|June 11th 1992|

It has been ten days since school got out, and his brother already annoyed Harry. Michael kept asking Harry to make him a staff. According to him it would allow him to defend against Voldemort more easily. Yeah, Quirell, the defense teacher, who was the host of Voldemort, attacked Michael. Somehow, Michael was able to survive until Dumbledore came to his rescue and defeated Quirell. When Michael found out that Harry had a staff, Michael started bugging harry to build him one. Harry had just gotten back from Daphne's house, where he, Daphne, Susan, and Hannah were just talking. Hannah and Susan were actually serious about applying to Salem, as they had already applied for Salem. Daphne asked her parents if she could apply for Salem as well, and they had given the okay. Harry helped all of them get caught up with the schoolwork by showing them their previous assessments and lending them books. Harry even gave his old katana to Susan, who decided to take up the katana as her weapon of choice, since he now used the Bahamut no Kiba instead of the katana Gabriel had given him. However, Harry was no attempting to integrate the wakazashi into his fighting style.

"Harry," said Rosie as she walked up to her brother who was sleeping on the coach.

"Yeah Rosie?" asked Harry, tiredly.

"Can we go to Diagon Alley? I already asked mom and dad's permission. We just need to be back home before 7:00," she said as she pulled on Harry's arm.

"Ma, ma. I'll come, just give me a few minutes. I need to go change," said Harry as he got up. He went upstairs and slipped on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt with the symbol for his Quidditch team, the ice dragons. There was an outline of a ice-blue Hungarian horntail on its hind two legs with its wings spread out. The Words 'Ice Dragon' was like a banner that started from one wing tip and ended at the opposite wing's tip. He also grabbed a pair of sunglass clips, which he had gotten before leaving Salem.

"All right Rosie, let's go," said Harry as he put on the sunglass clips. He and Rosie stepped into the fireplace. Harry grabbed some floo powder and clearly spoke, "Diagon Alley." When they got there, Harry and Rosie first went to the candy story to buy some gummy watermelons for Rosie. As Rosie was eating, Harry got some ice cream and sat down.

"Excuse me," said a timid voice. Harry turned to see a girl with long-red hair and freckles. "My name is Ginny Weasley. My brothers George and Fred were wondering if you were Harry Potter."

"Tell them that this is he," replied Harry, confusing Rosie and Ginny. Soon, Fred and George were sitting at the table.

"So," said George, "When are we going to do it?"

"I got the potion ready. Meet me here tomorrow and I'll take us to a place where we can take it uninterrupted."

"Sweet, but where did you get the money to buy the ingredients and when did you make it?" asked Fred.

"Michael. It was during the international dueling tournament. It was a bet with another kid, and the loser would give 15% of 1000 galleons to each member of the winning team. Michael bet that Hogwarts would win, but Salem won. I used that money to buy the ingredients. As for making it, well I used it for my potion mastery. My potions teacher said I could keep 10 vials of it. I'll give you guys two, and Neville one, when I see him."

"Sweet. Well, see you later." Harry and Rosie started walking towards the pet shop.

"So Rosie," said Harry, "Do you want a pet?"

"Really, Harry? You would buy one for me?" asked Rosie with wide eyes.

"Well, I didn't get you a birthday gift, so think of this as you birthday gift. Now go pick one," said Harry as they entered the shop. While in there he saw a snowy white owl (You know who this is). He walked up to her offered his finger to her. The owl stared at the finger before hopping on.

"Wow," said the shopkeeper from behind Harry, "No one has ever chosen her. She's always bitten them or refused to get out of the cage. Do you wish to buy her, sir?"

"How much?"

"5 galleons."

"Harry," said Rosie, "can I get this cat?" Rosie was holding a white cat with red streaks down its back.

"How much is the cat?"

"7 galleons." Harry took out the necessary amount and paid and also got food and a cage for his owl and food for the cat. Harry and Rosie decided to go home because it was almost 6:50 p.m.

"Hey mum," called Harry, "We're home."

"Hi Harry. Did you get anything while you were at Diagon Alley?" asked Lily from the kitchen.

"Owl, owl food, owl cage, cat, cat food, ice cream, and candy," replied Harry as he walked upstairs.

"Okay. Take care of the owl. Rosie, take care of the cat." Harry walked into the room and set down the cage with his owl in it. He fed her some owl food and looked at her.

