A/N: I know I should be working on my other fic, but this is a little pet project I've had going for a while and I finally finished it. :) Like I said in the description, this is going to be a twoshot, but it can be read as a oneshot. I just have a plan for something else I want to do with this later.

HP timeline: Order of the Phoenix

FMA timeline: Post Conqueror of Shamballa, but no spoilers for Brotherhood fans

Rating/Warnings: Er... the word 'bastard' is used twice, but other than that, it should be K+. Though I put it as T to be safe.

Disclaimer: Yep, I was born in Japan with the name Hiromu Arakawa and created Fullmetal Alchemist, then I moved to Britain, changed my name to J. K. Rowling, and wrote the entirety of Harry Potter before I moved to an undisclosed location to write fanfics about my two works with the alias Moon. Seems legit.

Harry stormed down an empty corridor, not paying attention to where he was going. He was so sick of being thought of as a liar! Voldemort was back and he'd killed Cedric! Why would no one believe him!? After a few minutes, he'd calmed down enough to realize that he'd done the one thing that you never want to do at Hogwarts.

He'd gotten lost.

Harry was about to turn around and attempt to retrace his steps when he saw something ahead. Peering closer, he saw that it was a person. 'Thank god!' he thought, relieved. "Hey!" he called out to the person, "Hey, can you help me?" He started jogging towards the person. Now that he was closer, Harry could see that the person was a boy with long, blond hair pulled into a braid. 'Weird,' he thought absently. When the boy turned, Harry almost gasped. He could see through him! Then he mentally slapped himself. 'Ghost. Duh.'

"Yeah?" the boy asked in a slightly exasperated voice, as if annoyed at being interrupted.

Harry was at a loss for words. "Er... I got lost and was wondering if you could help me find my way back to a main hall?" The way he said it, it sounded like a question.

"Tch." The ghost looked him up and down before nodding. Then he turned and walked in the opposite direction. When Harry didn't follow, he turned back and asked, "You coming?"


They walked in silence for a while before Harry, feeling awkward, tried to start a conversation. "So... What's your name?"

"Edward Elric. Just call me Ed though," the ghost replied softly. "But I already know who you are. Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived. Ha. Bet you feel like you don't deserve the title, huh? Feel like you survived at the cost of others, so you aren't really the hero?"

Harry blinked in surprise. "Yeah. That's exactly what it's like. How'd you know?" Not even Ron and Hermione knew how he felt about it.

Ed laughed humorlessly. "I've been through a lot of situations like that." 'Especially that night,' Ed added mentally, 'Al shouldn't have lost what he did. But I guess in a way, me, Al, and this Harry kid are all Boys Who Lived.'

The conversation lapsed into silence for a while before Harry asked tentatively, "So what's your reason?" At Ed's raised eyebrow, he continued hurriedly, "Every ghost has a reason they haven't moved on yet. What about you?"

The blond ghost sighed. "First, that's a very personal question that could seriously offend some ghosts." Harry flushed in embarrassment. "But I don't care. My brother and I are ghosts because we're here to make sure that something never happens. Do you know about the Philosopher's Stone?"

Harry nodded in slight confusion at the apparent subject change. Of course he knew about it; his whole first year had pretty much revolved around it. But what did this ghost and his unknown brother have to to with it?

"Do you know how it's made?"

Harry shook his head. "Now that Nicholas Flamel is dead, only Dumbledore knows that."

The ghost seemed to sigh with relief. "That bastard finally died? Good riddance."

Harry could only gape at his guide's rudeness. "You shouldn't talk that way about the dead!"

Ed raised his eyebrows and looked pointedly down at his body. His ghostly, spirit body. "Right. Well, the bastard deserves whatever he got and more. I know how a Philosopher's Stone is made, Harry, and it's not pretty."

"What is it made of?" Harry asked with curiosity and a little apprehension.

The Elric ghost snorted. "Like hell I'll tell you. My job is to make sure that no one finds out about it." He gained a sad, faraway look in his eyes. "It costs so much just to get it. But then it's capable of ruining so many more innocent lives in the wrong hands. There's a reason it's called the Devil's Research."

When Ed had finished that sentence, both boys realized that they were in a main corridor. Harry was about to say goodbye when a young voice called to them from down the hall. "Brother! There you are! I've been wandering for hours trying to find you!"

Harry turned to the voice, only to see a blur of blond hair charge past him and leap towards Ed. He could only watch in astonishment when he saw that the person -ghost- looked almost exactly like his guide. 'That must be his brother,' Harry realized.

Ed grinned, shoving his brother off. "Al, this is Harry," he said by way of introduction.

The boy seemed to finally register Harry's presence. "Oh! Sorry, I didn't notice you. I'm Alphonse Elric, but you can call me Al," he said with a bright smile.

"Nice to meet you," Harry responded, "I'm Harry Potter."

"The Boy-Who-Lived, huh?" Al replied with a grin. "Pretty cool."

Harry smiled genuinely. It was nice to talk to people who didn't faun over him or call him a liar at first sight. He turned to Ed, "Thanks for helping me out. It was great meeting you guys, but if I don't leave soon..."

"You'll miss dinner," Ed finished with a wolfish grin. "Don't worry about it. Come on, Al," he said, beckoning his brother to follow, "We have to go see the old man. Apparently, he hasn't been keeping us up-to-date on news about the Stone."

Both brothers scowled. But then they smiled at Harry and walked away to find the Headmaster's office. They waved until they were out of sight.

Harry spent the rest of the evening musing on what the Philosopher's Stone was made of, but didn't ask Dumbledore. If the secret was important enough for two people to become ghosts over, he figured he should let it be.

He didn't even notice the whispers and glares the other students send his way that night. He completely forgot about being the Boy-Who-Lived. He just sat there remembering those two blond ghosts and the unnerving expressions they'd worn while discussing the Stone.

A/N: Gah, now I'm nervous! Was anyone OOC? Did it make sense? Should I write the next part or do you just want me to leave it like this? REVIEW TO TELL ME OR I MIGHT GO CRAZY(ER)!