
Tobi and Deidara, seen by most to be the moon and the sun, the darkness and the sunlight, the idiot and the artist. No one saw it coming, but they were made for each other. They won't believe it, but it is them against the world if they ever try to separate them. They stand out like a silhouette in the bright light.

A.N. before story-
I advise you to listen to the song, more information about it at the bottom c: Disclaimer, I own nothing.
Oh, this is also the longest story I wrote in my lazy story writing times, 1920 words! ( The story, not the other stuff )

Chapter 1- Tears, phobias and fears


"I'm tired of waking up in tears,
'Cause I can't put to bed these phobias and fears."


Break up was always hard, no one said it was easy, no one said it would be painless, no one said it was quick... for the person getting dumped. Some say the person who broke up with the other were always the ones who feels nothing, as if all those feelings and memories with their ex-partner had been blown away by a breeze, as if they were nothing at all. Some say both of them would feel pain, they would agree to remember their memories and treasure them, they would feel pain as if a blade was cutting right through them. Some say some break ups are fast because both of them were bored and had lost interest a long time ago, just waiting for the other to make the move first to break, making the break up very easy to put up with.

Deidara thought all of them were true, he had seen his friends all around him fall in and out of love, some deeper than others, harder than others, longer than others. Some of his friends are a bit flirtish, he was a bit as well, but not as extreme as someone like Itachi's little brother.

That young Uchiha flirts with almost everyone, older, younger, same gender and opposite gender; teachers and higher ups; seniors and juniors, freshmen and others, it is just outrageous to watch him. Then there was Itachi, he and Itachi weren't best friends, nor were they enemies, they're just...schoolmates and group mates, he always thought he was a bit too innocent.

Now, Deidara isn't very innocent himself, but he still have his most important innocent. Surprising as it is, considering that he had been dating twice already, he still has his first kiss. He thought about giving it to his second boyfriend, but he always felt like he wasn't the one for him, he was right.

Yesterday, the blonde caught that bastard redhanded, cheating on him as if he was nothing but a playmate. Deidara even gave him a chance to explain, but that son of a bitch broke up with him as cruel as any break up can get. He admitted that he was cheating on the blonde more than once and he even laughed at how dumb he was, and mocking him of his sexuality and even threatened to go to his house and trash his place.

Deidara closed his eyes, forcing himself deeper into his pillow, he could not believe how stupid he was for falling in 'love' with that douchebag. He was lucky he didn't give him anything.

Tonight was going to be a long night, Deidara squeezed his eyes shut tighter, willing sleep to come, his mother won't like it if he did not wake up early enough for breakfast. He fell asleep eventually and even though it was a dreamless one - he'd always preferred dreams - he had some shut-eye and that's what he needed.

The blonde artist didn't even realize he was crying until the next morning, despite having no dreams, he was weak in his resting and his emotions couldn't help but spill. He woke up in tears, his own tears, Deidara hadn't cried ever since he was born, he thought his mother's harshness had made him strong, but he was wrong.

Deidara wiped his eyes and quickly headed out of his room and to the bathroom, he brushed his teeth and washed his face, making sure to look as if nothing had happened. He took a deep breath before walking out. The blonde went back to his room and grabbed his bag, which was packed neatly at night because Deidara could never gather enough consciousness to do things like packing in the morning, he rushed down the stairs and sat down at the table before his mother got out from the kitchen.

"Morning mom," He mumbled like he does every morning. His mother never said anything other than grunting, she always had a stick of cigar in her mouth, lightly floating out small streams of smoke, she placed his plate of bacon and eggs on the table and walked back to the living room to watch TV like she always does.

Deidara quickly finished up his breakfast and drank some water, he grabbed his bag and left the house. He walked quickly, wanting nothing more to just run away from everything, but he knew he couldn't. Taking a deep breath, he walked through the school gates and ignored the stares all around him. He wasn't the most famous person in school, he was sure if he wasn't part of Akatsuki, he would have been beaten half dead and taunted to no end. The Akatsuki cloth tied to his arm was a life saver, Pein, who gave it to him, was a life saver, the leader, whoever he is, was a life saver.

The blonde made a quick way to his locker and grabbed his books, he stuffed them into his bag and quickly went to his class. He sat at the corner of the room, where his seat was, and sighed, he was among the few ones who arrive early to class, it wasn't because he wants to learn, he just want to get away from the preying eyes of the people who are against homosexuals.

Deidara took out his books and placed them on the table, he watched as the teacher came in, a few seconds later the bell rang and it was like a party outside, students yelled and shouted, making the half empty classroom feel more empty than ever. A minute or so past after the teacher came in and students came rushing in like rushing water. They all settled down onto their seats and looked at the teacher with a fake concentrating face.

