We grew apart unintentionally

When all of your baggage

Was becoming too much for me.

You attempted to ignite

A burnt out flame

In the darkest night.

But the stars were shining to the ground

And they refused you

They tore your hope down.

You were left a hollow shell

Of the boy I used to call 'frond'

Yet who put me through hell.

I tried to begin again

But your refusal

Set my anger aflame.

The fire that wouldn`t spark

Quickly escalated

To a wildfire in my heart.

And now it is dark, everything is gone

I have nothing left

No reason to hold on.

You put an end to me


Put me out of my misery.

Although I wasn`t in all that much pain

You decided

You would help me out anyway!

So now I`ve no more chances, no revisions

I`ve got to learn, and quickly

How to make decisions.

Perhaps if that rift hadn`t formed

I wouldn`t be gone

And you wouldn`t be scorned.

But here we are now

We`ve given up

Thrown in the towel.

And there goes our last chance

Slipping through our fingers

Maybe if I`d planned this beforehand

We wouldn`t have made such a mess

But there it is

Our chances, spilled onto the floor.

I hope you`re proud,

Or happy,

Or whatever sick emotion you could take away from this.

But know one thing, my old frond...

The rift between us won`t repair itself

In fact it seems to grow larger

With every passing second our friendship`s on the shelf!

So won`t you take my hand?

And I`ll take you to a

Wondrous land.

Where we can frolic day and night

And never have those pesky worries

Taking flight.

Doesn`t that sound divine?