Sufferer: Hell6 everyone. It has c9me to my attenti9n that there are s9me tr9lls that are answering letters. It s9unds really fun and we'd all like t9 get into such a thing. S9 if y9u'd like...y9u may send us letters and we'll try t9 answer them.

Handmaid: We await y0ur questi0ns.

Summoner: yo, c'mon. 1t'll be pretty cool to answer ya.

Psiioniic: iit'll be nice to iinteract wiith others

Disciple: I can't wait furr your letters~! :3

Dolorosa: -smiles kindly- Please do+ no+t be afraid, we will try to+ be as kind as po+ssible. least mo+st o+f us.

Redglare: -cackles- 4ny cr1m1n4ls h1d1ng 4bout w1ll b3 3x3cut3d.

Mindfang: Come on. Don't 8e scared~

Darkleer: -nods-

Grand Highblood: Hahaha! This will be MOTHERFUCKING INTERESTING

Dualscar: ye best not leavwe us hangin.

Condesce: and all ya'll guppies B-ETA be nice to mama~

A/N: First of all, I won't be using Mituna's quirk on Psiioniic because it's so darn irritating no matter how adorbs Tuna is. I shall stick it Sollux's quirk, except for the whole 2 for s and S thing. Oh and since I'm sure Disciple ain't deaf, so Meu's quirk is out too, but those cat puns are staying~! Also I'm rather fond of using Sober!Gamzee's fluctuating tone on GHB ^^

Send them some letters guys! I'll try to answer every one of them. Leave them in the reviews. If those people continue to send me those stupid notices of 'don't do that', then I'll ask you all to send them by PM. Because I won't let this die so quick :3