- It tastes weird-strange...

- Yeah, but it is not bad!

The little ocher Skaven chewed his meat with enthusiasm. His friend, a Skaven whose brown fur had some red highlights, nodded as he planted his teeth into the still warm corpse.

Chitik and his Skaven had traveled many miles. They left behind the great forest where beast-things used to hide, and were now crossing large areas where the tribes of green-things were marauding. They walked to the mountains over which the ball of light in the sky rose at the end of each night. The big Black Skaven knew that many Skaven colonies were established in these mountains, and there were frequent fights against the dwarfs- things and green-things.

The Clawleader had never seen green-things. This first encounter was a new experience. Skaven had quickly understood that there were two kinds of green-things: large, which were brawny, with big teeth, and stroke as strongly and wildly that Stormvermin, and small ones, as large as dwarf-things, but leaner and more vivid.

In any case, these opponents, once dead, had a rather special taste, but the Skaven feasted, encouraged by their chief.

- Eat-eat, the path is still long to the City of Pillars.

Rool, Chitik's most faithful Stormvermin, bit into the iron handle of a green-thing's weapon to trim his teeth. Between two bites, he asked:

- Why the City of Pillars?

- Because it is far from Brissuc.

- Skavenblight is not better? yelped Zowie, the trainer who was holding Tôrkh with a leash.

- I don't want anything else in this damn country! We have to go as far as possible, in a place where there are no unable-useless Fangleaders, and especially not the Clan Eshin!

- What about Moussillon? It is an isolated city! Why not there?

- Because it's a Pestilens city, and except Moly, I don't like Pestilens!

Nobody answered. All Skaven survivors from Karkadourian's prison were present. Not only none of them liked Pestilens, but mostly, they understood their leader. Rool, in particular, agreed with a nod the opinion that he considered his best friend, and the painful memory of Moly, The Plague Monk linked to Chitik by blood briefly returned in memories.

The Fangleader had regretted not having settled his account to Deacon Soum himself. And then a few days later, he gave up his anger, knowing that now, thirty Skaven were counting on him to lead them to a place where they could all serve the Horned Rat. Of course, it would not have as many responsibilities as a warlord or a Clan Leader, but he was determined to fulfill his functions the best he could. He, as a privileged by the Horned Rat, would be an exemplary Clawleader. He continued his explanation:

- The City of Pillars is headed by Clan Mors.

- What is Clan Mors? whined the little ocher Skaven.

Chitik looked up, happy to spread his knowledge:

- This is a Clan that begins to rise at the same level as the four Great Clans in some cities. Lord Gnawdwell is rich, and defeated Skaven are not eaten, but put themselves under his command. These Skaven have eliminated a lot of dwarf-things. But there is something else.

- What, what? Zowie barked in impatience.

- Briach said-told me that the Skaven of this city are fighting between them less than others. Less arguments, more collaborations. We present to Lord Gnawdwell and if we behave sufficiently "nice", he'll take us to his service, and we'll continue to serve the Horned Rat.

- You... you sure? stammered the Skaven with red highlights.

Chitik flanked a friendly slap on the nape of his interlocutor.

- I am your Clawleader . When I say something, I do it. Follow me, and you will all be in the City of Pillars in less than a moon, and I will do everything for you to stay with me if you want. So is there anyone who disagrees?

Nobody uttered the slightest objection. Chitik added:

- Everyone will be happy-happy. Even the slaves. Even you, beastie!

He patted the neck of the huge rat-ogre which had formerly been Tôrkh of Clan Moulder. It growled with pleasure.

- You like that, huh? Go ahead! For the Horned Rat!

- For the Horned Rat! repeated the Skaven.

Chitik up his new wooden hammer in one hand, and the Skaven squealed in unison with him.

The inhabitants of the new principality had gathered in the central courtyard, in front of the mansion that served as home to the prince and his family. Hallbjörn's men, who have renewed their contract, had built a platform to enable the employer to address the crowd.

Heike and Psody were among the villagers, in first rank. Alongside them were standing Romulus, Hallbjörn, Nedland, Tomas and Astrid.

On the top of the stage, Ludwig Steiner spoke thus:

"My friends, I have the great privilege to declare solemnly the official existence of your new kingdom! After much deliberation, we decided to call it Vereinbarung, which means "Concord" in classic Reikspiel. The "concord" will be life-given by my two children there. My first decision as Prince of Vereinbarung will be name all of you as equal citizens of this kingdom! All of you are equal to me, and are equal to the laws we'll create on the imperial model. This means that now the White Skaven known as Psody is no longer legally a Skaven, but a true member of the Principality of Vereinbarung!"

Everyone cheered and applauded. The young ratman couldn't believe it. Heike snuggled against him, with a small smile. Steiner continued:

"You know it, our goal is to reproduce what the ancient Slann tried two thousand years ago, namely to create a kingdom where Humans live in harmony with Skaven. And this walled city will be the capital, and will be named Steinerburg. I have to say that it is the will of my daughter, not an improper megalomania from me. This is your city, I hope it will outlive me! And now, bailiff, do us the honor to raise for the first time the flag of Vereinbarung!"

