright, you may admit him. But I will be checking in regularly, and if I find anything I disagree with, I will have him out immediately."
The doctor on the other line didn't answer the threat, but instead, answered with, "Okay, I'll make the arrangements."
She had seen everyone come into the ward, and some of them go, so it came as no surprise to her when the next day a tall, well built man with gray hair and wrinkles that betrayed his age was touring the facilities with what appeared to be his son. His son, much like him, was well built with deep onyx hair. She was about to glance away and continue watching the outdoors, when his eyes met hers. They were the coldest shade of blue she'd ever seen, like ice, and she found herself captivated, unable to look away until he left.
She also noted, with some curiosity, that there was another family trailing behind them, with a child making odd sounds. They sounded like...growls perhaps? The girl shook her head, her short onyx hair flying about. It is not sensible to dwell on those admitted here, they probably will not make it, or they will be forever changed by this place. It's unavoidable.
Dr. Wilson had decided to give this tour personally. This would be, after all, his biggest client. Bruce Wayne, CEO of Wayne Enterprises, had to admit his foster son to the institution. Naturally, he was very stern about what he would allow and what would cause him to withdraw Richard from care at the facilities. Dr. Wilson listened attentively, sure to note what was considered unacceptable. It would not do to lose this patient.
"This is the common area. They are allowed to hang around here until bedtime at 10pm, when it becomes mandatory that they move to their rooms with the lights out," continued Dr. Wilson. Bruce nodded, internalizing this bit of information. The parents of the other rabid boy also noted this detail and looked with curiosity at those who were milling about the area.
It was then that Richard locked eyes with the most stunning shade of violet he'd ever seen. Her eyes were remarkable and drew him in. He longed to go talk to her, however, Dr. Wilson was now showing them another part of the ward. Richard kept pace with his tour group, however, he was no longer paying attention to the details of the tour.
He waited 30 painful minutes until the tour was over. Cautiously, he walked up to Dr. Wilson and asked, "Who was that girl sitting in the chair?"
Richard was about to elaborate more, however, Dr. Wilson knew who he was talking about.
With a chuckle that sounded more like a cat being strangled, Dr. Wilson replied, "That is Raven. She's been here 13 years. You could speak to her, however, don't be surprised if she doesn't respond. She hasn't said a word her entire stay here."
Richard was shocked, though he managed to hide this well. 13 years without speaking?
"Excuse me, but shouldn't medical records be kept private? I don't want my son's condition to be told to just anyone," mentioned Bruce, his voice grave.
Dr. Wilson shrugged, "She signed the paperwork allowing me to disclose her symptoms. Normally, the patients here are not allowed to sign their own forms, however, seeing as she has no family..."
Bruce nodded, accepting this answer. Richard disregarded most of the conversation, except for the part about her family. So she was all alone too? He felt a pang of sympathy for the girl.
From behind him, he could hear the young boy whimpering. Does he also feel bad for her? thought Richard. Eventually, Dr. Wilson led both Bruce and the other boy's parents into his office to sign some paperwork and make final adjustments, leaving Richard and the other, scrawny boy alone. Richard decided to head back to the common area and was annoyed to find the boy following him on all fours, like an animal.
He found her in the same exact spot, staring out into the distance at the vigorous downpour of rain that was now assaulting Gotham.
Cautiously approaching her, he said, "Hi, I'm Richard."
The girl before him nodded.
"Okay, so I know you don't talk, but that's okay," began Richard, dragging a chair from a nearby metal table next to where she sat and sat down next to her, "They tell me you're called Raven here, is it okay if I call you that too?"
The girl looked surprised for a moment, no one had ever asked her preferences, really. Since she never spoke, most things were decided for her, even her name. After a brief pause, she, again, nodded.
Richard was about to say more, however, Bruce showed up, ready to say goodbye to his son.
"If you need anything, you can always call, you just have to ask one of the nurses, okay?" informed Bruce.
Richard nodded. Awkwardly, they hugged one another. Both Bruce and Richard, while really close, rarely showed signs of affection toward one another. Thinking about it now, he noticed how Bruce had never said 'I love you' to him. While Richard knew that he was, in fact, loved by his foster father, these words had yet to be exchanged between the pair.