"What am I going to name you? Harry looked through his history book and found that the person who first though of using owls as a method of transportation was named Hedwig. "How about Hedwig?" Hedwig hooted her agreement.

"Harry, Rosie, Michael, dinner is ready!" yelled Lily from the kitchen. All of three of the children raced downstairs like rowdy children.

"Hey mum," said Harry as he sat down at the dinner table, "what's for dinner?"

"We are having American hamburgers and broccoli."

"Mum," whined Rosie, "Where's dad?"

"You father is working late. He won't be back until tomorrow morning." All four of them ate dinner in silence. That night, Harry went into the forest and using his staff erected a hut where he Fred and George could meet to take the potion. First, eh erected the walls, and made a roof. Then, he conjured some carpet on the floor. Finally, Harry conjured some beds and mattresses for them to fall asleep on, as they would fall into a trance once they took the potion. Harry de-summoned his staff and walked back to the house and fell asleep in bed.

|June 11th 19991|

It was about 9:00 in the morning when Harry woke up. It was a Saturday morning, so there was no real rush to do anything in a hurry. It was almost time for him to meet up with Fred and George. He told them to meet him at Diagon alley in front of Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor. When he walked down after getting ready for the day, he saw that his letter had come.

'Well, time to see if what I got,' Thought Harry.

Harry James Potter has received:

Charms: M

Defense: M

Potion: M

Spell Crafting: M

Transfiguration: M

Herbology: J

Martial Arts: J

Swordsmanship: M

History: M


(Scores) Mr. Potter will be taking the Technomagic exam when he arrives at the school for the summer. You will be sent the completed grade list then.

(Swordsmanship) Mr. Potter is advised to move up in his swordsmanship class as he can easily beat opponents that are at least in their third year, if not in their fourth year. I believe he should be in the fourth-year swordsmanship class.

(Defense) Mr. Potter, while not as proficient with non-elemental spells, should be moved up to third year defense.

Signed: Headmistress Priya Nair

"Boo yeah!" shouted Harry when he saw his grades. Lily and James came over and asked what happened. Harry presented his grades to his parents. When they read the notes, they were pleasantly surprised.

"Harry, were you trying to skip a grade in some classes?" asked Lily.

"No, not really," replied Harry. "I just tried to do my utmost best on everything I do. Is that a problem?"

"No, sweetie. We just want you to have a normal childhood. But if you're fine with being moved ahead, then we have no problem with it. But we have one question. Why are you taking the Technomagic course when you get back in a few days?"

"Well, Neville and I took Technomagic with Mr. Ramirez during our free time and on the weekends. So yeah," said Harry.

"Alright," said Lily after careful consideration, "You are allowed to skip, but you must keep up with your school work. Understood?"

"Of course, mum," said Harry. "Now can I go to Diagon Alley? I was supposed to meet some friends there. We're coming back and then going into the forest."

"Sure," said James as he put on his auror robes. "Just nothing illegal." Harry nodded and yelled, "Diagon Alley," as soon as he stepped into the fireplace. As he was walking, he saw Michael and Ron harassing some little kids.

"Oi," said Harry from behind Michael, scaring him.

"Harry. What a surprise. What are you doing here?"

"I was going to meet some friends, but now I see that I was wrong about you mellowing out. You're the same as you ever were, picking on little kids. Now get out of here," said Harry, chasing Ron and Michael away. Harry then knelt down so that he could look at the little children eye-to-eye.

"Hi little ones. What was my stupid brother doing to you?"

"He wanted our money. But our parents told us that if someone is being mean to us, we should stand up for ourselves."

"That's good advice," said Harry. Harry reached into his back pocket and withdrew a fake wand. "Here, as compensation, I'll give you two a fake wand. Just be careful with it. Understood?"

"Yes. Thank you, sir," said the little children as Harry got up and continued on his way to the ice cream parlor. Harry found the twins waiting for him at the parlor.

"What took you so long?" asked Fred as he walked into the fireplace. Harry and George joined him.

"Potter Manor," said Harry. "I took longer because I was stopping my brother from being a jerk," said Harry as he, George, and Fred walked into the forest. They finally reached the cabin, and each of them sat on a bed. Harry handed each of them a vial.

"Bottom's up," said all three of them, before downing the entire vial of potion. All three of them fell down on the beds, fast asleep in a trance.

