
Hey everyone! I've got a new chapter on this story for you! Yay! Finally! Sorry it took me so long to write it. I had a bit of writer's block, and then school kinda took over my life. But I'm finally getting around to writing the last chapter of this story! Yay! Please review, but no hate. I hope you enjoy! This is the last chapter of this story, so I hope you enjoy!

I'm a super big fan of the Amazing Adventures of the Transformers videos on Youtube, as well as Dr. Smoov's transformers videos on Youtube. They are probably the most hilarious videos I've ever seen! You have to watch them! Anyways, I'm going to make a reference to both. If you figure out the reference and the brand name of that reference, you could win some prizes related to those Youtube videos. You get a prize for each reference you figure out. So if you figure out one, you get that one. If you figure out both, you get both prizes! Yay!

Disclaimer: Transformers, their characters, and their franchises all sadly do not belong to me. I just use them. If they did I would change some things.


"Normal conversation"

~Spark bond~

::Twin bond::

:Com link:

A Drunken Mistake: Final Chapter

It was a peaceful morning at the Autobot base. Nothing was really going on. The bots not on duty were either hanging out in the rec room or in their quarters. But that peace wouldn't last for long.

Suddenly, a loud explosion rocked the base and startled everyone. The team wide com link went off and Optimus's voice was heard over it. :This is your leader, Optimus Prime. Autobots, I am afraid that the Decepticons have decided to attack our base. All bots that are able must come help defend the base. We cannot let anything happen, or it may mean the worst for our team,: Optimus said over the Com link.

The seekers, who had also heard the announcement, had leapt up almost immediately.

"I wonder if Megatron knows were gone. Maybe that's why he decided to attack," Skywarp said.

"Of course he knows we're gone, you idiot. It's not like he wouldn't notice when three members of his team just suddenly up and disappeared," Starscream replied.

"He has been known to do it before," Thundercracker stated.

"Oh, just shut up! Come on, let's go. We need to help defend the base. I think Megatron wants the CMO. Since we didn't bring the medic to Megatron, he's probably coming to get him himself. He's probably not looking for us. He never cares anyways," Starscream said.

"Oh, yeah. That's why we came here. I totally forgot," Skywarp said.

"You're an idiot," Thundercracker said.

"Aw, lighten up, TC. Come on! Let's go stop Megatron! Wow, I'd never thought I'd hear myself say that. Oh, well. Let's go!" Skywarp said. Then the three seekers left their quarters and headed out to join the rest of the Autobots.

"You should go help Prime. They need all the help they can get, and you are the best warriors. Even if you do get yourselves hurt most of the time," Ratchet said to the twins. The twins were in their quarters with their bondmate, who was now heavily sparked.

"No. We want to stay with you," Sunstreaker said.

"Yeah. The seekers can handle it. Plus there's probably like fifty others going. They can handle it without us for a day," Sideswipe agreed.

"Will you stop being so stubborn? I'm fine. Now go help the others," Ratchet said.

"No. We aren't going. You are just going to have to deal with us for a while," Sideswipe said.

"What happened to the terror twins? The twins who love a good fight?" Ratchet asked.

"They got a wonderful bondmate that was better than fighting," Sideswipe said.

"And he didn't get them hurt as much," Sunstreaker agreed.

"Except when he used his deadly accuracy to nail them with a wrench," Sideswipe added.

"But then he fixed them back up again," Sunstreaker said.

"And he made them very happy," Sideswipe ended.

"How can I argue with that story? Fine, you can stay. You know, you two are going to drive me crazy someday," Ratchet said.

"We already have," Sideswipe grinned.

"Shut up, goofball," Ratchet replied.

The battle was intense. Everyone was fighting everyone. Megatron had decided to bring the entire Decepticon army to the battle. The Autobots were a bit outnumbered. But having the three seekers evened it out some.

Megatron then spotted his previous second in command, along with the other seekers that switched sides. He still was furious with them. Nobody abandoned the Decepticons and lived to tell the tale.

He was going to kill the traitorous second and his little seeker buddies. He sent them on one mission and they switched sides. That annoyed him to no end. In hindsight, maybe he should've been nicer to them. But he was Megatron. Megatron was nice to no one. He rushed at Starscream, leaving a confused Prime standing there with his battle axe out.

"Starscream! It's wonderful to see you again! We haven't talked in a while. So, what do you think it will be like to die?" Megatron said as he swung his mace at Starscream.

