A/N: Yea another chapter. I'm glad that people are reading this story still. I'll try and keep at this story, but as you know I suck at it. I mean it took me five years to finish and upload the previous chapter. Anyway, enjoy the chapter.

Chapter 2


Otonashi and the other SSS members just stared in shock at what they were looking at. For in front of them was…Otonashi? Two Otonashi's were standing in the same room. The one by the doorway entrance had a look of shock and confusion. While the other one was standing in front of Yuri, with a slight smirk on his face. In the mean time Yuri had was full-blown laughing at the scene in front of her.

"HAHA HAHA! What do you think guys? Doesn't he look just like Otonashi? I made him from nothing yet look at how he stands. He stands just like Otonashi."

"Your Highness," the second Otonashi said as he started to speak. "you praise me to highly. It's a gift that I am unworthy of."

The entire SSS all took a step back in shock. But Yuri, all she could see was the look of fear on her friends faces. And it gave her such joy. Her insane smile never leaving her face as she continued.

"And as you can hear," Yuri lifted up her hands in front of her. "He even sounds like Otonashi. But that's not all."

Everyone watched as Yuri tossed the Otonashi clone a knife. The clone the took the knife and placing the knife against his hand, he cut himself with the knife. Blood, then started to flow from the wound of the clone's hand.

"He has all of the features that makes him human."

At the mention of this revolution, some of the SSS members fell to the ground in complete shock. Noda, Ooyama, Takayama and Hinata, all fell down to the ground. Fear started to take hold among the SSS members. For Yuri then went to the computer next to her. She input several commands and pressed 'enter.' Then several new figures materialized in front of the group. A girl with familiar silver hair, a smaller girl with her pink hair tied into pigtails and of course a blue hair teen boy. All materialized and all three of them smiling at the Yuri's friends. A crazed laugher continues to fill the air with insane laughter.

"What do you guys think? As you can see I brought our friend Yui back to join us. After all, she is a part of this family. Now," Yuri eyes darted over every single one of her friends. "I have a question to ask every single one of you. Now think your answer carefully. My question is this; Will you join me? Submit yourselves once again to my cause. Only instead of fighting God, I want you to submit to my reign. Be my subjects and all of these people I have created, will disappear. With the exception of Yui of course."

Yuri took a step forward. "You guys are my friends. And with me in the position of God, we will never have to be separated. What do you say? All you have to do is submit yourselves. It'll be easy. Just kneel in front of me then-"


Yuri was cut short as she fell onto the floor in pain. She screamed as she clutched her bleeding left eye socket from where she was shot. Angrily, she clenched her teeth together as she stared down the culprit. She saw the real Otonashi who held out his handgun in front of him.

"Otonashi!" Yuri said venomously. "You fucking bastard!"

Otonashi didn't say anything as he aimed the gun towards Yuri. A moment of silence came through, as everyone stood breathless at the scene unfolding in front of them.

"Yuri, this can no longer continue."

Hatred filled Yuri's heart as she stared down Otonashi. The man whom she trusted, he must die. Die for going against God. Die for thinking that he can now dictate the rules. But first she must make his life a living hell. Death will come to him, only after he begs for that sweet release.

"Sorry, but this game is over."

Otonashi started to pull the trigger, only for something heading straight towards him. Quickly leaning back, Otonashi barely dodged the blade of a knife, as his doppelganger smiled. Then with no time to react, Otonashi's clone kicked him in the chest, sending him flying back into Matsushita. Matsushita caught Otonashi and kept him from falling. Otonashi clutched his chest as he tried to catch his breath. However, his eyes widen as he watched the scene in front of him unfolds. Yuri is standing up with Otonashi's gun in her right hand, while her left hand still clutched at her left eye. Blood dripping onto the floor from the wound.

"O-to-na-shi!" Yuri said emphasizing his name.

Yuri was pissed. Anyone with half a mind could see that. But Otonashi knows that she is beyond pissed. She was furious, and he is at the center of that rage. Otonashi's clone rushed to his God side, but Yuri pushed him to the side. Yuri lifted her arm and pointed the gun at Otonashi. Her eye's flared with hatred, as she gritted her teeth together. She'll make an example out of Otonashi. No. She needs to make an example out Otonashi. Rebellion is a cancer that must be cut out as soon as possible.

"Otonashi, as God I decree that you are now an enemy of state. Your sentence is punishment by death. Of course, by death, I mean that you are to be killed over and over and over, until my mercy fills you up to the brim."