Harry looked around. He was floating in the clouds, again. It was similar to when he met Bahamut. Harry decided to take a look around. Soon he could see a huge city filled with dragons. There were European dragons, but more importantly there were Jade Dragons. The Jade Dragons who were important were wearing a ring on their left claw. It looked like the more rings you had, the more power you had. One of the jade dragons, and by the looks of the dragon, he was one of the younger ones noticed Harry and flew at him, passing right through him, and waking up Harry.

Harry snapped into a sitting position on the bed. To his left, both the Weasley twins were starting at him.

"So," said Fred, "What was your form?"

"I'll tell you, if you tell me yours," replied Harry. Both the twins agreed. "I am a Jade Dragon. The particular species is that the color of the Jade Dragon that I am is Ice Blue scales, a white underbelly, and green eyes. You?"

"We are both foxes. Our fur is orange, with red dots and a black underbelly. But how are you going to practice?"

"I don't know. With something as colossal as that…"

"Well, we've got to get going. Mum will mad if we don't return soon. If we have any ideas on how you can practice, we'll tell you," said Fred. All three of them went back to Potter manor and the twins flooed back to the Burrow. Harry wa reading Xavier's letter right now, which had arrived after Harry came back into the house with Fred and George.

Dear Harry,

I don't know when this will reach as you live in England. I have had some family issues come up, so I won't be able to pick you up tomorrow. Instead, whydon't you head over to Salem tomorrow and taking your Technomagic final and I'll pick you up in three days. As for your animagus form, I'll help you. Depending on what it is, maybe it'll be good for battle. Well, I'll see you in a few days.


Xavier Claran

Harry immediately went to his fire place and placed a Floo call.

"Hello?" asked Ms. Longbottom when she saw the a floo call coming through.

"Hi Mrs. Longbottom," said Harry.

"Harry, how are you doing?"

"I'm doing fine. Could I talk to Neville?"

"Sure. Neville!" called Mrs. Longbottom.

"Hi Harry," said Neville as his face appeared in the fireplace.

"Hey Nev. I was wondering when are you going to Salem to take your Technomagic exam?"

"I'm leaving tomorrow. You?"

"Same. But I'm meeting with Enishi and his friends later on today. You want to come?"

"Let me ask my mom first," replied Neville. Harry waited for a few minutes before Neville's face appeared. "I can come. I'll Floo over and then we can go." Harry stepped back to give Neville room. The fireplace roared with green flames and Neville stepped out of the flames. "So how are we getting there?" asked Neville.

"We're going by portkey. Enishi proved me with a portkey to his house before he left America. IT activated recently," replied Harry. "Mom," called Harry, "I'm leaving for Enishi's house. I'll see you later."

"Okay. Be safe," said Lily from her study where she was doing work for the ministry of magic. Harry and Neville grabbed onto the bo staff, which dropped them off in front of Enishi's house.

"Harry," called Enishi.

"Hey. How are you?" asked Harry as he shook hands with Enishi.

"Good. And I see you brought a friend. Who are you?" asked Enishi as he walked towards Neville.

"My name is Neville Longbottom. I also got to Salem, but I didn't try out for the dueling team last year. I'm planning on it this year."

"I can't wait. But unfortunately, the international tournament is every two years. So you're going to have to wait a little bit before you get to face my friends and I. Come on let's go inside," said Enishi. The three of them walked towards the dojo. "Fujimoto is inside the dojo waiting. Would you like to have a spar?"

"Sure," replied Harry. "In fact let's have a double match. Me and Neville vs. You and one of your friends. What do you say?"

"I say we'll kick your butt. Let's go." The three of them entered the dojo and saw Fujimoto practicing his kata.

"Hey guys," said Enishi. Both of them turned to se those that were there.

"Enishi, Harry, and …" said Fujimoto.

"Neville Longbottom," finished Neville.

"So Enishi, what are we going to do?" asked Fujimoto.

"Spar. Nakano, you and I are going to spar against Harry and Neville. Will you do it?"

"Of course I will," replied Fujimoto. "Rule?"

"Swords, only," said Harry. "But could I go grab my sword. It's a special sword that has no equal." Enishi nodded. Harry closed his eyes and held out his hand and started chanting.

"Bahamut no Kiba, I ask for your help. Please aid me in defeating those who are challenging me!" As if responding to his call, the Bahamut no Kiba appeared in Harry's outstretched hand. The black saya, inlaid with a gold dragon outline, and had a single jade jewel as the eye for the dragon. The sword's hilt was covered in black cloth, which had golden kanji for dragon on it. The tsuba was a golden rectangle (A).