Lady Franzseska, who had accepted to fill in the function of bailiff for the new prince of this brand new kingdom, stood near the stem of the tallest tower of the mansion. She pulled on the rope, and a few seconds later, the square flag unfurled, revealing its colors.

The surface of the blazon was divided into four equal sections by two bands that crossed in the center, one horizontal and one vertical. Every corner was occupied by a symbol. The upper left corner had an owl, symbol of Verena. The drawing in the upper right was Shallya's bleeding heart. Under the owl, a rat head could be distinguished. Finally, a round sun, with the features of a face drawn in the style of bas-reliefs of Lustria, appeared on the last corner.

All applauded, shouted with joy, except Psody. He looked fixedly the flag.

- Honey? Are you... concerned? asked his companion.

- I've seen it . This is not the first time I see this flag. The first time, it was... yes!

Excitedly, the White Skaven turned to the ratgirl.

- That was it! My first vision was this flag! I saw Lustria, the Slann, Cuelepok's flee, but I've also seen this flag! And all the cheering crowd! I haven't seen the past only, that night, I also saw the future! A real future, not symbolic! From the beginning, the Horned Rat showed me what I could do to become famous! Cuelepok was right, and Vellux lied again!

- I beg you, do not ever speak of this terrible sorcerer.

- You're right, he can't do anything to us now.

- All that remains is a bright future, which is not bad, is it?

Psody didn't answer immediately. Indeed, he remembered one last thing.

- Wait... There was a final image after the flag.

Suddenly he had an inspiration. He closed his eyes, and this image reappeared. It was clearer and more complete than the first time he had seen it, an eternity ago.

- Do I... disappoint you?

- Of course not, my son.

- "My… son?" he repeated in a whisper.

His forehead frowned, then an immense bliss lit his face. A tear of joy slipped on the coat of his cheek. He realised he had his eyes laid on the rounded belly of the Skaven girl. She asked with a surprised smile:

- What?

- I love you, Heike.

He gently pressed against him her companion, who rested her head on his shoulder. Their tails lovingly wrapped each other. A new life was beginning.

Psody and Heike had six children, including a Black Skaven and two daughters, whom they raised with love and patience. According to what he had planned with Steiner, Heike and Romulus, the White Skaven spent some of the following years researching small Skaven scattered colonies in the south of the Empire, and planned rescue missions. Accompanied by his sons became adults and Steiner's best men, he led expeditions during which they removed small Skaven and females too young to give birth. Then, satisfied to have collected so a hundred individuals, they no longer left the field. Heike, her two daughters and volunteers Human men and women took care and educated the newcomers.

As old Prince Steiner died, he granted his fief to his two adopted children. Psody and Heike divided equally power, advised by the friends of the family. Psody lived a total of nearly thirty years, before dying peacefully at the side of his wife. According to his last wishes, his body was publicly cremated, so that no one could use his remains to evil goals. It didn't take long to Heike to join him.

A few decades were necessary for Skaven and Humans to live in harmony in the principality, and the dream of the White Skaven became a reality. His name was now become legendary. Some considered him as the greatest traitor that ever existed, others considered he was a hero worthy of the great names in history. Whatever, he remained known by all as the Enfant Terrible of the Horned Rat.

The final word from the author:

Today, Friday, March 7, 2014 , I published the last few lines of a story started a little over a year ago. I would like to thank all of you, dear readers, for your loyalty and your encouragement. 2013 has been a year rather difficult for me and you helped me to go through. Writing allowed me to bypass obstacles.

I had a lot of fun to create and make evolve Psody and his brothers escaped from a roleplaying session. I wonder if Psody didn't become my favorite male character created by me. I would like to manage some day creating the ultimate female character.

What future for our Skaven friends? All elements are present to make a sequel, and some already know that I took some notes on a project called The Rat Kingdom. I may disappoint some of you, but I don't think seriously start this project in the coming months. Even if it is very pleasant to imagine stories in the world of Warhammer, it represents a lot of time with nothing other than pleasure. Now, I work on a new draft of a subject free of copyrights, so I can propose it to publishers, hoping to earn some money with. On the other hand, I'm seeking a French-language publishing house willing to publish a new translation of the famous novel by Robert C. O'Brien, Mrs . Frisby and the Rats of NIMH, which was published in French only once in 1982.

But I don't rule out a possible return to our nice White Skaven, when I have again a little more time to devote to fanfiction. In the meantime, thank you again to everyone for your support. Continue to send your reviews, I will respond them, provided that you are registered on FanFiction – I could not answer to the "guests" or those who were not logged in, I apologise. Do not hesitate to read other stories on my page. And if, among you, some feel an artist's soul, do not hesitate to offer me your illustrations based on this story, I will share my email address with you by PM.

Thank you again for your loyalty, good luck to all, and of course, do not forget:

Glory to the Horned Rat!