Your name is Nepeta Leijon and you couldn't be happier right now.
It was definitely a good idea to come to Kanaya for help when you almost couldn't stand your feelings for Karkat. Her motherly wisdom and careful wording always made you feel accepted in her hive.
...and she enjoyed giving you belly rubs sometimes.
On the particular morning you decided to talk to her about your feelings for a certain mutant-blooded troll, you had a spring in your step that could only have been caused by the essence of pure happiness. You knocked lightly on the door of her hive and grinned as she opened it, her rainbow drinker skin lighting up with a fanged smile.
"Oh, hello Nepeta. It has been a long time since we've last seen each other, hasn't it? Come in, come in," she said, opening the door wide enough for you to step inside. She had a lovely hive, well kept and orderly.
"Hi Kanaya! I was just, um, wondering if I could maybe talk to you about something that's been bothering me fur a while now, if you don't mind..." Your cheeks turned an unmistakable olive green, and she looked over at you sympathetically.
"Is this about Karkat again? How many times must I tell you that your best choice at this point in time is to simply tell him? There's not many other options than that, little one." She gently scratched behind your ear and frowned.
"Wait, Kanaya, how did you know this was about Kar-" Oh yeah. You trolled her about this a few days ago already. How could you have forgotten about that? Oh well, at least she's being nice and motherly about this!
"And if, for whatever reason he doesn't reciprocate your love for him, you can always do the 'Hearty Thing'."
You paused. "What Hearty Thing..?"
"Each and every one of us has a 'Thing', remember? Karkat decided on just using our aspects and adding 'Thing', instead of actually naming them. The John Human and Tavros, being Breath players, can do the Windy Thing, the Jade Human and I, being Space players, can do the Spacey Thing, and so on and so forth. You have the Hearty Thing. I'm not quite sure what that could possibly mean, but I'm positive that it must have something to do with love." Your face lit up almost as bright as hers, which was actually fairly bright, considering she had her glowing pretty much under control. You gave her a mild, almost sophisticated tacklehug before saying your goodbyes and heading out of her hive.