A Message from the Author

I'm sorry that once again this isn't an update on the progress of the rewrite but I have a challenge and a question for you all. First of all, if you haven't read the new version of The Iron Façade please do so or this will be irrelevant.

Secondly, I want to ask you guys what you thought of the changes in the rewrite. Do you like them? What do you think they mean for the main rewrite? I'm curious to know what you all think about them and to see if your guesses are close

The challenge is to look at the fics in the community The Avengers Read About Tony and write a version for TIF. I'd really like to see one but it wouldn't work if I wrote it myself. Be sure to send me a link to it if you do it. Any number of people trying it is okay with me.

Remember you can always message me on the tumblr for my writing; it's karmaruelovegoodeverdeen