"I don't know, because I'm not going to die. But you might!" Starscream replied. Then he shot his null ray at Megatron. They started fighting.

"You and you're traitorous little seeker buddies are going to pay for abandoning the Decepticons!"

"Why do you care? I thought you hated us!"

"I do! But giving the Autobots more fire power is not going to help that. You are going to die Starscream!"

"No I'm not! And I'm not coming back either! Oh, and by the way, your cookies taste horrible! They're probably the worst things I have tasted in my existence! What did you do? Mix a bunch of garbage in a bowl and cook it? Because that's what they taste like! Flour and garbage!"

"What about that stupid cereal you made me do a commercial for? It didn't even taste like energon! It just tasted like a bowl of sludge!"

"I didn't force you to do that commercial! You wanted to do it, just to rub it in Prime's face! Remember?"

"Shut up!"

"Oh yeah? That's just what you want. It's always what you want. The Autobots are way better than you!"

"Whatever! You will pay!"

"You said that already!"

"Shut up!"

"That too!"

:Megatron: Respond. Autobots: Winning. Decepticons: Damaged. Retreat: Necessary,: Soundwave said over the com link to Megatron.

:Very well. Thank you Soundwave,: Megatron replied.

"It has been fun Starscream. But I must go now. We will finish this later. Decepticons, retreat!" Megatron said.

"Bye bye, Chickentron!" Starscream called after Megatron. There was only a growl in reply as the Decepticons flew away.

"Did we win?" Jazz asked.

"I believe so, Jazz. But not without damage. Most of us are badly wounded. We must get them to the base to get medical help. Contact Wheeljack. Let him know that the med bay is going to be full. We may have to get Ratchet as well, unfortunately. This may be too much for just Wheeljack to handle," Optimus replied.

"Can do, Prime!" Jazz replied.

:Hey, Jack!: Jazz called.

:Yeah, Jazz? What is it?: Wheeljack asked.

:We got a bunch of damages here. We're gonna need the med bay set up,: Jazz replied.

:How much?:

:A lot. And most of them are pretty bad. Prime and the others are taking them over now. You can judge it when they get there. Jazz out.:

"Wow. When you said bad, I didn't think you meant this bad. I don't think I can do this on my own. Unfortunately, I'm gonna have to call Ratch'," Wheeljack said as the injured were brought in.

"Yeah. We figured as much. I'll get outta your way. Looks like you're gonna be busy for a while," Jazz replied.

"No duh," Wheeljack said as he started repairs on Ironhide, one of the worst off. A missing leg and arm and a giant hole in your side is considered pretty bad.

:Um Ratch'?: Wheeljack called over the com link.

:What is it now, Wheeljack?: Ratchet asked.

:We need some help in the med bay,: Wheeljack replied.

:Let me guess. Everyone got themselves slagged and it's too much for you to handle?: Ratchet guessed.

:Um, yeah. That pretty much sums it up. I know I probably shouldn't be asking, but could you please come and help?:

:Yeah, yeah. I'll be right there. I got to deal with these two idiots first.:

:Okay, Ratch'.:

"What is it, Ratch'?" Sideswipe asked as he heard a com link go off.

"Wheeljack needs help in the med bay. I've got to go," Ratchet replied.

"No you don't. You're off, remember?" Sunstreaker said.

"It's too much for him to handle. The battle was pretty bad. I have to go help," Ratchet said.

"But Ratch'!" Sideswipe whined.

"Calm down. I promise I won't overwork myself. They need help though. You've got to let me go," Ratchet replied.

"Fine. But we're coming with you," Sunstreaker relented.

"Okay. Just don't get in my way. Now help me up," Ratchet said.

"Okay!" Sideswipe said as he pulled Ratchet to his feet. Then they headed to the med bay.

The repairs took about five hours to finish. Had it been Wheeljack by himself it would have probably taken a lot longer. The twins being there didn't help much, though. They promised that they wouldn't get in the way, but they failed at that.

Ratchet sat down in a chair in the med bay. He was tired after being on his feet for five hours. He didn't realize how hard it was to perform repairs while being sparked. He probably should have, though, being a medic and all.

"You can go now, Ratch'. I think everyone has been repaired. Thanks for the help. Sorry I had to get you to be able to repair everybody," Wheeljack said.