Her grip of the gun tightens.

"Now go to Hell, you fucking pri-"


Yuri suddenly jerked to her right in pain. Looking down, Yuri watched as blood ran down her arm from her new gunshot wound. Groaning silently in pain, Yuri silently swore to herself as she turned her attention back towards her 'friends.' There standing to Otonashi and Matsushita left was Hinata with his gun pointed at her.

"Sorry Yurippe," apologized Hinata. "but this has gone too far."

Yuri watched as Naoi stepped to Otonashi's right side, he too had his gun pointed at her. Yuri just scoffed silently to herself as she glared hatred towards her enemies. Enemies. That is the correct word to describe Yuri's situation. She no longer had friends who supported her. One by one she watched as the rest of the SSS stood by Otonashi. Those with guns all pointed them right at her. The SSS all have a pained expression on their faces, but Yuri ignored their pains.

"So…this is how it is? Defiance!" Yuri yelled. "I become God, I tried to help out everyone and this is the thanks I get?"

Yuri then starts laughing manically. This caused fear to hit the SSS as they watched Yuri.

"Who knew?" Yuri said out loud to herself. "Who knew that all of God's friends, those who were promised power and authority, would betray her? Betray? HAHAHAHAHA!"

Yuri dropped her left arm, her wound from Otonashi now healed. She looked over her former friends. Lifting her gun once again, only instead of Otonashi that he wanted to shoot. She now has a whole party to choose from. However, before Yuri could choose her victim a shot rang out.


Yuri was slowly stumbled backwards. Her eyes then landed on the one person that she absolutely despised.

"Otonashi! Hate! I HATE YOU!" Yuri thought angerly.

Otonashi just held the gun that Takayama had given him. Then without saying anything he pulled the trigger again. Over, over and over. All aiming at one target. Hinata followed suit and started to fire. Naoi started to fire immediately after, followed by TK, then Fujimaki. The rest followed, and soon everyone that was holding a gun in the SSS was firing their weapons. Their target, Yuri.

Yuri felt each bullet piercing her, as she took the barrage of gunfire. Slowly, very slowly she fell back towards the ground. Time seem to slow down as her thoughts became clear.

"Otonashi, you will regret forever for going against God!"

Yuri fell unconscious as Otonashi and the others ceased firing. They then watched tearfully as Yuri seemingly lifeless body fell to the ground. Almost immediately Otonashi clone rushed to her side. Letting out a breath he has been holding Otonashi then breathlessly, in a whisper, said one word.


Everyone looked at Otonashi, to clarify on what he had just said. Otonashi then quickly turned around and faced his friends.


It took a second for everyone to register what he met by that. Then all at once realization hit them. Yuri in her madness believes that she has become God. And as everyone knows, in the Afterlife you cannot die. They have declared war against a 'god.' Almost as if the need to survive from death, the entire SSS started to panic. They all followed Otonashi out of the room.

"Otonashi, where are we going?" Noda stated as he ran behind him.

Otonashi turned his head back but kept running. "We must get back to the clubroom!"

"What for Otonashi-san?" Naoi asked.

Otonashi didn't answer right away. All he knew was that given Yuri's current mental state, and the fact that for the most part, the entire Battlefront turned against their leader. Yuri will not be merciful when she recovers. Which is why they must put as must distance between themselves and Yuri and her clones as possible. At least until they can come up with a plan to save Yuri from herself.

"I don't know." Otonashi admitted.

This shocked the group. Never had they been without a plan or a course of action before. That was however, back when Yuri was still sane.

"But," Otonashi continued. "I do know that we don't have much time 'til Yuri regain consciousness. And when she wakes up things are going to go downhill quick. Which is why," Otonashi looked back once again. "we need to go to the clubroom. We'll be able to talk more once we get there."

Silence once again reared her ugly head on the SSS. No one spoke as they took in Otonashi's words. They all agree that for now the clubroom will be the safest place. Hopefully, Yuri will eventually snap back into reality and that she'll drop this whole 'God' nonsense. But that is a really big 'if.' All everyone wants is their friend and leader back. The leader who came up with ways to bring everyone together and have fun. The leader who came up with all of the schemes to fight against God, but at the same time help keep their social group from unraveling. But with this 'God Yuri' that is now in control, this group might just fall apart at the seams.

Maybe that's why everyone is following Otonashi. Right now, he is the light in this dark period of the SSS. But the question at the backs of everyone's mind is; If Otonashi falls, what will become of everyone else? Will we all fall into dark and anguish?

