Kindly Hollow

Author's notes: This is the first time I've written a fan-fiction. Please review and criticise if necessary, and if my grammar sucks or my writing is bad; please tell me!

Disclaimer: I don't own Ranma ½ or Bleach. If I owned anything, why the hell would I be making a fan-fiction?


"Curious..." A man stood above the rubble of what used to be Mt Horai.

He stared impassively at the body of some child that must have been unfortunate enough to be caught in the rain of stone when the mountain fell. He looked back at the Gargantua he came out of. HE had been wandering the Menos Forest when he felt an unnatural disturbance in the human world.

The soul of the child had been quite confused when he found it but seemed to know something about what happened to the mountain. But before he could ask the child if they saw what happened, a large group Hollows had come out of the Gargantua and attacked.

He dispatched most of them before the retreated back into the Menos Forest. Unfortunately, one of the Hollows had dragged the soul back through the portal with it. "Oh, well...", the man sighed.

The soul was lost even if it got away from the Hollow, which was unlikely even then. But on the chance that the soul did escape its hunter, the atmosphere of Hueco Mundo would corrode away the souls Chain of Fate in under an hour.

"No matter" the man thought to himself, "I was only curious."

And with that, Sosuke Aizen turn away from the body of the red-headed soul and went back to to Hueco Mundo.

End notes: For those who haven't read the 'Locking Ladle' book of the Ranma ½ Manga, or read up to the Hueco Mundo arc in Bleach, then you may not know what's happening here.

Thanks for reading, please review.