AN: I apologise for any random word orders, bad formatting or weird spelling mistakes. they will have occurred because of the following reasons:

A. I copied it from a document and when I pasted it, it was all practically dead: the formatting had disappeared and it was all one chunk, with some random words deleted and anything in italics or bold gone normal. So I had to quickly fix it and I may have overlooked some mistakes.

B. I typed it on my IPad, which randomly autocorrects some stuff without alerting me to real errors.

Disclaimer: I don't own Total Drama.

Setting: This is in TDWT, during the finale, when they're on the volcano and Heather accidentally reveals she loves Alejandro. However, in my fic, it spans off in a different direction, and shows what would have happened (well, what might have) if she hadn't betrayed him.


..."Our connection goes deeper than any game. Together, we could take over the world!"

Heather felt like throwing up with shock.

This- this couldn't be real. This had to be a nightmare, or some sick joke. In a minute, she reasoned, he'd laugh cruelly and toss her aside. But he seemed genuine, the light from the volcano reflecting off his back and illuminating his silhouette as he grabbed her and pulled her to his chest. Around them, former contestants stared in shock, and they were all waiting for a reply Heather didn't think she could deliver.

"Well, I suppose I might... actually feel a-a little something."

It was a stupid answer- one that was vague and not exactly promising anything. But what was she supposed to say; "Oh yes, I love you!" And watch while everyone laughed at her and he blew her off? Heather couldn't take that risk.

"Mi Amor!"

Heather was about to search for a response, but Alejandro had made a move all too quickly for her to comprehend; he'd practically slammed his face on hers, his lips interlocking with her own ones. It wasn't romantic in the slightest bit; her eyes widened with a deer-caught-in-headlights look, her cheeks bulged out, she wasn't embracing him back yet, and they weren't being swept up in the waves on a moonlit beach; they were standing in sweltering heat, in front of a group of gasping and groaning onlookers.

But... It was enough.

Enough to shock Heather, rivet the stiff and almost painful realization into her.

Alejandro... Loved her.

Or, it seemed like was enough to make her relax, and shut her eyes, giving into his passion for just a moment, before another reality check shot into her.

What the hell was she doing? Flight instinct kicked in, and she became subconsciously planning what to do; how could she shake off Alejandro? He was-after all- her competition: her sworn enemy, in fact, and there was no way she'd let the weird twinges in her heart she'd been feeling lately rule her head. Love- hah! A million dollars should throw a boyfriend in the shade, shouldn't it? All she could do was use one cliche move- a swift knee to the groin- and he'd be chopped liver. She could throw him off and win. So easy...

So tempting...

Her knee began to fold into the desired position, ready to be used as a deadly weapon. Hah! So long, sucker...

Or, it should have been easy. But something- and Heather refused to believe what it truly was- ceased her movement. Just a flicker, deep down; something that made her chest feel hollow. Dammit! I can't do it! She thought furiously, wanting to kick herself. Stupid Heather.

But somehow, with Alejandro's hands slowly moving from her arms to around her neck, her resolved wavered. She cursed- or would have cursed, if her mouth hadn't been paralyzed in shock. She knew, really, that if she gathered enough strength she could have pulled away, but a small shred of her being wanted to kiss him back.

She wasn't sure whether or not to be relieved or annoyed when Chris interrupted rudely.

"Uh- as much as I want to watch you two make out... NOT... We're on a SCHED-ULE!" The host snapped condescendingly, pointing dramatically at his wrist once again, eyes narrowed. "One of you guys have to win!"Alejandro begrudgingly pulled away, leaving Heather flushed and wide-eyed with humiliation and confusion. The two exchanges glances quickly, both unsure about the whole situation, and Heather bit her lip, eyes traveling towards the crudely constructed wooden Dummy she'd discarded at the edge of the volcano. About a minute and a half ago, the only major focus in her mind was hurling it into the fire and winning- though losing Alejandro forever had been niggling at the back of her head.

But now, she didn't really know what she wanted.

He KISSED me... But I HATE him... But I LOVE him.. And he loves me... I THINK?

She looked at Alejandro once again, trying to read what his eyes displayed in some hope of clearing up her confusion.

"You take the million, Heather." He decided.

Heather rolled her eyes."Yeah, right." She snapped on an impulse. Don't be so noble, you idiot."We go in for the million together."

Way to go, Heather. The snide part of her brain responded. Last chance to take the mil-GONE!

Chris rolled his eyes. "Nice gesture, lovebirds, except there is only ONE million! I ain't springing for another, kids."

"So?" Alejandro said defensively, retrieving his own sacrifice from the ground. "We can share. As long as mi nina hermosa is happy." He winked at Heather, who reddened even further.

"Blech!" She heard Duncan mutter from the wall of onlookers, but gave him a filthy glare, hoisting up the ridiculously heavy doll she'd- or rather, her team had- assembled. Then, standing at Alejandro's side, staring deeply into the mouth of the volcano, she took a deep breat. The heat radiating off the lava was sweltering and oppressive as she leaned in. This was her last chance, really, to take off; betray Alejandro by hurling the dummy in and winning- but somehow, even for her, that seemed too dirty. The cunning, conniving part of her may have wanted to, but a heart that was existed buried under years of callous scheming and bitchy deeds wouldn't allow her to do it.