-Computer room 2-

Yuri eyes snapped open as she took a lungful of fresh air. Standing above her were her faithful companion.

"Otonashi…You stayed by my side?"

Otonashi just smiled and humbly said, "Of course, your Highness. After all I am your faithful servant. I'll never leave your side. Not until the day in which hell freezes over."

Yuri smiled gently at Otonashi. Until the memories of what happened earlier flashed before her eyes. The gentleness that was present have now been replaced by anger and HATE! Quickly and roughly, Yuri grabbed Otonashi's shirt and pulled him down to her eye level.

"Kill him! Kill that fucking bastard until his screams becomes pleasure!"

Yuri then stood up on her feet, still gripping Otonashi's shirt in anger. She stood as her breathing has become erratic. They betrayed her. They refused to serve their God. Refused to accept their God! Now justice and vengeance must be fulfilled. Who said that revenge must be served cold? No. For her, revenge is the very essence of being. For God will NOTbe mocked. Not by anyone who she deems is lower than her. For there is no one higher than her. God. Shall. Have. Revenge.

Letting go of Otonashi's shirt Yuri stated. "Go. Go and bring them to me."

Kanade stepped forward from the side. "Mistress, shall I accompany Yuzuru?"

Yuri turned towards her. "Angel…Yes. Otonashi, Angel, your job will be to bring the traitors to justice. Knowing them they might try and find sanctuary at the clubroom. Yui, you will go and gather all of our subjects and have them meet in the school auditorium. No. Outside. I want them to look up towards me."

Otonashi, Kanade and Yui all kneeled in reverence to their God, before heading to do their duty. Hinata came forward and knelt on the ground in front of Yuri.

"Yurippe, what shall I do for you?"

Yuri by this point sat down back at her computer. "I want you to stay and keep watch as my advisor. After all, I am a just God and will need someone the masses will revere other than me. Your job will be to teach my law and make sure that people will know the consequences if they defy me."

Yuri spoked to Hinata while typing on the computer. She then continued. "Besides I have new followers that will have to be brought up to speed on what is going on. After all," Yuri grinned. "a war is about to start."

-SSS Clubroom-

Otonashi and the others have reached the clubroom. Otonashi opened the door and watched as everyone filled in as fast as they can. Yusa, Yuri's friend and the secretary of the SSS, was seated behind Yuri's desk. However, when her friends came inside she rushed over to them.

"Hinata, Otonashi what's going on?"

Yusa watched as some of the SSS stood around, some were sitting against the wall. No one saying anything, except feeding the now depressing atmosphere. Looking around, Yusa took account of who was still here. She was surprise that Takematsu was back to normal. Since he was turned into a NPC a day or so ago. However, the one person that Yusa expects to see here is absent. She then walked up to Otonashi who was staring out of the window.

"Otonashi, where is Yuri? And what happened underground? I watched as you followed Yuri and then two hours later you come back without her. What happened?"

Otonashi sighed heavily as he faced Yusa.

"Yusa…Yuri is…gone…"

Yusa breathed in deep as she took the news. She, however, held her tongue as she could see that there was more to the story. Otonashi could tell that Yusa needs more information. So, he pulled out Yuri's chair from behind the desk.


Yusa followed Otonashi's direction and sat down. Then she waited patiently for Otonashi to speak.

"Something has happened to Yuri. Yuri… has gone insane. She now believes that she is now God. She…She says that she'll use the Angel Player program to turn the Afterlife into the Ideal Eden."

Otonashi just sighed as he turned away from Yusa. Yusa just sat there, pondering what Otonashi has told her. She couldn't believe it. She refused to believe that Yuri would just lose her mind. Yet part of her could tell that what Otonashi was saying is true. She looked around the room watching everyone's expressions. She watched as several of the members quietly whisper things to one another. Yusa watched as Noda came up to Otonashi and spoke to him.


Otonashi turned his attention to Noda.

"What do we do now?"

Otonashi stayed silent for a moment before he answered. "What makes you think I know what to do?"

Noda just sighed heavily before he softly said, "Otonashi. We've just lost our leader. Look around. We have no idea of what to do now. Yuri was always the one with the plans."

Otonashi just looked Noda in the eyes and said, "What do you want me to do?"

"I-We need you to be our leader now, Otonashi."

Otonashi ran a hand through his hair as he turned back towards Yusa. Yusa looked down for a moment, then she looked back up at Otonashi. She then got up out of the chair and said, "I'll follow your orders."

