Then she felt it. A ragged breath.

Jane woke up to a white room smelling of antiseptic and plastic.

"Mr. Jane, can you hear me?" A nurse asked from a distance (or so it seemed). A groggy yes slipped through his lips.

"DO you need some water?" Water. Yes, that's exactly what he needed. Water. What a brilliant idea, what a genius question.

"ummmhumm." He replied. He felt a cup being held against his lips. He had never thought water could taste so sweet.

"You need to stay in recovery for a while before we can let you move to your room. Please stay awake for us please, Mr. Jane."

Awake? Why should he wake up? Why should he subject himself to life. He liked to sleep. But here there was water and it was sweet and made him feel better.

"More..." he croaked, and he felt the obliging nurse put the cup back against his lips.

"Drink slowly now..."

The team all paced back and forth in the waiting room until the word came that Jane had woken up and was now in his room. They all rushed to his room, but they would only admit one person at a time to see him. Lisbon went first.

Jane was laying in bed, slightly delirious from pain medication and sporting wrappings across his arm and his chest. Other than that, he looked like the same old Jane.

"How are you feeling?" Jane looked at her and smiled.

"I'm awake. I want to leave. Other than that I'm chipper." Lisbon rolled her eyes. He was the same old Jane.

"You were just shot and almost bled to death and you are calling yourself 'chipper'? I'd hate to see you when you felt like crap."

Jane just smiled knowingly.

"Thank you for coming for me." He aid. Lisbon got serious.

"Jane do you realize that you almost died? That you put yourself in danger for a case that we probably could have solved without you endangering yourself? You keep putting yourself out there thinking that we can always save you, but one of these days you are going to have your ass handed back to you on a tray and we won't be there to help."

"I had no choice, we didn't have any proof. I could have told you what I knew, but then we still wouldn't have proof. It was a hunch. And if I had told you my plan you would have stopped me. "

"Damn right." She commented.

"And we would still be no closer than before."

She sighed. Why did he have to always be right.

"Just be more careful, ok? And leave more obvious clues next time. Like a written statement. Or something." Jane rolled his eyes.

"I left you a text and a video. What more could you want?"

"How did you do that anyway? Send the text?" Lisbon asked curiously.

"Wouldn't you like to know." Jane replied with a teasing grin, "I am an ex-psychic that recanted all claim to magic. Who knows what skills I have."

A/N: LOL finally done with this story . Like the first one I've ever finished and had be any good. For those of you who wondered how Jane sent the text: There is a setting in some phones that allow you to set a time when a text can be sent. Jane set this alarm to send to lisbon at 9:30, but he postponed it to the next day every morning. When he was abducted, he could not reschedule the text so the message was sent. :) I'll be writing more Fanfictions on the mentalist soon! Just as soon as I am done with scholarships . Need to find a way to pay for college expenses! Please comment on my story and let me know how you felt about it. What parts did you like the best?

Thanks! 3 Daeneyr