Ok, I'll just explain a few things here before I start. These characters DO NOT belong to me; they all belong to their owners (Marvel, DC, Dark Horse, Anthony Horowitz). I don't know as much about Hellboy as I do about the rest of the characters because I can't collect any comics of him over here, but I have a couple of graphic novels, and I've watched the movies :) I apologise in advance for any mistakes I may make with the characters.
Spider-Man/Peter Parker: He's the movieverse Spider-Man.
Batman/Bruce Wayne: New 52 comic's version.
Iron Man/Tony Stark: Earth 616 (Mainstream universe) version. (Except Jarvis is film JARVIS, the AI, not Edwin Jarvis)
Captain America/Steve Rogers: Earth 616 (Mainstream universe) version.
Hellboy: Movieverse Hellboy, as I've watched the movies WAY too many times.
Alex Rider: Been on all the missions from the books, and 3 more, seeing as MI6 adopted him after the death of Sabina and her parents 4 months ago. His most recent mission involved him getting shot in his right shoulder, and it's still in stitches.
All of the above have no choice but to reveal their identities to one another, and so I apologise for that. All of the above are, obviously, from different universes, but for this story I'm just pretending they're all a part of the same universe, and each has heard of the other, except none of them has heard of Alex Rider, obviously.
I'm doing this mostly from Alex's POV because I'm English and it's much easier than trying to sound American. Please point it out if I make any mistakes with the American's speech, so I can go back and edit!
I also apologise for the ridiculously long AN. Enjoy, and PLEASE REVIEW!
Alex winced as he stood up much too fast from the park bench, the movement pulling on his stitches. He was currently still in America, taking care of the jobs MI6 needed done there. The cold day mocked him as he had made the mistake of trusting the weather forecast and worn a light t-shirt.
He spied an elderly couple giving him strange looks, and he realised how weird he must have looked; his last mission had left him physically wrecked. Bruises and cuts littered his already scarred body, and he cursed himself again for wearing a t-shirt.
Just as he began walking away he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. Automatically, he knew who it was; MI6. He didn't know anyone else. Jack, Sabina and her parents were dead, and Alex and Tom hadn't spoken for nearly six months.
Sighing, he grabbed his phone out of his pocket. It read: Get to a quiet area. We'll ring back in ten. Fighting the resist to growl he reluctantly began walking back to his apartment. MI6 had allowed him to live on his own, but he must not run away or go anywhere without permission from someone at MI6.
The park he was at was about a five minute walk away from his apartment, so he took his time. He was so sick of MI6, he had basically lost the will to live. The only thing keeping him alive was the fact that he believed in what he was doing. MI6 had blackmailed him time and time again, first with Jack's VISA, then with the fact that if he didn't do as he was told they would basically leave him living on the streets. But, he truly knew that what MI6 was telling him to do was the right thing. He just didn't like the way they were telling them to do it.
Sure he had saved the world a couple of times, but MI6 had caused the death of everyone he knew. His parents, Ian, Jack, Sabina, her parents, and they had basically taken away his home and left him stranded and alone in a country completely foreign to him, except for the couple of missions he had been forced to do.
Scowling, he entered his apartment. He turned on the TV to the news and saw the faces of the Avengers. He didn't know what to think of those guys. Some random heroes just appear out of nowhere? Sounds suspicious, if you ask him. Or maybe he was just paranoid about things like this. After all, he was a spy.
His phone rang, and he jumped, pulled out of his thoughts.
"What?" he spat down the phone.
"We have a mission for you, Agent Rider." It was Mrs. Jones. He scowled; he hated being called an agent.
"Does it involve going back home?" he asked almost half-heartedly.
"No. I trust you have heard of the group the Avengers?" Alex's heart skipped a beat. Surely they wouldn't ask him to-?
"Yes. I have. Why?"
"We don't trust them."
"Of course you don't. What do you want me to do?"
"We need you to tail Mr Tony Stark, AKA Iron Man."
"Why him?"
"As he's a hero, genius, billionaire, playboy and philanthropist, he's the most beloved and well known out of the group. That'll mean, if you get caught following him around, it wouldn't seem nearly as suspicious as if you were following Captain America."
