Batty Advice

'Til Death Do Us Part

In the dark silence of the Batcave, Batman sat at the Batcomputer, hacking into his son's computer. It was difficult, though. Nightwing was a computer nerd, and had created so many walls it was hard to get around. Batman refused to give up, though.

He was there for hours, but finally, he broke through. He sifted through computer files and checked his internet history. What he found, he didn't like.

He called Nightwing to the Batcave, closing everything on the Batcomputer down, except for a single file. When Nightwing appeared a few minutes later, he was faced with a youtube video.

"If you need some help, 'cause it don't look good, who ya gonna call? The Batman!" blared from the speakers.

"Um… Batman, what's this?" Nightwing asked, attempting to be nonchalant.

"I found this video on your youtube account. You're the one whose been causing everyone to ask me for advice, and that's why you've been avoiding me for the past few weeks."

"No I didn't."

Batman glared at him. He sighed and confessed.

"Bruce, you're great at giving advice. I didn't think it was fair that only Bats got to listen to it, so I made the video and sent it to everyone in the League and the Team. I don't know how it got to Arkham, though."

"Why do you think I give great advice?"

"Remember right after my parents died…"


A little Dick Grayson watched as his parents fell. He cried out, but he couldn't save them. He was taken to a large house and told he was going to live there.

The man he was supposed to stay with was never around, so Dick grew lonely, bitter, and sad. He had no family anymore.

He had nightmares every night, and that was the only time he saw the elusive Bruce Wayne. Bruce would hold him close as he sobbed, giving him something that he could hold onto.

One night, after he had finished sobbing, he asked Bruce a question. "Does it ever get better?"

Bruce looked lost in thought for a while, then answered the small boy in his arms. "No, it doesn't. It'll always hurt. But the pain will dull over time. All you can do is live how they would have wanted you to live, and remember that they'll always be with you."

-End Flashback-

"That was the first time I saw you as someone to look up to, to respect. Everyone's been having some serious problems lately, and I wanted to help them, only, I'm not as good at giving advice as you are," Nightwing said.

"So you told everyone to ask me for advice," Batman replied.

Nightwing nodded. "Sorry, Bruce. It really has helped them, though."

Nightwing turned to leave, fearful that he had angered Batman. A hand on his shoulder stopped him in his tracks, though.

"Dick, I'm glad that I could help."

Nightwing turned around and hugged the Dark Knight, then ran off. "See you later Bruce, I've got a drug ring to bust!"

Batman watched his eldest son run off. He would find a way to get him back for this at some point, but for now, he had to think of a way to get his fearsome persona back.

So, this story's over, unless I get some more inspiration for questions. Hope y'all enjoyed it.
