
Above, see chapter 1 for mobile users

See chapter 1

A.N. before story-
W00t! Double digit. Double digit disappointment. I'm sorry.
-Grabs hunting rifle- don't mind me sweethearts, I'm going on a Best friend Beta hunt.

Chapter 10- There'll be mornings


"And you'll find, there'll be mornings when the ashes and embers are cold."


The blonde sat at the foot of the couch, his head lay on the soft pillow of the couch as he watched the TV, and it wasn't that much of a good program, but everything are better than the news right now.

Deidara has been spending most of his time at Tobi's; it could be as well causing him trouble with Pein, Konan and Zetsu. But somehow, the raven had kept him off his back. It was strange to see him hang out with the leader, since the leader wanted to keep his identity hidden.

Tobi broke Deidara's musing by entering the living room. He plopped down on the couch and snatched the remote from the blonde, switching it to another program, ignoring the squeak of protest from the other male.

Tobi has acted differently when he's alone with Deidara, much more friendly and fun. The blonde wants him to act like that with all of his friends, but of course, he will never do that.

"Remember the movie tonight." Tobi suddenly said, though his eyes still fixed on the TV screen.

They were going to watch a movie tonight, 10 Promises to My Dog. They had just returned from school and Deidara had already decided on what they're going to do after it.

"Yeah yeah. I won't forget; I always wanted to see it anyways." His mother never let him go see movies on his own, or even with her. The only reason he doesn't get a scolding for returning home late nowadays is because he's lying about staying after school for studying. Which is half true, except for the school part... and the studying part. But if she ever wonders why he actually got good grades: that would be the excuse.


It was getting late. They should've probably chosen an earlier time but they were too slow to grab tickets.

Deidara doesn't really care; he's gotten his wish and had watched the movie he wanted to watch for a long time now. Now all he needs is a puppy and sleep so he could get ready for school tomorrow.

Despite having watching the movie, he couldn't help but feel sad when the dog has to pass away. Almost having shed a tear when the dog was laying on its deathbed. Most embarrassing thing is, Tobi had noticed and went to comfort him.

And now they walk, side by side. The street lamps poured down a rain of orange light, filling the streets. Deidara had another idea, he wasn't sure if he would play along, but it's worth a shot, right? He reached and tried to make a grab for Tobi's hand, but instead he missed, brushing against his hand instead.

He blushed, wanting nothing more but to hide in a hole. He tried to retract his hand, but stopped when he heard Tobi clear his throat. He felt himself heat up even more when he felt Tobi reach and grab his hand. Their finger intertwined together and an awkward silence fell upon them.

"I want a puppy." Deidara said suddenly, trying to break the silence.

"I don't have the money, space or the time." His reply was utterly disappointing.

"You won't let me get anything." Deidara complained with a mock sad voice, trying to imitate a picky teenager who is almost never satisfied with anything they receive.

Tobi let out a chuckle, suddenly getting all secretive. "But I have something else for you."

Deidara, now extremely curious, looked at Tobi with wide eyes. "What may that be? A kitten?" Such immatureness is too cute.

He reached up, cupping Deidara's face and leaned down.

What came next, we all know.

Deidara felt every problem, every worry in his life just melt. Anything that wasn't related to him: gone. He closed his eyes, letting himself drown in the moment; basking.

Tobi breaks the kiss with a laugh, making Deidara brush brighter than a tomato.


"But you'll fight with a passion and you'll never stop cause you know."


Chapter 10 END

To Be Continued

Hey guys, Red here!

I need a beta; any dear readers want to be mine? I'll be your best friend forever :D

Usagi did it; it kept on number 8 typhoon warning and schools has stopped today because of it. Thank you, kawaii no usagi.

I tried my best, I honestly did. I really wanted an update because damn, there's only [this amount] of updates for this story left and I want it over with, it's just too damn annoying with it taunting me.

There are only 2 legit chapters left now. I know I'll miss this story as much as you will.

There's going to be a lemon next chapter, anyone excited for that? I know I'm not because I WANT THIS OVER WITH.

I hope you enjoyed and if you did, spending half a second to leave a review would be much appreciated, thank you and have a good one. PEACE!