Alex inwardly groaned. Why did he always get the worst jobs? Surely Tony Stark would have bodyguards of some description, and no matter what way you looked at it, a teenage boy following a grown man, famous or not, everywhere would always look suspicious.
"Fine. What's my character like?"
"Your name is Ben Scott, you're American and you're a huge fan of Iron Man. Your outfit is an Iron Man t-shirt and specially designed Iron Man gloves. Meet Crawley in the park you were just at in half an hour to get them."
Alex sighed. So he would look suspicious and embarrassing. "What do you mean by 'specially designed'?"
"Smithers designed the gloves to be bulletproof, fire retardant, they can electrocute someone if you touch them with you all five fingers and if you stick out your thumb and baby finger they'll self-destruct, giving you a 20 second escape time. They also contain a tracking device, but you'll have your watch for that."
Alex couldn't help smiling. Those gloves were cool.
"The t-shirt is pretty much normal, except it's glow in the dark."
"Ok. Where will I see Tony Stark?"
"Crawley will explain that. Good luck, Alex." And she hung up. Alex looked at the clock. He had 25 minutes until he had to meet Crawley so he made himself some lunch.
***********Captain America POV*************
"Tony, stop it." Cap sighed as his friend offered him, for the sixteenth time, some alcohol. "I don't drink. There's no point; I can't get drunk." Tony grinned at the man.
"Aww, you're no fun!" he shouted, giving his friend a playful punch on the shoulder. He was currently on his fourth martini, and Cap couldn't tell if he was drunk or just being stupid.
He decided it was the latter. Suddenly, JARVIS's English accent came from above.
"Sir, you have a meeting at Oscorp in thirty-five minutes. I would advise you to get ready, or you will be late."
"Fashionably late, JARVIS!" Tony 'corrected' his AI.
"Tony, I'm coming, too. I wanna check out all the stuff that's been going on in there the past few weeks. That Spider-Man guy, particularly."
Tony frowned, but nodded.
*********Peter Parker POV**********
Peter could have screamed. He didn't know what to do; Gwen kept calling him and telling him to go to Oscorp to meet her, but he was reminded of the promise he had made her father on the rooftop of said building.
On the one hand, he had promised someone something on their deathbed, but on the other hand, Captain Stacy had told him to keep Gwen safe. No one knew he was Spider-Man, except the Lizard, and Gwen, so if he was Peter Parker, they should, probably, both be safe. He smiled, proud of his logic, and dialled her number.
"Hello?" he smiled again at her voice.
"Hey, it's Pete. So you wanted to meet? When?"
**********Alex Rider POV********
Crawley was early, as usual. He wore his black trench coat and looked highly suspicious. He stood there, right next to the bench Alex had recently sat on. He took no notice of the fact MI6 knew he had been here; he had noticed the two men following him since he had left his apartment.
"Alex," Crawley smiled. "Good to see you again. Now, you're in a hurry, so-"
"Am I?"
Crawley looked back up at him from fiddling with his briefcase. "Yes." He said bluntly. "So, I'll just get straight to it. Here's your shirt," he handed Alex the Iron Man t-shirt, which he put on over his long sleeved top, wincing as he did so. "And here're your gloves." He handed Alex gloves that were, Alex cringed, leather-looking replicas of Iron Man's own red and gold metal gloves.
"You are to go to Oscorp, where Mr Stark is due for a meeting. If you see him arrive, follow him. If not, just wait outside. You'll then follow him everywhere until told not to. Understood?"
Alex nodded glumly. "Then get to it, then. His meeting's in 5 minutes." Crawley turned around and walked over to the park bench and sitting behind it was a bike. Unfortunately, it was changed to match Alex's character, with red and gold all over it and an Iron Man face plate in the middle of the handlebars.
He looked despairingly up at Crawley, who smirked a little. "Time for you to go."
"Bye, then." Alex said sarcastically. He reluctantly got on the bike and rode off to where he knew Oscorp was.
********Bruce Wayne POV*************
It was dark. So dark he thought he had his eyes shut. Oh wait, he did. He opened them and found he was on the floor. Of a cell. Great, he thought. He sat up, trying to remember what had happened to him.
