Jake was outside in his Avatar for the first time. He smiled as he thought about how he escaped from the lab and ran into the forest, enjoying the feeling of running freely in the fresh Pandora air.

Now he was returning towards the pre-fabricated buildings of Hell's Gate, marvelling at how comfortable he was feeling in his new Na'vi body.

"Hey, marine!"

Jake looked round and saw a female avatar in a red t-shirt and shorts striding confidently towards him with a broad smile on her face.

"Grace? Is that you?"

Grace threw Jake a piece of fruit. Jake caught it nimbly.

"Motor control looking good." Said Grace smiling.

Jake took a bite out of the fruit. it tasted deliciously sweet.

"Oh, this is great." Beamed Jake.

Jake then noticed that Grace was taking six throwing knives from a pouch attached to her belt.

"Er...Grace. What are you going to do with these?"

Suddenly Grace threw the knives at Jake in quick succession. Jake had to dodge acrobatically from side to side to avoid being hit as the knives whistle past his head and body.

"Hey! What are you doing, Grace?"

"Dodging skills looking good." Said Grace.

Grace then whipped out a machine-pistol and emptied the cartridge into the ground around Jake's feet. Jake had to dance around wildly to avoid the bullets.

"Dancing skills looking good, too."

Jake had hardly recovered from dodging bullets, when Grace took out a small pineapple shaped item and threw it towards Jake. Jake caught it instinctively. But then he realised in horror that it was a live hand-grenade.

"You've got to be kidding me." Exclaimed Jake in panic, before dropping the grenade and diving for cover in the undergrowth just before it exploded in a shower of shrapnel.

"Diving for cover skills looking good."

As Jake lay dazed on the ground, stunned from the explosion, Grace jumped on top of Jake, wrestled him to the ground and connected her queue to his.

Five seconds later Grace got up shaking her head.

"Mmmm." Sighed Grace disappointed. "Tsahaylu skills...clearly not so good. Definate need of improvement there, numb nuts."