'There is no room for any more Dwarves in my pantry!' Cried a frustrated Bilbo Baggins as he stood watching the hulking men wander back and forth past him, dishes full of food clutched in their hands. Gandalf, who was lazily lounging against the mantlepiece, his pipe in his mouth grinned down at the hobbit.

"Do not worry Bilbo, We are only waiting on one more of our Party."

Bilbo raised his eyebrows at the old wizard and wrung his hands in frustration. "Theres simply no more space! Theres no where to put them! And Why are they invading my home? Trampling dirt everywhere with their mucky boots ..." he ranted, earning nothing but a wry smile from the old man in grey.

"Do you have more food master burglar?" called Bombur from the far side of the pantry, his huge belly finding it hard to stay beneath the already buckling wooden table. "Uhhhh …" Bilbo stuttered, staring at the portly red haired dwarf, before darting into the kitchen to dig through the cupboards like the polite hobbit he had been brought up to be. Finding nothing, he exhaled loudly and rubbed his temples trying to soothe the headache that was beginning to worm its way into his head. He frowned, not wanting to disappoint his guests ... who were unwanted … but were guests all the same. He began to tear through cupboards high and low, but continued to find nothing but empty dishes and scraps that wouldn't be big enough to feed a mouse, let alone twelve hungry dwarves.

A quiet rap on the front door, immediately silenced the formerly rowdy dwarves and made Bilbo look up from a drawer, bashing his head on a open cupboard door as he straightened up. He cursed quietly under his breath, and rubbed the sore patch beneath his mop of light brown curls. He made his way to the door, all thirteen sets of eyes watching as his hand gripped the door knob, pulling it open.

Outside the door of Bag-end stood a small, female hobbit. She had her back to the entry way, looking out onto the peaceful village of Hobbiton below them. Her long cherry red hair, was hanging in a simple plait down her back, and she was clothed in a simple dark green tunic dress, the sleeves ending in a small bell shape around her tiny hands, which were holding a small white envelope. Hearing the door open she turned to face her old friend Bilbo Baggins, as a small smile tugged at the corners of her lips.

"Oh Bilbo! You will never guess what happened! I got a letter from my brother today, he's staying with some elves in the east of here. He sends us his love and wanted me to bring you this map to add to your collection!" she said animatedly, her big brown eyes lighting up as she told Bilbo her news. She wiped her feet carefully as she walked in to Bag-end, aware of house house proud Bilbo was, and not wanting to dirty his floors.

"Calla Took, my word! It has been years!" Gandalf rumbled as he approached the two hobbits, he looked affectionately down at the girl, ruffling her hair, pulling a few unfastened curls from the plait. She scalded the wizard as she tucked the loose hair back behind a tiny pointed ear, and pushed past him, making her way into the kitchen.

"Uh, Calla!" Bilbo called, hurrying after his kin to warn her so she would not be frightened by the twelve dwarves sat around his table who continued to watch them with baited breath. She continued on, grabbing the tiny kettle and filling it with water from a tall metal jug beside the sink.

"Calla, don't be alarmed, but I have company."

Calla's eyes grew as round as saucers as she looked up at the pantry's reflection in the window, past her cousin's head she could see the dwarves watching her intently. She swallowed and almost whispered "So I see." Calla had always been a shy girl, so she took a deep breath and turned around to face the small crowd that were crushed around Bilbo's tiny table, a tiny, unsure smile on her lips.

A moment passed by in silence as they observed one another, before Calla made the first move, her eyes flicking around the empty plates of the table, and across the still hungry faces of the dwarves, "So, is anyone still hungry? I have plenty of food in my pantry?" She asked, smiling as she saw all the faces light up, and a cheer went through the room, making a few painting shake on their fastenings.

When all the noise had died down, Bilbo edged closer and whispered In her ear "I'm so glad you said that, they've eaten me out of house and home."

She chuckled a little as she began gathering up a few of the plates closest to her.


Hello! I hope you all liked it! I felt Kili needed a few stories, so I'd help get the ball rolling! This is an introductory chapter so it's quite short but I promise you they will be longer from now on! please comment and follow ... it makes me happy! I also know its not true to the book or film ... but its an oc story ... so... also i've only seen the film once so far so none of the lines have particularly stuck with me yet.

Happy reading everyone!