He had been fighting four muggers, and had succeeded in knocking out three of them and was engaged in combat with the fourth, who was losing badly, when everything went black. No warning, he had just felt a pain in the back of his head and passed out. Even with his cowl on, he was knocked out.
Now that he was awake, he was alone in a dingy cell. There were chains on the walls, evidently for wrists and ankles, but thankfully they were not being used.
**********Hellboy POV***********
"Abe, pass me a beer," Hellboy requested, not bothering with a 'please.' Abe complied and Hellboy gratefully gulped down the liquid before an alarm erupted from the ceiling.
"Dammit," Hellboy moaned. "What now?" he threw back his head and quickly finished the last of the beer before standing up and grabbing a gun.
He stepped out of the library, Abe following behind, and grabbed one of the flustered agents' shoulders. "What the hell is going on?" He shouted over the ruckus of all the people in the BPRD running around like headless chickens.
The agent simply pointed at the corridor he had come from and broke out of Hellboy's grip, running off again. Hellboy looked back at Abe, who shrugged. They headed off into the direction the agent had pointed, not knowing what they would find. They soon heard gunfire, and sped up. They found about 20 balaclava'd gunmen shooting down a sea of agents, who were fighting back as hard as they could. Three of the gunmen were on the floor, dead, but there were still 17 left. And they all had machine guns. The agents of the BPRD only had pistols with them, and the big guns were God knows where.
Hellboy looked down to see piles of dead agents on the floor, and he got angry. He snatched a pistol off of an agent and shot it at the men. It hit one in the chest, and Hellboy smiled to himself; that is, until the man got back up again. Evidently, they were wearing bullet-proof vests.
He growled. Then a grenade was thrown, except this grenade was massive. When it hit the floor a gas poured out, and it filled the entire room. Hellboy saw some of the agents being knocked out and discovered the gunmen had gas masks, before he fell unconscious, as well.
***********Alex Rider POV***********
When he finally reached Oscorp Alex was more than ten minutes late. Stark's meeting must have already started. He found a bench nearby where he could secretly watch the door.
An hour later, he witnessed a teenage boy, a bit older than himself, meet a pretty blonde girl at the door and walk out together. He saw a limousine pull up outside. Curious, he shifted a bit to see who it was. Incredibly, it was Tony Stark. Alex frowned and rolled his eyes; he was more than an hour late.
Surprisingly, he had no bodyguards, except for a muscly man in a checked shirt and jeans who stepped out behind him. The bodyguard looked around, for danger probably, and his eyes feel on Alex. Blushing slightly and looking away, he saw it was actually Captain America.
He couldn't hold in his inner fanboy any longer, and he grinned to the floor.
***********Captain America POV***********
"Tony, we are not stopping for take-out, we're already over an hour late." Cap moaned.
"Correction: I am late. You aren't even attending the meeting."
"Fine. We are not stopping for take-out, you're already over an hour late."
"Fine. But we're getting take-out when we come back." Tony grumbled.
They arrived at Oscorp, and Tony stepped out of the limo. Cap followed and looked around for any danger. All he saw was a beat-up looking teenage kid staring at him on a bench, who immediately looked away when their eyes met. He saw the boy blush and grin. Cap smiled and followed Tony.
*************Alex Rider POV*****************
He remembered that Crawley had told him to follow Stark, and so he got up off the bench, clenching his teeth briefly as his stitches stretched. He frowned down at MI6's choice of clothing. Surely if they wanted him to sneak into Oscorp they would have chosen something less... Dumb-looking?
Now he'd look like just a weird fan of Iron Man, following him around everywhere. Sighing, he headed on into Oscorp. He was met with a burst of noise and was momentarily taken aback. From outside, it was quiet, and only a few people came in and out every so often, but inside, people were everywhere.
He smiled; this would be easier than he first thought. He made his way through the crowd, trying his best to blend in with all the white coats, while looking out for Stark and Rogers. Eventually he spotted Captain America's checked orange shirt going up the escalator, Stark in front.
Alex made his way over to the escalator, expertly avoiding the eye of the receptionist and security, and hopped on. He hid himself in a cluster of scientists, careful with the gloves.
