WARNING: This story involves urinary messes and somewhat sexual activity. If you find the content in this story to be disturbing or disgusting, please do not read on!
You Have Been Warned!
NOTE: I do not own the anything of Pokemon, I believe the company Nintendo does
Love's poison
It was warm summer morning, when Seth awoke from a peaceful slumber. The light from the sun blinded him as he sat up from his bed. Seth was a snivy who was very independent. He lived in a tree that was rather large for someone his size.
His tree was in a small village where everyone had house made from a tree.
He stood up from his bed and looked at the stain of urine that was now drying up. He sighed deeply, grabbed his sword and equipped it. He headed out the door. The smell of grass and trees lifted his spirits.
He headed to the pond where he attended his personal training. He always trained with his master named Dakota. Dakota was a leavanny who raised Seth as an infant.
Seth always looked at Dakota as a mother figure. It was a peaceful forest stroll, little movement, many plants, and long rivers. He started thinking about something that had occurred in the past.
(In his flash back)
It was in a small village that this event took place.
It was late at night, Seth had received message to meet his allies in a meeting.
"Is everyone alright!?" Seth asked.
"Yes everyone is fine."Dakota replied.
"Why do they keep attacking?"
"I don't Know, why don't you ask them?"
"Rumor has it that they're attacking because they want us to be separate from them." An old caturne said.
"What do you mean?" Asked Seth
"Well, they're poison, and we're grass, so they believe they have more power over us, therefore their rules must be followed." He explained.
"So we have to be segregated because of our type."
"Yep, pretty much."
"Well I am going to have a talk with them."
"I'll come with you." Dakota said.
They both went to the poison section of the forest. It wasn't too long when they were halted by a gengar.
"Stop right there! What makes you trespass on our land?"The gengar said.
"We would like to speak with the lord of poison."
"Why talk to him when you can speak to me"Said a nidoqueen.
She came from behind a patch of trees, along with a posse of nidorino.
"I am the lady of poison, what brings you here?"
"Why must we, as poison and grass, be segregated from each other?"Asked Seth.
"We must be segregated for each others safety. Poison and grass don't mix well, now do they?"
"Then why the constant attacking?"
"To warn the trespassers off, of course. I don't have time right now. I must meet with the lord of grass."
Seth managed to say before being interrupted by Dakota's hand resting on Seth's shoulder.
"Let her be, she has more important manners to take care of."
The lady of poison continued walking toward the forest of grass.
"Let's go back and work on your swordsman skills."
Seth and Dakota started walking when they thought about what the lady of poison might say with the lord of grass.
"What do you think she wanted with the lord of grass?" Asked Seth.
"I don't know… maybe she might allow the forest to be as one."
"I highly doubt that."
"Yeah I thought so."
"Hmm… I've always wondered."
"What happens to everyone who is poison and grass?"
"That's a good question… I haven't seen anyone lately who is both grass and poison."
"Maybe the poison see them as outcasts?"
They arrived at the village, the clouds were gray and few droplets of rain fell from the sky. It seemed empty which is a sign that the poison types were roaming around.
"You should go inside my house before it rains harder. I have to get some herbs for the medical team, stay in the house no matter what. OK?" Dakota said.
"What if they ask who's inside?"
"Don't answer or open the door until you hear me."
"What if they break in?"
"Then hide somewhere."
"What if they find me?"
"Then you can defend yourself."
"What if they kill me?"
"OK, OK."
"I am going to freak out if I return and you're not there!"
"I know."
"Well see ya!"
"Take care!"
Seth entered the house and followed Dakota's orders while she headed toward the forest. It wasn't long until Seth got bored.
"What am I supposed to do while I'm waiting?" Seth asked himself.
He spotted some scrolls made from leaves and black ink made from berries. He picked one up and began to read it.
"Hmm... Might as well read something."
The scrolls' were about untold legends of other lands that were not visited from the folk of the forest.
"There were two greedy kings, who were brothers, in the village of the volcano, When one had something the other wanted, they would brawl until one claimed victory." He from the scroll.
"This continued throughout the years until a third king arose, who was the long lost brother, ended their arguments by-" Seth said before being interrupted by his urge to urinate.
