Note: I am now accepting OC's, please PM me if you would like to include your OC.

The following OC's have been added to this story:

Blood- Belongs to enderjaw human enderman hybrid

Curse or plague?

We both retracted from the embrace and blushed.

"I get it. You don't have to say anything." I said.

At that point I started to think differently of Oshawott. Meanwhile Elisabeth was sitting by herself on the seat. Oshawott and I went over to accompany her.

"Why hello, care to join me on my journey of boredom?" Said Elisabeth, in a sarcastic tone.

"Sorry, we had to discuss something private." I said.

"But w-we didn't mean to e-exclude you..." Oshawott added.

"I know. Don't worry."

"What do you think they're doing in there?" I asked.

"I have no clue, but I think they might be planning something for us."

"I don't t-think it would be any good n-news for us."

"What do you think Mien... er … what's your name?"

"I don't have a name, remember?"

"Didn't you both name yourselves yet?"


"Then think of something. It sounds weird to call you by your species."

"I don't know... I don't have anything in mind. I guess something short?"

"Just think of something."

"H-how about Mieko?"

"That sounds nice... What do you think?" said Elisabeth.

"I think it's great! How did you think of such a name?" I asked

"Eh, it came to m-my head?" said Oshawott

I didn't think the name was that perfect, yet I could help show my enthusiasm.

"How about you?" Elisabeth asked Oshawott.

"I-I don't know, I don't m-mind being nameless."

"Well since you named me, I'll name you." I insisted.

I looked at him for a second and judged his name based on his characteristics.

"Hmm... Omar?"

"O-Omar... not bad."

To be honest, his characteristics said whole bunch of other names. I just picked Omar because it started with an O.

"Okay, Mieko and Omar. You two now have names, so you have to get used to them."

"That shouldn't be too hard, right Omar?" I said.

"R-right Mieko." said Omar.

He looked at me and smiled. Right then, we saw Nick and the other trainer exit the back room along with the nurse.

"Okay, we're all set to leave now, thank you for everything!" Nick said to the nurse.

"You're welcome! Drop by anytime in case that your Pokemon faint or need a change." She replied with a soft smile.

"Thank you for the help!" Elisabeth's trainer said.

"No problem, anytime!" She said with the same smile.

The two trainers approached us as the nurse went behind the counter that was facing the entrance doors.

"Come on Mienfoo and Oshawott!" Nick said.

We both followed as the same happened with Elisabeth and her trainer. We went through the sliding entrance doors and exited the center. Elisabeth and her trainer followed us out.

"Where should we go?" Nick asked.

"Before we go anywhere, I want to battle you!" Elisabeth's trainer said

"You want to battle me? Okay, I accept!" said Nick.

They both looked pumped, although, I have a feeling we might lose. I haven't seen any of Elisabeth's friends yet. I just hope he won't pick me to fight.

"Where do we battle?" Nick asked.

"Right here, right in front of this center!"

"Alright then, let's have a simple one versus one match."

"Fine, but you better choose your pokémon wisely..." Elisabeth's trainer said.

With that said, Nick turned to me and Omar.

"Do you two want to battle?" He asked.

I didn't want to fight, though Omar did, as he nodded to Nick.

"Looks like you have the spirit Oshawott!"

Nick turned to reveal who he was going to use for the battle.

"Good luck!" I told Omar.

"T-thanks, I'll make sure I-I win for you." He replied.

I watched as Nick, Omar and Elisabeth's trainer took their positions in the battle.

"Okay Emily, what Pokemon are you choosing?" He asked Elisabeth's trainer. Wow, her name was Emily?

"Brian, I choose you!" Emily yelled while throwing a pokéball into the air. A red beam shot toward the ground and spawned a mammalian creature with yellow fur, two blue fins and two yellow tails with beige tips. The pokémon was a rare colored buizel that was also wearing a diaper. The buizel seemed nervous and a little embarrassed based on his facial expression. Besides that, he seemed adolescent.

"I'll go first since I started this. Brian, use ice punch!" yelled Emily.

The buizel hesitated for a moment, but then proceeded with her command. His face went to a more serious look as he made his paw into a fist which lit up light blue with electricity of the same color running up and down his arm. He ran ran toward Omar who wasn't too far from him.

"Oshawott! Use razor shell to deflect it." Nick shouted.

The shell summoned an aura that grew into a blade which was attached to the shell. Brian came close quickly and launched his attack. Omar reacted fast enough to defend himself.

"Use ice punch again!" Emily shouted.

He created the fist again, more quickly and struck.

"Dodge it then hit him with razor shell!" Nick said.

Omar dodged a little too late and received a blow to his left arm. But, this left him with an opportunity. Omar took the opportunity and slashed Brian on the back. Brian winced in pain before falling forward. He hopped back up quickly while Omar smashed the ice on his left arm, freeing it.

"Oshawott aqua jet!" Nick commanded.

With that said, a column of water arose beneath Omar's feet, surrounding him with water. The torrent launch at Brian at full speed.

"Freeze the water with another ice punch!" Emily shouted.