"That's okay, 'Jack. I understand. Anyways, it was nice to get out of my quarters for once. It was starting to annoy me," Ratchet replied.

"Come on Ratch, let's go back to our quarters," Sideswipe said.

"I don't know if I can. I think I'm too tired to walk over there," Ratchet replied.

"I can always carry you," Sunstreaker said.

"I am not having you carry me. Just give me a minute. I will-," Ratchet started, when he suddenly gasped in pain.

"What is it?!" Sideswipe said, starting to panic.

"I think—ngghh—we have a problem," Ratchet replied.

Wheeljack swore under his breath. He so was not ready for this.

"What is it 'Jack?!" Sunstreaker asked, the panic from his brother fueling his own.

"I think Ratchet is in labor," Wheeljack replied.

"NO DUH!" Ratchet yelled, the pain fueling his temper.

"Isn't it early?" Sideswipe asked.

"Sometimes multiples come early," Wheeljack replied.

"HELLO! IN LABOR HERE!" Ratchet yelled at them. That made them all jump. It also sent the twins into a panic again.

"What do we do?!" Sideswipe asked, panicked.

"Well, help me get him onto a med berth. We'll take it from there. And calm down. Your panicking is not going to help anything. It will probably just make it worse. Especially with you three being bonded," Wheeljack said.

Sideswipe realized he was right. Sunstreaker did too, from what he felt from his brother's side of the bond. They knew their panic would not help anything. From the pain they felt on the other side of their bond, Ratchet was probably in ten times that much pain. Panicking would probably just freak him out. Primus knows they'd done that enough.

They helped Ratchet up on to a med berth, and Wheeljack got all the stuff he might need ready. He was still pretty unsure of himself, but there wasn't really anything he could do about it. Ratchet was in labor and was the only person that had the knowledge to deliver the sparklings. Hopefully he could do it. Ratchet had faith in him, so he should too.

"Sideswipe, Sunstreaker, when this is over I'm going to kill you," Ratchet growled in a voice full of venom.

::That's the pain talking, right?:: Sideswipe asked his brother over their twin bond.

::Hopefully. I'd like to live to see my sparklings,:: Sunstreaker replied.

::Our sparklings, Sunny. Our sparklings.::

::Yeah. Our sparklings. And don't call me Sunny.::

"Okay Ratch', stay calm," Wheeljack said.

"SHUT UP!" Ratchet yelled back.

Wheeljack complied and wisely shut his mouth. He had a feeling he was Ratchet's next victim after the twins.

"Ratch', it'll be okay," Sideswipe said. Apparently he hadn't learned that he needed to keep his mouth shut.

"All of you, shut up. Or so help me I will rip your vocalizers out," Ratchet growled.

Sideswipe got the message and shut up. He rather liked his vocalizer and would prefer to keep it. Ratchet was gripping his hand so hard they dented, but he wisely kept his mouth shut. He could get them fixed later. He was glad that Sunstreaker wasn't complaining either, because he really wanted his brother to stay alive.

"It looks like the first sparkling's ready to come. On the next contraction, push," Wheeljack said. He was pretty proud of himself for staying so calm. Maybe he would make a good medic. But he liked his inventions more.

Ratchet complied, and Wheeljack had the first sparkling. It was one of the femmes. It started to cry, and he handed it to Sunstreaker to wash off. Sunstreaker washed it off and looked down at the little sparkling. The femme was Sunstreaker's golden color, but it had little audio horns like Sideswipe.

"I wanna see!" Sideswipe said. Sunstreaker showed him the sparkling, and Sideswipe smiled.

"I think we should name her Firebright," Sunstreaker said.

"I like that name. It sounds nice. And it suits her," Sideswipe agreed.

"We're not done yet," Wheeljack said.

"Oh, right. Sorry," Sideswipe replied.

"It's alright. Okay Ratch'. The next sparkling's gonna come soon," Wheeljack said.

Ratchet was already tired, and he still had three more sparkling to deliver. He didn't know if he would last. But he had to, so he complied. Wheeljack took the next sparkling and handed it to Sideswipe.

The second sparkling was one of the mechs. Sideswipe washed it off and admired it. This sparkling was white with red streaks on the sides. He had Sunstreaker's little ear fins. Sideswipe looked at Sunstreaker.

"He's so cute. And he has your little fins, Sunny," Sideswipe said. He showed it to his brother, and Sunstreaker grinned.