By this time the entire SSS were all standing around the President desk. They all looked at Otonashi with the same expression that says, 'Please lead us.' Otonashi looked at Yuri's chair for a long second, then with great sympathy for his friends, he sat down…in Yuri's chair. Hinata walked up closer to Otonashi.

"Otonashi, what happens now?"

Otonashi placed his hands together as he thought about what happens next. After all, Yuri will come after the SSS for revenge at some point. The question is a matter of when she will make her move. At this point, no one knows to what 'God Yuri' is really capable of. Or how far she'll go to get her revenge. Otonashi looked up at everyone and opened his mouth.

"For now, we need to lay low. We don't know what Yuri is planning right now, but we must assume it won't be good. After all we did refused to 'worship' and we did shoot her in 'defiance.'"

Slight guilt manifested itself among everyone. Even though they knew that Yuri had practically brought it upon herself. Otonashi looked around at everyone.

"How much ammunition do we have left?"

Takeyama pushed up his glasses and answered. "We have enough ammunition for a short fire fight. We are going to need to make more and fast."

Otonashi nodded as he stood up and walked around to the front of the desk. Then a voice on the school's intercom froze everyone in the room.

"All students, please report outside for a school assembly. Your new God has wished to speak with you."

Everyone recognized that voice as Yui, which was shocking for Yusa. She stepped forward to Otonashi.

"Otonashi, that voice…It sounded like Yui."

Otonashi's face said it all. Looking around the room, Yusa could tell that there was something that Otonashi hasn't told her.

"Otonashi…what haven't you told me?"

Knock! Knock!

All attention went to the door. Slowly, Otonashi walked towards to door. With a gun in hand, Otonashi grabbed the door handle and slowly opened the door. Standing outside the door, smiling, was Otonashi.


Everyone gasped, at the sight of the other Otonashi. Otonashi quickly slammed the door shut, and braced himself, just as Otonashi started to ram against the door. Takemastu, Naoi and Hinata quickly ran to the door to help Otonashi hold it. Otonashi turned to everyone behind him.

"You guys need to run!"

Fujimaki took a step forward with his arms in front of him. "Where are we going to go? This is the only place that we could hide?"

Otonashi gritted his teeth as he swore.

"Come now, Otonashi? Make my job easier and have you and all of your friends surrender. If you just come back and deeply humble yourselves and repent of your sins. Our God is a just and forgiving God. But all you have to do is come back with me and meet with God."

Otonashi didn't reply. After all he knows that his clone is spewing nothing but worthless words out of his mouth. But they can't hold out here for long. No. They need a new place to stay at. A place where Yuri doesn't even know it exist. A thought came to Otonashi as he turned to Matsushita the Fifth.

"Matsushita when you were training in the mountains were there any caves around?"

Matsushita the Fifth placed his hands under his chin and thought for a moment. He then nodded and said, "Yes. There were some caves and tunnels around."

"Could you take us there Matsushita?"

Nodding in reply was Matsushita answer for Otonashi. But then Noda spoke up.

"Otonashi, what in the hell do you think we are going to do once we get out of here! How are we going to get out!?

Several bullets ripped through the door as several SSS members ducked screaming.

"Come on Otonashi, your God is waiting for your presence."

Grabbing a bookshelf, Otonashi and Hinata barricade the door. After backing up several feet away, Otonashi turned to everyone.

"We need to run now!"

Takematsu spoke up. "'Run?' Run where? We are on the third floor and there's no other way out."

Otonashi cursed as he looked around. For there must be a way for them to escape in this room. His eyes then landed on the windows. An escape route has shown itself, but of course it came with a downfall. A literal downfall.

"The window!" Otonashi exclaimed. "We must jump through the window."

Everyone looked at Otonashi and one thought went through all of their minds. Is he insane?! A small explosion bursted the door opened ceasing anymore train of thought. The SSS watched as Otonashi and Kanade walked into the room.

"Damn it!" Otonashi said as he fired his weapon. He watched as Otonashi and Kanade used distortion to block his shots. Soon enough other members of the SSS started to fire their weapons as well, knowing that it was futile. Gritting his teeth and cursing, Noda then jumped out of the window, breaking the glass and plummet the three-story drop. It took a second for the information to register for everyone else. Knowing that all other options are unavailable. And that this is the only card left to play. The SSS started to leap out of the window as well. All the while knowing that this is an insane thing to do.

