unafraid (insanity)

I hear it.

It echoes in my mind, loud and intrusive.

I know it probably means my death, but still I find a smile on my face.


My smile morphs into a wide grin, as he gets closer.

"Come, come, Subjuggulator. Come and fulfill your duty! You are the Mirthful Messiahs."

I giggle, and my hands shake in eager anticipation.

"You are the rightful King of the Highblood, and our low blood will paint the walls of your glorious castle."


He must be very near, now.

My insides clench in happiness.

My hands ball into fists out of pure glee.

My grin becomes a grimace as the first club smashes down on me, but that`s only because I`m ecstatic for the Highblood to be assuming his role.

I remember watching from a distance as the Messiah killed the Heir, and then the foolish Rogue.

She was an endearing creature, but as a Hero of Heart, she sometimes did... stupid things as a result of her emotions.

I are not as emotion-led as she was, and I know my place, much like the Heir did.

I wince when the club hits again, and I fall back, my head hitting the ground with a sickening crack.

But still I wear my wide grin.

Even as the club crashes down onto my head again and again, I show the Highblood that I agree with his judgment.

Because even as my Tyrian purple blood leaks out of me, and stains his rainbow club, I know I am less than he is.

And so I pass on, unafraid of what awaits me, for I know I have fulfilled my destiny.

A/N: Had to edit and make it first person.


What a chore.