AN: I'm so sorry this took so long! I've been so busy. Ok so Faberry's first date is in this chapter…I also added a little cockblock Santana because she is the ultimate Faberry cockblock. I think next chapter may be the last but I'm not sure. I'll let you know if it will be. Anyways, hope you enjoy this chapter. The next one will be Brittana.

"Quinn, will you please tell me where we're going?" Rachel squeaked, trying to peak out from behind Quinn's hands over her eyes.

The blonde chuckled at her impatience. "You can wait like two more minutes!"

Rachel groaned as Quinn laughed again. Rachel honestly couldn't believe this was actually happening. Three short years ago, she thought Quinn hated her. She didn't think the blonde would ever return her feelings. She didn't even think Quinn was into girls. She figured her feelings would always just be a stupid crush she would have to get over.

It wasn't until Quinn sighed that Rachel realized she had just said her thoughts out loud. "I know I have a lot to make up for, Rachel. I'm glad you're giving me the chance to do that."

Rachel shook her head. "You don't have to make up for anything, Quinn."

"Yes, I do. I'm just hoping that this date is only the beginning of all of that." Quinn kissed the top of Rachel's head as she removed her hands from the diva's eyes.

Rachel gasped as the sight in front of her began to sink in. Laid out in the middle of the same Broadway stage her and Kurt had sung on, was a picnic. Candles were set up around a red blanket, with plates of fruits, vegetables, and dips scattered around.

She was speechless. "But…what…how?"

Quinn giggled at how adorable Rachel looked. "I had a ton of money left over from my college fund because of the scholarship." She shrugged as she continued speaking. "I figured now would be the perfect time to use it."

The smile on Rachel's face grew ten times bigger as she leaped at the blonde for a hug. She connected their lips strongly, both girls smiling into the kiss. When the need for air became too great, their lips finally separated. Quinn motioned for her to sit down, who quickly obliged, pulling the blonde down next to her.

Rachel observed the food around her and smiled. "I see you remembered I'm a vegetarian."

"How could I forget?" Quinn joked. "I considered making a full vegan meal, but I'm an awful cook and I thought it would probably be a failure."

Rachel laughed out loud as she picked up a strawberry to eat. "Wait!" Quinn stopped her. "Let me do it."

She took the fruit from between the brunette's fingers and brought it to her lips. She placed it in her mouth as Rachel nipped playfully at her fingers, causing a small chuckle to escape her throat. "Why don't you lie down?" Quinn suggested.

Rachel agreed and lay on her back, placing her head on Quinn's lap. Quinn continued feeding fruit after fruit to Rachel, occasionally dipping them in vegan chocolate or caramel. She brought an orange slice to Rachel's lips and the brunette bit into it, causing juice to squirt across her face. She went to wipe it off while giggling, but Quinn halted her hand. She bent over, licking the juice off her cheek playfully and connected their lips sweetly.

Rachel smirked at her as she sat up and placed another kiss to the blonde's lips. "Your turn." She whispered against her mouth, motioning for the blonde to move to the position she had just been in. Rachel fed Quinn the vegetables on the other tray as they laughed when dressing fell onto Quinn's chin. Rachel wiped it with the pad of her thumb and brought it to her mouth playfully.

She sat up once the food was gone and pulled Rachel into her lap. She played with brown hair for a short while as Rachel's hands rubbed up and down her back. They sat in silence for a while before Rachel spoke up. "So, how do you feel about the idea of Santana moving in with Kurt and me?"

Quinn pursed her lips in thought. "I don't know." She narrowed her eyes as she got her words together. "I mean, I have to go back to New Haven in two days. I just don't want her making another move on you just because I'm not around."

Rachel frowned at the thought of Quinn leaving but quickly got her thoughts together. "She won't." Quinn raised her eyebrows. Rachel saw the uneasiness in Quinn's eyes so she evaluated. "She doesn't like me. She just misses Brittany. If they got back together, then there would be no problem."

Quinn nodded agreeing with the diva's words but was still unsure. "How are we going to get them back together though? You know how stubborn Santana is and I don't know if she'll even want to stay in New York if she gets back with Brittany."

Rachel shook her head. "The two things Santana wants more than anything are to live in New York and to get Brittany back. Trust me. I'm awesome at analyzing people."

Quinn rolled her eyes and laughed. "Sure, you are." Rachel smacked her arm lightly at her sarcasm. Quinn smiled but continued talking. "Okay, you're right. But how are we going to get them back together?"

Rachel smirked. "That's easy. We may not even have to do much. We have to do the same thing she did to get us together."

Quinn's eyes widened. "No! No way! I'm not going to let you-"

"No, not me!" Rachel interrupted. "Sam! If she sees them together, she'll get so pissed off. You and I know more than anyone that Santana can't take what she dishes out. If she saw them together she would definitely fight to get Brittany back."

Quinn nodded. "You're not wrong."

Rachel smiled. "Am I ever wrong?"

Quinn let out a loud laugh as she slipped a hand behind Rachel's neck. "No. Now shut up and kiss me."


The two girls walked back into the apartment, giggling and flirting. Rachel dropped her keys on the table noisily as she shut the door behind them. She shifted to remove her coat but before she could, Quinn's hands were on her waist, pushing her back into the door. She felt Quinn's hands snake around her back under her coat as soft lips connected with her neck. A low moan escaped her lips as her hands moved to blonde hair. Quinn slowly eased their coats off before crashing their lips together forcefully.

Wandering hands continued to roam over bodies until they were interrupted by someone clearing their throat. "Get a room." Santana smirked as the two girls jumped apart. Quinn rolled her eyes at Santana and looked to Rachel, who was standing frozen in place with wide eyes. Santana noticed and chuckled. "Relax, Berry. Quinn's caught Brittany and I doing way worse."

Santana plopped on to the couch as Rachel nodded at Quinn, signaling that it was time to put their plan into action. They sat on either side of the Latina who stopped flipping through TV channels to stare at them questioningly. "Why are you two staring at me like you know something I don't?"

Rachel shrugged as Quinn began talking. "Maybe because we do."

Santana furrowed her eyebrows. "What are you talking about?"

Rachel spoke this time, knowing Quinn could easily provoke Santana without even trying. "Well, today we were actually talking about you and Brittany."

Santana nodded. "Don't even bother. Kurt already beat you too."

Rachel raised her eyebrows. "Seriously?! We had a plan and everything!" She sighed but continued talking. "Well, what did he say?"

"That if anyone can get her girl back, it's me." She smiled as she remembered his words.

Quinn rolled her eyes. "He's right, you know."

Santana shrugged. "What do you guys think I should do?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Rachel joked. "Go get Brittany back!"

"How many times are we going to have to tell you?!" Quinn urged.

Santana smiled weakly. "You guys are right. It's just…what if she doesn't want me back?"

Quinn scoffed. "You're joking, right? S, Brittany loves you. She wants you back and if you think otherwise, you're wrong."

Santana sighed. "You're right."

"So?" Quinn and Rachel questioned simultaneously.

"I'm going back to Lima. Just for a little while. I need to get her back." Santana rushed the words out.

"Hallelujah!" Quinn screamed causing all three of them to laugh as Santana prepared for the journey back to Ohio.