John was soooooooooooooo happy. He was having his bff over for a sleepover tonight!

"Howdy john" dave said, smiling to his bff.

"hey buddy!" john said in a geeky voice, smiling back to his bff.

"I'm so excited." Dave said, rubbing his hands together like an ant does when it's about to eat

"I'm super duper excited!" john said, bouncing up and down.

"what are we going to do john?" dave asked, removing his glasses in a fashionable way

"we are going to watch nic cage! He's so sexy I just wanna watch him" and he made a face that looked like this uwu

"wait you like sexy?" dave asked, raising an eyebrow so high. "because I'm really sexy"

John laughed awkward. "well I don't know about that. I'm not a homosexual."

"ssssuuuuure you aren't." dave said, putting his glasses on awesomely.

"come on. I got national treasure set up on my tv. My dad says that he'll stay in his room all night and go to bed early."

"wow that's super cool." Dave said

"I know right" john said

They went over to the tv and sat on the couch. John had already made popcorn and had pop and it was cool. They started watching it. John was very into it, but dave didn't really care because it was just nic cage.

When the movie was over, the two boys started chatting like a couple of girls.

"when I was younger, bro and I would sword fight on the roof." Dave said to john

"when I was younger, I would jump on my pogo stick." John said

"I wish you would ride my pogo stick." Dave said, and john's eyes widened. "w-w-w-w-what?"

Dave removed his glasses again, just as fashionable as before. "I said I wish you would ride my pogo stick" and he winked sexually.

"dave stop I'm not a homosexual." John said looking away.

"oh come Egbert we're two boys alone what do you think we should do?"

John looked away and blushed really hard so hard that it looked like his cheeks were bleeding.

Dave grabbed john's face and kissed him deeply, and john pulled away. John felt a slight bulge in his pants.

"dave?" john said


"I think I'm a homosexual…"

Dave smiled, then unzipped his pants really slowly. He noticed that his dick was slightly erect and smiled "ha ha look at that it's a penis." He said, pulling it out and stroking it. "you like that?"

John threw his head back and fell onto his back. "dave stop that feels sooooo good"

Dave laughed a deep throaty laugh and brought his face down, silencing his laugh with a dicks.

John moaned as dave sucked and sucked like a vacuum. "more more more more moreeee" john moaned, kicking his feet weakly

Dave kept on sucking until john came and he ate it all. He then pulled out his own and shoved it in john's mouth. John happily sucked.

"mmmm you like that homo?" dave said smiling down at him.

John mumbled something though he didn't understand.

Finally, dave came and he smiled, pulling away. He was going to enter his warm core, but then decided to save that tight anus for later. He wanted it to be special, and use it for their wedding day or something like that.

"let's go to bed." John said, wiping his mouth and licking the remainders. MAN, THIS DICK LIQUID WAS GOOD!

Dave put his arm around john and walked to bed with him. He thought this was the best sleepover ever.