Everything seemed to be going in slow motion. As the SSS jumped out of the window, Hinata turned around in mid air to fire his gun. Even though he knows that it was a useless attempt. Takeyama dove head first out of the window. Yusa and Kanade both leapt out, arms crossed in an X formation, along with Fujimaki and Naoi. Ooyama did the same thing Hinata did, as he followed right behind Fujimaki and Naoi. Matsushita and Shiina broke another window as they jumped. T.K, Takamatsu and Otonashi were the last ones to jump out of the window, firing their guns as they fell the three-story drop.

The landing varied for each of the SSS members. Shiina, Kanade, Matsushita and surprisingly Yusa all landed with little trouble. Takeyama, Takamatsu, Ooyama, and Otonashi landed on their back, causing tremendous damaged. As Ooyama neck got broken, killing him instantly. Takematsu left shoulder broke from the fall, while Otonashi got the wind knocked out of him. Takeyama skull broke on the concrete killing him. Fujimaki leg broke from the fall, while Naoi rolled lessening the impact. T.K landed on his feet, while Hinata landed in some brush. Noda was already up and yelling at everyone.

"What the fuck are you guys doing?! We gotta get out of here!"

Otonashi groaned as he slowly got up. Noticing Ooyama lying dead on the ground, Otonashi limped over to him, picked him up and placed him on his back. Looking around, Otonashi watch as the others started to move towards where Noda, Kanade, Shiina and Yusa were standing. Matsushita picked up Takeyama body and ran ahead of the group. Soon the whole SSS were now running away from the school. Each running like the Devil himself was after them.

While running towards the mountains, Otonashi looked back towards the school. He noticed his clone and Kanade's clone standing in the broken window of the SSS old clubroom. However, they refused to give chase, as Otonashi faced forward. Looking ahead, Otonashi knew that this fight that Yuri started was just beginning. War against a mad god was now in full force.

-In a mountain cave-

Ooyama groaned as life returned to his body. Slowly sitting up, he looked around the cave he was now located in. Naoi was the first to notice Ooyama awake. As he walked over with a small plate of food.

"Here Ooyama." Naoi said handing him the food.

"Uh…thank you Naoi."

Ooyama scooped up some food and ate it. While he was chewing he looked around the cave. He saw Takeyama up and about working on his laptop. Shinna, Yusa, Noda, Matsushita, Fujimaki, Kanade and T.K were all also present. Noda, Fujimaki and T.K were kind of watching the cave entrance. Everyone else was just lounging around. However, Takemastu, Hinata and Otonashi were absent.

"Naoi-san where's Takemastu, Hinata and Otonashi?"

Naoi just sighed a little as he spoke.

"They went to Yuri's assembly."

Yuri was standing in the window. Watching as the teachers, students and staff were all assembling. A sinister smile crept on her face, knowing that all were following her voice. Or at least the voice of her servants. Yuri hoped that when her friends come to the assembly, it'll be in fear. Fear of what will transpire at the assembly. For they shall be made into an example of what will happen when you go against God. God will no longer allow those who breaks her law, to go unpunished. Everyone must know that there's a line you can not cross. And should you cross it judgement shall be swift and just. Fear is the only way to keep one in line.

"I must put the Fear of God into the hearts of my people."

A knock on the door caught Yuri's attention. Turning to the door, Yuri watched as Hinata opened it, revealing Otonashi and Kanade standing there. Slowly they walked towards Yuri, keeping their eyes locked on hers. Stopping just in front of their God, they knelt down in reverence.

"Otonashi, rise."

Otonashi rose as his Lord's command, who then continued to speak. "What news have you brought me, Otonashi? Have the traitors been captured and put on display?"

"My Lord," Otonashi stated. "I bring grave news. The traitors that you have sent us to capture, have escaped into the mountains."

Yuri face fell, as anger now took hold. Gritting her teeth, Yuri clenched her fist. Then without warning, Yuri grabbed her gun and shot Otonashi in the head, killing him. Then she stormed up and kicked Kanade in her side, sending her flying into the bookshelf. Only, she didn't stop there. Instead she stomped right up to Kanade and with an anger-filled yell she unloaded the entire mag of her handgun. Only stopping when she ran out of ammunition in her weapon. Breathing heavily, she walked back to her window, gun still in hand, and watched as the last bit of students had now filed into their seats. Eagerly waiting for whatever it was, that brought them here. A few minutes have passed, before Otonashi groaned and slowly got up. He, however, never moved from his spot as he waited patiently for his God to speak. It was when Kanade was getting up, after she recovered, that Yuri spoke.