"Whoa," said Fujimoto in awe. "Is that the sword that once kept Kyoto safe as long as it was within the walls of Kyoto?"

"Yeah. But that doesn't matter, let's fight. But Neville needs a blade."

"Yes. Neville, what kind of sword do you use?" asked Neville.

"I use a katana as well." Enishi walked to the sword rack and found one. He handed to Neville who gave it a few practice swings before declaring it good to use. Both harry settled into their starting positions. Harry was in a Battoujutsu stance, while Neville was in a ready stance, his sword held in front, feet shoulder length apart.

"Now, let's go," said Harry. Harry rushed Enishi, drawing his sword and slashing. Neville jumped into the air and brought his blade down on Fujimoto's ninjato. As they were fighting, Harry was constantly analyzing Fujimoto and Enishi and seeing how well they had progressed. "Neville, combo 1v2," shouted Harry. Neville nodded and leapt back and started to prepare for an attack. Harry jumped in the air and yelled, "Gyokuryū: 2nd Dance: Kesshō no hahen (B)." He stared thrusting his sword inn both directions, while hardening his magic around the blade. Both Fujimoto and Enishi received multiple gashes on their bodies and their faces. "Now Neville!"

"Kamiya Kasshin: Kōatsushadanki (C)!" shouted Neville. He appeared right in between both of his opponents, and spun in a 360 degree circle, giving both the opponents, and cuts in their sides.

"Hiten Mitsurugi Style: Doryūsen!" shouted Harry. He swung his blade in Fujimoto's direction, sending him flying. "Now Neville, let's get Enishi!" Both of them flew towards Enishi. Harry attacking from above, and Neville attacking from below. However, Fujimoto blocked Harry's attack, and Enishi managed to block Neville's strike.

"Kamiya Kaashin: Appākatto (D)," whispered Neville, as he between Enishi and Enishi's blade, elbowed him in the jaw, sending him up, and finishing the attack with an uppercut slash.

"Huh," said Harry as he saw Neville finish off Enishi, "Guess I have to step up my game. Gyokuryū: 3rd Dance: Kesshō tsume (E)." Harry slashed across Fujimoto's stomach, but instead of there only being one slash, there were three slashes, sending him flying back, and opening his eyes to see Harry's blade pointed at his neck. "Submit?"

"Yeah. I submit," replied Fujimoto. The same thing happened with Neville and Enishi.

"Great match," said Harry as he helped Fujimoto up.

"You too. Now I can see why Enishi lost to you. And if Neville is any indication, we're going to have a tough time this year." All four of them looked at the time, and Harry and Neville's eyes widened.

"We've got to get home before mum and dad does. Sorry Fujimoto, Enishi, but we've got to jet," said Harry as he reactivated the bo staff portkey, which brought them to Potter Manor. Neville quickly flooed home.

"Hey Harry," said James and Lily. "We wanted to talk to you about your school supplies. We have the school supply list, but we know that you are responsible. So, we want you to take some money and buy your supplies. Can you do that?"

"Sure," replied Harry. "I'll leave tomorrow at 11 or 12 in the morning. Until then, night." Harry went up to Rosie's room, where she was sitting on the bed with tears.

"What's wrong, Rosie?"

"You're leaving early, and I'll be stuck here all by myself with Michael."

"Yes. Tell you what, I'll come home a week before the school year starts and I'll spend some time with you. I'll even make you a practice wand. Is that okay?" asked Harry as he sat down on the bed and hugged Rosie.

"Okay," said Rosie happily, wiping the tears from her face.

"Good. Now no more tears. And if you're very good while I'm gone, I'll bring back some American sweets. How does that sound?"

"Good. Night Harry," said Rosie, before she got under the covers to go to bed.

"Night Rosie," replied Harry, leaving the room, and turning off the lights. Harry got ready for bed, and then changed. He went to bed, but not before feeding Hedwig and getting her a dish of water. "Night Hedwig. We're going to Salem tomorrow. You ready, girl?" Hedwig just hooted in response.

"So am I, so am I," replied Harry, before turning off the lights and going to bed.


And Harry Potter Book 2 is finally out. So now, there will not be a tournament, as I have gotten PM's saying that they do not want another tournament. What do you suggest instead? As always, read and review. Anything is welcome.

(A) Think Byakuya's sword guard from bleach, in a gold color

(B) Crystalline Shard

(C) Pressure Breaker

(D) Uppercut

(E) Crystalline Claw