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I was born with a hole in my heart:
Unwanted, unfinished,

An enemy made me;
And enemy saved me;
An enemy left me and laughed.

I hate as I'm hated,
Use as I'm used,
And take all I can get, though it hurts.

Unloved and unloving,
A sweet knife of pain,
I cry out in the night to be taken.

A thing of rare beauty,
A thing of fine skill,
A thing is how you'll always see me.




A/N: For/from Starscream, obviously. Please forgive the emosauce. I am aware that this is NOT deathless poetry, But sometimes things like this just come; and one should not turn them away for fear something better will not come the next time. That first stanza has been rattling inside my head for over a year. The rest of it just wrote itself the other night.

I guess you'd call this blank verse: some rhythm but no rhyme?