Alejandro slipped his hand onto her free one, both holding the dummies up- it was more of a strain for Heather than Alejandro- then she heard the spainiard's voice.

"Uno... dos... Tres... Now, Amor!"

Her grip loosened, and the two mannequins cartwheeled down, hitting the flames below in the same second. Heather's body tensed, then pride sunk in.

It was over.

She'd won half a million dollars.

And she'd won Alejandro...

Chris cleared his throat testily. "Well, since you two sissies (both simultaneously rolled their eyes) and I REALLY can't afford a tiebreaker, I'd like to declare- this is SO lame- the two winners of total drama world tour; Heather and Alejandro!"

There was a burst of forced, unfeeling applause from the comgngregation of past contestants, all who were glaring at the two. Heather didn't really care.

Then, Alejandro swooped her up in an embrace and suddenly, the clarity of the moment rushing to her head, she was embracing him back.

"We won, Chica!" He told her triumphantly. Chris, who appeared rather irritated, tossed the briefcase of money to them; it landed with a clunk a few inches from Heather's foot. Alejandro, still grasping one of Heather's hands, bent down to retrieve it, but a sinister rumble shook the air and startled them.

"*CENSORED*!" Heather yelled, regaining her balance. " What the hell was that?"

But her question was answered by a wizened, old Hawaiian local, who tottered into sight warily.

"Y-you didn't throw any pineapples into the volcano, did you?"

Heather and Alejandro's eyes slid to Chris suspiciously. The host shrugged, but a glint of concern crossed his face.

"There are signs EVERYWHERE!" The locals searched, gesturing around. However, there didn't seem to be any signs...

That is, until the group of contestants reluctantly shifted aside to reveal a vast flock of warning signs.

"Oh, yeah." Chris said lazily, not seeming to care. "They really wrecked the shot, so we put the human wall there."

Heather gaped at him in disbelief, before smacking her face into her palm at Chris's idiocy.

"Don't you know what happens when pineapples meet lava?" the locals cautioned, before stumbling away, just as the mouth of the volcano gave another loud heave, the once-still lava churning.

Heather dived down and she scrambled to get the case with her and Alejandro's winnings, but just as her hand closed around it, there came an animalistic cry from behind her.

Oh, great. One thing after another...

Crouching aloft at the edge of the volcano, the familiar, tattered form of the used-to-be-Ezekiel thing growled at her, his bloodshot eyes training onto the briefcase filled with copious amounts of money. Ezekiel sunk back on his legs, preparing to spring...

Suddenly, Heather was knocked back, a rotting stench clouding her nose. Her spine slammed into the ground, knocking the breath out of her, as Ezekiel scrabbled over her, his clawlike hands attempting to prise the suitcase from her grip, kicking her sharply in the stomach in an attempt to subdue her. (as a creature, Ezekiel seemed infinitely more dangerous than as a human,)

"Get off her, falta demonio!"

Heather blinked in shock as Alejandro ripped the scrawny creature off her fiercely. She gathered herself up swiftly, watching in horror as the malnourished thing lashed out at (her... Boyfriend?) Alejandro. The spainiard shoved him harshly, and the creature lost its grip and flew off. For a moment, Heather was relieved.

Then she realized that Ezekiel was tumbling rapidly towards the churning pool of lava... The million dollars still imprisoned in his grasp.

"NO!" She howled, tearing forward in a feeble attempt to regain the money, clutching her ponytail in frustration when the volcano swallowed up the oddly-happy Ezekiel, the million dollars slipping under the flames.

Alejandro approached her, attempting to comfort her with a sting of Spanish; he didn't seem as disheartened at the loss. "When we rule the world, we will have far more than that."

He raised an eyebrow warily at her, and though she have him an exhausted glare, she couldn't help smirking a the peanut gallery, Duncan mimed ramming a finger down his throat, while Gwen snickered.

"Woah... Didn't see that one coming." Chris commented, staring down into the volcano. "Anyhoo... RUN!"

The group of people burst into hysterics and shot away as quickly as possible. Heather tripped over her own feet as she gracelessly stumbled away from the volcano while it began to react wth the pineapple. As lava began to make a searing path that ate away at the rock, the group finally managed to make it off the mountain. While Chris began a rushed epilogue to close the show, the contestants began floundering into the water.

Heather stared uncertainly for a moment- she hated swimming in her clothes- but she forced herself in- it was a choice between getting her clothes wet and being burned alive. The inferno behind them was reflected on the water as they hastily escaped, and finally Chris's boat loomed into view. Bedraggled, the teenagers began climbing up the sides and onto the deck, something which did not please Chris.

"Hey!" He yelled rushing forward. "Stop dripping water all over my deck! I didn't say any of you guys could share my ride..." This was met with a large array of threatening glares; there was no way that even the great (NOT) Chris could take down twenty five ill-treated people who, if he denied them space on his boat, would all have the intent of shoving him into volcani debris-filled water."Fine," He sulked, withdrawing slightly. "You losers can stay. Now Chef, get us the hell outta here!"