He didn't even care when the others started passing papers around like a bunch of primary students, he would start doodling again but he didn't feel like drawing, it was strange since he never lost muse before. Deidara looked out of the window, watching the clouds in the sky drift by.

Drifting off always makes time fly by faster, it still works for him and it was soon the end of the lesson. Deidara sighed and packed up, he knew today would be a long day, there's still 9 more lessons to go...

He made it through half the classes without trouble and he made his way to the history class, he sat down on his seat and watched as the teacher taught the class. He was bored and his seat wasn't near a window so he could not simply look out the window without making someone think he is looking at someone else and start rumors again. Instead he scanned the classroom, looking over at who was in the class.

On the first seat of the first row was Sasori , the overseer of the rather huge sand box at the playground, alright, it was the whole playground at the back of the college but all he cares is the sand and his stupid puppet action figures. Deidara don't know what it is about the boy, but he seems to be 'in a relationship' with the puppet action figure he calls 'the third kazakage'. He was part of the Akatsuki, quite useless but the leader does have a point of making him a member since he is almost the boss of the playground.

On the third seat of the second row was Hidan, he was a Satan worshiper and he has a habit of praying to his 'god' and sacrificing small animals to Satan. He was in charge of the more violent people despite his small size. The silver haired man was Deidara's best friend currently, since they are both gay. Hidan's role as boss with the more violent people, such as bullies and other people, is the reason why he doesn't get much hate like the blonde, even though Hidan said if his men ever gave him any trouble or are making him feel uncomfortable, he could tell him and Hidan would yell at his men, but Deidara never did tell him because he is afraid it might be an extra weight on his shoulders.

Behind Hidan is his boyfriend, Kakuzu. Kakuzu is the treasurer of the Akastuki and he is the one responsible to gather money from the rich kids and the nerds. He never really showed love to Hidan in front of anyone but Deidara never stalked them to their apartment to see the love in action like Zetsu did.

Zetsu was the one sitting at the furthest back of the classroom, he is a strange fella and acts as a spy for the Akatsuki, eavesdropping to listen to rumors and other things that could benefit the Akatsuki. Deidara thinks he's the only one other than Pein and Konan that knows and seen who the leader of the Akatsuki is. In fact he might be the one who is always talking to and seeing him, Deidara was sure the leader of the Akastuki is male because he overheard a conversation when passing by the higher ups of the group.

Pein and Konan aren't in the same class as he is, Itachi and Kisame also, the four were in another class together but I can still tell you who they are in the group because this is my story that you're reading.

Itachi is the pretty princess that has the obsession with dangos and he is extremely rich, his 'bodyguard' is Kisame and everyone often thinks they are much more than just bodyguard and master.

Pein is the deputy of the Akatsuki, he takes care of everything and is a teachers pet, so he could bail out any member if they got in trouble. He and his girlfriend, Konan, are often the ones who meet face to face with the mysterious leader to talk about problems caused by other kids in school. Lately there are a lot of turbulence because of a new transfer kid isn't obeying the laws of Akatsuki and is always making taunts of the group, he isn't recognizing the Akatsuki as the leader of the school. That kid is quite disturbing and his looks reminds Deidara of a snake.

The bell rang and Deidara starts to pack up, he placed his books into his bag and walked out to make a way to his locker to get the books for the next class, he turned and noticed Hidan run up to him.

"Hey, blondie! 'Kuzu's not in the same class with us right now, lets walk together." He said stupidly because he just wants a company of another person when walking to class. Half of Kakuzu's class is the same with Hidan so he got his wish, but when he's not with him, he looks for other people.

"Yeah, whatever." Deidara rolled his eyes and zipped up his bag. He started walking to the class as Hidan started to babble about what happened today.

When Hidan started talking about what happened in the toilet, Deidara looked at him with disbelief and bumped into a shadowy figure. Books fell and Deidara gasped, "Sorry!" He apologized quickly and bent down to help that person pick up his stuff.

The hooded man said nothing and seemingly staring at the blonde, he was kneeled down beside Deidara as slowly gathered his stuff with the help of Dei. Something sparked in his mind, he wasn't sure if he should follow it's directions or not.


"I'm new to this grief I can't explain,
But I'm no stranger to the heartache and the pain."


Chapter 1 END

To Be Continued

Hey guys, Red here!

I wrote this out of boredom in class and it is possible that I won't continue it, but I did fall in love with the song 'Silhouette' by Owl City thus this fic was born, with the help of teacher mumbling about stupid stuff related to English, Maths and Chinese.

By the way, if you don't know, Owl City is my all time favorite band.

I hope you enjoyed and if you did, spending half a second to leave a (rating?) review that would be appreciated, thanks and... have a good one. BYEEEEEEEEE.

( Silhouette by Owl City, in the album The Midsummer Station, track number 9, 4:12 minutes long. )