Something didn't feel right. Alex turned and just caught the glint of a gun and groaned. He ran up to Captain America and Tony Stark, pushing people out of the way and ignoring their shouts at him.
"Mr Captain America, er, Sir... And err, Mr Stark, Sir," he said in a convincing American accent. He smiled when the two men turned around to face him, keeping in character. "Err, there're... Um, gunmen, down there." He pointed down the escalator, trying to keep in character of an idiotic kid, but really he was quite annoyed that some of his nervousness of talking to the heroes was real.
The two smiling men immediately frowned at each other, then looked down the foyer, then at Alex.
"Where, son?" Rogers asked.
"Down there," Alex insisted. He was worried they wouldn't believe him when they heard a scream from below. Alex would have grinned despite himself, if they weren't in this situation. Not many people got to witness Captain America and Iron Man in action. Well, really just Captain America, as Stark didn't have his suit.
Captain America looked down the escalator and ran down it. The scientists cleared a path for him, while Stark grabbed Alex. Thankfully, Stark didn't notice Alex's gasp as the man grabbed his injured arm.
"C'mere, kid, I'll getcha safe," Tony smiled at him. Alex almost didn't return it, but remembered he was supposed to be a huge Iron Man fan, so he grinned at him. Tony pulled Alex up the escalators, again with the scientists clearing a path and led him to the nearest room. It was empty. "What's your name?"
"Al- Ben. It's Ben."
"I'm Tony, as you probably know," he grinned, gestured at Alex's t-shirt. Alex inwardly sighed. He wanted to be down in the foyer fighting the gunmen, not hiding from them with a billionaire. He spoke, or thought, too soon, as they heard gunshots right outside the door.
Tony strode to the door and motioned for Alex to be quiet. He would have rolled his eyes if they weren't in such a situation. Suddenly, the door opened just a crack, but it wasn't Tony who had done it. A massive grenade was thrown into the room and the door slammed shut.
On impact with the floor the grenade released a gas, and the two of them were knocked out in seconds.
*******Peter Parker POV**********
Peter strode up to the large glass doors to Oscorp and found Gwen waiting for him just inside.
"Hi there," he said somewhat awkwardly.
"Hi, Pete. Fancy grabbing a bite to eat?" Peter nodded. They both walked off together, Peter noticed a teenage boy, a bit younger than himself, looking at them. He was blonde and pretty beat-up looking, but he thought nothing of it.
They headed towards the Chinese restaurant two buildings down from Oscorp and ordered their food. Neither Gwen nor Peter mentioned anything Spider-Man related; they talked about their food, movies, songs, and school, and it was going pretty well, the most they had spoken in ages, until they heard a scream.
It was quiet, but they both heard it. Not one of your dumb, stupid-teenagers-messing-around-in-public kind of scream; a proper scream, like one out of a horror movie, but more real. Full of fear.
Then they heard gunshots and Peter stood up, sent an apologetic look to Gwen, and walked out the door. He couldn't see any danger, but he could still hear random gunshots every so often. He walked down an alleyway, and changed into his costume. He then ran out and down the street. He nearly passed Oscorp, but he realised the gunshots were coming from in there.
Inside, he spotted Steve Rogers fighting three gunmen at once, with scientists running for their lives. A gunman noticed him and shot at him, but Peter dodged it, thanks to his spider-sense.
"Cap!" he called. "What in the hell is going on?" Steve looked up and shrugged before kicking a man in the gut and another in the knee.
Spidey webbed a random gunman's arms to his body and webbed his legs together. He then proceeded in webbing the man to the roof. A cluster of gunmen split apart to reveal an empty bag, and a man holding what looked like a giant grenade.
He threw it, and it exploded with gas. A sea of scientists was knocked out almost instantly, but Cap and Spider-Man had the sense to hold their breaths. They looked around for a nearby room to hide in to breath, but could not find one.
"Oh sh-" Spider-Man started before he passed out.
**************Bruce Wayne POV*************
Bruce was jolted awake when something landed roughly on his arm. He looked up to see it was a man. Thing. It was bright red and looked like some sort of devil, tail and all.