Brian frosted his fist and waited for the right moment. I was hoping he wouldn't freeze the water because he would have major advantage while Omar was immobile. Omar went up high into the air and then down to mid air. The spiraling torrent went straight toward it's opponent. At the speed it was going, it could potentially knock him out. As Omar approached, Brian stood still with his eyes locked on to his target. Omar finally struck and missed by a centimeter. With the small opportunity, Brian slammed his fist into the water, freezing it. Along with the water, Omar froze as well. Because of the speed he was traveling at, the large hunk of ice fell far from Brian. The fall seemed to have damaged the ice which could mean a quicker escape for Omar. Brian ran to the iceberg but then he started walking before he bent over with his arms around his abdomen. He looked like he was in pain internally, yet he wasn't hurt there either. I noticed that the back of his diaper was turning brown and the front of it was turning orange yellow. The color spread throughout the diaper, mixing with the brown. I thought he may be sick or something.

"Hold on, I think somethings wrong!" Emily said running over to her pokémon along with Elisabeth.

By the time she reached Brian, Omar had already broken out of the ice. Nick and Omar ran up to her to see what was the trouble. I ran up to to do the same.

"He's okay, he's just a little sick." Emily replied softly.

"Should we forget the match then?" Nick asked.

"No, I'll use another pokémon. While you sit still and try to feel better." Emily said, cooing Brian.

"Okay... should we get ready for the next battle?" Nick asked.

"Sure let's take five first." Emily replied.

Nick and Emily returned to their positions and decide which pokémon to use next. Omar, Elisabeth and I went over to Brian to see how he was doing.

"You're a g-good fighter! I'm sorry to h-hear that you're s-sick!" Omar asked.

"Thanks, I don't get that a lot." He replied.

"What happened though, did you get a stomach ache?" Elisabeth asked.

"Yes, and a bit abdominal pain but I'm fine now. Though, I think I need a change." He said blushing.

"I hope it doesn't get worse now." I said.

"Me too, thank you though, I appreciate it much!" He replied with a warm smile.

"It l-looks like they're getting ready to b-battle." Omar said.

"Let's move out of the way and enjoy the match, shall we?" Brian said.

We all moved out of the way so Nick and Emily could begin.

"Stunky, I choose you!" Nick said as he threw the ball, summoning the purple skunk pokémon. Only this time, he was also wearing a diaper. I guess Nick and Emily thought that since many of us were having 'accidents' we all had to be put in diapers.

Hearing the species name again brought me back to the thought that Stunky doesn't have a name. I thought maybe I should ask him if he wanted a nickname or not after the battle.

"Let's go Blood!" Emily shouted. Her pokéball spawned a Jackal like creature with canine features like pointed ears, long snout, and blue with black fur. The pokémon summoned was a lucario who was mostly black than blue which was different from other lucario. Like the previous pokémon, he was wearing a diaper that seemed like he needed a change. He didn't seem much embarrassed by it though.

"I'll go first this time! Stunky, use smoke screen!"

The skunk-like pokémon followed his commands and pointed his rear at his target, ready to blow the thick cloud of gas he intended was going to. He grunted before sounding a rude noise that was muffled through the diaper. Blood quickly braced but noticed thatg nothing had happened. The only effect it had was inflating Stunky's diaper.

"Ugh, no, I forgot he was wearing a diaper!" Nick shouted to him self.

"Hahah! Looks like we have the advantage then... Blood use close combat!" Emily said with confidence.

"Dodge it and use slash!" Nick demanded, feeling less confident know.

Blood drew in close while Stunky tried to avoid Blood's attack before landing his own. Blood started punching furously with quick jabs and kicks. Stunky managed to doge most of the attacks but took a few hits from his attempt to attack.

"Again!" Emily shouted.

"Stunky, use night slash." Nick. Said

Stunky's claws lit purple and leaked a light trail with the movments his paw made. He slashed Blood before he got to land a hit which left his guard down. The attack stunky made was enough to make Blood flinch but not enough to stop his rage. Blood kept punching and kicking with each fist and foot thrown, landing perfectly on his target. Blood stopped for a moment which I assumed he was tired by now. Stunky was on the floor, barely able to get up.

Now, finish this up with outrage!" Emily shouted.

"Come on Stunky, you can do it!" Nick exclaimed.

But he was too late, Blood's eye lit read and he started punching and kicking even more rapidly. With Stunky to worn out to even defend him self, we all knew who was the victor. After the punching and kicking had stopped, Stunky was on the ground with a large lump in his diaper and animated swirls in his eyes, his defeat and humiliation. I didn't think any pokémon could be strong enough to beat the stools out of another. Blood was left dizzy due to the outrage. Nick took out a pokéball and returned Stunky in it.

"Let's go take the pokémon to the center to get healed and changed." Emily said with glee.

Emily walked up to Blood, which was too far to hear a conversation from. She was probably trying to snap him out of his confusion. She shook him a little and then looked down. Then she shook him a bit harder and pointed to the ground. I looked the ground as well to see a dark, damp section of the soil which meant that his diaper was probably leaking. Besides that, I could see his fur darkening around his groin. She motioned him to follow and he did so, as Nick came on over.

"Let's go guys, we have to go back in the center to get you guys changed." He said to us. He looked at Brian for a moment and then patted his head.

"I hope you're okay little buddy." he said.

"I feel fine now, but thank you." Brian replied but of course Nick didn't understand a word he said.

Nick turned and headed to the door where Emily and blood were now waiting. We all followed them in to the center, once again...