After they broke apart from the embrace, Bruce said, "The mansion won't be the same without you, you know. I'll miss you."
Richard nodded, replying with, "I'll miss you too. Visit often, okay?"
Bruce smiled, nodding enthusiastically. But Richard knew not to get his hopes up. He knew his foster father meant well, but he was always so busy with work that Richard doubted he'd be seeing much of Bruce during his stay.
Eventually, the parents were ushered out and dinner was served. The food looked awful compared to Alfred's, the family's head butler, food. In fact, it barely looked edible. And yet, Richard noticed, that everyone there was eating the food just fine. Well, almost everyone. Raven sat, alone, poking her food. She barely ate anything. Eventually, a redhaired nurse wandered over to the girl, doing her best to urge her to eat.
Raven took only another few bites before pushing the plastic tray away, clearly indicating that she was done. With a sigh, the nurse took her tray to the cleaning area and Raven returned to her seat in front of the caged windows. Richard hurried up and scarfed down his food, eager to talk to the girl some more. As soon as his tray was whisked away, he all but ran to where she sat, now reading since it was too dark out to see much. Plus the rain continued to blur out the outside world. He quietly sat next to her in the same chair that he had earlier, which thankfully, remained there.
Raven arched a brow at him before continuing with her book of Edgar Allan Poe tales. After sitting there, ignored, Raven finally closed her book with an audible snap and sent a look at her companion. Richard grinned, glad that she was giving him silent permission to speak to her. So he did.
"You know something? I actually like thunderstorms. I find them calming," he informed, looking out at the heavy rain.
The girl looked at him curiously, but didn't say a word.
"Though, I don't think I'll like them much here," he continued, "With the bars blocking the view and all. I'm honestly not sure how you can spend so much time looking outside all day, seeing the bars would drive me insane."
This entire place is a prison, whether you see the bars or not she thought, bitterly.
"Hey, can you play any instruments?" he asked. Wearily, Raven nodded.
"How many?" he asked.
After a brief pause, she held up seven fingers.
"Seven? Really? That's impressive," he complemented, causing her face to burn in embarrassment.
"Can you play the piano?"
Again, she nodded. Richard then gestured to the piano in the corner of the common room area, the one thing that possessed color in the otherwise dingy room. It was a nice oak color and the lid was closed, barring the view of the keys.
"Why don't you ever play?" he questioned before rising to examine the piano. He tried to open the lid, but it wouldn't budge. It was locked. Richard wandered over to one of the nurses, asking them why.
"You have to earn time to play," she explained, "Each time you make progress, you get time to do the things you want to do. Unfortunately, most people here elect to play sports instead of the piano, so it largely goes unused."
Richard nodded, finally understanding why Raven never played. She never made progress while here, and therefore, she was barred from most of the activities. He felt another wave of sympathy for the poor girl, not only was she alone out in the real world, but she was also kept isolated here.
"That's not right, though. What about her, she should be allowed to use it too!" argued Richard.
"I'm sorry, it's just standard procedure, sir. Calm down," she warned.
Silently, Raven glided over to Richard and lightly touched him on the arm, shaking her head. He knew that she was telling him it wasn't worth it, but he still couldn't help but feel angry for her.
Before he could argue the point further, however, the red haired nurse who talked to Raven at dinner appeared, a big smile plastered on her face.
"Okay, it's time for the group session!" she called. She tried to continue, but her voice was drowned out by the sound of several chairs scraping the ground as they were dragged to the center of the room, forming a rough circle. Richard followed suit, unsure of what was going on.
"Okay, for our newcomers, group session is where we explain what's bothering us and how we feel about it. While you are not required to participate, we highly encourage it to help you relieve your anger," she explained, "Since there are some new people, let's go around and say our names. My name is Kori Anders."
She then pointed at the person sitting to her right and the patients began to say their names. When they had finally gotten around the circle, Kori announced in her peppy voice, "Alright, this week's group session can now begin. Who wants to go first?"
For those of you who haven't seen this, I hope you all enjoy! :)