Chapter one

The first few weeks after the battle of Hogwarts, the funerals were held for everyone that died. Harry being Harry, went to everyone, but his friends were with him like they always were. The hardest were the ones for Fred Weasley, Remus Lupin and Tonks Lupin. Even though Harry only met Andromeda Tonks once, they both knew they had to put any differences aside for the sake of Teddy Lupin. He was going to need both of them growing up since he lost not only his parents, but his grandfather as well. Molly Weasley was taking the loss of one of her children extremely hard. Arthur Weasley did everything he could to help his wife through this time even though he was having a hard time himself. George, of course was a mess, being twin to Fred and everyone tried to help him.

When the funerals were finished, Harry stayed at the Burrow and relaxed for the first time in years, not just his body, but his mind and heart as well. He had started thinking about what he was going to do now. The first thing he was going to do was to buy his own place. As he sat there thinking about it, about his first home, he's thoughts drifted to the house in Godric's Hollow. Apart from the roof around his baby bedroom, the rest of the house looked okay.

When Harry had been at the Burrow for two months he made his decision and stepped out of the house and went down to the shed where Mr. Weasley kept all his muggle stuff.

'Mr. Weasley, have you got a minute?'

'Anytime Harry, what can I do for you?'

'Well,' Harry sat down at one of the benches, 'I've been thinking a lot lately, about getting my own place. You know I love staying here, but I really need to get my life in order and the first thing is my own home.'

'Yes, a natural thing to do and something I knew you would want eventually.'

'At first I thought of buying a place, as you know I can afford it. But lately, well, something else occurred to me and I wondered if I could do it.'

'You're parent's home,' Arthur gave Harry a kindly smile.

'Yeah, it's not really in bad shape, mainly the roof. I don't know anything about my parents and I really want to start getting to know them and what better place than in their home, my home.'

'I know that house was left to give people hope, but the war is over, Voldemort is dead. Now from what I know about this is you do own it, so really it is your decision on what you would like to do. I think if you were going to pull it down and have another house built, then people might say something. But fixing that house up, everyone would understand why you would want to. Since it does just need repairing, it's something you could do yourself. Would you want to or get someone else to fix it?'

'I want to, maybe have Hermione give me a hand, she's good at all those type of spells.'

'Yes, she's very clever. Now let me ask you something Harry, how will you be going inside there the first time? It is the place he murdered your parents and tried to kill you, well the first time.'

'I know it will be hard, especially since I did hear everything that went on that night. The one thing that I think will help is, because I was so young, I don't have any memories of what happened. But having to do something hard or difficult never stopped me and I don't want it to this time. It might be the only way for me to really get to know what their life was like.'

'Yes, it probably would because there is things inside that house that will show you what their everyday life was like. You'll probably find letters, photos, all types of belongings that will give you the start of knowing your parents.'

'Yeah, there is, Dumbledore told me that the house was sealed right after he got their bodies out, but nothing was touched. How will Mrs. Weasley take it when I mention that I'm moving out?'

'She knows you will Harry even if she will miss you. She has finally realised that all her children, which includes you and Hermione, you're all adults now and will want to have your own place eventually. I can tell you one thing she will do though and that's make you promise to come for dinner at least a few times a week, she loves to cook for all of you.'

Harry grinned, 'That I could do, I would miss Mrs. Weasley's wonderful cooking. That's one thing I will have to learn, is how to cook. But like with everything, we've got the time now to do all those things we wanted to.'

'Yes we do Harry, that's why I love being down here in the shed. It's one of my greatest passions, pulling all this muggle stuff apart, finding out how it works. I would still love to find out how aeroplanes stay up though.'

'I don't know much about planes, but I do know part of it is to do with the engines. You know what Mr. Weasley, I'll get you some books on planes next time I'm in London. You might not ever get a chance to work on one, but it will give you a lot of information. I did want to ask you though, when do you think you'll be going back to work?'

'I got a letter from Kingsley, he thinks another month and they should have most of his main supporters out of the ministry. But he also wanted to give us time, because of Fred. So I'm having Percy work with me for a while, until he can decide what he wants to do now since he can't have his old job back. But like all of us, we do have time to work out exactly what we want to do.'

'Yeah, we do. Anyway, I'll leave you to it and go talk to Hermione and Ron. Thanks Mr. Weasley, I still like getting advice from you.'

'Anytime Harry,' Arthur smiled then watched Harry leave his shed. After hearing what Harry went through and what he was willing to do, he still couldn't believe how well Harry was coping. Arthur hoped that what he saw and heard was real and Harry wasn't hiding the fact that he was having a hard time. Everyone would realise why if he was, so even if Harry left here, Arthur was going to have Ron and Hermione keep an eye on him, just to make sure.

Harry was standing outside the house in Godric's Hollow, Hermione and Ron were standing behind him waiting for him to go inside. They had been standing there for half an hour and they weren't sure if they should say something or not. Finally, Hermione decided she had to.

