A/N because I have never had a baby and being unable to talk to my big sister who has had a baby, I decided not to write the labour part of this story as I didn't want to get it horribly wrong. Thanks to everyone who has read, favourited, followed and reviewed this story I really appreciate it! (Sorry if this seems rushed but I wanted to finish it before I lost my creative juices as I have done with other stories)

On April 10th in a small private room Spike was sat on a chair next to Winnie's bed holding one of the twins while Winnie held the other, also in the room was Team One plus Jules and Sam. Penny, Leah and Jules were gushing over the small bundles while the men tried to keep their composure but were close to gushing like the women in the room.

"So" drawled Ed, who had been harassing Winnie and Spike for the names of the twins since they had announced they had picked potential names, two girls names and two boys names. "What are their names?"

Winnie and Spike grinned at each other.

"Oh come on! You have to tell us now! We can't go around calling them Twin 1 and Twin 2, that would be just unfair!" complained Sam.

Winnie laughed "alright, this little one" gesturing to the baby she was holding "is called Thomas Dominic Lewis Scarlatti" everyone in the room was smiling and nodding at the name choice but none of them was grinning as much as Greg.

Spike caught Greg's eye "yes Boss we liked you're suggestion and that's why he's called Thomas"

Greg was welling up and wiped away the offending tears, sensing Greg's unease at everyone looking at him, Jules walked behind Spike's chair and asked "and this cutie's name?"

Spike looked up at Jules and then back down to the baby he was holding and then replied "Abigail Louise Sarah Scarlatti"

Now Penny, Leah and Jules were grinning. "There were our suggestions" said Leah,

"Yeah we liked all three the same and so we picked all three" smiled Winnie,

"Can we hold them?" asked Penny, she couldn't contain her need to hold at least one of the twins anymore.

Winnie and Spike laughed when everyone held out their arms, Spike gently passed Abigail to Jules who walked over to Sam and Winnie went to pass Thomas onto Leah who shook her head and pushed Greg in front of her so he could hold Thomas and she said at Winnie's and Greg's questioning looks "Greg suggested his name so he should be the first one of us to hold him"

Greg looked down at Thomas and gently stroked a finger over his cheek, "this little guy looks a lot like his daddy, but like Harry Potter he has his mother's eyes" everyone laughed at the Harry Potter reference.

"Well Abigail is the opposite, she looks like her mommy when she has her daddy's eyes" added Jules.

While everyone was passing the twins around Spike looked back to Winnie and saw her yawn and rubbing her eyes.

"Sleep honey. You deserved it after ten hours of labour" said Spike as he kissed her forehead. Winnie nodded and closed her eyes, soon she was fast asleep.

Greg had just been given Abigail from Ed when he looked over at a sleeping Winnie, "come on guys I think we should leave and give Winnie chance to rest without us here to possibly wake her up" Greg placed Abigail in her cot while Jack placed Thomas in his. Everyone then quietly bid their goodbyes to Spike and left.

Spike looked into the two cots and kissed each of the twins "know that mommy and I will always love you" Spike then settled back into his chair and watched the three most important people in his life sleep before falling into a contented sleep himself.

Thomas and Abigail were now three months old, after Spike's mom had returned to Italy Jules (with Sadie) were frequent visitors to the Scarlatti house. Jules knew how hard it had been being at home alone with a young baby and she knew it was going to be doubly harder for Winnie so had made the decision to help Winnie out. At first Winnie had opposed to this saying she didn't want Jules spending all her time coming over as Jules had her own life, but Jules had been insistent and soon Winnie realized that having Jules help was a huge relief. Spike had also been very grateful to Jules because he had been worried about Winnie and how she would cope with little sleep and having to look after two young babies.

Winnie and Jules were watching T.V with Sadie playing with some building blocks Jules had bought for her and the twins in their bouncers. Jules looked outside and turned to Winnie, "what do you think about going to the park for a walk, I'm sure the fresh air would do us all good"

"That sounds like a great idea" replied Winnie.

Soon Sadie was in her pram while the twins were in theirs and the two mothers were walking down the street towards the local park.

"So are you getting more sleep?" asked Jules as she and Winnie sat on a bench with Sadie playing with other two year olds.

"Yes I am, Abby and Tommie began sleeping through most of the night when they were ten weeks"

"That's good, I bet Spike can't wait until their old enough for him to teach them all about computers" smiled Jules,

"I'm sure he is, although I think he loves seeing them this small and cute because as both our mom's keep reminding us that it won't last for long and before we know it they'll be moody teenagers claiming we're ruining their lives" giggled Winnie,

"Don't say that! Sadie is two years older than them so closer to being a teenager!" exclaimed Jules.

