Reviews for Jealousy
peut-etre-poulet chapter 8 . 3/9/2013
I like how this fic kind of filled in the gaps between Santana's actions in the show. You went into her emotional thinking process and I liked it. I also really liked how Rachel offered for Santana to live with them as opposed to Santana just rocking up the way she did at the end of Diva.
Not enough Faberry smut for my liking, but I think you portrayed the pairing well. I especially liked how Quinn felt she needed to make it up to Rachel after how she treated her in high school.
Now I'm left to wonder how their relationship goes once Quinn goes back to Yale...
shiney1983 chapter 7 . 1/16/2013
No worries hun, a short chapter is better than no chapter at all. It was cute, although I thought Kurt could've sounded more Kurt-like, but maybe it's just me. I'm SO glad Santana is going to go get her girl back, yay! FaBerry's first date? Hmm... I think Quinn should plan it, after all she knows Rachel inside and out and that is what a diva would expect. It should be quiet and intimate in keeping with Quinn's personality, but should also include some sort of grand romantic gesture. I think Quinn would want to woo her girl. Those my thoughts. Feel free to take em or leave em. ;-) Whatever you write I'm sure it'll be great!
shiney1983 chapter 6 . 1/12/2013
Aww, what a cute chapter! I loved the PezBerry conversation. It was nice to see Santana's softer side, but at the same time you still made it feel like them. Well done! In regards to your question, I think given who we're talking about the Brittana chapter would almost have to be a combination of all three areas. Brittany is with Sam after all and Santana did break her heart, both of which they'd have to address, so there's your drama. Most likely, Santana would feel the need to pour her heart out to convince Brittany of her sincerity, so therein lies your fluff. Then I think make-up sex is almost a given for Brittana, who tend to be on the smutty side anyway. Those are my thoughts, but you're the author, and whatever you write I'll read. No worries though, I'm sure it'll be great! See you at the next update. :)
shiney1983 chapter 5 . 1/9/2013
That was awesome! :) FaBerry fluff-smut is always much appreciate by me so...thank you. As for your question Quinntana always makes me smile, and Santana's reaction to knowing that Quinn and Rachel had sex would no doubt be entertaining. However, PezBerry might be more appropriate from a storytelling standpoint as things need to be settled with them. You are the author though, so really, whatever you feel is best is fine by me. PS- While re-reading this review for proreading purposes, I totally realized my friends are right. I do tend to speak and write like a combo of Rachel, Quinn, and Brittany. Oh well, I guess there are worse TV characters to be compared to, right? ;)
Guest chapter 5 . 1/8/2013
Uuuhhh I loved this chapter! Thank you so much! FABERRY! Yay! )
korin18 chapter 5 . 1/8/2013
this sucks!

why it is all about Quinn's pleasure?
lxqn chapter 5 . 1/7/2013
nicholee33 chapter 5 . 1/7/2013
I really liked it and oh I would like Pezberry friendship please :D
OutOfNowhereHereIAm chapter 5 . 1/7/2013
Either Pezberry or Faberry, they seem like they would have the most to talk about.
lxqn chapter 4 . 1/5/2013
ooh that was good. I'd like that fapezberry one-shot, btw. hehe
shiney1983 chapter 4 . 1/4/2013
This is a really good story so far. I'm always up for some FaBerry action, but only if you wanna write it. Also, I would like you to bring Brittana back in somehow. I always thought they belonged together, definately not a Bram fan, :( But in the end, it's your story, whatever you want, I'll read. I'm in for the journey, so update soon, please.
Blinkiss-Another Shipper chapter 4 . 1/4/2013
I really like this fic. I don't like the part where Santana feels something for Rachel when she is madly in love with Britt, and I wants my Faberry
Reviliot chapter 4 . 1/4/2013
Yes to Fapezberry one-shot, yes to Faberry action, I mean they are going to share room right now! Yes to everything! Mmmh I'm even thinking in Pezberry, gosh my mind haha Un abrazo :)
nicholee33 chapter 4 . 1/4/2013
Lol I would like to read some faberry action update soon ;p
Valerii.FaberryFan chapter 4 . 1/4/2013
Love it :) And I would say yes to your two questions. I would really want to read the Fapezberry story :D And I would liked some Faberry action too :D
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