He pushed the thing onto its back and saw who it was. Who wouldn't recognise Hellboy? Bruce himself had done some research on the character, but could find nothing that would cause a visit from Batman; especially as he was with the BPRD, an agency he was familiar with. He had watched numerous news reports of the man, and was quite impressed with him.
He wondered if Hellboy could break the bars on the cell, or even the wall when he awoke, but then remembered one of his captors saying they were made mostly of adamantium and gave up that hope.
Bruce himself had been stripped of his weapons and his Batman costume, and was wearing a rather disgusting vest and trousers, both dark green. Hellboy was wearing nearly the same, except they were much bigger and he was not wearing a vest; only trousers.
His thoughts were interrupted by a man bringing them food and water. All the men he had seen so far were wearing balaclavas, so he had basically no idea who captured him. He had his suspicions of the Riddler, maybe, but could see no reason why he would take Hellboy.
The food they were given was just two slices of bread, now, and a jug of water. It had previously been only one slice of bread and a glass of water, but now Hellboy was here they had a slice each. Lucky us, he thought bitterly.
Bruce waited for the food to be pushed the tiny trap door at the bottom of the bars and grabbed it. He checked Hellboy over for any injuries, but he hadn't sustained any un-healable. With that thought, he saw Hellboy beginning to stir and carefully shuffled back an inch or two. He was Batman, and he knew Hellboy was on his side, but he did not want to be in the way of Hellboy's fist if he became angry and confused.
Though, he needn't have worried; Hellboy woke up quietly, as though he were only waking up at home. When he sat up he grunted and glared at his clothes.
"Ugh. Where are we? And who are you?" He asked while Bruce gave him his share of the food and water.
"I'm Bruce Wayne, and I don't know where we are. Maybe somewhere in Mexico; I heard people speaking Spanish. But, then again, we could be in Spain. I don't know how long I was out."
Hellboy looked at him and nodded. "I'm Hellboy."
"I know," Bruce smiled.
"How long have you been here?"
"I've been conscious for about three days, but before that I don't know." Bruce shrugged.
Hellboy nodded, then, "Why are you here, then?"
"I'm owner of Wayne Tech, and I'm a billionaire. This isn't the first time I've been kidnapped." Bruce didn't trust the man to let him know his secret. God, he'd only met him not 5 minutes ago!
They were interrupted again by shuffling and scraping coming from down the hall. Both Bruce and Hellboy stood up to look out at the noise. They saw four men walking backwards, all with balaclavas, dragging somethings. Or someones. And those someones where putting up a mighty fight.
"Let us go and maybe we'll cut you some slack when we beat the cahooties outta you!" A voice hollered.
Four people, with cloth bags on their heads, came into view. Two older men and two teenagers, by the looks of it. Bruce frowned. Teenagers? Both of the men currently in the cell had some significance, being vigilantes and monster hunters, but what was the use of two teenagers?
The four people were fighting hard but could not break through the zip ties holding their wrists and ankles together.
The balaclava'd men told Bruce and Hellboy to stand against the back wall or, they pointed their guns at the teenagers, they would shoot. They reluctantly leaned against the wall while the men opened the cell doors and dragged in the men.
They each crouched down and cut off the zip ties. Then, one by one they took off the bags. The first man was revealed to be Tony Stark, AKA Iron Man. The second was Steve Rogers, or Captain America. The third and fourth were both teenagers, as Bruce had guessed, but none were recognized.
The brown haired boy's man, however stood up and gestured at the kid with his gun-tip and said, "This's little Peter Parker," he sneered mockingly. "I'll allow him to introduce himself properly."
He walked over to the other boy. "Awww, poor little kid, all caught up in the games of adults. Even we don't know who you are. Just some kid caught up in the wrong place at the wrong time. You'll be fun. We only had orders to keep the heroes alive."
And with that, he turned and walked out of the cell, grabbing the remains of the unfinished food and water. He stopped after he shut the bars.
"Oh, if any of you want some food, you're gonna have to tell each other who you really are, those of you who haven't."
He walked off, leaving the heroes to their thoughts.
Wow. Longest chapter I've ever written. 14 pages on Word! If there are any errors, or the Americans sound too posh, or if there're any spelling mistakes please say!
Tell me what you think and PLEASE REVIEW!