The boat gave a violent jerk before speeding away from the now-ravaged island. Heather shoved back a wet chunk of hair from her eyes and stumbled across the moving deck, falling down into a seat on one of the benches aligned at the side of the boat. As if by coincidence, this seat happened to be next to Alejandro, whose face was displaying an abnormal amount of smugness, something Heather felt necessary to question.

"What?" She snapped tiredly.

"Ah, purely the fact that even you could't resist me, Heather." He gloated. "All those times you protested, but now..."

Heather scowled vengefully at him, but some of her usual sheer loathing was absent. She hated him, but she knew that somehow in a stupid, inexplicable way, she had fallen for the jerk. It was more the humiliation of being shown up after all the times she'd adamantly denied it that angered her, especially since Alejandro was so quick to note ... HE had denied it too, and yet he was the one who'd kissed her. And he wasn't getting away with that.

"Uh- you weren't exactly truthful, either." She reminded him loudly. "Don't flatter yourself? Remember that?"

The smile left his face for a moment and he rolled his eyes, but put a hand on her shoulder.

"Get off me." She said instantly, but he ignored her. Just for the sake of it, Heather shot a content smile at Courtney, who didn't look particularly pleased at the new union they'd made, especially since Alejandro had rather blatantly flirted with her in Australia and Sweden. However, Heather's smile turned to a frown when a certain up-himself host strode across the deck, drinking some kind of Hawaiian cocktail."Hey!" She yelled across to him.

"Jerk-face! Are we getting our money or WHAT?"

Chris, being the exceedingly stingy man he was (well, stingy when it came to other people and extravagant when it came to himself) decided not to answer when Heather and Alejandro, who he was sure would probably side with her, could have easily tossed him overboard, so instead he beamed at them arrogantly."Nice." He mocked. "I always knew you guys were perfect for each other."
This was clearly designed to draw a reaction from Heather but, drained of energy and sick of arguing, she shrugged- deciding against leading him on. She was too exhausted even to be snarky any more, and one of the main causes was her intense confusion. Somehow, in the course of one day, she'd won and lost (and would hopefully regain, when Chris paid up) a million dollars, the glory of winning total drama world tour and rubbing it in her enemies' faces, and her worst enemy had made out with her, therefore she'd also won a... Boyfriend? Is that what they were?

Well, his arm was still around her protectively, and he HAD kissed her, but this was... Weird for Heather. She kinda wanted to ask Alejandro what it all meant, but that would have been humiliating.
Thankfully Owen, who was sitting across from them and practically inhaling a jumbo bag of chips beat her to the punch."Hey, AL." He called across rudely, showering a disgruntled Noah with chip crumbs from his mouth. At the irritating nickname, one of Alejandro's eyes twitched."So, are you and Heather, like, a thing now? Because you were and making out back there, ( at the reminder of this, Noah elbowed Tyler. "Pay up, dude.")but you and Heather always said you hated each other..." He scratched his blonde head. "I'm confused."

Heather suddenly became aware that Owen's question had aroused the attention of every other contestant on the boat, who had all gone silent and were all staring curiously at the pair, waiting for an answer.

"Uh, don't you all have better things to talk about than my private life?" She snapped brusquely. This remark was ignored; the group of somewhat nosy competitors were all curious to see whether or not the two antagonists who'd spent more than half the competition denying any slight attraction could actually be a couple, or if the kiss had been a caught-up-in-the-moment thing.

The problem was, Heather didn't know either.

She knew what she felt, as much as she hated it. She'd spent a long time attempting to curb it. Bit in many respects, Alejandro was a mystery to her. He'd kissed and flattered a bunch of girls, solely to use them, making Heather's trust if dwindle. But if that was the case, he'd have pushed me aside to get the million, right?

"I would say that we are." Alejandro responded smoothly, and Heather's lips curled into a triumphant smile despite herself.

"Yeah, whatever." She said lightly. Then, in front of the disgusted people, Alejandro took her face and kissed her again, a little more comfortably this time, his lips curling into hers perfectly. This time, Heather obliged more easily.

"EW!" Chris whined, folding his arms. "There will be NO making out on my boat!"A moment later, on of Heather's shoes sailed through the air and whacked him on the head.

AN: Ah, end on a cliche kiss. By the way, once again, this is a multichap fic so it's not over. I have a few chapters written so if anyone is actually reading this look out for more. Plus, I want to say this: This will NOT be a typical their-life-after-TDWT type fic. While those are good, they've already been done. I have big plans for this fic, but it doesn't involved anything like Hether getting pregnant, married or cheating on him because, once again, that makes a good plot but it has already been done.

BTW: Must read (I know I put this at the top but this is in case you didn't read it) Sorry if there are random word stuff-ups or bad formatting BUT I copied this from a document on my IPad and it completely ruined the formatting, deleted some words randomly and put everything together in a big chunk. So, I had to frantically re-format it and may have missed some stuff.)