Otonashi didn't reply as Yuri took a short pause before continuing.

"You are my most loyal subject. That's why I have to be harsh on you. This school," Yuri stretched her arms out. "This Eden, cannot exist peacefully, not when rebellion is in the midst of the hearts of humans. Everything that I have worked towards, that I have sacrifice. The pain that I have suffered and bared in my life. Was for the benefit of this world. But the traitors are going to upset this Eden. Which is why I want them captured!"

After reloading her gun, Yuri turned around facing towards Otonashi with her gun pointed at him.

"Otonashi, as of this moment you shall be the leading General of my Army. Your first objective is to train new recruits. Then once our Army is built, we shall destroy HIM and everything he loves! Do you understand?!"

Otonashi bowed and answered, "Yes, my Lord."

Yuri dropped her arm to her side.

"Then go."

Otonashi turned around, smiling, as he and Kanade walked out of the room. After Otonashi departure, Yuri stood still for a few moments. Then she sat down in her chair. Staring at the ground Yuri let out a few deep breaths. Hinata just stood quietly as he watched his Lord from his spot. Suddenly a faint sound could be heard. Hinata watched as Yuri shoulders started to move up and down. Slowly, he watched as laughter started to emulate from her. Yuri, then looked up to the ceiling as insane laughter came out of her mouth.

"HAHAHAHAHA! HAHAHAHAHA! Great! This is just great! OTONASHI YOU FOOL! You think hiding in the mountains is going to save you and the rest of the traitorous SSS! Just you wait Otonashi! I'm coming for you! Just you wait!"

Yuri turned around, pointing her gun at the setting sun and fired a shot. Her sadistic grin never leaving her face.

-Outside at the Assembly-

Everyone waited for the assembly to start. The students and even the teachers were all confused as to what was going on. Yet, they all came to the assembly not knowing who was behind it. Otonashi, Hinata and Takemastu had snuck in the crowd and were sitting down. And now they were waiting for Yuri to make her speech.

"Otonashi are you sure we should be here?" Takemastu asked.

Otonashi just stayed quiet as Hinata spoke.

"Takemastu is right Otonashi. After all Yuri's clones are looking for us. Yet we are sitting down right in the middle of the whole school. If we get spotted we won't have a lot of options to escape."

"I'm well aware of that. But the thing is that we need to know what Yuri's plans for the Afterlife. We can't beat her until we get a game plan. And don't worry about getting captured. I have a plan."

Before Hinata could speak again, a voice caught everyone's attention as a purple-haired teen stood at the podium.

"My loyal subjects. I have come to tell you some wonderful news. I Yuri Nakamura, have become your new God of this Afterlife. No longer shall you question 'is God real?' For I have taken on the mantle of God, and thus have become your leader. This Afterlife will now become the New Eden. Of course, this means that there will some changes around here. First thing is that you my people, will build me a place of worship. A place dedicated and consecrated in my honor. A place in which I shall hear the prayers of my people. Which bring me to my most important message.

Some people, who were once my friends, have rebelled against me. And thus, a war is on the horizon. With this war looming over us, we need you, my subjects, to be prepared. Which is why I have come up with a plan. Each and every single one of you have been chosen to be part of my army. You shall be my warriors to fight for your God. For these rebels will cause nothing but pain and hardship for this Eden. We must bring them to justice and have them face their punishment. For no evil deed against God shall go unpunished. Which is why my Archangels will train you. Behold!"

Four more figures have walked up on the podium. Hinata, Yui, Kanade and Otonashi have all appeared on stage.

"These four are my most loyal followers, my Archangels who will train you all in the art of war. Now you all will spend tonight pondering my words. Tomorrow you shall rise and a new day will begin. As long as you all follow my voice and do not go astray I shall be a loving God. But should you sin against me, you will be punished. Now, go and tomorrow build my temple and prepare for war."

With that Yuri turned around and walked back into the school. Followed by her Archangels, Yuri sets out for tomorrow. After all, Otonashi and the others are hiding in the mountains. But she is going to need her army.

"Tomorrow, Otonashi my reign begins and the start of your downfall."

A/N: And that's chapter two everyone. Sorry it took me so long, I got lazy…again. Anyway I'll continue to work on this story. And please let me know if anything needs to be fix. Until next chapter.

-Sergeant Daniel out.