"So you and Sam thinking of having any more?" asked Winnie,

"Well we both agree two would nice, what are you and Spike thinking of having more?"

"We were thinking about either one or two more" smiled Winnie,

"How soon are you planning on having these little additions" asked Jules,

"Not for a couple of years, we don't want too many little ones running about"

Jules was about to say something when she was interrupted by Winnie's cell phone ringing.


"Hey honey I'm home"

"Oh Spike I forgot you would be off shift now! I'm sorry!"

"No, no don't be sorry it was a nice day and I'm glad you're out getting some fresh air"

"I'll be home in a few minutes"

"No just tell me where you are and I'll be there in a few minutes"

"We're at the park by the play area"

"Ok I'm on my way over, love you"

"Love you to"

"Spike?" asked Jules,

"Yeah he's coming over here to see us"

"I got that" smiled Jules.

Before long they could see Spike walking over, Winnie waved and Spike waved in return. He sat down next to Winnie and wrapped an arm around Winnie and looked into the twins' pram.

"So how were Abby and Tommie today?" he asked,

"They were little angels" smiled Winnie,

"Sadie loved helped carrying the bottles" said Jules "she even asked me today when she can have either a little sister or brother"

Spike laughed "well are you and Sam going to give your little girl what's she's asked for?"

"I'm not going to answer that" replied Jules smiling.

The group remained in the park for another fifteen minutes before making their way back to Winnie's and Spike's house, there Sam had arrived to take Jules and Sadie home.

After putting Abby and Tommie to sleep Winnie and Spike were sat on their bed watching T.V.

"So how was your shift?" asked Winnie,

"Boring, spent my time doing paperwork and working on Babycakes"

"Remember the last time you said that?"

"Yeah you told me you were pregnant. You're not telling me that you are, are you?"

"No, that's not going to happen for at least eighteen months"

"If you say so" smiled Spike,

"That is exactly what I am saying" replied Winnie.

~ Seven Years Later~

"Daddy!" called Abby and Tommie as they spotted Spike doing some paperwork. Abby and Tommie were followed by their five year old brother Nathan (Nat), Spike bent down and embraced the three youngsters. He looked up to see Winnie walking over carrying six month old Katherine (Katie); Winnie had bought the family in to visit everyone while she also came to talk to Holleran about returning to work as her sister-in-law Sally said she would be happy to look after Katie and if Winnie and Spike were working the late shift Winnie's parents said they would be happy look after Abby, Tommie, Nat and Katie so Sally wouldn't have to look after her own three children as well as Spike's and Winnie's.

"Look who it is" greeted Ed,

"Uncle Ed!" greeted Nat as he flung himself at Ed and giggled when Ed threw him in the air and caught him.

Abby and Tommie threw themselves at the rest of Team One; Spike took the opportunity to greet Winnie and Katie.

"Hello sweetheart" he cooed as he hugged Katie taking her from Winnie so she could go to Holleran's office.

"Oh I see how it is" grinned Winnie,

"Sorry, hi honey how's your day been?"

"Uh huh nice try but the only way you're making up for this is if you cook dinner tonight"

"Was already planning to"


"Really I was!"

"I believe you" smiled Winnie as she walked away. Spike headed into the briefing room where Abby and Tommie were telling Greg and Leah a story about what one of the kids in their class had done, and Nat was showing Ed, Jack and Penny a drawing he had done of the family. Which was Nat his mom and dad, his siblings, Sam, Jules and Sadie, also the whole of Team One and their families.

"That looks great buddy" commented Spike as he looked over Nat's shoulder.

"Really dad?" asked Nat looking up at Spike.

"Yeah it really does"

Nat handed it to Spike saying "you can put it in your locker"

"Wanna come help me buddy as I've got my hands full with Katie"

"Yeah!" Nat had always wanted to see Spike's locker for some reason Spike never knew why as Abby and Tommie had never shown an interest in his locker.

They entered the locker room and Spike led Nat over to his locker and opened it, Nat reached as far up as he could and stuck the picture halfway up the door. He then looked up and exclaimed "that's us!" pointing at a photograph taken at the last Team One gathering last month.

"Sure is buddy. Come on your mom will be wondering where we've gone" after shutting the locker they walked back out to the briefing room and sure enough Winnie was waiting for them, Nat ran over to Greg who pulled him onto his lap.

"So…" started Spike, as he approached Winnie.

"I start back next month" smiled Winnie as she took Katie back.

"Well I'm looking forward to having you work with us again Constable Scarlatti"

"I'm looking forward to it as well".

Spike and Winnie held hands watching their friends and children counting their lucky stars for the life they had together and for their children who continued to amaze them every day.