"Aw man, I gotta pee!" He said silently to himself.
He put the scroll away and searched for a bathroom. Although he knew the house well, he was not able to find a restroom.
"Oh man where is it?"
He searched the whole house about five times until he remembered that Dakota doesn't have a bathroom inn her house, she does her business outside.
He thought about going outside but he was told to stay put, he also hated rain.
He crossed his legs and tried to think of somewhere else to relieve himself. The sound of the rain made it difficult for him to hold it in.
"Ugh what do I do?"
He thought he could probably pee in a bucket or something.
"Hmm... where can I find a bucket?"
Just as he looked around, a voice was heard behind the door.
"Seth are you there?" The voice asked.
"Y-yeah I'm here!"
The door opened and Seth quickly retracted his hands from his desperation.
"Hi, I'm glad your here and alive."
"Y-y-yeah, me too."
"So what were you doing while I was away? If you don't mind me asking."
"Oh, I was uh-!" Seth quickly clenched his crotch and gritted his teeth as streams of his urine spread around his thighs and legs, forming a puddle beneath his feet.
"Couldn't hold it in, huh?" Dakota said, jokingly.
"N-no." Seth said, blushing and frowning.
"That's okay, I'll clean it up."
Dakota spun out some silk to absorb his urine.
"Let's go see what the lord of grass had to say to the Lady of poison."
"You should take your sword with you, who knows what could happen."
Seth nodded and did so. The two headed to the great tree of life, where the lord of grass and his royal subjects lived. By the way, just to let you know that this is still the flashback. Anyway, it wasn't too long before they reached the tree.
Strangely it was guarded by nidorinos'.
"Halt! you may not enter, the lady of poison is speaking with the lord of grass. She has no time for you two grassies, Away with you!" The guard said.
"Grassies? Are you trying to discriminate us?"
"No, I'm trying to give you nicknames! Of course I am! What are you going to do about it?"
Dakota quickly swiped her leafy hands at the guards neck multiple times. The attacks knocked him out before he could defend.
"Wow! Can you teach me that some day?"
"Sure, when your old enough."
They went up the stairs leading to the lord's throne. Yes the tree has stairs carved into it. When they got to the top they see the lord of grass, who was a sceptile, brawling with the lady of poison.
"I will not allow you to take my son for your own purposes!" The sceptile said.
"Then I guess I have to take him by force." The nidoqueen said as she lunged toward him with full force. The lord was knock off his feet. His guards of nuzleaves and simisages' went after her, while two lilligants went over to aid his wounds.
The guards managed to buy a few minutes for him as they were being defeated easily by the lady. The lord stood up and tried to attack her with the leaves on his wrists. He managed to do minor cut son her rough skin.
She spread her claws and slashed him twice, she then stabbed him and threw him on the floor to finish him.
"This is the last time I am going to say this, give me the boy or I will kill your family!"
"Not over my dead body!" He replied.
"So be it!"
Just before the attack, Dakota jumped in.
"You? What are you doing here? Get out of my way!" Lady poison said.
"I don't think so!" Dakota remarked.
repeatedly jabbed lady poison. The attacks were powerful and critical but they were weakening. Dakota got tired and became defensive. Lady poison swung her arms but Dakota kept dodging.
She struck with her tail and knocked Dakota unconscious.
She presumed her scheme of finishing the lord of grass. Seth then stepped and drew his sword.
"Please, you're not worth fighting, Move or I'll kill you."
"No! You lied to us!" Seth said.
"Ugh, I don't have time for this!"
Seth ran up to her and swung wildly, doing minor damage. While lady poison was distracted with Seth, lord grass quickly sliced her in the center of her chest, creating a large wound.
She spread her claws again and slashed Seth. He was knocked back a few feet. Lord grass was clawed right after Seth was slashed. He was on the floor once again.
"Thanks for your son!"
Lady poison struck lord grass one last time and ended his life. She walked over and grabbed a young treecko and took him with her. Seth blacked out a few seconds later.
(End of flashback)
He touched the scar on the left of his belly and sighed again. Wiping him out of his thoughts was the rustle of a nearby bush...