'Harry, if this is too hard for you, then don't do it.'

Harry sighed, 'No, it's not that Hermione, I'm just wondering what I will find inside,' Harry pushed the gate open then stepped up to the door. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, then slowly turned the handle and pushed the door in. He stood there staring inside what he thought was the living room. Harry blew out a big breath, then stepped inside and looked around. Apart from being very dusty, there didn't seem to be any damage at all. He heard Ron and Hermione behind him, but just kept looking around. Harry spotted a few pictures on the mantle above the fireplace, he stepped over and picked one up, wiped all the dust off, then stood there staring at a picture of his parents holding him. To Harry, it look like he was only a few weeks or at least a month or so old, 'Things could have been so different if that prophecy was never made, or at least not told to Voldemort.'

'Yes, your parents would probably still be alive. It's hard to say exactly what would have happened Harry. They were members of the order of the phoenix, fighting back then, so anything could have happened to them.'

'Yeah, like Neville's parents. I think I would rather be dead than live like that. But what do you think though, apart from a good clean, and fixing the roof upstairs, it's in good condition.'

'It's good Harry, just dirty, but if you don't know them, mum knows some great cleaning spells she could teach you.'

'I might get her to do that, but some things I will clean the muggle way. I don't know why, I just want to do as much as I can without magic,' Harry glanced towards the stairs, sighed, then slowly walked over to them and stood staring up, 'I should get this over with, I'm just a little anxious as to what I will see up there.'

'That's understandable Harry, it's where everything changed for you.' Hermione said kindly.

'You can take your time Harry, there's no rush to do this.'

'I know Ron, but I want to,' Harry took a couple of deep breaths then walked up the stairs until he came to the door of his old room. It was busted and barely hanging on. Harry pushed it and it fell with a loud thud to the floor, 'It's not as bad as I imagined it would be. Nothing seems to be wet and it's been raining lately, I wonder why?'

'Dumbledore probably enchanted it Harry, so the weather didn't get in. He might have known you would want to come here one day.'

'Yeah, makes sense Hermione,' Harry stepped into the room, his room, he looked around then stared at the cot which he would have been in that night. Parts of the roof were in it as well as over the floor. But one thing Harry noticed, was blood, 'Look,' Harry pointed.

Hermione and Ron stepped beside Harry and saw what he was pointing at, 'Is that your blood?' Ron asked as he stared down into the cot.

'Must be, even though my new scar did bleed, I never thought about my other one.'

Hermione stared at the blood, but had to look away. She kept imagining Harry as a baby, hurt, bleeding and alone. She stared around the room when something caught her attention. She bent down and picked it up, turning it over in her hand.

'Um, Harry, look what I found,' Hermione held her palm out.

Harry turned and stared at Hermione's hand then picked up the golden pin and stared at it.

'Godric Gryffindor, he did find something. Dumbledore didn't think there was anything of Gryffindor's out there. But this is small, what would it have been used for because it has a pin of some type on the back.'

'Back then, they used to keep their sash's pinned to their uniforms or clothes. All different types of people would use them for their clothes, they have different uses for everything back then. These types of things were very common, not made of gold of course, only the wealthy could afford these. What are you going to do with it because it did belong to Gryffindor, a founder of Hogwarts?'

'I'll probably give it to McGonagall, not yet though. Imagine, this was what he was going to use that night, I just ended up being made into one instead of this. I wonder where he found it?'

'I doubt we'll ever know that Harry.'

'No, probably not, but in your opinion Hermione, do you think there might be a chance he found it here, in Godric's Hollow? This was his birth place.'

'I have read that people have tried to find his belongings for years. But the main thing was everyone tried to find where he's home used to be. Maybe that's what Voldemort did, found that area and that's where the pin was.'

'So no one knows where his home was, I never knew that,' Ron said as he stared around.

'No, just that he lived here in Godric's Hollow and he named the town. But do you want me to show you those spells Harry, so you can start working on the roof?'

'Yeah, I do,' Harry stuck the little golden pin in his pocket, took his wand out then watched and listen to Hermione. When he thought he had them, he took the enchantments off, then started to repair the roof. Considering how it looked from the outside, it didn't take long to fix. When they were done, Harry stood back, 'So, did I do it alright Hermione?'

'Perfect, never missed a spot. But I wanted to ask you though about what are you going to do with all this stuff. Keep it and maybe store it for when you have kids one day?'

'I haven't really thought about it. So I'll either keep it or get rid of it. I'm not sure I want to keep all of this, just the books, maybe a couple of the toys, but nothing else. I don't know, but I've got time to decide. I'm just going to seal this room off for now.'

'Well you do have time mate, so what's next or can we go have lunch?'

Harry and Hermione chuckled as they stared at Ron who shrugged, but that was him, Ron was always hungry.