"He's adorable," Sunstreaker said.

"I think we should call him Lightrunner. I think it would be a good name for him," Sideswipe said.

"I agree," Sunstreaker replied.

The last two sparklings came one after the other. When it was over, Ratchet collapsed from exhaustion. At least it was over.

He smiled when he saw his bondmates holding their sparklings. They were really cute. And the twins came up with some pretty nice names for the first two. But he was in too much pain at the time to really care.

"What should we name these two, Ratch'?" Sideswipe asked.

The femme was red with streaks of gold, and she had Ratchet's black chevron. She was looking around the room curiously. "I think she should be named Sunstar," Ratchet said.

"I like that name," Sunstreaker said.

"Me too," Sideswipe said.

"And what should this one be named?" Sunstreaker asked, indicating the other mech.

"Sidewinder," Ratchet replied.

"Now that is one cool name," Sideswipe said.

"I agree," Sunstreaker said.

"Awwww! They're so cute! I'll leave y'all alone," Wheeljack said and left.

"They really are beautiful," Sunstreaker said.

The twins handed Firebright and Lightrunner to Ratchet so he could hold their sparklings.

"You're not getting soft on me, are ya bro?" Sideswipe asked teasingly.

"Oh, just shut it," Sunstreaker replied.

"I agree with you though. They are really cute. And they're ours. We're creators," Sideswipe said as that realization hit him.

"Yeah, ours," Sunstreaker agreed.

"Wow. I didn't know my bondmates could be so mushy," Ratchet said tiredly.

"Shut up," Sideswipe said.

"Be nice to me. I just delivered four sparklings," Ratchet said with a tired grin. He looked at their family. It made him really happy. And he knew the twins would be great parents.

"You look tired, Ratch'. Get some rest. We'll take care of the sparklings for a little bit. We wanna spend some time with them," Sunstreaker said.

Ratchet really didn't want to, but he knew he needed it. "Alright. Here," Ratchet said as he handed Firebright and Lightrunner to the twins. Then he fell asleep.

The twins looked at their family and smiled. It really was great. They had their wonderful bondmate, and now their cute little sparklings. It made them happy.

The next day Ratchet and the twins were back in the quarters with their four sparklings. Wheeljack was there too.

"Man, these four are so cute," Wheeljack said as he held Sidewinder. He really loved sparklings.

"Yeah they are. And thanks for all the stuff, 'Jack. I don't think these four will ever get bored," Sideswipe said.

"Yeah, I went a little overboard, but I just love sparklings so much," Wheeljack replied. "I get to be the godfather, right?" he asked.

"With all you've done, 'Jack, sure," Ratchet replied.

"Awesome. These four really love their mommy, don't they?" Wheeljack said. And he was right. Firebright, Lightrunner, and Sunstar were all snuggled up to their carrier.

"Don't push it, 'Jack. I'm their carrier. Not their mommy. You've been watching too much human TV," Ratchet replied.

"Mommy Ratchet!" Sideswipe grinned. It earned a withering glare from Ratchet, though. "I was just joking!" Sideswipe said hurriedly.

"Of course you were," Ratchet said.

"Our sparklings are really cute," Sunstreaker said as he took Firebright from Ratchet. She snuggled up against Sunstreaker and looked up at him.

"Wow. I didn't know Sunny had a soft side," Wheeljack said jokingly.

"Shut up Wheeljack," Sunstreaker replied.

"Both of you quit it," Ratchet said.

"Someone's grumpy," Sideswipe said. He picked up Lightrunner and cuddled her.

"Hey, be nice. He delivered your sparklings," Wheeljack said.

"Yeah. Be nice to me," Ratchet said.

"Alright Ratch'. We love you, you know," Sideswipe said.

"I know. I love you too," Ratchet replied.

"Hey! What about me?" Wheeljack asked with a stupid grin on his face.

"I love you too Wheeljack. But they're my bondmates," Ratchet said.

"Thanks, bestest buddy," Wheeljack said. He looked around. They really did make a great family.



Yay! Happy ending! What did you think? I worked really hard on this story. I hope you liked it. I sure enjoyed writing it. I might do a sequel if inspiration strikes me. But it won't be for a while.

Did anybody catch the Dr. Smoov reference or the Amazing Adventures of the Transformers reference? I love those videos.

I hope you enjoyed this story! Please review! No hate though. Until next time, my dear readers!