You watch as he jumps again, and chuckle a bit at his determination.

"You alright, little bro?" You ask, leaning down to pick him up. Man, he's so motherfuckin small and cute you could just die. He blushes and falls still in your arms, glancing from your eyes and then downwards. It takes a second, but it clicks that he's looking at your neck. "Wanna bite, motherfucker?"

You can see him hesitate, considering it. Then he slowly leans forward, putting his hand on your shoulders. For a moment you think he's going in for a kiss (which is weird, because he's not normally bold) but he veers off at the last second.

You flinch when his fangs press against the skin of your neck, only a second before they break through. You feel a bit nauseous as you can actually feel the blood flowing-no, being sucked-straight from your jugular vein. You feel your knees go weak.

Man, this little motherfucker can really drink.

When you feel your heart speeding up, and the rest of you slowing down, you put a hand on his chest and pushed him. He flinched away, blood still dripping from his lips. He blushed, quickly hiding his face in his hands.

"I-I'm sorry..." He said, looking away. "I didn't mean to...I'm sorry, Gamzee."

You sit down, not trusting yourself to be able to hold him up much longer. He still looks ashamed, and when his voice trails off you marvel at the fact that even after drinking your blood he's still cute as hell. You pull him towards you, kissing his forehead before pulling back to look him in the eye.

"No need to be motherfuckin sorry, Tav." You assure him. He glances away. You tug at his chin, pulling him to you for a kiss. He's shocked, but immediately opens his mouth when you lick at his lips, asking for permission. You pull away when he accidentally bites your tongue, drawing blood. "I'm sorry!" He says quickly, blushing and pulling away.

"I can't do anything right, I'm sorry Gamzee." You just laugh and pull him back to you, kissing him on the cheek.

"Relax, motherfucker. You're perfect."